It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
of December 11, 2017 No. 49203
of October 25, 2017 No. 612-P
About procedure for reflection on accounts of financial accounting of objects of financial accounting by not credit financial credit institutions
According to article 7 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ "About the Central bank the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 28, Art. 2790; 2003, No. 2, Art. 157; No. 52, Art. 5032; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 31, Art. 3233; 2005, No. 25, Art. 2426; No. 30, Art. 3101; 2006, No. 19, Art. 2061; No. 25, Art. 2648; 2007, No. 1, Art. 9, Art. 10; No. 10, Art. 1151; No. 18, Art. 2117; 2008, No. 42, Art. 4696, Art. 4699; No. 44, Art. 4982; No. 52, Art. 6229, Art. 6231; 2009, No. 1, Art. 25; No. 29, Art. 3629; No. 48, Art. 5731; 2010, No. 45, Art. 5756; 2011, No. 7, Art. 907; No. 27, Art. 3873; No. 43, Art. 5973; No. 48, Art. 6728; 2012, No. 50, Art. 6954; No. 53, Art. 7591, Art. 7607; 2013, No. 11, Art. 1076; No. 14, Art. 1649; No. 19, Art. 2329; No. 27, Art. 3438, Art. 3476, Art. 3477; No. 30, Art. 4084; No. 49, Art. 6336; No. 51, Art. 6695, Art. 6699; No. 52, Art. 6975; 2014, No. 19, Art. 2311, Art. 2317; No. 27, Art. 3634; No. 30, Art. 4219; No. 40, Art. 5318; No. 45, Art. 6154; No. 52, Art. 7543; 2015, No. 1, Art. 4, Art. 37; No. 27, Art. 3958, Art. 4001; No. 29, Art. 4348, Art. 4357; No. 41, Art. 5639; No. 48, Art. 6699; 2016, No. 1, Art. 23, Art. 46, Art. 50; No. 26, Art. 3891; No. 27, Art. 4225, Art. 4273, legislations of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 50, Art. 7344; 2013, No. 26, Art. 3207; No. 27, Art. 3477; No. 30, Art. 4084; No. 44, Art. 5631, No. 51, Art. 6677; No. 52, Art. 6990; 2014, No. 45, Art. 6154; 2016, No. 22, Art. 3097; 2017, No. 30, the Art. 4440) (further - the Federal Law "About Financial Accounting") and the solution of the Board of directors of the Bank of Russia (the minutes of the Board of directors of the Bank of Russia of October 13, 2017 No. 27) the Bank of Russia establishes procedure for reflection on accounts of financial accounting of objects of financial accounting by the not credit financial credit institutions located in the territory of the Russian Federation.
1.1. This Provision extends to not credit financial credit institutions which shall not publish the accounting (financial) records, shares or debt securities of which are not traded on the public market and which are not in process of release of such securities for trade in the public market (national or foreign stock exchange or the curb market allowing security circulation among the unrestricted group of people) (further - the separate not credit financial credit institutions):
microcredit companies;
credit consumer cooperatives, except for credit consumer cooperatives with number of members (unitholders) more than 3 thousand physical persons and credit consumer cooperatives of the second level;
agricultural credit consumer cooperatives, except for agricultural credit consumer cooperatives of the subsequent level;
credit rating agencies;
bureau of credit histories, except for qualified bureaus of credit histories;
insurance brokers.
The separate not credit financial credit institutions applying this Provision do not apply the regulations of the Bank of Russia listed in appendix 1 to this Provision (except as specified reflections on accounts of the inventory bookkeeping according to the paragraph the eleventh this Item).
Need of application of this provision is determined by the separate not credit financial credit institution. If the separate not credit financial credit institution makes the decision not to apply this Provision, the regulations of the Bank of Russia listed in appendix 1 to this Provision are applied.
The separate not credit financial credit institutions reflect in accounts of financial accounting inventories according to requirements of Chapter 6 of the Provision of the Bank of Russia of September 22, 2015 No. 492-P "Industry standard of financial accounting of fixed assets, intangible assets, investment property, non-current assets, held for sale, the inventories, labor instruments and objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined of property and (or) its suitable remaining balance received in connection with refusal of the insurer (beneficiary) of the property right to insured property in not credit financial credit institutions", No. registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 15, 2015 39335, on December 21, 2016 No. 44851, on June 17, 2019 No. 54944, on November 25, 2019 No. 56612.
1.2. The concepts "financial instrument", "financial liability" and "financial asset" are applied in this Provision in values, stipulated in Item 11 International accounting standards (IAS) 32 "Financial instruments: representation", the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of December 28, 2015 No. 217n "About introduction of International accounting standards and Explanations of International accounting standards in action in the territory of the Russian Federation and about recognition No. which voided some orders (separate provisions of orders) of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 2, 2016 40940, on August 1, 2016 No. 43044 (further - the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 217n), with amendments, enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 No. 98n "About introduction of documents of International accounting standards in action in the territory of the Russian Federation and about recognition voided some orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 15, 2016 No. 42869 (further - the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 98n) and the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2016 No. 111n "About enforcement and cancellation of documents of International accounting standards in the territory of the Russian Federation", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 1, 2016 No. 43044 (further - the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 111n).
1.3. The separate not credit financial credit institutions do not perform offset of assets and liabilities or the income and expenses, except as specified, when such offset is required or allowed by this Provision.
1.4. The accounting period for the separate not credit financial credit institutions is year.
1.5. Reporting date for the separate not credit financial credit institutions is the last day of the accounting period.
1.6. Need of approval and consecutive application of evaluation method of object of financial accounting if the difference between the financial accounting project cost calculated with use of the evaluation method established by this Provision, and the financial accounting project cost calculated with use of the evaluation method approved by the separate not credit financial credit institution is not essential, is determined by the separate not credit financial credit institution.
Criteria of materiality are developed taking into account Item 7 of the International accounting standard (IAS) 1 "Accounts presentation" enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 217n with the amendments enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 98n and the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 111n.
Criteria of materiality and the applied evaluation methods of objects of financial accounting affirm the separate not credit financial credit institution as accounting policy.
2.1. The concept "mistake" is applied in this Provision in value, stipulated in Item 1.1 Provisions of the Bank of Russia of December 28, 2015 No. 523-P "Industry standard of the financial accounting "Procedure for Error Correction in Financial Accounting and Accounting (Financial) Records by Not Credit Financial Credit Institutions" registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 27, 2016 No. 40826, on December 21, 2016 No. 44853.
2.2. Do not treat errors of inaccuracy or the omissions in reflection of the facts of economic life in financial accounting and (or) accounting (financial) records of the separate not credit financial credit institution revealed as a result of receipt of new information which was not available to the separate not credit financial credit institution at the time of reflection (not reflection) of such facts of economic life.
2.3. The mistake is recognized the separate not credit financial credit institution essential based on the criteria of materiality approved by the separate not credit financial credit institution in accounting policy.
2.4. The separate not credit financial credit institution shall correct the revealed errors and consequences of mistakes.
2.5. The mistake made current reporting year, revealed before the termination of the current accounting year improves the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entries in day of identification.
2.6. The mistake made in reporting year, revealed after the termination of accounting year, but before date of creation of accounting (financial) records for this year, improves the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entries according to Chapter 19 of this provision. In the specified case corresponding accounts in accounting entries are accounts on accounting of the income and expenses of last year No. No. 720 - 729.
Date of creation of annual accounting (financial) accounts signature date of copy of such reporting on paper is considered the head of the separate not credit financial credit institution.
2.7. The insignificant mistake revealed after the termination of accounting year, but before date of creation of annual accounting (financial) accounts for accounting year, improves the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entries according to Chapter 19 of this provision. In the specified case corresponding accounts in accounting entries are accounts on accounting of the income and expenses of last year No. No. 720 - 729.
