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of October 10, 2017 No. 371

About the Belarusian interbank settlement center

For the purpose of ensuring development of information technologies regarding development, support and operation of the automated system of interbank calculations, and also the automated information systems of National Bank I decide:

1. To National Bank till January 1, 2018 to act as the cofounder of "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company from shares at least 99 percent and to make in its authorized capital money deposit and non-cash contribution in the form of the property which is in republican property and operational management of National Bank including real estate units according to appendix, for total amount no more 67, of 99 million Belarusian rubles.

To refer residual cost of the property brought in the form of non-cash contribution to authorized capital of "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company on expenses of National Bank over the means provided by the estimate of current expenses and capital investments of National Bank for 2017.

2. Determine that:

2.1. National Bank:

is the owner of the automated system of interbank calculations (further – AS of MBR);

will organize functioning of AS of MBR and determines procedure for carrying out interbank calculations;

2.2. "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company according to the requirements established by National Bank:

performs functions of the technical operator of AS of MBR providing development, maintenance, operation, functioning, reliable and smooth operation of AS of MBR;

provides development, maintenance, operation and functioning of the automated information systems of National Bank;

provides functioning of system of centralized exchange of interbank correspondence;

renders to National Bank services in provision of program and technical infrastructure.

3. Authorize "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company when implementing the activities provided by this Decree and other acts of the legislation, receive from subjects of bank legal relationship, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange open joint stock company of the data, being bank secrecy.

Submission of data according to part one of this Item is not violation of bank secrecy.

The "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company when implementing the activities guarantees observance of bank secrecy. Employees of "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company shall keep bank secrecy, except as specified, provided by legal acts. The data which are bank secrecy are represented by "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company according to legal acts according to the procedure, established for banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations.

4. Make changes to the following presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus:

4.1. in the Charter of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 13, 2001 No. 320:

from part one of Item 8 of the word"," to exclude settlement center;

in Item 12:

in the paragraph the thirty second the word "provides" to replace with the word "will organize";

in the paragraph the forty fifth the word "performs" to replace with the word "will organize";

the fifty ninth to state the paragraph in the following edition:

"determines procedure for functioning of system of centralized exchange of interbank correspondence;";

4.2. No. 425 "About use of the words "national" and "Belarusian" in names of legal entities and mass media" after the paragraph of the twelfth to add appendix to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of September 8, 2005 with the paragraph of the following content:

""Belarusian interbank settlement center" open joint stock company;

4.3. to state Item 3 of the list of the objects which are subject to obligatory protection by Department of protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 25, 2007 No. 534 "About measures for enhancement of security activities" in the following edition:

"3. Head departments on areas, the central storage of National Bank.".

5. To provide to National Bank and Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus till March 1, 2018 reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this Decree and to take other measures for its realization.

6. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on the State Control Committee.

7. This Decree becomes effective in the following procedure:

Items 2-4 – since March 1, 2018;

other provisions of this Decree – after its official publication.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko


to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 10, 2017 No. 371

The list of the real estate units which are in the republican property and operational management of National Bank brought in the form of non-cash contribution to authorized capital of "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company

Name, address

Accession number on EGRNI

1. The building is multipurpose, Minsk, Ulitsa Kalvariysk, 7


2. Building of the remote reserve center. Bridle, Ulitsa Stepanova, 19


3. Office building, Minsk, Ulitsa Kalinovskogo, 72a


4. Storage building of material values with garages


5. Check-point building. Bridle, Ulitsa Stepanova, 19


6. Transformer substation of TP-4128 (room No. 2), Minsk, Ulitsa Kalinovskogo, 72a/1-2



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