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Registered by

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Moldova

On November 3, 2017 No. 1270 


of September 28, 2017 No. 376/2017

About approval of the Regulations on guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable energy resources

(as amended on 28-09-2018)

Based on the subitem and) parts (1) Art. 14 and parts (2) Art. 31 of the Law No. 10 of February 26, 2016 on promotion of energy use from renewable sources (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 69-77, 117), for the purpose of creation of basis for the organization and functioning of system of guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable sources, DECIDES: Administrative board of the National agency on regulation of power

1. Approve Regulations on guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable energy resources according to appendix.

2. The regulations on guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable energy resources, provided in Item 1 of this resolution will begin to be effective from the effective date the Law No. 10 of February 26, 2016 on promotion of energy use from renewable sources.

3. From the effective date the Law No. 10 of February 26, 2016 on promotion of energy use from renewable sources, the Resolution of Administrative board of the National agency on regulation in power No. 330 of April 3, 2009 about approval of the Regulations on guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable energy resources registered in the Ministry of Justice on May 28, 2009 at No. 687 is repealed (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova No. 99-100/424 of June 5, 2009).


Tudor Kopach


Serdzhiu Ciobanu


Yuriye Onika


Octavian Lungu


Genadiye Pyrtsu

Approved by the Resolution of the National agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of September 28, 2017 No. 376/2017

Regulations on guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable energy resources

Section 1. Purpose and scope

1. The regulations on guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable energy resources (further – the Provision), establish bases of the organization and functioning of system of guarantees of origin of the electric power made from renewable sources (further - VIE-E).

2. The origin guarantees issued based on this provision are used by the electric power supplier to show contribution of the electrical energy made from renewable sources (further – RES) in total quantity of the electrical energy delivered by the supplier in previous year and, respectively, for confirmation to final consumers that quantity of the electrical energy delivered to them, or its share, is made from RES.

3. This Provision establishes:

1) procedure of request and condition of issue of guarantees of origin;

2) documents necessary for issue of guarantees of origin;

3) procedure of transfer, use and cancellation of guarantees of origin;

4 order of registration and information managements about origin guarantees;

5) the procedure of recognition of the guarantees of origin issued by bodies of member states of the European Union (EU) and bodies of the countries which are members of Energy community.

Section 2. Terms and determinations

4. For the purpose of this provision the concepts determined in the Law No. 10 of February 26, 2016 on promotion of energy use from renewable sources of the Law No. 107 of May 27, 2016 on electrical energy, and also the concepts determined as follows are applied:

cancellation of guarantee of origin - loss of action of guarantee of origin, according to this Provision;

the owner of guarantee of origin - person registered in the Register of guarantees of origin to which the origin guarantee, or the last person to whom the origin guarantee was transferred was issued;

wrong guarantee of origin - origin guarantee in which content of one or several fields of information, stipulated in Item the 14th this provision, is incorrect (wrong) and is not true;

combination of types of energy of the supplier of electrical energy - the contribution of each primary power source to portfolio of primary power sources of the supplier of electrical energy corresponding to the accounting period;

transfer of guarantee of origin - transition of guarantee of origin from one owner to another by electronic confirmation of this transfer in the register of guarantees of origin;

hybrid power plant - the installation for development of electrical energy applying both fossil fuel, and RES.

the register of guarantees of origin - the single register created in electronic format and updated by the central electric power supplier in whom VIE-E producers, origin guarantees issued for the VIE-E made by the relevant producers and delivered in power networks as well as the other information necessary in the course of issue, transfer, use, cancellation and recognition of guarantees of origin are registered.

Section 3. Procedure of request and issue of guarantees of origin

5. Guarantees of origin are issued by the operator of the transferring system or guarantee of origin issued by the central supplier of electrical energy (further – the central supplier) in time no more than in 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the written application from the producer, on quantity of the VIE-E made and delivered in power networks during the period for which their issue is requested. The application for issue of guarantees of origin can be directed including in electronic form, with observance of the requirements established in the Law No. 91/29 of May, 2014 on the digital signature and the electronic document.

6. VIE-E producers which use one of the schemes of support established by the Law on promotion of energy use from renewable sources shall require from the central supplier of electrical energy of issue of guarantees of origin of the electric power made by power plants concerning which schemes of the corresponding support are used.

7. In case of filing of application about issue of guarantee of origin to VIE-E producers it is necessary to use the model established in appendix No. 1 to this Provision.


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