2.8. The material mistake made before accounting year, revealed after the termination of accounting year, but before date of creation of annual accounting (financial) accounts for accounting year, improves the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entries in reporting year. In the specified case corresponding accounts in accounting entries are accounts: No. 10801 "Retained earnings" (No. 10901 "Uncovered loss"), No. 10601 "Increase in value of fixed assets in case of revaluation", No. 10609 "Increase in the added capital at the deferred profit tax", No. 10610 "Reduction of the added capital by the deferred profit tax", No. 10611 "Increase in value of intangible assets in case of revaluation", No. 10612 "Reduction of obligations (increase in requirements) for payment of long-term employee benefits upon termination of labor activity in case of revaluation", No. 10613 "Increase in obligations (reduction of requirements) for payment of long-term employee benefits upon termination of labor activity in case of revaluation", No. 10619 "Revaluation of hedging instruments of cash flows - positive differences", No. 10620 "Revaluation of hedging instruments of cash flows - negative differences", No. 10622 "Positive revaluation of financial assets", No. 10623 "Negative revaluation of financial assets", No. 10624 "Revaluation of hedging instruments of net investment in foreign operation - positive differences", No. 10625 "Revaluation of hedging instruments of net investment in foreign operation - negative differences".
2.9. The insignificant mistake revealed after date of creation of annual accounting (financial) accounts for accounting year, but before approval date of such reporting, improves the separate not credit financial credit institution in day of identification by accounting entries of the current year on accounts on accounting of the income and expenses No. No. 710 - 719.
2.10. The material mistake made in reporting year or before accounting year, revealed after date of creation of annual accounting (financial) accounts for accounting year, but before approval date of such reporting, involves review of annual accounting (financial) accounts.
2.10.1. The material mistake made in reporting year improves the separate not credit financial credit institution according to Item 2.6 of this provision stornirovochny accounting entry on recovery of account balances on accounting of the income and expenses of last year No. No. 720 - 729, the remaining balance which developed before transfer into the account No. 708 "Profit (loss) of last year".
2.10.2. The material mistake made before accounting year improves the separate not credit financial credit institution:
accounting entries according to Item 2.8 of this provision;
by recalculation of comparative figures of accounting (financial) records for the accounting periods reflected in accounting (financial) records of the separate not credit financial credit institution for accounting year.
Recalculation of comparative figures of accounting (financial) records is performed retrospectively.
The concept "retrospective correction" is applied in this Provision in value, stipulated in Item 5 International accounting standards (IAS) 8 "Accounting policy, changes in accounting valuations and mistakes", the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 217n enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order, with the amendments enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 98n.
If the material mistake was made prior to the beginning of the accounting periods provided in accounting (financial) records, introductory balances according to asset items, obligations and the capital for the beginning of the first of the provided accounting periods are subject to adjustment.
If to determine influence of material mistake on one or more preceding accounting periods provided in accounting (financial) records for accounting year it is impossible, the separate not credit financial credit institution adjusts introductory balance according to asset items, obligations and the capital for the beginning of that from the periods provided in accounting (financial) records for which recalculation is possible.
2.10.3. The reviewed annual accounting (financial) accounts are submitted the separate not credit financial credit institution to all users of accounting (financial) records to whom the annual accounting (financial) accounts were provided.
2.10.4. The insignificant mistake revealed after approval date of accounting (financial) records improves the separate not credit financial credit institution in day of identification by accounting entries of the current year on accounts on accounting of the income and expenses No. No. 710 - 719.
2.11. The material mistake made in reporting year or before accounting year, revealed after approval date of accounting (financial) records improves the separate not credit financial credit institution according to subitem 2.10.2 of Item 2.10 of this provision. In the specified case the approved accounting (financial) records for the accounting year and (or) year preceding reporting are not subject to revision, replacement and repeated representation of accounting (financial) records to users.
3.1. In case of initial recognition the financial asset and the financial liability (further for the purposes of Chapters 3 - the 8th this provision - the agreement) is estimated by the separate not credit financial credit institution on transaction price (including costs according to the transaction, except initial assessment of financial assets and obligations which are estimated at fair value through profit or loss).
3.2. For date of initial recognition transaction price corresponds to fair value of financial asset and the obligation if the agreement does not contain conditions on the payment deferral exceeding terms of calculations for similar agreements and is made on market interest rate.
If the agreement is made with the payment deferral exceeding terms of calculations for similar transactions or made on non-market interest rate, the separate not credit financial credit institution shall estimate debt financial assets and obligations on present value of future payments discounted on market interest rate as effective protsenty rate (further - ESP).
The concept "effective interest rate" of this Provision is applied according to the value given in Item 9 of the International accounting standard (IAS) 39 "Financial instruments: recognition and assessment", the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 217n enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order, with the amendments enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 98n and the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 111n (further - IFRS (IAS) 39).
3.3. Financial assets in case of initial recognition are classified by the separate not credit financial credit institution as:
the financial assets estimated at fair value through profit or loss;
the debt financial assets estimated on depreciated cost;
the debt financial assets estimated at not discounted cost;
the equity financial assets estimated at cost less impairment.
To the debt financial assets estimated on depreciated cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution loan agreements, bank deposit agreements, debt securities (including bills of exchange), receivables under contracts with buyers (clients) of goods (services) with the payment deferral exceeding terms of payment under similar agreements which conditions correspond to the conditions listed in Item 3.6 of this provision belong.
To the financial assets estimated at fair value through profit or loss, the separate not credit financial credit institution equity securities and debt securities which conditions do not correspond to the conditions listed in Item 3.6 of this provision which are traded on the active market belong or fair value of which can be estimated, and also derivative financial instruments and hedging instruments (except for changes of fair value of the hedging instruments recognized as a part of other comprehensive income). The concept "active market" of this Provision is applied according to the value given in Appendix A to the International accounting standard (IFRS) 13 "Assessment of fair value" enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 217n with the amendments enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 98n and the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 111n (further - IFRS (IFRS) 13).
To the debt financial assets estimated at not discounted cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution money, the withheld interest-free bills of exchange repayment period till 1 year, receivables under contracts with buyers (clients) of goods (services) repayment period till 1 year belong. Receivables under contracts with buyers (clients) of goods (services) with the payment deferral exceeding terms of payment under similar agreements do not belong to the debt financial assets estimated at not discounted cost.
3.4. Financial liabilities in case of initial recognition are classified by the separate not credit financial credit institution as:
the financial liabilities estimated at fair value through profit or loss;
the debt financial liabilities estimated on depreciated cost;
the debt financial liabilities estimated at not discounted cost.
To the debt financial liabilities estimated on depreciated cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution loan agreements and credit agreements, the issued bonds and bills, accounts payable under contracts with suppliers (contractors) of goods (works, services) with the payment deferral exceeding terms of payment under similar agreements which conditions correspond to the conditions listed in Item 3.6 of this provision belong.
To the financial liabilities estimated at fair value through profit or loss, the separate not credit financial credit institution derivative financial instruments and hedging instruments belong (except for changes of fair value of the hedging instruments recognized as a part of other comprehensive income).
To the debt financial liabilities estimated at not discounted cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution the issued interest-free bills of exchange repayment period till 1 year, accounts payable under contracts with suppliers (contractors) of goods (works, services) as repayment period till 1 year belong. To the debt financial liabilities estimated at not discounted cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution the accounts payable under contracts with suppliers (contractors) of goods (works, services) with the payment deferral exceeding terms of payment under similar agreements does not belong.
3.5. The concept "depreciated cost of financial asset or financial liability" of this Provision is applied according to the value given in Item 9 IFRS (IAS) 39.
3.6. Financial assets and financial liabilities are considered by the separate not credit financial credit institution on depreciated cost in case of accomplishment of all listed below conditions:
the payments to the creditor provided by the financial instrument are estimated in currency in which the financial instrument is nominated;
the payments to the creditor provided by the financial instrument are determined by fixed amount, or the payment is calculated during tool effective period using the fixed or variable rate of percent or combinations of the fixed and variable rates provided that the variable and fixed rates are positive;
the payments to the creditor provided by the financial instrument with the fixed or variable interest rate are determined by multiplication of interest rate for the considered period on the outstanding main amount for the same period;
the financial instrument does not contain the conditions leading to loss of the main amount of debt and the percent added for the current or previous periods;
if the financial instrument contains the condition about early repayment depending on approach of future events, such conditions shall provide protection of the creditor against deterioration in solvency of the debtor;
the financial instrument does not contain conditional provisions concerning payments to the creditor or repayments, except for contractual conditions about variable return rate and conditions about early repayment.
Payments to the creditor are determined as the amount of the interest incomes and other incomes which are subject to payment by the debtor in accordance with the terms of the financial instrument.
