of December 28, 2017 No. 1024
About approval of the Concept of development of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2030
According to subitem 1.8 of Item 1 of the protocol of orders of the President of the Republic of Belarus Lukashenko A. G., this on May 13-16, 2017 during the visit of the state delegation to People's Republic of China, of June 6, 2017 the No. 13 Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
Approve the enclosed Concept of development of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2030.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
A. Kobyakov
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2017 No. 1024
The concept of development of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2030 (further – the Concept) is developed according to basic provisions of National strategy of sustainable social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2030 approved at meeting of Presidium of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (the protocol of May 2, 2017 No. 10), for its specification and disaggregation regarding realization of the priority purposes, tasks of complex development of economy and effective promotion of goods in the international and national markets during the period till 2030.
In case of development of the Concept the main tendencies of development established in the state program documents on the average and long-term perspectives including provided are considered:
in the State program of development of transport complex of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 28, 2016 No. 345 (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 07.05. 2016, 5/42042);
in the Strategy of innovative development of transport complex of the Republic of Belarus till 2030 approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of February 25, 2015 No. 57-Ts.
Development of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus is based on the principle of succession of tasks and priorities, and also implementation of the plans accepted:
in the Development program of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2015 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 29, 2008 No. 1249 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 223, 5/28285);
in the Republican development program of the logistic system and transit potential for 2016-2020 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 18, 2016 No. 560 (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 22.07. 2016, 5/42364).
Provisions of the Concept consider the existing experience of development of economy of the state on the basis of use of logistic approaches, and also current trends of development of the international commercial ties of the Republic of Belarus and role of all main participants in the merchandising market.
Target reference points of development of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus by 2030 should be considered:
growth of line item of the Republic of Belarus in the world ranking on index of efficiency of logistics of LPI to level not lower than 50;
growth in relation to 2016 amount of logistics and forwarding services twice;
increase in the income from transit in relation to 2016 twice.
The logistic system should be considered as the component of economy of the Republic of Belarus connected with development of logistics services, infrastructures and involvement of the companies in the international logistic schemes of promotion of goods in the world market.
The amount of logistics and forwarding services in the Republic of Belarus in 2016 made 3, 178 billion rubles (growth by 2015 – percent 140,8), including amount of logistics services – 246, 5 million rubles (growth by 2015 – percent 157,2), from them rendered in the transport and logistic centers – 80, 6 million rubles, in wholesale and logistic – 16, 3 million rubles, in other centers – 1, 4 million rubles.
In the Republic of Belarus 41 logistic centers function, 30 of which are created for the investment account of national and foreign investors. Eight logistic centers are multimodal, exchange warehouses 3 logistic centers have. Total area of warehouse spaces constitutes 2175,5 of one million sq.m that corresponds to 410 sq.m per thousand of residents of the country.
Competitive advantages of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus are:
availability of the transport communications having considerable handling capacity in the international and republican messages (network of the railroads – 5500 kilometers, network of the international highways – 3900 kilometers and another);
realization of modern technologies of movement of goods, high level of containerization (about 10 container trains with route speed of 1200-1400 kilometers a day are every day passed);
high level of safety and safety of the moved goods;
multivector nature of commercial ties of the Republic of Belarus (goods turnover share with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union – 49 percent, the European Union – 25 percent, Asia – 12 percent);
the system approach to development of the sphere of logistics services and infrastructure provided in state programs (realization in 10 years of two special long-term state programs).
The program implementation of development of logistic system in the Republic of Belarus allows to create step by step infrastructure of the logistic centers of different types, and also to develop at the companies rendering the logistic and accompanying them services, necessary reservoir of warehouse spaces.
Number of the actions allowing to improve service quality of participants of economic activity on all types of providing logistic schemes of merchandising is provided in programs: financial, tariff, insurance, transport and others. Enhancement of legal and economic conditions for effective use of transit capacity of the Republic of Belarus within the Eurasian Economic Union, the Eastern Partnership, agreements with the partner states on the external economic interaction is provided.
Positive changes in activities of producers of the Republic of Belarus, expansion of foreign trade, program implementation of development of the Republic of Belarus allow to pass to complex vector of development of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus: active integration of logistic infrastructure and companies into the national and international markets of merchandising.
Treat the major factors which are slowing down rates of development of logistic system of the Republic of Belarus:
availability of separate obstacles on external contour of merchandising of the Republic of Belarus;
non-competitive rates of logistic components in the goods price (rates, rental rates of storage facilities and another);
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