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of November 8, 2017 No. 730

About approval of Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of elevators

(as amended on 05-02-2024)

For the purpose of implementation of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities", according to articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of elevators according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective after one month from the date of official publication.


Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic

S. Isakov


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 8, 2017 No. 730

Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of elevators

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of the device and safe operation of elevators establish requirements to the device and installation of electric elevators with the friction drive, the drive with drum or with asterisk, to commissioning, operation, technical diagnosing of elevators and dispatching control of operation of elevators, and also safety requirements:

1) users of elevators;

2) service personnel of elevators;

3) persons exercising inspection check-up behind elevators;

4) the people who are out of the elevator shaft, machine and block rooms (in case of their availability) and protection of objects when using elevators to destination, their maintenance and repair.

These rules are applied in the part which is not contradicting requirements of the Technical regulation of the Customs union "Safety of elevators" (TR CU 011/2011).

These rules do not extend to the elevators established in mines of the mining and coal industry on vessels and other watercrafts, by airplanes and other aircraft, and also on elevators with the gear and rack or screw mechanism of rise, special purpose for the military purposes.

2. The design of the lift equipment shall provide possibility of its movement using load-lifting means if the sizes, the weight or form of the equipment do not allow to make it manually.

3. Each delivered elevator is completed with the following documentation:

1) the Management (instruction) for operation including:

a) the instruction for installation containing instructions for assembly, adjustment, adjustment, procedure for carrying out testing and checks;

b) instructions for use and measures for safety of elevators during operation, including commissioning, application to destination, maintenance, survey, survey, repair, testing;

c) the list of quickly worn out details;

d) methods of safe evacuation of people from cabin;

e) instructions for conclusion from operation before utilization;

2) the passport according to appendix 2 to these rules;

3) the assembly drawing according to appendix 7 to these rules;

4) the schematic electric circuit with the list of elements;

5) the schematic hydraulic diagram (for hydraulic elevators);

6) the copy of the certificate on the elevator, elevator safety controls, fire-proof doors (according to the technical regulation of the Customs union "Safety of elevators" (TR CU 011/2011)).

Responsibility for completing and contents of documentation is born by the supplier of the elevator.

The number of sets of documentation by delivery of several elevators of one model is determined by the agreement between the supplier and the customer of the elevator, but at least 1 set on 5 elevators, at the same time each elevator shall be supplied with the passport. Issue of the lost duplicate of the passport is carried out by the supplier.

The elevators delivered from other countries are completed with documentation in the state and (or) official languages.

4. It is allowed to make changes to procedure for arrangement of the equipment in the assembly drawing of the organization performing installation, maintenance and repair of elevators, except for case of change of arrangement of the winch.

Changes are certified by the signature of the specialist, seal or stamp of the organization which made changes.

5. The design of the elevator shall provide possibility of evacuation of people from cabin in case of its defect or in case of the termination of power supply of the elevator.

Evacuation shall be performed by the personnel trained in technique of safe evacuation of people.

6. The design of the elevator shall provide possibility of removal of cabin from lovitel to one of the following methods:

1) manually, by means of the device influencing the drive;

2) by means of the electric drive;

3) by means of stationary or figurative load-lifting means.

7. Accuracy of automatic stop of cabin in case of operational operating modes shall be in limits ± 35 mm.

8. The variation of working motion speed of cabin from rated speed shall not be more than 15%.

9. Determination of the main terms used in these rules is given in appendix 1 to these rules.

Chapter 2. General requirements to construction part and placement of the equipment of electric elevators

§1. Elevator shaft device

10. Construction part for placement of the equipment of the elevator is calculated on the loads arising in case of operation and testing of the elevator and also of the loadings arising in case of break of all traction elements and shall meet the construction standards and rules established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The elevators intended for installation in seismic countries shall be established with execution of special safety requirements to design and installation in buildings.

11. Construction part for installation of the elevator shall meet legislation standards in the field of fire safety.

12. Need of the device of heating and ventilation of the rooms (mine) intended for placement of the equipment of the elevator is established when designing the building (construction) according to requirements imposed by manufacturing plant to conditions of its operation.

13. The elevator shaft shall be separated the platforms and ladders adjoining it on which there can be people or the equipment:

1) walls, floor and overlapping;

2) in the distance sufficient for safety.

14. The cabin, counterbalance of the elevator and the counterbalancing device of cabin shall be in one mine.

15. In barrier of the elevator shaft the following openings and apertures are allowed:

1) apertures of doors of the elevator shaft on floor platforms;

2) apertures of doors for equipment maintenance and emergency doors, and also opening for viewing hatches;

3) outlets for removal of gases and smoke in case of fire;

4) air vents;

5) the openings necessary for operation of the elevator and located between the elevator shaft and the machine or block room.

