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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 2, 2022 No. KR DSM-152, 2 of December, 2022 No. 117


of June 27, 2017 No. 463, on July 20, 2017 No. 285

About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population

(as amended on 05-07-2020)

According to Item 2 of Article 141 and Item 1 of article 143 of the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2015, PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) checking sheets in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population with requirements to:

to the health care facilities giving out-patient and polyclinic and consulting and diagnostic help according to appendix 2 to this order;

to objects for production of medicines according to appendix 3 to this order;

to objects of storage of wholesale and retail sale of medicines, products of medical appointment, medical equipment according to appendix 4 to this order;

to objects of traditional and traditional medicine (healing) according to appendix 5 to this order;

to the health care facilities giving palliative care and sisterly leaving according to appendix 6 to this order;

to health care facilities, recovery treatment and medical rehabilitation according to appendix 7 to this order;

to the health care facilities giving stationary help according to appendix 8 to this order;

to the objects rendering dental services according to appendix 9 to this order;

to the health care facilities performing activities in the sphere of forensic medicine and pathological anatomy according to appendix 10 to this order;

to the health care facilities performing activities in the sphere of service of blood according to appendix 11 to this order;

to objects of preschool education and training according to appendix 12 to this order;

to children's improving and sanatorium objects (year-round, seasonal) according to appendix 13 to this order;

to objects for rendering services to the population, by means of computers (personal computers, tablet personal laptops) and video terminals (computer clubs) according to appendix 14 to this order;

to objects of education according to appendix 15 to this order;

to objects of public catering with production, conversion and realization of food products according to appendix 16 to this order;

to facilities for production of food products according to appendix 17 to this order;

to objects of wholesale and retail trade according to appendix 18 to this order;

to the organizations and vehicles (railway, water, air) transporting passengers; to the organizations and vehicles (railway, automobile, water and air) performing transportation of sources of ionizing radiation, dangerous chemical and toxic goods according to appendix 19 to this order;

to objects for servicing of vehicles (air, railway, water, automobile) and passengers according to appendix 20 to this order;

to radiation-hazardous objects according to appendix 21 to this order;

to objects of public catering on transport (railway, air, water and automobile), objects of onboard food according to appendix 22 to this order;

to objects of production, storage and realization of perfumery and cosmetic products and means of hygiene according to appendix 23 to this order;

to subjects to temporary residence of people according to appendix 24 to this order;

to objects of social infrastructure (cultural and spectacular objects, residential and office buildings, the organizations for operation of residential and public buildings, offices, the organizations managing houses, cooperatives of owners of rooms and others) according to appendix 25 to this order;

to sewer treatment facilities and networks (including the stormwater drainage system) according to appendix 26 to this order;

to grounds on placement, neutralization, waste disposal of production and consumption according to appendix 27 to this order;

to subjects to sports appointment, pools, baths, saunas, laundries, dry-cleaners according to appendix 28 to this order;

to water objects 2 categories (cultural and community appointment), vacation spots (beaches) according to appendix 29 to this order;

to medical and cosmetology objects, beauty shops, the cosmetology centers, hairdressing salons according to appendix 30 to this order;

to water sources, places of water intake for economic and drinking water supply, centralized and not centralized systems of economic and drinking water supply according to appendix 31 to this order;

to subjects to funeral appointment, cemeteries, parks, public toilets and other according to appendix 32 to this order;

to buildings, constructions and rooms of production appointment, engineering procedures and oborudovaniye, otopleniye, consecrations, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply, water disposal and utilization of industrial wastes on production facilities (including on transport objects) according to appendix 33 to this order;

to the technological and accompanying objects and constructions performing oil operations according to appendix 34 to this order;

to radio engineering objects and radio-electronic means according to appendix 35 to this order;

to objects, buildings and constructions of production appointment in case of construction, reconstruction, repair and input, operation of construction objects according to appendix 36 to this order;

to objects, buildings and constructions of production purpose of the coal industry according to appendix 37 to this order;

to objects, buildings and constructions of production purpose of the chemical industry according to appendix 38 to this order;

to objects, buildings and constructions of production appointment, non-ferrous metallurgy and the mining industry according to appendix 39 to this order;

to all types of laboratories according to appendix 40 to this order;

to objects for storage and (or) realization of specialized foodstuff according to appendix 41 to this order;

to objects of storage and transportation of medicines, vaccines and other immunobiological medicines, means and medicines of disinfection, disinsection, deratization according to appendix 42 to this order;

to the objects which are subject to the state sanitary and epidemiologic control and supervision in case of introduction of quarantine and restrictive actions in communication by spread of infectious diseases according to appendix 43 to this order.