3.7. Debt financial assets which conditions do not correspond to the conditions listed in Item 3.6 of this provision shall not be classified by the separate not credit financial credit institution as the debt financial assets estimated on depreciated cost and are subject to accounting as the debt financial assets estimated at fair value through profit or loss.
3.8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities is estimated by the separate not credit financial credit institution according to IFRS (IFRS) 13.
If assessment of fair value of financial asset becomes impossible, such financial asset is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution at cost less impairment losses. Cost is understood as fair value of financial asset in case of initial recognition.
Evaluation methods of fair value affirm the separate not credit financial credit institution as accounting policy.
3.9. In the presence of signs of impairment of the financial assets estimated at cost at not discounted cost or on depreciated cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution shall reflect at least the last calendar day of every quarter impairment loss of the specified financial assets in accounts of financial accounting of the income and expenses and to reflect reserve under impairment of the specified financial assets in balance sheet accounts of financial accounting.
Signs of impairment of financial asset the separate not credit financial credit institution shall recognize events which exert negative impact on the settlement future cash flows on financial asset provided in appendix A to the International accounting standard (IFRS) 9 "Financial instruments" in edition of 2014 enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 98n with the amendments enacted in the territory of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 111n, the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 No. 56n "About introduction of documents of International accounting standards in action in the territory of the Russian Federation", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 16, 2018 No. 50779 (further - the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 56n), the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2019 No. 146n "About introduction of the document of International accounting standards "Editorial corrections in IFRS" in action in the territory of the Russian Federation", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 9, 2019 No. 56187 (further - the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 146n), the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2020 No. 55n "About introduction of the document of International accounting standards "Reform of benchmark interest rate (The amendment to IFRS (IFRS) 9, IFRS (IAS) 39 and IFRS (IFRS) 7)" in action in the territory of the Russian Federation", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 3, 2020 No. 58832 (further - IFRS (IFRS) 9), as confirmation of credit impairment of financial asset, and also the next events:
event as a result of which approach the separate not credit financial credit institution will not be able to compensate the investment cost in equity financial asset determined in case of initial recognition;
event as a result of which approach fair value of investment in equity financial asset will become below its cost in case of initial recognition.
3.10. Reserve under impairment of the debt financial assets estimated on depreciated cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution shall reflect in accounts of financial accounting in the amount equal to difference between book value of the debt financial asset estimated on depreciated cost before adjustment at reserve size under impairment and present value of the settlement cash flows discounted on initial ESP.
Reserve under impairment of the debt financial assets estimated at not discounted cost, the separate not credit financial credit institution shall reflect in accounts of financial accounting in the amount equal to difference between amount of debt on the specified debt financial asset estimated at not discounted cost and assessment of cash flows which the separate not credit financial credit institution will receive for the specified asset in case of its repayment.
The separate not credit financial credit institution shall reflect reserve under impairment of the equity financial assets estimated at cost in accounts of financial accounting in the amount equal to difference between book value of the equity financial asset estimated at cost, and assessment of cash flows which the separate not credit financial credit institution will receive for the specified asset in case of its sale.
If the size of the impairment loss which is earlier reflected on financial asset is reduced and this reducing is connected with the event which took place after recognition of impairment of the specified financial asset, the separate not credit institution shall reflect at least the last calendar day of every quarter in accounts of financial accounting recovery (reduction) of the financial accounting of reserve which is earlier reflected in accounts under impairment of the specified financial asset by adjustment of the reserve account under impairment in correspondence with the account of financial accounting of the income.
3.11. The separate not credit financial credit institution shall derecognize financial asset when the rights to cash flows from this financial asset expire or are performed in full or the separate not credit financial credit institution transfers financial asset to other party and requirements for derecognition, stipulated in Item 3.2.6 IFRS (IFRS) 9 are fulfilled.
Book value of the transferred financial asset shall be distributed between the remained and transferred rights and obligations in proportion to fair value for date of transfer. The newly created rights and obligations shall be estimated at fair value for this date. The difference in cost between received consideration and costs of financial assets which recognition was stopped is included the separate not credit financial credit institution of the income or expenses per date of transfer.
If transfer does not lead to derecognition, the separate not credit financial credit institution shall continue to recognize the transferred financial asset in full and shall recognize the financial liability concerning received consideration. This financial asset and the financial liability shall not be offset. In subsequent periods all income from the transferred financial asset and all expenses incurred according to the financial liability shall be recognized.
The separate not credit financial credit institution shall continue to recognize financial asset after end date if there are reasonable expectations concerning cost recovery of financial asset in full or in part.
The separate not credit financial credit institution shall reflect in accounts of financial accounting write-off of the debt financial asset estimated on depreciated cost at the expense of the created reserve under its impairment and the debt financial asset estimated at not discounted cost at the expense of the created reserve under its impairment in full or in part if it has no reasonable expectations concerning cost recovery of the specified debt financial assets in full or in part.
3.12. The separate not credit financial credit institution shall derecognize the financial liability (or parts of the financial liability) only when it is extinguished or effective period of the financial liability expired.
Exchange between the existing borrower and the creditor of financial instruments with the differing conditions shall be considered by the separate not credit financial credit institution as repayment of the initial financial liability and recognition of the new financial liability.
The difference between book value of the financial liability extinguished or transferred to other party (or parts of the financial liability) and the paid compensation, including any transferred non-cash assets or undertaken obligations, shall be acknowledged as a part of the income or expenses.
4.1. Issue of money by the separate not credit financial credit institution according to the loan agreement is transfer of money on the prisoner between the separate not credit financial credit institution and the client of the separate not credit financial credit institution (further - the borrower) to the loan agreement according to the Civil code of the Russian Federation (The Russian Federation Code, 1996, No. 5, Art. 410; 2017, No. 14, the Art. 1998), and also, in case of issue of consumer loan, - according to the Federal Law of December 21, 2013 No. 353-FZ "About consumer loan (loan)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 51, Art. 6673; 2014, No. 30, Art. 4230; 2016, No. 27, Art. 4164). Placement of money by the separate not credit financial credit institution on bank deposit agreement is transfer of money on the prisoner between the separate not credit financial credit institution and credit institution to bank deposit agreement according to the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Reflection in financial accounting of transactions on issue (placement) of money by the separate not credit financial credit institution according to the loan agreement is performed for date of transfer of money to the borrower by transfer from the bank account or issue from cash desk.
Reflection in financial accounting of transactions on issue (placement) of money by the separate not credit financial credit institution on bank deposit agreement is performed on receipt date of sum of money of the deposit into the account on the deposit opened for the separate not credit financial credit institution in credit institution.
Reflection in financial accounting of return of loan amount is performed for date of transfer by the funds borrower to cash desk of the separate not credit financial credit institution or for date of transfer on the bank account of the separate not credit financial credit institution, being the lessor according to the loan agreement.
Reflection in financial accounting of return of deposit amount is performed for date of transfer (return) of money by credit institution on the bank account of the separate not credit financial credit institution which is the investor on bank deposit agreement.
4.3. Reflection in financial accounting of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement is performed for date of transfer of the requirement to the cessionary when transfer corresponds to criteria for derecognition according to Item 3.11 of this provision.
4.4. In financial accounting of transaction on issue (placement) of money according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution based on source accounting documents, documents confirming transfer of money by the separate not credit financial credit institution from the bank account either from cash desk, or in case of accomplishment of the conditions determining procedure for provision of loan or introduction into the account on the deposit.
4.5. Transactions on loan repayment, the deposit are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in financial accounting based on source accounting documents confirming cash receipt on the bank account of the separate not credit financial credit institution either in cash desk, or in case of accomplishment of the conditions determining procedure for loan repayment, the deposit.
The concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in financial accounting based on source accounting documents confirming transfer of the requirement to the cessionary.
4.6. Need of application of the ESP method is determined by the separate not credit financial credit institution:
paragraph two of ceased to be valid
to loan agreements and bank deposit agreements if the difference between the depreciated cost calculated with use of the ESP method, and the depreciated cost calculated with use of straight-line method of recognition of interest income is not essential;
to the bank deposit agreements having repayment period "poste restante".
The concept "effective interest rate method" of this Provision is applied according to the value given in Item 9 IFRS (IAS) 39.