16. Height of continuous barrier (Fig. 1) in the places available to people, shall be:

1) is at least m 3,5 - from elevator shaft door on the floor platform;

2) is at least m 2,5 - from other parties if the distance to moving parts of the elevator does not exceed m 0,5.

Figure 1. Distance to moving elements of the elevator: And - distance to moving elements of the elevator; B - distance between barrier and edge of interfloor overlappings, steps and platforms; H1 - barrier height from the floor platform; H2 - barrier height from other parties

If the distance to moving parts of the elevator exceeds m 0,5, then the size 2,5 of m can be reduced consistently up to the height of at least 1,1 of m at distance in m 2,0 (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Mine barrier height depending on distance to moving elements of the elevator: And - distance to moving elements of the elevator; H - barrier height

The distance between barrier and edge of interfloor overlappings, steps and platforms shall be no more 0,15 of m.

17. The continuous barrier of the elevator shaft shall maintain the load equal of 300 N which is regularly distributed on the round or square platform of 5 cm2 and enclosed at right angle in any its point with the elastic deformation which is not exceeding 15 mm, at the same time residual deformation is not allowed.

18. The flat or formed glass panels used to mine barrier in places, available to people, are made of laminated glass and shall have height according to requirements of Item 16 of these rules.

19. The floor of priyamk under each of elevator guides, except for case of suspended guides, is calculated on the loading created by the mass of guides in the amount with the effort arising at the time of operation of lovitel.

20. The floor of priyamk under support of the buffer of cabin is calculated on the static load determined by formula:

4 gn x (To + Q) (N), where:

To - the mass of cabin and structural elements which are suspended to cabin (part of suspended cable, the counterbalancing ropes and chains, etc.) (kg);

Q - nominal load-carrying capacity (weight) (kg);

gn - the size of acceleration of gravity (9,81 of m/s 2);

N - barrier height.

21. The floor of priyamk under support of the buffer of counterbalance or in zone under the moving counterbalancing load is calculated on the static load determined by formula:

4 gn x (To + xQ) (N) - for counterbalance;

4 gn x hk (N) - for the counterbalancing cabin device, where:

To - the mass of cabin and structural elements which are suspended to cabin (part of suspended cable, the counterbalancing ropes and chains, etc.) (kg);

Q - nominal load-carrying capacity (weight) (kg);

gn - the size of acceleration of gravity (9,81 of m/s 2);

x (kappa) - coefficient of equilibration of nominal load-carrying capacity counterbalance or coefficient of equilibration of mass of cabin the counterbalancing cabin device;

N - barrier height.

22. In the presence under priyamky the elevator of space (room) available to people, the basis of priyamk is calculated on perception of loading at least 5000 N/m 2, and the counterbalance and the counterbalancing device of cabin are equipped with lovitel.

23. Places of fixture of suspended guides are calculated on the loading created by the mass of guides in the amount with the effort arising at the time of operation of lovitel.

24. In case of distance between thresholds of apertures of doors of the elevator shaft on adjacent floor platforms more than 11 m and impossibility of transition of passengers from cabin of one elevator in cabin of the next elevator, in the mine are established emergency doors so that the distance on height between thresholds of apertures of doors did not exceed 11 m.

In coordination with the operating organization, it is allowed not to establish emergency doors in cases when there are no platforms adjoining the elevator shaft (in zone of required installation of emergency doors) from which it is possible to evacuate people.

25. Air vents are closed by lattice through which openings there shall not pass the ball with a diameter of 21 mm, in case of appendix to it perpendicular to the plane of lattice of load of 10 N. Mechanical durability of lattice shall meet requirements of Item 21 of these rules.

26. The internal surface of the elevator shaft below threshold of any mine door on the floor platform shall meet the following requirements:

1) to form the vertical, directly connected to threshold elevator shaft doors continuous smooth surface which height shall constitute at least a half of zone of unlocking of doors plus 0,05 of m, and width - at least width in light of entrance aperture of cabin plus on m 0,025 from each party;

2) not to have ledges more than 100 mm. The ledges exceeding 50 mm shall have bevel at an angle at least 75 With to horizontal;

3) to unite with crossing point over aperture of the following door or to proceed down tough smooth bevel, at an angle at least 60 With to the horizontal plane. Length of projection of this bevel to the horizontal plane shall be at least 20 mm.

27. The zone of movement of counterbalance or the counterbalancing device of cabin is protected from the party available to service personnel, on height m 2,5 over the level of floor of priyamk suffices. The distance between the level of floor of priyamk and the lower part of barrier shall be no more 0,3 of m.

Barrier width (stationary or removable) shall be at least width of counterbalance plus 0,1 of m from each party.