2. Declare invalid the order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 28, 2015 No. 804 "About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking leaf in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 12725, published in information system of law of Ad_let of January 22, 2016).

3. To provide to committee of protection of public health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it the copy in paper and electronic type in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions;

4) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

__________________ T. Suleymenov

Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

_________________ E.Birtanov

It is approved

Chairman of Committee on legal statistics and special accounting of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

July 31, 2017



_____________________ B. Musin

Appendix 1

to the joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 27, 2017 No. 463, on July 20, 2017 No. 285

Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population (further - Criteria) are developed according to article 141 of the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2015 and Item 3 of article 21 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 18, 2009 "About health of the people and health care system".

2.  No. KR DSM-30, 31.10.2018 of No. 44 is excluded according to the Joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 31.10.2018

3. Purpose of checks is performed based on the criteria for evaluation of risk degree developed by state body of control and supervision in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population.

4. In these Criteria the following determinations are used:

1) considerable violations - the violations of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population which are not relating to insignificant and gross violations according to subitems 2) and 3) this Item;

Insignificant violations - violations of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population which non-compliance entailed and (or) can entail 2) formally allowed, but not done any notable harm to the population;

3) gross violations - intentional or careless obvious and essential violations of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population which non-compliance entailed and (or) can entail heavy consequences to health of the population;

4) risk in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population - probability of damnification as a result of activities of the checked subject (object) of life or to health of the person, the environment taking into account severity of its consequences;

Epidemic significant objects - objects, the made products and (or) activities of which in case of violation of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population can lead 5) to emergence of food poisonings and (or) infectious, parasitic diseases among the population, and (or) do harm to health of the population from industrial and radioactive pollution.

5. Criteria are created by means of objective and subjective criteria.

Chapter 2. Objective criteria for evaluation of risk degree

6. Subjects (objects) of control and supervision are distributed on two risk degrees: high with indication of frequency of checks and not carried to high according to appendix 1 to these Criteria (further - appendix 1).

7.  No. KR DSM-30, 31.10.2018 of No. 44 is excluded according to the Joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 31.10.2018

8. In case of acceptance in operation of object of the high epidemic importance after approval of the semi-annual schedule of conducting checks, it is brought in the schedule of conducting checks the next half-year with frequency of checks according to appendix 1.

9. Concerning subjects (objects) which are not carried to high risk only unscheduled inspections are carried out.

Chapter 3. Subjective criteria for evaluation of risk degree

10. Subjective criteria are developed for the purpose of realization of the principle of encouragement of the fair checked subjects (objects), in the form of release them from conducting checks on special procedure.

11. If at subject (object) sanitary and epidemiologic audit is booked and the audit report with conclusions on compliance is provided, then the subject (object) is exempted from checks for the term of no more than 12 months.

12. If in the expired calendar year (half-year) the subject (object) was not checked, it remains in that group in which it is determined by results of the previous calendar year (half-year).

13. Determination of risk group of the objects of the high epidemic importance relating to one subject (legal entity) is carried out for each object separately.

14. Forming of the schedule of conducting checks, subjects (objects) of control and supervision is constituted proceeding from the principles of the minimum need and sufficiency, encouragement of the fair checked subjects, concentration of control and supervision on violators.

15. Distribution of extent of violations in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population is determined according to subjective criteria for evaluation of risk degree with appendix 2 to these Criteria.

In case of identification of one gross violation, to the checked subject (object) the exponent of risk 100 is equated and concerning it it is performed on special procedure.

If gross violations are not revealed, for measure definition of risk degree the total indicator on violations of considerable and insignificant degree is calculated.

In case of measure definition of considerable violations the coefficient of 0,7 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:

СуммаRz = (СуммаСуммаP2 x 100/P1) x 0,7


СуммаRz - indicator of considerable violations;

СуммаP1 - total quantity of required considerable violations;

СуммаP2 - the number of the revealed considerable violations;

In case of measure definition of insignificant violations the coefficient of 0,3 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:

СуммаRn = (СуммаСуммаP2 x 100/P1) x 0,3


СуммаRn - indicator of insignificant violations;

СуммаP1 - total quantity of required insignificant violations;

СуммаP2 - the number of the revealed insignificant violations;

The general exponent of risk (SP) is calculated on scale from 0 to 100 and is determined by summing of indicators of considerable and insignificant violations by the following formula:

СуммаР = СуммаRz + СуммаRn


СуммаР - general exponent of risk;

СуммаRz - indicator of considerable violations;

СуммаRn - indicator of insignificant violations.