4.7. Interest incomes for the purpose of this provision the income of the separate not credit financial credit institution added in the form of the percent, the coupon or discount provided by terms of the contract of loan or bank deposit agreement or conditions of release of debt securities is recognized (further - interest incomes) (except as specified separate mentioning of percent, the coupon, discount).
4.8. When calculating depreciated cost with use of straight-line method of recognition of interest income the added percent are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in accounts of financial accounting regularly at the rate determined by the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement.
4.9. Other incomes according to the loan agreement for the purpose of this provision the income (except for interest incomes) the separate not credit financial credit institution which is directly connected with issue (placement) of money according to the loan agreement and including all remunerations, the commissions, awards, allowances paid by the borrower according to the loan agreement which are part of ESP are recognized.
If payment of the membership fee and is provided at the scheduled time in the determined sum by the loan agreement signed between credit consumer cooperative and the member of cooperative, the specified membership fee is also recognized other income according to the loan agreement.
4.10. The other expenses (costs according to the transaction) connected with issue (placement) of money according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement for the purpose of this provision all additional expenses (costs) of the separate not credit financial credit institution on issue (placement) of money under the specified agreements are recognized. Such additional expenses (costs) are part of ESP.
4.11. In analytics transactions according to each loan agreement or bank deposit agreement are reflected. In the presence in the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement of condition about issue (placement) of money parts transactions by each issued part of money are subject to reflection in analytics.
Disaggregation of analytics of the issued (placed) loans and deposits shall provide information necessary for the separate not credit financial credit institution for forming of indicators of the reporting represented to the Bank of Russia.
4.12. Reflection of depreciated cost (changes of depreciated cost) according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement is performed by the separate not credit financial credit institution at least once a quarter the last calendar day of quarter, and also for date of complete or partial disposal (realization, repayment) or write-offs of loan or bank deposit.
4.13. When calculating ESP the separate not credit financial credit institution shall use the expected cash flows and the expected circulation period of money provided by the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement.
The expected credit losses according to the loan agreement and bank deposit agreement do not join the separate not credit financial credit institution in calculation of ESP.
4.14. When calculating ESP the separate not credit financial credit institution considers all interest and other incomes and other expenses (costs according to the transaction) received (paid) or which are subject to obtaining (payment) by the separate not credit financial credit institution according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement.
4.15. The separate not credit financial credit institution on date of issue (placements) of money according to the loan agreement or bank deposit shall estimate the specified money at fair value, increased by the amount of other expenses (costs according to the transaction).
In case of initial recognition of the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement the separate not credit financial credit institution based on professional judgment shall determine whether the interest rate for the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement is the rate corresponding to market conditions.
4.16. Based on professional judgment the interest rate for the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement is recognized the separate not credit financial credit institution non-market if it is beyond the range of values of market rates. In this case in case of reflection in financial accounting of the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement by the separate not credit financial credit institution ESP calculated proceeding from market interest rates is applied (further - market ESP), and depreciated cost using the ESP method is recalculated. On the loan or bank deposit placed at the rate above is (lower) the market, separate not credit financial credit institution the expense is recognized if the market rate is higher than rate according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement, or the income is recognized if the market rate is lower than rate according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement.
The difference between fair value of the issued (placed) loan or bank deposit in case of initial recognition and issued (placed) on the specified agreement amount is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in financial accounting if fair value of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit in case of initial recognition significantly differs from the issued (placed) amount.
If the difference between fair value of the issued (placed) loan or bank deposit in case of initial recognition and the issued (placed) amount is insignificant, need of reflection of the specified difference for financial accounting is determined by the separate not credit financial credit institution.
4.17. In case of application of the ESP method the separate not credit financial credit institution will amortize the interest and other incomes and other expenses (costs according to the transaction) included in calculation of ESP during the expected duration of the agreement of loan or bank deposit agreement.
Need of depreciation of the amounts which are part of ESP during shorter period if the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement establish interest rate which size is not fixed and is subject to periodic revision (further - floating interest rate) and if these amounts belong to the period before the following date of review of interest rate, is determined by the separate not credit financial credit institution. In this case depreciation period is the period before the following date of review of interest rate. Calculation of depreciated cost of the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement for the ESP method join all cash flows under the specified agreements.
Need of inclusion in calculation of ESP and depreciation of other incomes and other expenses (costs) by the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement which are not essential is determined by the transaction by the separate not credit financial credit institution. If it is provided in accounting policy of the separate not credit financial credit institution that other incomes and other expenses (costs according to the transaction) according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement which are not essential do not join in calculation of ESP and will not be amortized during the expected duration of the agreement of loan or bank deposit agreement:
other incomes belong the separate not credit financial credit institution on increase in interest incomes one-timely in date of emergence of other incomes;
other expenses (costs according to the transaction) are recognized the separate not credit financial credit institution as a part of commission expenses one-timely in date of emergence of other expenses.
4.18. According to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement with floating interest rate for date of establishment of new interest rate by the separate not credit financial credit institution recalculation of ESP is performed. Recalculation of ESP is performed proceeding from the depreciated cost calculated for date of establishment of new interest rate, and the expected cash flows. Further calculation of depreciated cost of the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement is performed by the separate not credit financial credit institution using new ESP.
4.19. The separate not credit financial credit institution shall review the expected cash flows according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement depending on change of estimations of payments and receipts. In this case the separate not credit financial credit institution performs recalculation of depreciated cost of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit by calculation of present value of the settlement future cash flows provided by the specified agreement with use of initial ESP.
In the specified case the separate not credit financial credit institution shall recognize value adjustment of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit as a part of the income or expenses from transactions with the placed deposits and the issued loans for date of review of the expected cash flows according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement. The separate not credit financial credit institution shall reflect value adjustment of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit in financial accounting if adjustment is essential.
4.20. The value adjustment of the issued (placed) loans, deposits is performed by the separate not credit financial credit institution in case of difference of the discount rate used in the accounting period for calculation of depreciated cost of the issued (placed) loans, deposits, from the interest rate established by the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement.
ESP is applied by the separate not credit financial credit institution to depreciated cost of the issued loan or the deposit for the beginning of quarter in case of recognition of interest income by ESP method.
4.21. In case of initial recognition of the issued (placed) money according to loan agreements and on bank deposit agreements the separate not credit financial credit institution in financial accounting are reflected loan amount and deposits, actually listed (transferred) under the specified agreements.
Issue (placement) of money according to loan agreements and bank deposit agreements is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 20601 "Deposits in credit institutions", No. 20602 "Deposits in banks - nonresidents", No. 48501 "The loans issued to legal entities", No. 48601 "The loans, issued to physical persons", No. 48701 "Mikrozayma (including target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48801 "Mikrozayma (including target microloans), "The loans issued to physical persons", No. 48901 issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49001 "The loans issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49101 "Mikrozayma (including target microloans), issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49201 "Mikrozayma (including target microloans), issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49301 "The loans issued to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49401 "Mikrozayma (including target microloans), "the Loans issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49501, issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of the placed money)
The credit of the account of the second procedure for the cash accounting relating to balance sheet accounts of the first procedure No. 202 "Cash and checks (including travel checks) which nominal value is specified in foreign currency" or No. 205 "Settlement accounts in credit institutions and nonresident banks", or accounts No. 30602 "Calculations of not credit financial organizations principals (consignors) for broker transactions with securities and other financial assets" (further - the account on the cash accounting).
4.22. Money transfer by the separate not credit financial credit institution in payment of the other expenses (costs according to the transaction) connected with issue (placement) of money according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 20607 "Calculations for the expenses connected with placement of deposits in credit institutions", No. 20608 "Calculations for expenses, connected with placement of deposits in nonresident banks", No. 48506 "Calculations for expenses, connected with issue of loans to legal entities", No. 48606 "Calculations for expenses, connected with issue of loans to physical persons", No. 48706 "Calculations for the expenses connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to legal entities", No. 48806 "Calculations for the expenses connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to physical persons", No. 48906 "Calculations for the expenses connected with issue of loans to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49006 "Calculations for the expenses connected with issue of loans to physical nonresident persons", No. 49106 "Calculations for expenses, connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to legal nonresident persons", No. 49206 "Calculations for the expenses connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to physical nonresident persons", No. 49306 "Calculations for the expenses connected with issue of loans to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49406 "Calculations for expenses, connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49506 "Calculations for the expenses connected with issue of loans to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of calculations for the expenses connected with investment of funds)
Credit of the account on the cash accounting.