In the presence in barrier of openings requirements of appendix 9 to these rules also shall be fulfilled.

It is allowed not to establish barrier in the following cases:

1) in case of distance between the lower point of the counterbalance which is on completely compressed buffer and level of floor of priyamk more 2,5 of m;

2) in zone of passing of the compensating ropes or chains attached to counterbalance.

28. In the mine there can be several elevators. In this case between moving parts of different elevators partitions shall be established.

The partition shall begin from floor of priyamk or from the lower point of movement of cabin, counterbalance or the counterbalancing device of cabin and to come to an end not below, than in m 2,5 over the level of half of the lower floor platform.

The partition shall be established on all height of the mine if distance from the roof edge of cabin of one elevator to mobile parts of cabin, counterbalance or the counterbalancing device of cabin of the adjacent elevator less 0,5 of m or to establish barrier on cabin roof.

Width of the partition established on all height of the mine shall be at least width of mobile part or those its elements which shall be protected, plus m 0,1 from each party.

In the presence in partitions of openings, requirements of appendix 9 to these rules also shall be fulfilled.

§2. Elevator shaft height

29. Height of the elevator shaft, equipped with the winch with kanatovedushchy pulley or drum of friction, shall be such that in case of the counterbalance which is on completely compressed buffers were at the same time provided:

1) possibility of movement of cabin on guides on distance is at least (0,1 + v 2) 0,035 * (m).

Note: the size 0,035 v2 corresponds to half of brake way of the cabin moving with the speed, for 15% exceeding nominal: v2/2 1,15 = v 2, 0,0337 with rounding to v2 0,035;

2) free space over cabin, sufficient for placement of parallelepiped with sizes is at least 0, 5kh 0, 6kh 0,8 of the m lying on one of the sides. At elevators with direct suspension bracket, traction ropes and their fixtures can be in this space on condition of arrangement of ropes at the distance which is not exceeding m 0,15 from one of vertical surfaces of parallelepiped.

30. In case of the cabin of the elevator equipped with the winch with kanatovedushchy pulley or drum of friction which is on completely compressed buffers the possibility of movement of counterbalance on guides on distance of at least 0,1 + shall be provided to 0,035 of v2 (m).

For the elevators equipped with the counterbalancing ropes with the tension block which is equipped with the device against jumping up (the braking or locking device) the size 0,035 v2 when calculating gaps 1/500 heights of raising of cabin are allowed to replace with the size of possible movement of the block (depending on the applied zapasovka) plus, but m 0,2 suffices, considering elasticity of ropes.

31. Height of guides of the elevator equipped with the winch with drum or asterisk shall provide possibility of movement of cabin from the level of upper floor to the upper buffer on distance of at least 0,5 of m.

32. When finding cabin of the elevator equipped with the winch with drum or asterisk on completely compressed upper buffers, shall be provided:

1) the gap between platform level for placement of service personnel on roof of cabin and the cabin located in projection the lower part of overlapping of the mine (including beams and structural elements placed under overlapping), shall be at least 1 m;

2) gap between the lower part of overlapping of the mine and equipment details established on cabin roof - is at least m 0,3, and between parts of the directing boots or rollers, fixtures of ropes, crossing point or parts of vertically sliding doors - m 0,1 suffices;

3) free space over cabin, sufficient for placement of parallelepiped with sizes is at least 0, 5kh 0, 6kh 0,8 of the m lying on one of the sides. At elevators with direct suspension bracket, traction ropes and their fixtures can be in this space on condition of arrangement of ropes at the distance which is not exceeding m 0,15 from one of vertical surfaces of parallelepiped.

33. When finding cabin of the elevator equipped with the winch with drum or asterisk on completely compressed buffers, height of guides of the counterbalancing device of cabin shall provide possibility of its further movement of m 0,3 at least.

§3. Priyamok

34. It is provided in the lower part of the elevator shaft priyamok. Priyamok shall be protected from hit in it soil and sewage and shall provide safe access of service personnel to it. Priyamok depth of more 2,5 of m is equipped for access to it with the door conforming to requirements of Item 85 of these rules.

35. Priyamok depth of more 0,9 of m from doorway threshold for entrance in priyamok is equipped with the stationary device (ladder, brackets, etc.) located within reach from doorway.

36. When finding cabin on completely compressed buffers it shall be provided:

1) free space in priyamka, sufficient for placement of rectangular parallelepiped with sizes is at least 0, 5kh 0, 6kh 1,0 of the m lying on one of the sides;

2) gap from floor of priyamk to the lower parts of cabin - is at least m 0,5. Reduction of gap to m 0,1 between floor of priyamk and boots, boards under cabin thresholds, elements of vertically sliding doors of cabin, and also the details of lovitel and framework of cabin located in m 0,2 limits from guides is allowed.