On risk exponents the checked subject (object):

1) it is exempted from special procedure for conducting checks based on semi-annual schedules the next half-year established in criteria for evaluation of risk degree of regulatory state agency - in case of exponent of risk from 0 to 60;

2) it is not exempted from special procedure for conducting checks based on semi-annual schedules - in case of exponent of risk from 61 to 100 inclusive.

16. The checked subject (object) exempted from the following special procedure for conducting checks with violations of requirements in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population the received risk exponent to 60, after terms of elimination of violations is checked in unplanned procedure for the purpose of control of execution of the instruction about elimination of the revealed violations.

If the revealed violations of requirements are not eliminated the checked subject (object) is not exempted from the following special procedure for conducting checks.

Appendix 1

to Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the sphere sanitarno epidemiological wellbeing of the population

Distribution of subjects (objects) of control and supervision with frequency of checks and laboratory and tool researches

Subjects (objects) of the high epidemic importance (which are subject to checks on special procedure)

No. of payment order

Types of subjects (objects)

Frequency of checks and laboratory and tool researches





Children's dairy kitchens

1 time a half-year


Objects of preschool education and training of all types

1 time a half-year


Objects of education and education with accommodation of children and teenagers of all types and types

1 time a half-year


Objects of public catering and trade in organized collectives (the organizations of preschool education and training, the residential organizations, the organizations of education and health care, field camps, building sites, industrial facilities)

1 time a half-year


Facilities for production of cream confectionery

1 time a half-year


Objects for production of medicines

1 time a half-year


Objects of public catering on transport (railway, air, water and automobile), objects of onboard food

1 time a half-year


The organizations and vehicles (railway, water, air) transporting passengers

1 time a half-year


Radiation-hazardous objects

1 time a half-year


Medical and cosmetology objects, beauty shops, the cosmetology centers the rendering services with violation of skin and mucous covers, including services in permanent make-up and tattoo

1 time a half-year


Health care facilities: providing stationary medical care, including on narcology (narcological hospitals and dispensary) and psychiatry (lunatic asylums and dispensary); giving out-patient and polyclinic, consulting and diagnostic help; the services of blood performing activities in the sphere; the rendering dental services

1 time a half-year


Objects of medico-social resettlement

Once a year


Objects of education without accommodation of children and teenagers, hostels of objects of education

Once a year


Special, correctional offices of education and education, rehabilitation centers

Once a year


Objects of public catering with production, conversion and realization of food products with number more than 50 seats

Once a year


Milk-processing objects, facilities for production of finished dairy products

Once a year


Meat-processing objects, facilities for production of meat and meat semifinished products and/or finished meat goods

Once a year


Fish processing objects, facilities for production of fish and fish semifinished products and/or finished fish goods

Once a year


Ptitsepererabatyvayushchy objects, facilities for production of semifinished products from fowl and/or finished goods from fowl

Once a year


Facilities for production of fat-and-oil products

Once a year


Facilities for production of the alcoholic products, nonalcoholic products, drinking water (including mineral) which is packed up in reservoir

Once a year


Plodopererabatyvayushchy objects, objects for conversion of agricultural products of phytogenesis, including soy products

Once a year


Facilities for production, to storage and (or) realization of specialized foodstuff

Once a year


Facilities for production of table and iodinated salt

Once a year


Flour-grinding objects

Once a year


Objects on baking of bread and bakery products

Once a year


Facilities for production of sugar

Once a year


Objects of wholesale storage and (or) realization of food products

Once a year


The types of activity belonging to 1 on 2 classes of danger according to sanitary classification of production facilities (chemical productions, metallurgical, machine-building and metalworking objects, production of ores, nonmetallic minerals, natural gas and oil, oil-processing industry, construction industry and the industry of construction materials, grounds on placement, neutralization, burial of municipal solid waste and toxic production wastes and consumption of 1 and 2 classes of danger, objects for collection, storage, removal, sorting, conversion, disinfectings, to utilization (burning) of medical waste 120 and more than a kilograms an hour and above, production of electrical and heat energy in case of combustion of mineral fuel, the stationary transferring radio engineering objects, radio communications, broadcastings, television, the radar-locations and radio suppression working in the range of the frequencies of 30 kilohertzes - 300 gigahertzes, antennas of radio amateur radio stations of the range of 3-30 megahertz, radio stations of the civil range of frequencies 26,5-27,5 of megahertz with the effective radiated capacity more than 100 watts to 1000 watts inclusive, antennas of radio amateur radio stations and radio stations of the civil range with the effective radiated capacity from 1000 to 5000 watts, terrestrial stationary stations of satellite communication, the WLL range device (wireless subscriber access) with capacity of the transmitter over 2 watts))

