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of May 7, 1998 No. 653

About procedure for sale of precious metals and gemstone, gemstone of organogenic education and semiprecious stone from the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of Ukraine

(as amended on 01-11-2024)

1. Approve enclosed:

Procedure for sale of precious metals and gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education (except amber) and semiprecious stones from the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of Ukraine;

Procedure for sale of amber from the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of Ukraine.

2. To the Ministry of Economics annually till March 1 to review the amount of payment on development of electronic trading system and in case of need to submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine relevant proposals.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Pustovoytenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 7, 1998, No. 653

Procedure for sale of precious metals and gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education (except amber) and semiprecious stones from the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of Ukraine

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of sale of precious metals and gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education (except amber) and semiprecious stones, in particular products from them (further - values), from the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of Ukraine (further - Fund).

2. Sale of values from Fund is performed by the State storage of precious metals and gemstones of Ukraine (further - State storage) based on the decision of the Ministry of Finance in the amounts necessary for:

satisfactions of production, scientific, welfare, investment and other needs of the state;

sales to subjects of managing;

sales of bank metals to National Bank;

sales in the world market;

sales on other purposes determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Sales amounts of values from Fund are determined by the Ministry of Finance by the appeal of State storage. At the same time the priority right to acquisition of values is granted to subjects of managing for accomplishment of state orders and satisfaction of other needs of the state.

4. Sale of values is performed based on the agreement of pokupkiprodazha after advance payment of their cost.

5. Separate products from precious metals and gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education (except amber) and semiprecious stones according to the decision of the commission formed by the Ministry of Finance can be sold at auction.

Regulations on the commission, its structure and procedure for sale at auction of the specified products affirm the Ministry of Finance.

6. Subjects of managing for the purpose of purchase of values submit to State storage written addresses in which are specified:

purpose of purchase of values;

the name of values (precious metals by products types (with indication of brand, DSTU, TU for the affined precious metals), gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education (except amber) and semiprecious stones according to the terms determined by the legislation);

the number of values (precious metals - in grams with indication of the net weight of precious metal, gemstones - in carats, gemstones of organogenic education (except amber) and semiprecious stones - in grams);

data of the subject of managing (for legal litsanaimenovaniye, code according to EGRPOU, the location; for the physical person - the entrepreneur - surname, name, middle name, registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer or series and passport number (for physical persons which because of the religious beliefs refuse adoption of registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer and reported about it to relevant organ of the State Tax Service and have mark in the passport).


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