37. In the elevator shaft the electric safety control conforming to requirements of Item 295 of these rules shall be established.

The arrangement of the electric safety control shall provide its availability when opening door to entrance in priyamok and from floor of priyamk. Depending on depth of priyamk it shall be established one or two devices:

1) if the distance from floor of priyamk to door threshold for entrance to it of no more 1,55 of m, then priyamok is equipped with one electric safety control:

- the distance from floor of priyamk to control element of the electric safety control shall be no more 2,0 of m;

- the distance over door threshold level for entrance in priyamok to control element of the electric safety control shall be at least 0,45 of m;

- the horizontal distance from extreme points of threshold in doorway zone to control element of the electric safety control shall be no more 0,75 of m;

2) if the distance from floor of priyamk to door threshold for entrance to it of more 1,55 of m, then priyamok is equipped with two electric safety controls:

- the distance over door threshold level for entrance in priyamok to control element of the upper electric safety control shall be at least 1,0 of m;

- the horizontal distance from extreme points of threshold in doorway zone to control element of the upper electric safety control shall be no more 0,75 of m;

- the distance from floor of priyamk to control element of the lower electric safety control shall be no more 1,2 of m.

38. In the elevator shaft it is not allowed to install the equipment and to lay the communications which are not relating to the elevator, except for the systems of the fire and security alarm, dispatching control and systems intended for heating and ventilation of the mine. At the same time any control units and adjustments of the heating equipment shall be placed out of the elevator shaft.

39. Lighting of the elevator shaft shall meet the requirements of Item 313 of these rules. Inclusion of lighting of the mine shall be made from the mine and/or the machine room. The switch of lighting established in the mine shall be available when opening door of the mine: the horizontal distance from extreme points of threshold in doorway zone to control element of the switch shall be no more 0,75 of m.

40. The electric socket meeting the requirements of Item 312 of these rules shall be provided in priyamka of the elevator.

§4. Distance between cabin, counterbalance and elements of the mine

41. The distances between elements of cabin and the mine specified Fig. 3, shall be provided throughout elevator service life.

Figure 3. Distances between elements of cabin and the mine

42. The horizontal distance between the internal surface of the elevator shaft and threshold of cabin, frame of doorway of the mine and near shutter of sliding doors of cabin shall be no more 0,15 of m.

Increase in this distance is allowed to:

1) m 0,2 - on the site of the mine which height does not exceed m 0,5;

2) m 0,2 - on all height of raising of the freight elevator equipped with vertically sliding doors.

For the cabins equipped with doors with the mechanical lock which opens only in zone of unlocking of doors the specified distance it is not limited. Movement of cabin shall be performed only in case of the locked cabin door, except as specified, of the these rules provided in Item 97.

43. The horizontal distance between threshold of cabin and threshold of doors of the elevator shaft shall be no more 0,05 of m.

44. The horizontal distance between shutters of door of cabin and shutters of door of the elevator shaft shall be no more 0,12 of m.

45. In case of combination of oar door of the mine and folded door of cabin, in any of gaps between these doors there shall not pass the sphere (cylinder) diameter of 0,15 of m (Fig. 4).

Figure 4.

46. The horizontal distance between elements of cabin and counterbalance or the counterbalancing device of cabin shall be at least 0,05 of m.

Chapter 4. Placement of the equipment

§1. Access to rooms

47. The elevator equipment - the winch, the related mechanical and electric devices and blocks shall be placed in the special, protected from impact of external factors room. Access for strangers to this room is not allowed.

48. Publicizing of passes to rooms in which the elevator equipment is placed shall conform to requirements of Item 315 of these rules.

49. Access to rooms in which the elevator equipment is placed is performed on horizontal platforms. In case of arrangement of the room and approach to it in different levels with the difference exceeding m 0,35 the stationary ladders meeting the following conditions shall be applied:

1) the ladder shall be established by height of more 1,50 of m at an angle no more than 60 With to horizontal;

2) ladder width in light shall be at least 0, m, width of steps - at least 25 mm. In case of the device of vertical ladder, the distance between steps and the wall located behind ladder - is at least m 0,15. Steps shall be expected load of 1500 N;

3) the ladder height more 0, in m shall be equipped with handrail height of at least 0,9 of m or hand-rail;

4) height of ladder shall be no more 4,0 of m.

Between the door closing aperture for access to the room for placement of the equipment, and motionless ladder the horizontal platform shall be arranged. Between the line of opening of door and the ladder adjoining the platform there shall be distance at least 500 mm. The sizes of the platform shall allow oar door to open completely. In case of difference in levels more than 500 mm the platform shall be equipped with handrail at least 900 mm high.


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