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of December 27, 2017 No. 216

About the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018 and the forecast for 2019-2020

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 23.01.2019 No. 13)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on November 30, 2017

Article 1.

Approve the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance for 2018 for the income in the amount 14340587, by 0 thousand som and to expenses in the amount 14230326, 2 thousand som according to appendix 1.

Article 2.

Approve the forecast of the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance for 2019-2020 according to appendix 2.

Article 3.

Create revenues of the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance for 2018 according to appendix 3.

Article 4.

Approve account part of the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance for 2018 according to appendices 4 and 5.

Article 5.

1. Establish the amount of the assignments from the republican budget transferred to Fund of compulsory medical insurance in the amount:

for 2018 - 10566697, 2 thousand som;

forecasts for 2019 - 9430742, 3 thousand som, for 2020 - 9468317, 0 thousand som.

To provide to authorized state body on forecasting and budget implementation within year uniform allocation of the assignments transferred from the republican budget to the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance in the amount of the one twelfth part from the approved annual size in full.

In case of allocation of amount of the assignments transferred from the republican budget to the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance, not in full the formed outstanding amount passes for the next fiscal year and is provided in the draft of the republican budget for the next fiscal year.

2. Establish amount of the means transferred from the budget of Social fund to the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance for 2018 in the amount 2328445, one thousand som, including: debt repayment on insurance premiums in the amount 111835, 1 thousand som, forecasts for 2019 - in the amount 2249910, 8 thousand som and for 2020 - in the amount 2381558, 8 thousand som.

Article 6.

1. Establish amount of turnover cash of the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance for the beginning of 2018 in the amount 40003, of 3 thousand som.

2. Direct the turnover cash formed within year to execution of payment commitments of Fund of compulsory medical insurance in case of insufficiency of the income with its obligatory recovery until the end of fiscal year at the expense of the arrived means on insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance.

Article 7.

The government of the Kyrgyz Republic has the right to make offers:

1) about modification of appendices to this Law within the amounts approved by article 1 of this Law if it does not lead to reduction of revenues of the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance;

2) about additional financing over the approved budget, necessary for execution of urgent actions, with indication of sources of the income before introduction of the bill on introduction of amendments to this Law according to resolutions and/or orders of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, in coordination with Committee on the budget and finance of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic;

3) about change of the amount of assignments from means of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic and receipts of insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance towards reduction in case of failure to carry out of revenues of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic and the budget of Social fund.

Article 8.

Make changes to this Law no more than two times within the current fiscal year - till June 1 and till November 1.

Article 9.

1. Determine that powers on administration of forming and execution of budgets of the organizations of health care for the rendered services on contractual basis and rendering paid state services are assigned to Fund of compulsory medical insurance.

2. Remaining balance of unused means of the organizations of health care working in system of the Single payer is postponed to the next fiscal year.

3. The fund of compulsory medical insurance in the course of budget implementation bears responsibility for implementation of timely and complete payment of health care to the organizations working in system of the Single payer for the rendered services on contractual basis.

4. Responsibility for ensuring completeness of own expenses is conferred on heads of the organizations of health care working in system of the Single payer.

5. Determine that the means used by the organizations of health care and Fund of compulsory medical insurance in defiance of provisions of the legislation on the budget regulation and also in health sector and medical insurance, are subject to transfer in revenues of the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance.


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