Once a year


Warehouses for storage of chemicals and products, agrochemicals and pesticides (agricultural chemicals), objects of storage and transportation of vaccines and other immunobiological medicines, means and medicines of disinfection, disinsection, deratization

Once a year


Subjects to sports appointment, pools, baths and saunas with a capacity of 20 and more places

Once a year


Field camps

Once a year


Water objects 2 categories (cultural and community appointment), vacation spots (beaches)

Once a year


Water sources, places of water intake for economic and drinking water supply

Once a year


Not centralized systems of economic and drinking water supply with quantity of the served population from 2 thousand people

Once a year


Centralized systems of economic and drinking water supply

Once a year


Improving and sanatorium objects (seasonal, year-round), bases and vacation spots

Once a year


The laboratories working with microorganisms of the I-IV groups of pathogenicity and helminths

Once a year

Subjects (objects) which are not carried to high risk




Objects of technical, professional, postsecondary and higher education


Objects of leisure, physical training and development of creative capabilities of children and teenagers (organization of additional education), centers of creativity of children and youth, music, sports and art schools, centers for children and young people, domestic clubs, stations of young naturalists, industrial practice plants and other out-of-school organizations


Objects for production, storage and sales of products for children and teenagers (footwear, clothes, toys)


Objects for rendering services to the population by means of computers (personal computers, tablet personal computers, laptops) and video terminals (computer clubs)


Objects of public catering with production, conversion and realization of food products with number 50 less seats


Objects for servicing of vehicles (railway, automobile, water and air) and passengers


Devices for automatic preparation and realization of food products


Facilities for production without cream confectionery


Facilities for production of flour semifinished products, pasta


Facilities for production of chips, croutons, corn sticks, gozinaki, sunflower seeds, dry breakfasts, slices, cotton candy, popcorn, fried nuts


Objects for packing of ready foodstuff


Facilities for production of food concentrates and food acids


Facilities for production of tea, yeast and gelatin


Facilities for production of krakhmalopatochny products, starch


The health care facilities performing activities in the sphere of forensic medicine and pathological anatomy


Health care facilities, recovery treatment and medical rehabilitation


Objects of storage, wholesale and retail sale of medicines, products of medical appointment, medical equipment


Health care facilities, emergency medical service and sanitary aircraft


Health care facilities of medicine of catastrophic crashes


The health care facilities giving palliative care and sisterly leaving


Objects of traditional and traditional medicine (healing)


Objects for production, production, conversion of means and medicines of disinfection, disinsection, deratization, vaccines and other immunobiological, diagnostic medicines, and also for rendering the work types and services connected with their use


The hairdressing salons, beauty shops, the cosmetology centers rendering cosmetic services without violation of skin and mucous covers, including services in manicure and pedicure


Subjects to sports appointment, bath, sauna with a capacity up to 20 places


Objects of social infrastructure (cultural and spectacular subjects, cemeteries, subjects to funeral appointment, subjects to temporary residence of people (hotels, motels, campings, hostels), office, residential (dwelling) buildings, the organizations for operation of residential and public buildings, offices, the organizations managing houses, cooperatives of owners of rooms, public toilets, laundries, dry-cleaners, treatment facilities and other)


Not centralized systems of economic and drinking water supply with quantity of the served population to 2 thousand people


Objects for servicing of water, sewer, thermal systems, boiler rooms


Sewer treatment facilities and networks (including stormwater drainage system)


The types of activity belonging to 3-5 classes of danger according to sanitary classification of production facilities (chemical productions, metallurgical, machine-building and metalworking objects, production of ores, nonmetallic minerals, natural gas, construction industry, grounds on placement, neutralization, burial of toxic production wastes and consumption of 3 and 4 classes of danger, objects for collection, storage, removal, sorting, conversion, disinfectings, to utilization (burning) of medical waste to 120 kilograms an hour, production of electrical and heat energy in case of combustion of mineral fuel, objects of communication and radio engineering objects (the means of overland mobile radio communication (radio station) of the range of the frequencies of 27 - 2400 MHz transferring the radio engineering objects and radio stations established on vehicles (aircraft, ocean and river crafts, trains) WLL range devices with capacity of the transmitter to 2 W), wood processing, textile productions and productions of light industry, gas stations)