4.23. If for determination of fair value of the money issued (placed) according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement in date of initial recognition by the separate not credit financial credit institution uses observed basic data and ESP under the specified agreement is recognized non-market, fair value of financial asset in case of initial recognition is determined using market ESP.
The concepts "observed basic data" and "not observed basic data" of this Provision are applied according to the values given in Appendix A to IFRS (IFRS) 13.
In the specified case the difference between fair value of the money issued (placed) according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement, and the issued (placed) amount in case of initial recognition is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution according to subitems 4.23.1 and 4.23.2 of this Item.
4.23.1. According to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement the expense is recognized if the market ESP which is subject to application above originally calculated and acknowledged non-market ESP.
The expense amount is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 71502 "Expenses on transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on the symbol of the report on financial results (further - OFR) established by appendix 2 to this Provision (further - symbol of OFR), the subsection "Expenses from Difference between Fair Value of the Placed Deposits, the Issued Loans and the Other Provided Means in case of Initial Recognition and Issued (Placed) on Agreement Amount")
The account No. 20611 credit "The adjustments reducing the cost of deposits in credit institutions", No. 20612 "The adjustments reducing the cost of deposits in banks - nonresidents", No. 48508 "The adjustments reducing the cost of the means provided on the loans issued to legal entities", No. 48608 "The adjustments reducing the cost of the means provided on the loans issued to physical persons", No. 48708 "The adjustments reducing the cost of the means provided on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48808 "The adjustments reducing the cost of means, provided on microloans (including to target microloans) issued to physical persons", No. 48908 "Adjustments, reducing the cost of means, provided on loans, issued to legal entities - nonresidents" to No. 49008 "The adjustments reducing the cost of means provided on the loans issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49108 "The adjustments reducing the cost of the means provided on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49208 "The adjustments reducing the cost of the means provided on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49308 "The adjustments reducing the cost of the means provided on the loans issued to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49408 "The adjustments reducing the cost of means, provided on microloans (including to target microloans), issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49508 "Adjustments, reducing the cost of means, provided on loans, issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of adjustments, reducing the cost of the placed means).
4.23.2. According to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement the income is recognized if the market ESP which is subject to application below originally calculated and acknowledged non-market ESP.
The income amount is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 20609 "The adjustments increasing the cost of deposits in credit institutions", No. 20610 "The adjustments increasing the cost of deposits in banks - nonresidents", No. 48507 "The adjustments increasing the cost of the means provided on the loans issued to legal entities", No. 48607 "The adjustments increasing the cost of the means provided on the loans issued to physical persons", No. 48707 "The adjustments increasing the cost of the means provided on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48807 "The adjustments increasing the cost of means, provided on microloans (including to target microloans) issued to physical persons", No. 48907 "Adjustments, increasing the cost of means, provided on loans, issued to legal entities - nonresidents" to No. 49007 "The adjustments increasing the cost of means provided on loans, issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49107 "Adjustments, increasing the cost of means, provided on microloans (including to target microloans), issued to legal entities - nonresidents", No. 49207 "Adjustments, increasing the cost of means, provided on microloans (including to target microloans), issued to physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49307 "Adjustments, increasing the cost of means, provided on loans, issued to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49407 "Adjustments, increasing the cost of means, provided on microloans (including to target microloans), issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49507 "Adjustments, increasing the cost of means, provided on the loans issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of adjustments, the placed means increasing cost)
The account No. 71501 credit "The income (except percentage) from transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "Income from Difference between Fair Value of the Placed Deposits, the Issued Loans and the Other Provided Means in case of Initial Recognition and Issued (Placed) on Agreement Amount").
4.24. If in case of initial recognition of the issued (placed) money according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement there are no observed market data on loans and bank deposits with identical conditions and originally calculated ESP on the agreement differs from market ESP, market ESP in case of determination of fair value in case of initial recognition is applied to the issued (placed) loan or bank deposit.
In the specified case the calculated difference between fair value and issued (placed) on agreement amount in case of initial recognition is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in the separate personal accounts opened on accounts on accounting of the adjustments reducing or increasing the cost of the placed means, accounting entries according to subitems 4.24.1 and 4.24.2 of this Item.
4.24.1. The positive difference between fair value and issued (placed) on agreement amount is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means (personal account for accounting of the amounts of adjustments to depreciated cost)
The credit of the account on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means (personal account for accounting of positive difference between fair value of the issued (placed) money and issued (placed) on agreement amount in case of initial recognition).
4.24.2. The negative difference between fair value and issued (placed) on agreement amount is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means (personal account for accounting of negative difference between fair value of the issued (placed) money and issued (placed) on agreement amount in case of initial recognition)
The credit of the account on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means (personal account for accounting of the amounts of adjustments to depreciated cost).
4.24.3. After initial recognition the difference between fair value of the issued (placed) money according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement and issued (placed) on agreement amount reflected in separate personal account on accounting of the adjustments increasing or reducing the cost of the placed means is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in income accounts or expenses during the term of the agreement in the amount of, determined by the separate not credit financial credit institution based on own professional judgment, at least once a quarter the last calendar day of quarter, and also for date of complete or partial disposal (realization, repayments) or write-offs of loan or bank deposit.
The amount attributable to increase in the income is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means (personal account for accounting of positive difference between fair value of the issued (placed) money and issued (placed) on agreement amount in case of initial recognition)
The account No. 71501 credit "The income (except percentage) from transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "Income from Difference between Fair Value of the Placed Deposits, the Issued Loans and the Other Provided Means in case of Initial Recognition and Issued (Placed) on Agreement Amount").
The amount attributable to increase in expenses is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 71502 "Expenses on transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "Expenses from Difference between Fair Value of the Placed Deposits, the Issued Loans and the Other Provided Means in case of Initial Recognition and Issued (Placed) on Agreement Amount")
The credit of the account on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means (personal account for accounting of negative difference between fair value of the issued (placed) money and issued (placed) on agreement amount in case of initial recognition).
4.25. No later than the last day of month and in established by the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement of payment date of percent, and also for date of complete or partial disposal (realization, repayment) or write-offs of loan or bank deposit in financial accounting are subject to reflection all interest incomes, other incomes, other expenses (costs according to the transaction) added for the expired month or from date of initial recognition or from start date of the next percentage period.
The interest incomes according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement added at the rate determined by the specified agreement are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 20603 "The added deposit interests in credit institutions", No. 20604 "The added deposit interests in banks - nonresidents", No. 48502 "The added percent on the loans issued to legal entities", No. 48602 "The added percent on the loans issued to physical persons", No. 48702 "The added percent on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48802 "The added percent on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to physical persons", No. 48902 "The added percent on the loans issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49002 "Added percent on loans, issued to physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49102 "Added percent on microloans (including on target microloans), issued to legal entities - nonresidents", No. 49202 "The added percent on microloans (including on target microloans), to the issued physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49302 "The added percent on the loans issued to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49402 "The added percent on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49502 "The added percent on the loans issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of the added percent on the placed means)
The account No. 71001 credit "Interest incomes" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "Interest incomes").
4.26. Receipt of interest income by the separate not credit financial credit institution according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
Debit of the account on the cash accounting
The account No. 20613 credit "Calculations for deposit interests in credit institutions", No. 20614 "Calculations for deposit interests in banks - nonresidents", No. 48509 "Calculations for the percent on the loans issued to legal entities", No. 48609 "Calculations for percent on loans, issued to physical persons", No. 48709 "Calculations for percent on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48809 "Calculations for percent on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to physical persons", No. 48909 "Calculations for percent on the loans issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49009 "Calculations for percent on the loans issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49109 "Calculations for percent on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49209 "Calculations for percent on microloans (including to target microloans), to the issued physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49309 "Calculations for percent on the loans issued to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49409 "Calculations for percent on the microloans (including to target microloans) issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49509 "Calculations for percent on the loans issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of calculations for percent on the placed means).
4.27. The amounts of the this provision added according to Item 4.25 and gained interest income relating to current month are charged by the separate not credit financial credit institution off settlement accounts on percent on the placed means accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of calculations for percent on the placed means
The credit of the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed means.
