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of November 30, 2017 No. 113-VI ZRK

About the republican budget for 2018-2020

(as amended on 29-10-2018)

Article 1. Approve the republican budget for 2018-2020 according to appendices 1, 2 and 3 to this Law respectively, including for 2018 in the following amounts:

1) the income - 8 651 742 646 thousand tenges, including on:

to tax revenues - 5 592 394 446 thousand tenges;

to non-tax receipts - 120 224 237 thousand tenges;

to sales proceeds of fixed capital - 5 620 000 thousand tenges;

to receipts of transfers - 2 933 503 963 thousand tenges;

2) costs - 9 353 497 730 thousand tenges;

3) net budget crediting - 129 691 956 thousand tenges, including:

budget credits - 250 268 731 thousand tenges;

repayment of budget credits - 120 576 775 thousand tenges;

4) balance on transactions with financial assets - 51 806 107 thousand tenges, including:

acquisition of financial assets - 51 806 107 thousand tenges;

5) budget deficit-883 253 147 thousand tenges, or percent 1,5 to country gross domestic product;

6) not oil budget deficit--4 330 528 103 thousand tenges, or percent 7,4 to country gross domestic product;

7) budget deficit financing - 883 253 147 thousand tenges.

Article 2. Provide in the republican budget for 2018 of receipt of the rents for use of the Russian Federation of the Baikonur complex in the amount 38 674 500 thousand tenges and proving grounds in the amount of 6 813 260 thousand tenges.

Article 3. Approve amounts of the receipts for 2018 directed to National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 4 to this Law.

Article 4. Determine that are enlisted in the income of the relevant budget:

1) by the "Severance tax" code of classification of receipts of the budget of Single budget classification - debt of subsoil users on royalty, and also royalty on contracts for subsurface use in which guarantees of stability of tax regime remain;

2) by the Social tax code of classification of receipts of the budget of Single budget classification - debt on the fees which were earlier listed in the Pension fund, the State center for pension payment, Fund of compulsory medical insurance, Fund of the national social insurance, Fund of assistance of employment, and also the expels of users of highways which were earlier arriving in Road fund.

At the same time the taxpayers performing activities for contracts for subsurface use in whom guarantees of stability of tax regime remain reduce the above-stated assignments or the social tax by the amounts of contributions to the State Social Insurance Fund, Fund of compulsory social medical insurance estimated according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About compulsory social insurance" and "About compulsory social medical insurance".

Article 5. Provide in the republican budget for 2018 amounts of the budget withdrawals from regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty in the republican budget in the amount of 252 771 250 thousand tenges, including:

Atyrau - 98 079 854 thousand tenges;

Mangystau - 31 316 423 thousand tenges;

the city of Almaty - 102 907 355 thousand tenges;

the city of Astana - 20 467 618 thousand tenges.

Article 6. Provide in the republican budget for 2018 of receipt of transfers from regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital in connection with:

transfer of term of input of compulsory pension contributions of the employer since 2018 for 2020 according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 20, 2017 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning social security" - 49 046 555 thousand tenges;

reduction of rates on expels of employers on compulsory social medical insurance according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 30, 2017 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning health care" - 14 653 852 thousand tenges;

transfer of maintenance costs of municipal public institution "Center of social psychological recovery of drug-addicted persons" - 65 296 thousand tenges;

change of the administrative-territorial device of the Southern Kazakhstan area and reference of the city of Shymkent to category of the city of republican value according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 19, 2018 No. 702 "About some questions of the administrative-territorial device of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for operation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2016 "About amounts of transfers of general nature between republican and regional budgets, city budgets of republican value, the capital for 2017-2019" - 15 066 927 thousand tenges.

Receipts in the republican budget of the specified amounts of transfers from regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 7. Provide in the republican budget for 2018 the size of the guaranteed transfer from National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 2 600 000 000 thousand tenges.

Article 8. Establish since January 1, 2018:

1) the minimum size of the salary - 28 284 tenges;

2) the minimum size of the state base retirement benefit - 15 274 tenges;

3) the minimum size of pension - 33 745 tenges;

4) monthly settlement indicator for calculation of benefits and other social payments, and also application of penalties, taxes and other payments according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2 405 tenges;

5) the size of subsistence minimum for calculation of the amount of base social pays - 28 284 tenges.

Article 9. Determine that the funds allocated for retirement benefits on age and retirement benefits for long service are provided taking into account increase in their sizes since January 1, 2018 for eight percent.