The radiation objects having sources of ionizing radiation radioactive waste with minimum significant activity are lower than the Health regulations of the "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety" approved according to Item 6 of article 144 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 18, 2009 "About health of the people and health care system" provided by requirements


The organizations and vehicles (railway, automobile, water and air) transporting some foodstuff, food staples, economic drinking water, dangerous goods


Warehouses for storage of perfumery and cosmetic products, means of hygiene


Objects of production of perfumery and cosmetic products and means of hygiene


Objects of wholesale and retail trade, except for food products, food markets


All types of laboratories, except for laboratories of the I-IV groups of pathogenicity working with microorganisms and helminths



Appendix 2

to Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the sphere sanitarno epidemiological wellbeing of the population

See Appendix 2 (0.25Mb In original language)


Appendix 2

to the joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 27, 2017 No. 463, on July 20, 2017 No. 285

Checking leaf in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population concerning health care facilities, giving out-patient polyclinic and consulting and diagnostic help

(the name of uniform group of the checked subjects (objects)

The state body which appointed check ______________________________________


The act of purpose of check / preventive control and supervision with visit of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________

                                                                        (No., date)

The name of the checked subject (object) ______________________________________


(Individual identification number), business and identification number of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________


Place address нахождения__________________________________________________________


No. of payment order

List of requirements

It is required

It is not required

Conforms to requirements

Does not conform to requirements








Availability of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion on object. Compliance on types of service and capacity of object.


Availability of the isolated platform for installation of containers with covers for collection of garbage


Observance of the mode of functional zoning of the territory


Availability of operational systems of hot and cold water supply
Availability of water heaters of continuous action in case of otsutstviye of the central hot water supply


Availability of operational systems of water disposal, sewerage. In not channeled and partially channeled settlements availability of local and export system of cleaning


Availability in good repair systems of local and general artificial lighting


Availability of operational systems of ventilation, conditioning, heat supply


Availability of the approved schedule and supporting documents of performing routine inspection, repair, cleaning and disinfection of systems of ventilation and konditsirovaniye.


Observance of parameters of microclimate in rooms


Observance of requirements to the device, content, set and zoning of rooms.
Availability of separate pregnant and temperaturyashchy patients of acceptance.


Condition of internal finishing of rooms. Availability and timeliness of elimination of defects of covering.


Non-admission of use of the defective equipment, sanitary devices, equipments, tools


Equipment the room for collection of phlegm according to health regulations, observance of rules of collection and delivery of phlegm for research.


Availability and compliance of the normative and administrative documents regulating procedure for the address with sources of ionizing radiation (further - III) and respect for radiation safety:
1) instructions on radiation safety;
2) regulations on service of radiation safety (person responsible for radiation safety);
3) instructions for actions of personnel in case of emergencies;
4) instruction and plan for the prevention and liquidation of possible accidents;
5) the actions plan on protection of personnel and the population against radiation accident and its consequences (for radiation-hazardous objects I-II of categories);
6) the approved list of persons allowed to work with III (personnel of group "A" and "B");
7) order of the head on appointment of person responsible for radiation safety;
8) order of the head on appointment of person responsible for accounting and storage of III;
9) availability of the approved radiation and hygienic passport of the organization. Radiation and hygienic passport of the organization.


Observance of requirements to obtaining, accounting, storage, use and write-off of III:
1) availability of passports (certificates) and others of accompanying documents on III;
2) availability of delivery-acceptance certificates of III;
3) availability of requirements of issue of radio nuclide III, acts of expenditure and write-off of radio nuclide III;
4) carrying out inventory count of III with execution of the inventory report;
5) availability and compliance of certain rooms or specially allocated places for temporary storage of III;
6) availability and compliance of devices for storage of III


Observance of requirements to collection, temporary storage, transportation and burial of radioactive waste (further - Russian joint stock company):
1) availability of the approved scheme of the address with Russian joint stock company;
2) order availability about responsible for collection, storage and
delivery of Russian joint stock company;
3) availability of special collections containers and reservoirs for collection of firm and liquid Russian joint stock companies;
4) availability and compliance of certain rooms or specially allocated places for temporary storage of Russian joint stock company;
5) observance of storage precautions and terms of endurance of Russian joint stock company in places of temporary storage;
6) availability of special means for transportation of Russian joint stock company.


