of December 27, 2017 No. 839
About approval of the Regulations on military transport obligation in the Kyrgyz Republic
According to the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About defense and Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic", "About mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Kyrgyz Republic", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve Regulations on military transport obligation in the Kyrgyz Republic according to appendix.
2. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Regulations on military transport obligation" of April 10, 2000 No. 194.
3. This resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic
S. Isakov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 27, 2017 No. 839
1. This Regulations on military transport obligation determine procedure for holding the actions connected taking into account and advance preparation of the vehicles and property which are subject to provision to Armed Forces and other military forming of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - Armed Forces) in case of the announcement of mobilization and in wartime.
2. The military transport obligation is constituent of mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Kyrgyz Republic and is established for timely and full providing with vehicles and property of Armed Forces in case of the announcement of mobilization and in wartime. The legal basis of military transport obligation are the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About warlike situation", the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About defense and Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic" and "About mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Kyrgyz Republic", and also this Provision.
3. The basic concepts applied in this Provision: vehicles - automobile, railway, water, air vehicles, and also the tractors, the road-building and hoisting-and-transport equipment and other mechanisms ensuring functioning of vehicles; property - the transported reservoirs and container for storage of fuels and lubricants and special liquids, fueling equipment, spare part cases and accessories, sitting to transportation of staff, the equipment for transportation of wounded and patients, additional equipment, the animals intended for ensuring work of horse drawn wagons (horses, donkeys, etc.), and also the complexes ensuring functioning of vehicles and property, including pier, the airports, the petroleum storage depots, transshipment facilities of fuel, gas stations, the repair organizations planned to provision to Armed Forces during mobilization and in wartime; the mobilization plan - the state document determining content, amount, procedure and terms of holding actions for transfer of national economy, state bodies, local government bodies, legal entities irrespective of pattern of ownership on the activities mode in the conditions of wartime and also to transfer of Armed Forces into the organization and structure of wartime; mobilization requirement - difference between regular and organic requirement of vehicles in wartime and the actual availability in part on the current allowance and in emergency ration, taking into account the planned its redistribution between divisions; mobilization task - task to state bodies, local government bodies and legal entities irrespective of pattern of ownership on accomplishment of the actions sent on the solution of tasks on ensuring steady functioning of the state during mobilization and to wartime; the mobilization job specification - the mobilization document establishing mobilization task to state bodies, local government bodies, legal entities irrespective of pattern of ownership and to citizens on provision of the vehicle and property to Armed Forces during mobilization and in wartime; the mobilization instruction - the mobilization document demanding from the person liable for call-up to arrive to strictly certain time and the specified muster station in case of the announcement of mobilization and to wartime.
4. The military transport obligation extends to local government bodies, legal entities irrespective of pattern of ownership and citizens - owners of automobiles (further - citizens), and also to ports, piers, the airports, petroleum storage depots, transshipment facilities of fuel, gas stations, repair agencies and other organizations ensuring functioning of automobiles.
5. The military transport obligation does not extend to diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states, the foreign and international organizations, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship.
6. Are not subject to transfer to structure of Armed Forces:
1) vehicles of stations of emergency medical service, blood transfusion, the ambulance car with the special equipment;
2) post vehicles;
3) collector vehicles;
4) vehicles of the veterinary help;
5) vehicles of technical assistance of trolleybus and gas farms;
6) intra factory vehicles;
7) vehicles of technical assistance on repair and servicing of power networks;
8) the vehicles of all types and brands using only gaseous fuel.
7. For the vehicle owner and property the military transport obligation arises from the moment of delivery to it the mobilization job specification of local body of military management on transfer of the vehicle and property to Armed Forces and stops at the time of the actual transfer of the vehicle to body.
8. The military transport duty is fulfilled:
1) in peace time - by holding the actions connected taking into account vehicles, property and their advance preparation for provision to Armed Forces;
2) during mobilization and in wartime - by provision to Armed Forces of vehicles, property and ensuring their work according to mobilization tasks.
9. The mobilization task on transfer of vehicles and property to Armed Forces is developed by the authorized state body knowing questions of defense based on calculations of completing on delivery of vehicles in case of mobilization and it is carried to their owners by local authorities of military management.
10. In case of conducting exercises and trainings on mobilization expansion and accomplishment of mobilization tasks Armed Forces in peace time can raise vehicles and property on contractual basis in the consent of the owner of vehicles.
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