of June 24, 1997 No. 609
About further liberalization of foreign trade in the Azerbaijan Republic
For the purpose of further liberalization and expansion external economic, including, trade, bonds of the country, determination in this area of the modern rules meeting the requirements of market economy I decide:
1. Approve "Regulations of import and export transactions in the Azerbaijan Republic".
2. Consider invalid the "Regulations of foreign trade in the Azerbaijan Republic" approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 17, 1996 No. 520.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Heydar Aliyev
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of June 24, 1997 No. 609
Implementation by all residents and nonresidents (further - persons) import and export transactions in the Azerbaijan Republic is regulated by the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - the Customs code), the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About customs tariff", other regulatory legal acts adopted according to them including these rules.
1. Commodity export, made, processed, processed in the republic
1.1. Persons are independent in commodity export, made, processed, processed in the Azerbaijan Republic, and their activities, except as specified, provided by the Customs code and these rules, cannot be limited.
1.2. The exported goods shall be declared in customs authorities.
2. It is excluded
3. It is excluded
4. It is excluded
5. It is excluded
6. Import at the expense of own means of persons
6.1. The exported goods shall be declared in customs authorities.
6.2. Control of correctness of cost determination of the goods imported by persons is exercised by customs authorities according to the Customs Code and the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About customs tariff".
7. The export-import transactions performed according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers
7.1. Import and commodity export, specified in Appendix No. 1 to these rules, are performed only based on orders of the Cabinet of Ministers. Export of these goods on credit, by consignment, and also within border trade is not allowed.
8. The import and export transactions performed with receipt of the conclusion from the relevant state bodies
8.1. Export and commodity import (services and intellectual property), specified in Appendix No. 2 to these rules, are performed with receipt of the conclusion of the relevant state bodies specified in this appendix.
8.2. Commodity export, specified in the previous Item, on credit, by consignment, and also within border trade is not allowed.
9. It is excluded
10. It is excluded
11. Border trade
11.1. Border trade can be performed by all persons who are constantly living in the border territory of the Azerbaijan Republic with foreign persons in the corresponding border territory defined by international treaties of the Azerbaijan Republic with the adjacent states for satisfaction of local needs for the goods made only within the corresponding border territory, and also intended to consumption within the corresponding border territory.
11.2. The border territories and rules of border trade are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic by the conclusion of the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic.
The export-import transactions provided by interstate agreements are performed under the relevant resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, with declaring in customs authorities.
12. Calculations in export
12.1. Commodity export (works, services) by legal entities and physical persons by consignment is performed by declaring in customs authorities. Export transactions by consignment provide payment during the established time of means to the exporter instead of the exported goods (works, services) based on the agreement signed with foreign persons.
12.2. Legal entities and physical persons shall provide transfer to the accounts which are in authorized banks of the Azerbaijan Republic, means instead of the goods (works, services) exported by consignment during 180 (hundred vosemdesyata) days from the date of their declaring.
12.3. Control over transfer and import to the Azerbaijan Republic of the means received instead of the goods (works, services) exported by consignment are performed by the Central bank of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - the Central bank) and State customs committee respectively. The State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic for this purpose provides transfer to the Central bank through electronic customs service of the relevant information on the goods exported by all exporters, including about customs declarations and export agreements.
12.4. Authorized banks within 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt in the established procedure and form of means, transfer information on receipt of foreign currency on export contracts for the corresponding accounts of persons to the Central bank.
12.5. Central the bank based on information which arrived from banks and information obtained from electronic Customs Service will be established case not of money transfer instead of the exported goods into the account of the exporter in authorized bank at the scheduled time, within 2 (two) working days the State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic for the purpose of acceptance concerning the exporter of the control and other measures established by the legislation is informed on it.
12.6. The State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Central bank cooperate in accomplishment of the tasks provided by these rules on export-import transactions.
13. Calculations in import
13.1. The calculations connected with purchase of goods and rendering services from foreign states are made by all persons according to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic. Control of calculations is exercised by authorized banks.
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