4.28. Receipt of money by the separate not credit financial credit institution from the borrower in payment of other incomes according to the loan agreement is reflected accounting entry (on full amount of gained other incomes relating to future periods - for the advance received):
Debit of the account on the cash accounting
The account No. 48504 credit "Calculations for the other incomes for the loans issued to legal entities", No. 48604 "Calculations for other incomes for loans, issued to physical persons", No. 48704 "Calculations for other incomes for the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48804 "Calculations for other incomes for the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to physical persons", No. 48904 "Calculations for other incomes for the loans issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49004 "Calculations for other incomes for the loans issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49104 "Calculations for other incomes for the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49204 "Calculations for other incomes for the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49304 "Calculations for other incomes for loans, to the issued individual entrepreneurs", No. 49404 "Calculations for other incomes for the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49504 "Calculations for other incomes for the loans issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of calculations for other incomes on loans (microloans).
4.29. Charge of other incomes according to the loan agreement is made by the separate not credit financial credit institution regularly during the term of the agreement and is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 48503 "The added other incomes on the loans issued to legal entities", No. 48603 "The added other incomes on the loans issued to physical persons", No. 48703 "The added other incomes on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48803 "The added other incomes on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to physical persons", No. 48903 "The added other incomes on the loans issued to legal entities - nonresidents", No. 49003 "The added other incomes on the loans issued to physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49103 "Added other incomes on microloans (including on target microloans), issued to legal entities - nonresidents", No. 49203 "Added other incomes on microloans (including on target microloans), issued to physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49303 "The added other incomes on loans, to the issued individual entrepreneurs", No. 49403 "The added other incomes on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49503 "The added other incomes on the loans issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of the added other incomes on loans (microloans)
The credit of the account No. 71002 "Commission income" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "Commission Income").
4.30. Write-off paid (received from the borrower) the amount of other incomes relating to current month is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of calculations for other incomes on loans (microloans)
The credit of the account on accounting of the added other incomes on loans (microloans).
4.31. Charge of other expenses (costs according to the transaction) according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement is made by the separate not credit financial credit institution regularly during the term of the agreement. The other expenses (costs according to the transaction) the separate not credit financial credit institution on issue (placement) of money relating to current month are reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 71003 "The commission expenses and costs according to the transaction reducing interest incomes" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "The Commission Expenses and Costs according to the Transaction Reducing Interest Incomes")
The credit accounts No. 20605 "The accrued expenses linked with placement of deposits in credit institutions", No. 20606 "Accrued expenses, connected with placement of deposits in nonresident banks", No. 48505 "Accrued expenses, connected with issue of loans to legal entities", No. 48605 "Accrued expenses, connected with issue of loans to physical persons", No. 48705 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to legal entities", No. 48805 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to physical persons", No. 48905 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of loans to legal entities - to nonresidents", No. 49005 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of loans to physical persons - to nonresidents", No. 49105 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to legal entities - nonresidents", No. 49205 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49305 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of loans to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49405 "Accrued expenses, connected with issue of microloans (including target microloans) to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49505 "The accrued expenses connected with issue of loans to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of the accrued expenses connected with investment of funds).
4.32. Write-off of the amount of other expenses (costs according to the transaction) relating to current month is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the accrued expenses connected with investment of funds
The credit of the account on accounting of calculations for the expenses connected with investment of funds.
4.33. Partial or complete return of the issued (placed) money according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement in the dates determined by terms of the contract is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
Debit of the account on the cash accounting
The credit of the account on accounting of the placed money.
4.34. The change in value of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit as a result of review of the expected cash flows under the agreement is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entries:
value addition of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit:
The debit of the account on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means
The account No. 71501 credit "The income (except percentage) from transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of the subsections "Income From Transactions with the Placed Deposits", "Income from Transactions with the Other Provided Means, including with the Other Acquired Rights to Claim", "Income from Transactions with the Other Provided Means", "Income from Transactions on the Issued Loans" of OFR);
reduction of cost of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit:
The debit of the account No. 71502 "Expenses on transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of OFR of the subsections "On the Placed Deposits", "On Other Means, including on the Other Acquired Rights to Claim Granted", "On Transactions with the Other Provided Means", "On the Issued Loans")
The credit of the account on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means.
The separate not credit financial credit institution makes recalculation of reserve under impairment. Change of size of reserve under impairment is reflected accounting entry according to Items 4.44 and 4.45 of this provision.
4.35. After initial recognition when calculating depreciated cost of the granted (placed) loans, deposits at least once a quarter the last calendar day of quarter, and also for date of complete or partial disposal (realization, repayment) or write-offs of loan or bank deposit by the separate not credit financial credit institution the value adjustment of the issued (placed) loans, deposits to the depreciated cost calculated using ESP, accounting entries according to subitems 4.35.1 and 4.35.2 of this Item is performed.
4.35.1. The adjustment to depreciated cost of the issued (placed) loans or deposits increasing interest incomes is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means
The account No. 71005 credit "The adjustments increasing interest incomes on difference between the interest incomes for the accounting period calculated using discount rate and the interest incomes added without application of discount rate" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "The Adjustments Increasing Interest Incomes on Difference between the Interest Incomes for the Accounting Period Calculated using Discount Rate and the Interest Incomes Added without Application of Discount Rate").
In case of complete repayment (return) of loan or the deposit in the terms established by the agreement availability of account balances on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means is not allowed.
4.35.2. The adjustment to depreciated cost of the issued (placed) loans or deposits reducing interest incomes is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 71006 "The adjustments reducing interest incomes on difference between the interest incomes for the accounting period calculated using discount rate and the interest incomes added without application of discount rate" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "The Adjustments Reducing Interest Incomes on Difference between the Interest Incomes for the Accounting Period Calculated using Discount Rate and the Interest Incomes Added without Application of Discount Rate")
The credit of the account on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means.
In case of complete repayment (return) of loan or the deposit in the terms established by the agreement availability of account balances on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means is not allowed.
4.36. In case of repayment (return) of loan or the deposit in the date established by terms of the contract in financial accounting by the separate not credit financial credit institution the interest income, other incomes and other expenses (costs according to the transaction) according to loan agreements or bank deposit agreements added on date of return inclusive are subject to reflection.
In case of early repayment (return) of loan or the deposit for date of early repayment of loan or return of money to the investor, and also in case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement for recognition date of concession of the requirement the creditor to other person in financial accounting by the separate not credit financial credit institution interest income, other incomes and other expenses (costs according to the transaction) according to loan agreements or on bank deposit agreements, added on date of early repayment or recognition date of concession of the requirement inclusive are subject to reflection.
As of repayment date (return) of loan or the deposit, and also or on bank deposit agreement the creditor to other person the separate not credit financial credit institution shall check availability of objective signs of impairment of the loan agreement or bank deposit for recognition date of concession of the agreement requirement of loan and make adjustment of the created reserves under impairment according to Items 4.44 and 4.45 of this provision.
As of date of early repayment of loan or return of money to the investor, and also for recognition date of concession the creditor to other person of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement in financial accounting by the separate not credit financial credit institution the value adjustment of the placed means to depreciated cost is reflected.
Early repayment (return) of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit, concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in accounts of financial accounting with use of the balance sheet account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
Return by the borrower or credit institution of money according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement, and also concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement in financial accounting is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution according to subitems 4.36.1 - 4.36.11 presents of Item.
4.36.1. Reflection of interest income according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement from the date of the last charge of interest income according to Item 4.25 of this provision on date of loan repayment or the deposit or on recognition date of concession of the requirement is inclusive performed by accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed means
The account No. 71001 credit "Interest incomes" (on symbol of OFR of the subsection "Interest incomes").
4.36.2. Receipt of interest income by the separate not credit financial credit institution according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry according to Item 4.26 of this provision.
Write-off of the added interest income as of the date of receipt of percent on the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement in case of loan repayment, the deposit is reflected accounting entry according to Item 4.27 of this provision.
4.36.3. Return of the main loan amount, the deposit to the date established by terms of the contract of loan or bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
Debit of the account on the cash accounting
The credit of the account on accounting of the placed money.
Write-off of the main loan amount or bank deposit in case of early repayment (return), and also in case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of the placed money.
