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of November 20, 2017 No. 920

About additional measures for improvement of staffing of the organizations of the state health care system of the Republic of Uzbekistan

For the purpose of creation of additional terms for material stimulation of health workers of the organizations of the state health care system, further improvement of quality to the republic population provided to medical care, and also enhancement of operating procedure in combination and combination of professions and positions the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Determine that employees of the organizations of the state health care system, in the presence of vacant positions and the corresponding qualification, can sign contracts on part-time job with compensation for actually worked time. At the same time duration of working hours of part-time job shall not exceed one monthly regulation of working hours - for medical personnel and half of monthly regulation - for other employee categories of the organizations of the state health care system.

2. Make changes and additions to Regulations on operating procedure in combination and combination of professions and positions, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 18, 2012 No. 297 (the joint venture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2012, No. 10, the Art. 75), according to appendix.

3. To the Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of employment and employment relationships and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to hold events for explanation of essence and value of this resolution.

4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan B. A. Hodzhayev and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. K. Shadmanov

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 20, 2017 No. 920

Changes and additions made to the Regulations on operating procedure in combination and combination of professions and positions approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 18, 2012 No. 297

1. The paragraph third item 4 after words "the same conditions" to add with words "(except for employees of the organizations of health care system)".

2. The paragraph one of Item 7 after the words "on part-time job" to add with words "(except for medical personnel of the organizations of health care system)".

3. In Uzbek to state Item 20 of the text in the following edition:

"20. We go tomonidan mekhnat shartnomasida k¸rsatilgan ¸zining of asosiya look for Bilan bir katord the Ainu shu tashkilotda of asosiya kasb va lavozy b¸yicha the eve of huzhzhatlarid belgilangan ish vakt of davomid of the god kasb va lavozimdag of k¸shimch of ishna bazharish bir necha of kasbd va lavozimda ishlash hisoblanad.

We go tomonidan mekhnat shartnomasida k¸rsatilgan ¸zining of asosiya look for Bilan bir katord the Ainu shu tashkilotda of asosiya kasb va lavozy b¸yicha onun huzhzhatlarida belgilangan ish to watch of davomid of ¸sh kasb va lavozimdag of h¸shimch of ishlarna bazharish hizmat k¸rsatish zonasin kengaytirish, ishlar hazhmin k¸paytirish hisoblanad.

Bir of nech of kasbd va lavozimda of ishlashg, hizmat k¸rsatish zonasin of kengaytirishg, ishlar hazhmin of k¸paytirishg shunday kasb va lavozy b¸yicha b¸sh ish ¸rn mavzhud b¸lganda yokhud onun huzhzhatlarida of nazard tutilgan tollarda we go tomonidan vakhtinchalik y¸l b¸lgan hodimning of vazifalarina of bazharishd y¸l k¸yilad".

4. In Items 21, of 23, 24 and paragraph one of Item 26 of the text in Uzbek the word "¸rindoshlik" shall be replaced with words "bir nech kasb va lavozy".

5. In Item 25:

a) the paragraph one to state in the following edition:

"The amount of surcharge for combination of professions and positions, expansion of zones of servicing, increase in amount of works in state-financed organizations cannot exceed 50 percent from official pay rate (tariff charge) by the combined profession and the positions, except as specified, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is paid within the means provided in the salary fund of state-financed organizations";

b) paragraphs two and third the text in Uzbek to state in the following edition:

"Budget of tashkilotlarid bir necha of kasbd va lavozimda ishlayotganlik uchun k¸shimcha Haque shunday kasb va lavozimdag ish asosiya ish b¸yicha mekhnat mazhburiyatlariga kiritilgan kollarda of belgilanmayda.

Kasb (lavozy) b¸yicha bir necha kasb va lavozy asosida bazhariladigan ishlarn bir necha we go ¸rtasida of takhsimlashg y¸l k¸yilad".

6. To state Item 6 of appendix in the following edition:

"6. Work of teachers and other pedagogical workers (except heads) comprehensive schools, specialized teaching and educational agencies, out-of-school educational institutions, teachers and masters of averages of the special, professional educational institutions and other educational institutions equated to them on compensation of workers, leaders and accompanists in educational institutions, pedagogical workers (except heads) preschool educational institutions and houses of Mekhribonlik over the established work regulation in the same organization, but no more than 50 percent from the normal duration of working hours on this work type".


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