Observance of requirements to operation, physical protection of sources of radiation and the organization of control of movement of sources of ionizing radiation on object and beyond its limits. Availability of signs of radiation hazard in necessary places, indexes of class of the carried-out works, documentation of manufacturing plants with acts of technical serviceability on protective processing equipment, on means for storage and transportation of III, at the expense of individual and collective radiation protection.


Observance of requirements for radiation safety of personnel:
1) availability of the documents confirming special training of personnel on questions radiation to safety;
2) availability of the documents confirming passing by personnel of the corresponding preliminary and periodic medical examination;
3) briefing on radiation safety with logging;
4) availability and use of personal dosimeters;
5) availability of operational portable and individual means of radiation protection of personnel;
6) organization of control of radioactive pollution: measurement of levels of pollution by radioactive materials of working surfaces, equipment, individual protection equipment, integuments and clothes of personnel; determination of volume activity of gases and aerosols in air of working rooms; measurement or assessment of activity of emissions and dumpings of radioactive materials; determination of levels of radioactive pollution of objects of the environment in the sanitary protection zone and zone of observation;
7) availability of carrying out deactivation;
8) availability of system of the emergency notification about the arisen protection accident. Observance of requirements for deactivation.


Observance of requirements to ensuring radiation safety of patients:
1) availability of the directions on research and therapeutic procedures and their justification, motivated refusals;
2) maintaining documentation of registration and accounting of individual doses of patients;
3) availability in good repair portable and individual means of radiation protection of patients;
4) observance of the minimum parameters of skin focal lengths.


Availability of operational stationary and portable ultra-violet irradiators or other installations, availability and maintaining register of worked time of bactericidal irradiators.


Availability and security with overalls, individual protection equipment of personnel (sufficiency assessment before acquisition of the following batch).


Availability of conditions for hygiene of hands when rendering medical services:
1) availability of elbow cranes, batchers;
2) security with liquid antiseptic soap, antiseptics, disposable paper towels.


Availability and use of disposable medical products, gloves taking into account the number of medical manipulations and invasive procedures


Availability of the documents confirming personnel training to rules of epidemic safety in case of the address with waste and medical personnel on prevention of professional infection with viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis D and viral hepatitis C.


Equipment of laundry special equipment respect for threading of movement of linen (or contract with the specialized organization).


Availability of the documents confirming observance of conditions according to health regulations on safe handling of medical waste:
1) availability of the scheme of the address with medical waste;
2) availability of the order on the responsible person performing organization and control for the address with waste;
3) data on hygienic training and instructing;
4) magazine of daily accounting of medical waste;
5) security with the corresponding containers and packets for safe collection and utilization (KBSU) with marking observance;
6) implementation of collection of medical waste in KBSU in strict accordance with marking;
7) adherence to deadlines of storage of medical waste.


Equipment of the room of temporary storage of medical waste according to hygienic standard rates.


Availability and compliance to sanitary standards of special installations for neutralization, utilizations of medical waste or the contract with the specialized organization


Observance of conditions of carrying out disinfection of medical products, availability of the marked reservoirs, working solutions of disinfectants.


Observance of requirements of presterilizing cleaning, sterilization of products of medical appointment.


Non-admission of operation of the sterilizing equipment in case of the loadings and pressure exceeding admissible according to the passport.


Availability of the documents confirming personnel training and the technical admission to work with the equipment under pressure (steam sterilizers)


Availability of the documents confirming execution of the algorithm of the organization of system of patrol epidnadzor for gripopodobny diseases (GPP) in the patrol centers:
1) calculation of cases of GPP corresponding to standard definition and duration of disease;
2) material intake from sick GPPs for laboratory inspection.


Availability of the documents confirming accounting and registration of infectious and parasitic diseases. Timely transfer of the emergency notices and informing in case of registration of infectious and parasitic diseases. 


Availability of the scheme of the notification, plan of operational actions for holding anti-epidemic actions in case of suspicion and registration quarantine, special and dangerous infections (plague, cholera).


Documentation availability about holding seminar occupations and training doctrines with input conditionally sick with plague.


Security with the corresponding set for material intake, disinfectants, salt solutions and set of protective suits, means of individual prevention, individual protection equipment, availability of reservoirs for processing of protective suits.


Availability of the documents confirming holding actions for early detection of tuberculosis with methods of tuberkulinodiagnostika, microscopy of dab, phlegm, fluorography among the population with high risk of disease of tuberculosis, providing additional examination of flyuoropolozhitelny persons, patients with clinical manifestations.


Availability of the documents confirming timely inspection of contact persons in the tuberculosis centers, performing chemoprophylaxis, isolation of children and teenagers from the tuberculosis centers, accounting of the had persons and their timely inspection, work of office of direct controlled treatment of TB patients.