In case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement, and also in case of early agreement cancelation of bank deposit write-off of the amount of outstanding percent on the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement from the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed means is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed money.
Cash receipt or recognition of receivables in case of early repayment (return) of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit, in case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
Debit of the account on the cash accounting or calculations
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
4.36.4. Write-off (recovery) of the added reserve under impairment in case of repayment (return) or concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry according to Item 4.45 of this provision.
4.36.5. In case of early repayment (return) of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit, in case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement write-off of the account balance on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means relating to the loan agreement or to bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means.
4.36.6. In case of early repayment (return) of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit, in case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement write-off of the account balance on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means relating to the loan agreement or to bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
4.36.7. Charge of the other incomes according to the loan agreement paid by the borrower is reflected accounting entry according to Item 4.29 of this provision.
4.36.8. Write-off of the other incomes according to the loan agreement added and paid by the borrower is reflected accounting entry according to Item 4.30 of this provision.
In case of early repayment of the issued loan, in case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan write-off of account balance on accounting of calculations for other incomes on loans (microloans) which amount is not subject to return to the partner is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of calculations for other incomes on loans (microloans)
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
4.36.9. Charge of the other expenses (costs according to the transaction) connected with issue (placement) of money according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry according to Item 4.31 of this provision.
4.36.10. Write-off of the paid (incurred) separate not credit financial credit institution other expenses (costs according to the transaction) connected with issue (placement) of money according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry according to Item 4.32 of this provision.
In case of early repayment (return) of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit, in case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement write-off of account balance on accounting of calculations for the expenses connected with investment of funds which amount is not subject to return by the partner is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of calculations for the expenses connected with investment of funds.
4.36.11. The financial result from early repayment (return) of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit or from concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The account No. 71501 credit "The income (except percentage) from transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of the subsections "Income From Transactions with the Placed Deposits", "Income from Transactions with the Other Provided Means, including with the Other Acquired Rights to Claim", "Income from Transactions with the Other Provided Means", "Income from Transactions on the Issued Loans" of OFR) or
The debit of the account No. 71502 "Expenses on transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of OFR of the subsections "On the Placed Deposits", "On Other Means, including on the Other Acquired Rights to Claim Granted", "On Transactions with the Other Provided Means", "On the Issued Loans")
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
4.37. Write-off of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit at the expense of the created reserve under impairment is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entries according to Item 4.46 of this provision.
4.38. In case of repayment by the borrower of the main amount of debt and percent on the loan agreement in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement property receipt of such property in repayment of loan and percent by the separate not credit financial credit institution is reflected accounting entries:
on the amount of principal debt according to the loan agreement:
The debit of the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers"
The credit of the account on accounting of the placed money;
on the amount of percent:
The debit of the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers"
The credit of the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed means;
on the amount of the paid advance payment on the other expenses (to costs according to the transaction) connected with investment of funds:
The debit of the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers"
The credit of the account on accounting of calculations for the expenses connected with investment of funds;
on the amount of the other expenses which are earlier added according to Item 4.31 of this provision and not paid on repayment date with other property (costs according to the transaction):
The debit of the account on accounting of the accrued expenses connected with investment of funds
The account No. 61215 credit "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers";
on the amount of the received property:
The debit of the account of the second procedure for the Section 5 "Transactions with Securities and Derivative Financial Instruments" or the Section 6 "Means and Property" of the Chart of accounts of the financial accounting in not credit financial credit institutions approved by the Provision of the Bank of Russia of September 2, 2015 No. 486-P "About the Chart of accounts of financial accounting in not credit financial credit institutions and procedure for its application", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 7, 2015 No. 39197, on December 28, 2016 No. 45012 (further - the Chart of accounts of financial accounting in not credit financial credit institutions)
The account No. 61215 credit "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers".
The debit balance on the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers", formed as a result of carrying out transaction on repayment of loan and percent by property of the borrower, is written off into the account No. 71502 "Expenses on transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of the subsections "On Other Means, Including on the Other Acquired Rights to Claim Granted", "On Transactions with the Other Provided Means", "On the Issued Loans" of OFR).
The credit balance on the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers", formed on transaction of innovation (replacement) of debt, is written off into the account No. 71501 "The income (except percentage) from transactions with the placed deposits issued by loans and the other provided means" (on symbol of OFR of the subsections "Income From Transactions with the Other Provided Means, Including with the Other Acquired Rights to Claim", "Income from Transactions with the Other Provided Means", "Income from Transactions on the Issued Loans").
Write-off (recovery) of the created reserve under impairment, write-off of the amounts of the adjustments increasing or reducing the cost of the placed means is reflected accounting entries according to Item 4.36 of this provision.
4.39. Accepted by the separate not credit financial credit institution in providing on the issued (placed) means of value and property are reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 99998 "The account for correspondence with passive accounts in case of double record"
The account No. 91311 credit "The securities accepted in providing on the placed means", No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals" or No. 91313 "The precious metals received in providing on the placed means".
The value addition of the values accepted in providing and property as a result of revaluation is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 99998 "The account for correspondence with passive accounts in case of double record"
The account No. 91311 credit "The securities accepted in providing on the placed means", No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals" or No. 91313 "The precious metals received in providing on the placed means".
Reduction of cost of the values accepted in providing and property as a result of revaluation is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 91311 "The securities accepted in providing on the placed means", No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals" or No. 91313 "The precious metals received in providing on the placed means"
The account No. 99998 credit "The account for correspondence with passive accounts in case of double record".
Return of the values accepted in providing and property is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 91311 "The securities accepted in providing on the placed means", No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals" or No. 91313 "The precious metals received in providing on the placed means"
The account No. 99998 credit "The account for correspondence with passive accounts in case of double record".
4.40. Cash receipt from the third parties in debt repayment according to the loan agreement in case of realization of values or the property accepted by the separate not credit financial credit institution in providing on the issued (placed) means, is reflected according to Item 4.36 of this provision. At the same time separate not credit financial credit institution the partial or complete cost depletion of the values or property considered on accounts No. 91311 "The securities accepted in providing on the placed means", No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals" or No. 91313 "The precious metals received in providing on the placed means" according to Item 4.39 of this provision is reflected.
Receipt in case of realization of the values or property accepted by the separate not credit financial credit institution in providing on the issued (placed) means, the money which is payable to the pledger in the difference amount between the amount realized from realization of subject of pledge, and the amount of the unexecuted obligation on loan and the added percent provided with pledge is reflected accounting entry:
Debit of the account on the cash accounting
Account No. 60322 credit "Settlings with other creditors".
4.41. Received in providing the issued (placed) means independent guarantees and guarantees are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 91414 "The obtained guarantees and guarantees"
The account No. 99999 credit "The account for correspondence with active accounts in case of double record".
Write-off of the amounts of unused independent guarantees and guarantees after return of the issued (placed) means is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 99999 "The account for correspondence with active accounts in case of double record"
The account No. 91414 credit "The obtained guarantees and guarantees".
Cash receipt from the guarantor or the guarantor in debt repayment is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution according to Item 4.36 of this provision.
4.42. Financial accounting of reserves under impairment of the issued (placed) loans and deposits estimated on depreciated cost is conducted on accounts of the second procedure: No. 20615 "Reserves under impairment on deposits in credit institutions", No. 20616 "Reserves under impairment on deposits in nonresident banks", No. 48510 "Reserves under impairment on the loans issued to legal entities", No. 48610 "Reserves under impairment on the loans issued to physical persons", No. 48710 "Reserves under impairment on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to legal entities", No. 48810 "Reserves under impairment on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to physical persons", No. 48910 "Reserves under impairment on the loans issued to legal entities - nonresidents", No. 49010 "Reserves under impairment on the loans issued to physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49110 "Reserves under impairment on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to legal entities - nonresidents", No. 49210 "Reserves under impairment on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to physical persons - nonresidents", No. 49310 "Reserves under impairment on the loans issued to individual entrepreneurs", No. 49410 "Reserves under impairment on the microloans (including on target microloans) issued to individual entrepreneurs" or No. 49510 "Reserves under impairment on the loans issued to credit consumer cooperative of the second level" (further - accounts on accounting of reserves under impairment on the placed means).
4.43. In the presence of the signs of impairment determined according to Item 3.9 of this provision, the separate not credit financial credit institutions create reserves under impairment.
4.44. As of the last calendar day of every quarter forming of reserve under impairment, increase in earlier added reserve under impairment are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 71202 "Expenses on forming of reserves under impairment" (on symbol of OFR of the subsections "On Other Means, Including on the Other Acquired Rights to Claim Granted", "On the Deposits Placed")
The credit of the account on accounting of reserves under impairment on the placed means.
4.45. Write-off, recovery (reduction earlier added) reserve under impairment is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of reserves under impairment on the placed means
The account No. 71201 credit "The income from recovery of reserves under impairment" (on symbol of OFR of the subsections "On Other Means, Including on the Other Acquired Rights to Claim Granted", "On the Deposits Placed").
In case of concession of the agreement requirement of loan or on bank deposit agreement write-off of the added reserve under impairment is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of reserves under impairment on the placed means
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
4.46. Write-off of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit at the expense of the created reserve under impairment is reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution accounting entries:
write-off of the main loan amount or deposit:
The debit of the account on accounting of reserves under impairment on the placed means
The credit of the account on accounting of the placed money;
write-off of the income added percentage according to the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement:
The debit of the account on accounting of reserves under impairment on the placed means
The credit of the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed means.
If for date of write-off of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit depreciated cost of loan or the deposit before adjustment at reserve size under impairment differs from the main loan amount (deposit) increased by the amount of the added interest income, accounting entries are performed in correspondence with the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
The main loan amount or the deposit is written off by accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of the placed money.
The added interest income according to the loan agreement or on bank deposit agreement is written off by accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed means.
The adjustment amount to the depreciated cost increasing cost of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit, is written off by accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of the adjustments increasing the cost of the placed means.
The adjustment amount to the depreciated cost reducing cost of the issued (placed) loan or the deposit, is written off by accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of the adjustments reducing the cost of the placed means
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
The remaining balance of other expenses (costs according to the transaction) on the issued (placed) loan or the deposit is written off by accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits"
The credit of the account on accounting of calculations for the expenses connected with investment of funds.
The remaining balance of other incomes on the issued loan is written off by accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of calculations for other incomes on loans (microloans)
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
Reference of the created reserve into the account No. 61217 "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits" is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account on accounting of reserves under impairment on the placed means
The account No. 61217 credit "Disposal (realization) of the issued loans and bank deposits".
4.47. Ceased to be valid according to the Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of 22.05.2019 No. 5149-U
4.47.1. Disposal of subject of pledge is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 91311 "The securities accepted in providing on the placed means", No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals" or No. 91313 "The precious metals received in providing on the placed means"
The account No. 99998 credit "The account for correspondence with passive accounts in case of double record".
4.47.2. Cash receipt from realization of subject of pledge is reflected accounting entry:
Debit of the account on the cash accounting
The account No. 61215 credit "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers".
4.47.3. The added interest income according to the loan agreement for date of realization of subject of pledge is reflected accounting entry according to subitem 4.38.1 of Item 4.38 of this provision.
4.47.4. Write-off of outstanding debt according to the loan agreement and percent added for date of realization of subject of pledge is reflected accounting entries:
The debit of the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers"
The credit of the account on accounting of the placed money (on the amount of principal debt);
The debit of the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers"
The credit of the account on accounting of the added percent on the placed means (on the amount of percent).
4.47.5. The difference lamenting to payment to the pledger between the sum realized from realization of subject of pledge, and the amount of the unexecuted obligation on loan and the added percent provided with pledge is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 61215 "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers"
Account No. 60322 credit "Settlings with other creditors".
4.47.6. Payment to the pledger of difference amount is reflected accounting entry:
Debit of the account No. 60322 "Settlings with other creditors"
Credit of the account on the cash accounting.
4.47.7. If the sum realized in case of realization of subject of pledge is less than the size of the unexecuted obligation provided with pledge, the loss belongs on expenses and is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 71702 "Expenses on other transactions" (on symbol of OFR "other expenses")
The account No. 61215 credit "Repayment of the issued (placed) loans the property received from borrowers".
4.48. The labor instruments and objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined are reflected the separate not credit financial credit institution in accounts of financial accounting according to subitems 4.48.1 - 4.48.5 presents of Item.
4.48.1. The labor instruments and objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined for the purpose of this provision are understood as the objects received by not credit financial credit institution as a result of discharge of debtors (borrowers) of the signed agreements of compensation, pledge.
4.48.2. Original cost of the labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined is fair value less costs which need to be incurred for sale, for date of recognition.
Original cost of the objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined is the expected price at which the specified objects of the labor can be sold, less the costs necessary for sale (further - the net value of possible sale), of date of recognition.
If fair value less costs which need to be incurred for sale for the labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge, or the net value of possible sale for the objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge do not give in to assessment, assessment of objects is made:
under agreements of compensation in the amount of the stopped obligations of the debtor (borrower);
under agreements of pledge in the amount determined taking into account requirements of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
4.48.3. Unit of financial accounting of the labor instruments and objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined is established by the separate not credit financial credit institution so that to provide forming of complete and reliable information about the objects received based on agreements of compensation, pledge, and control of availability and movement of the specified objects.
4.48.4. The labor instruments and objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined are considered on balance sheet accounts No. 62101 "The labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined" and No. 62102 "The objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined" before date of determination by management of the separate not credit financial credit institution of further intentions concerning use of the specified objects or sale of the specified objects.
Labor instruments shall meet the recognition criteria determined by Chapters 11 and 12 of this provision for fixed assets and intangible assets. Objects of the labor shall meet recognition criteria for inventories.
Real estate objects, including the earth, received under agreements of compensation, pledge, are subject to financial accounting according to Chapters 10 and 11 of this provision as objects of investment property and fixed assets depending on intentions of management of the separate not credit financial credit institution concerning the specified objects or the labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined" are reflected in the balance sheet account No. 62101 "If the management of the separate not credit financial credit institution does not determine their appointment or the decision to finish their sale prior to the beginning of the next accounting period is made. Original cost of real estate objects, including the earth, received under agreements of compensation, pledge, is fair value of the specified objects for date of recognition. If fair value received under agreements of compensation, pledge of real estate objects, including the earth, does not give in to assessment, assessment of the specified objects is made:
under agreements of compensation in the amount of the stopped obligations of the debtor (borrower);
under agreements of pledge in the amount determined taking into account requirements of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
In case of recognition of real estate objects, including the earth, received under agreements of compensation, pledge, accounting entry is performed:
The debit of the account No. 60401 "Fixed assets (except the earth)", No. 60404 "Earth", No. 61905 "Investment property - the earth carried at fair value", No. 61907 "The investment property (except the earth) carried at fair value", No. 62101 "The labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined
The credit of accounts on accounting of obligations of the debtor (borrower) which are subject to the termination according to the loan agreement.
4.48.5. In case of recognition of the labor instruments and objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined accounting entry on the amount of the repaid debt of the debtor (borrower) is performed:
The debit of the account No. 62101 "The labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined" or No. 62102 "The objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined"
The credit of accounts on accounting of obligations of the debtor (borrower) which are subject to the termination according to the loan agreement.
The amount which is subject to payment to the debtor (borrower), certain as difference between cost received under agreements of compensation, pledge of labor instruments and objects of the labor and obligations of the debtor (borrower) which are subject to the termination, is reflected accounting entry:
The debit of the account No. 62101 "The labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined" or No. 62102 "The objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined"
Account No. 60322 credit "Settlings with other creditors".
At the same time write-off of the values and property accepted in providing on the issued (placed) means, from off-balance accounts of Chapter B "Off-balance accounts" accounting entry is reflected:
The debit of the account No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals", No. 91312 "The property accepted in providing on the placed means except securities and precious metals" or No. 91313 "The precious metals received in providing on the placed means"
The account No. 99998 credit "The account for correspondence with passive accounts in case of double record".
For date of initial recognition the difference between fair value of object less costs which need to be incurred for sale, and the amount of the stopped obligations of the debtor (borrower) accounting entries is reflected.
Positive difference:
The debit of the account No. 62101 "The labor instruments received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined" or No. 62102 "The objects of the labor received under agreements of compensation, pledge which purpose is not determined"
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