Availability of the documents confirming planning and accounting of tuberkulinodiagnostika, routine medical examinations and forming of flyuorokartoteka according to individual accounting of the population, ensuring double reading.


Availability of the documents confirming rendering the antirabichesky help to persons who underwent to sting, oslyuneniye animals (timeliness and justification to rendering the antirabichesky help)


Availability of the documents confirming performing the emergency prevention of tetanus (in traumatology), timeliness of rendering the emergency immunization, accounting and reasons for inoculations, medical branches and refusals of inoculations. Security with antitetanic medicines.


Availability of the documents confirming carrying out the analysis of scope of the population with preventive inoculations. Observance of rules of carrying out preventive inoculations to the population (method and the place of introduction of the medicine, survey imparted before carrying out inoculation)


Equipment of inoculative office, security with sets for urgent and antishock therapy. Maintaining card-index of forms 063/at, plans of preventive inoculations


Adherence to deadlines of carrying out preventive inoculations, registration of voluntary consent, accounting of the carried-out inoculations, reactions to inoculation, the organization of the observation imparted at the scheduled time.


Availability at the medic of permission to carrying out inoculations, training in rules of the technology of carrying out inoculations, acceptances of emergency aid in case of development of adverse manifestations after immunization, maintaining medical documentation (entering of data on vaccine in accounting forms, destruction of remaining balance of immunobiological medicines)


Availability of the documents confirming vaccination against VGA, VGV, flu of the subject contingents, observance of precautionary measures during the work with biological liquids


Observance of requirements to actions in case of SARS, flu and their complications:
1) availability of "filter", equipment, reserve of the main anti-influenza and other medicines.
2) performing vaccination against flu;
3) accounting of cases of SARS, flu and their complications, timely intake of material for laboratory research;
4) inventory of consumable materials and the transport circle for material intake from patients;
5) providing with individual protection equipment of medical personnel.


Availability of the documents confirming holding preventive and anti-epidemic actions for the prevention of meningococcal infection (preventive treatment, medical observation for contact, dispensary observation of rekonvalestsenta, laboratory inspection with the preventive purpose)


Availability of the documents confirming the organization and carrying out infectious control.


Availability of permission of the relevant commission on control of observance of requirements of biological safety for work with microorganisms of the I-IV groups of pathogenicity and helminths


Security with the equipment, stock, laboratory glassware, reactants, environments according to the conducted researches, observance of conditions and storage durations


Availability three separate sections for bakterioskopichesky research on tuberculosis in bacteriological laboratories (preparation coloring of dabs, bacterioscopy, registration and storage of medicines).


Availability of the documents confirming observance of requirements for storage, transportation, use and accounting of immunobiological, diagnostic, disinfection medicines and equipment by the equipment. Availability of thermal containers, hladoelement, refrigeration equipment. Observance of requirements of standard operational procedures for storage, transportation and uses of immunobiological medicines


Availability of documentation confirming performing preliminary and/or periodic medical examination, vaccination and marker diagnostics of employees, timeliness of discharge of persons with positive results from work


Compliance to regulations of results of laboratory researches: washouts from external environment, water, air, disinfectants, tests on sterility, laboratory and tool measurements.


Availability of adopted agenda of production supervision. Analysis of its accomplishment


Availability of the documents confirming timely holding disinsection and deratization actions. Lack of insects and traces of activity of rodents in case of visual inspection.


Observance of prohibition on consumption of tobacco products in public places

Official person(s) ________________________________________ ________________

                                                                       (position)                    (signature)


                           (surname, name, middle name (in the presence))

The head of the checked subject


                   (surname, name, middle name (in the presence), position)



Appendix 3

to the Joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2017 No. 463, on July 20, 2017 No. 285

Checking leaf in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population concerning objects for production of medicines

(the name of uniform group of the checked subjects (objects)

The state body which appointed check ______________________________________


The act of purpose of check / preventive control and supervision with visit of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________

                                                                          (No., date)

The name of the checked subject (object) ______________________________________


(Individual identification number), business and identification number of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________


Location address _________________________________________________________


No. of payment order

List of requirements

It is required

It is not required

Conforms to requirements

Does not conform to requirements








Availability of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion on object.


Observance of the mode of functional zoning of rooms


Availability of operational systems of hot and cold water supply, water disposal.
Availability of water heaters of continuous action, in case of otsutstviye of the central hot water supply


In not channeled and partially channeled settlements availability of local and export system of cleaning


Availability in good repair systems of local and general artificial lighting, lamps of the closed type


Availability of operational systems of ventilation, conditioning of heat supply, observance of requirements to microclimate.


Condition of internal finishing of rooms. Availability and timeliness of elimination of defects of covering of ceilings, floors, walls.


Availability of operational stationary and portable ultra-violet irradiators or other installations, availability and maintaining register of worked time of bactericidal irradiators.


Availability of special set of sterile clothes during the work in the aseptic block, availability of 2 sets of sanitary clothes and footwear, availability the storage condition.


Availability and maintaining documentation on engineering procedure of processing of pharmaceutical ware, stock, devices, including distiller pipelines.


Availability of the instruction for production of the purified water and water for injections.


Availability of conditions for separate storage and security with overalls, individual protection equipment of personnel


Availability of conditions for hygiene of hands when rendering medical services:
1) availability of elbow cranes, batchers;
2) security with liquid antiseptic soap, antiseptics, disposable paper towels.


Equipment of laundry special equipment respect for threading of movement of linen (or contract with the specialized organization).


Availability of documentation, confirming performing preliminary and/or periodic medical examination.


Results of laboratory researches: washouts from external environment of water, air, medicines, pharmaceutical ware on sterility, laboratory and tool measurements.


Availability of the documents confirming timely holding disinsection and deratization actions.
Lack of insects of traces of activity of rodents in case of visual inspection.


Observance of prohibition on consumption of tobacco products in public places.

Official person(s) _______________________________________ _________________

                                                                       (position)                    (signature)


                               (surname, name, middle name (in the presence))

The head of the checked subject


                       (surname, name, middle name (in the presence), position)



Appendix 4

to the Joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2017 No. 463, on July 20, 2017 No. 285

Checking leaf in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population concerning objects of storage, wholesale and retail sale of medicines, products of medical appointment, medical equipment

(the name of uniform group of the checked subjects (objects)

The state body which appointed check ______________________________________


The act of purpose of check / preventive control and supervision with visit of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________

                                                                        (No., date)

The name of the checked subject (object) ______________________________________


(Individual identification number), business and identification number of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________


Location address _________________________________________________________


No. of payment order

List of requirements

It is required

It is not required

Conforms to requirements

Does not conform to requirements








Observance of notifying procedure about the beginning of activities


Observance of requirements to placement of object, to structure and set of rooms according to requirements of health regulations


Availability of operational systems of hot and cold water supply
Availability of water heaters of continuous action in case of otsutstviye of the central hot water supply


Availability of operational systems of water disposal, sewerage. In not channeled and partially channeled settlements availability of local and export system of cleaning


Availability in good repair systems of local and general artificial lighting


Availability of operational systems of ventilation, conditioning of heat supply


Availability of data on state registration about the sold products.


Availability of documentation confirming performing preliminary and/or periodic medical examination.


Availability and security with personnel overalls


Results of laboratory researches: washouts from external environment of water, microbic obsemenennost of air of rooms of objects, disinfectants laboratory and tool measurements.


Availability of the documents confirming timely holding disinsection and deratization actions. Lack of insects and traces of activity of rodents in case of visual inspection.


Observance of prohibition on consumption of tobacco products in public places

Official person(s) _______________________________________ ________________

                                                                   (position)                    (signature)


                 (surname, name, middle name (in the presence))

The head of the checked subject


                 (surname, name, middle name (in the presence), position)



Appendix 5

to the Joint Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2017 No. 463, on July 20, 2017 No. 285

Checking leaf in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population concerning objects of traditional and traditional medicine (healing)

(the name of uniform group of the checked subjects (objects)

The state body which appointed check ______________________________________


The act of purpose of check / preventive control and supervision with visit of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________

(No., date) the Name of the checked subject (object) ______________________________


(Individual identification number), business and identification number of the subject

(object) of control and supervision ______________________________________________________


Location address _________________________________________________________


No. of payment order

List of requirements

Conforms to requirements

Does not conform to requirements

It is required

It is not required








Observance of notifying procedure about the beginning of activities


Availability of the isolated platform for installation of containers with covers for collection of garbage (in case of placement in the separate building)


Availability of operational systems of hot and cold water supply
Availability of water heaters of continuous action in case of otsutstviye of the central hot water supply


Availability of operational systems of water disposal, sewerage. In not channeled and partially channeled settlements availability of local and export system of cleaning


Availability in good repair systems of local and general artificial lighting


Availability of operational systems of ventilation, conditioning of heat supply


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