Article 10. Provide expenses on payment of special public welfare payments to the large families having four and more jointly the living minor children, and also children who are studying full-time in the organizations of education until their termination (but no more than before achievement of twenty-three-year age) appointed till January 1, 2018, monthly in the amount of 4,16 of monthly settlement indicator.

Article 11. Establish since January 1, 2018 the monthly size of monetary compensation on content of the dwelling and payment of utilities in the amount of 3 739 tenges by the serviceman (except the military personnel of conscription service) and to the staff of special state and law enforcement agencies, the public courier service.

Article 12. Provide in the republican budget for 2018 amounts of the subventions transferred from the republican budget to regional budgets in the amount of 1 573 345 504 thousand tenges, including:

Akmola - 104 043 009 thousand tenges;

Aktyubinsk - 56 275 267 thousand tenges;

Almaty - 156 003 745 thousand tenges;

East Kazakhstan - 163 157 610 thousand tenges;

Jambyl - 158 021 243 thousand tenges;

The West Kazakhstan - 50 857 832 thousand tenges;

Karaganda - 103 899 796 thousand tenges;

Kyzylorda - 137 143 159 thousand tenges;

Kostanay - 108 989 956 thousand tenges;

Pavlodar - 46 829 053 thousand tenges;

The North Kazakhstan - 95 748 762 thousand tenges;

Turkestan - 392 376 072 thousand tenges.

Article 12-1. Provide in the republican budget for 2018 for operation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2016 "About amounts of transfers of general nature between republican and regional budgets, city budgets of republican value, the capital for 2017-2019" target current transfers to city budget of Shymkent on equalization of level of fiscal capacity in connection with reference of the city of Shymkent to category of the city of republican value in the amount of 15 066 927 thousand tenges.

Article 13. Distribution of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital for 2018 is determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on:

1) increase in the sizes of the allowance for cool qualification of staff of law-enforcement bodies;

2) increase in official pay rates of staff of law-enforcement bodies;

3) compensation of part of the expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of the investments;

4) subsidizing of interest rate for credit and leasing obligations within the direction on financial improvement of subjects of agro-industrial complex;

5) subsidizing of rates of remuneration when crediting, and also leasing for acquisition of farm animals, the equipment and processing equipment;

6) subsidizing to procurement organizations in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex of tax amount on value added paid to the budget within the estimated value added tax;

7) payment of the government address public assistance;

8) implementation of consultants for social work and assistants in employment centers;

9) introduction of standards of rendering special social services;

10) placement of the state social order in non-governmental organizations;

11) implementation of the Actions plan on providing the rights and improvement of quality of life of disabled people in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2018;

12) services in replacement and setup of speech processors to cochlear implants;

13) subsidizing of costs of the employer for creation of special workplaces for employment of disabled people;

14) implementation of the state educational order in the preschool organizations of education;

15) approbation of per capita financing of the organizations of secondary education;

16) surcharge to the teachers who passed training on language course;

17) surcharge to teachers for replacement with the period of training of the key employee;

17-1) surcharge to the teachers of the organizations of education realizing training programs of initial, main and general secondary education on updated content of education and compensation of the amounts paid in this direction of expenses at the expense of means of local budgets;

17-2) surcharge for qualification of pedagogical skill to the teachers who passed national qualification test and realizing educational programs of initial, main and general secondary education;

18) carrying out by medical organization of events, reducing sexual passion, performed based on the judgment;

19) purchase of vaccines and other immunobiological medicines;

20) promotion of healthy lifestyle;

21) implementation of actions on prevention and fight about AIDS;

22) financing of priority projects of transport infrastructure;

23) seizure of land for the state needs;

24) subsidizing of cost of services in supply of drinking water from especially important group and local water supply systems which are uncontested sources of drinking water supply;

25) subsidizing of loan interest rates within the State program of support and business development "The road map of business-2020".

The procedure for use of target current transfers is determined by regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capitals for 2018 specified in subitems 11), 12), 16) and 17) to part one of this Article based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 14. Distribution of the amounts of the credits to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on assistance to development of entrepreneurship in the regional centers, the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Semey and monotowns for 2018 is determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 15. Distribution and (or) procedure for use of funds for development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 16. Distribution and (or) procedure for use of funds for compensation of damage to workers of the liquidated mines transferred to Karagandalikvidshakht limited liability partnership are determined based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 17. Approve reserve of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018 in the amount of 103 409 262 thousand tenges.

Article 18. Consider that as a part of costs of the Ministry of the defense and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018 funds for forming and storage of the state material reserve are provided in the amount of 11 591 652 thousand tenges with reflection in the income of the republican budget of means from realization of the material values issued according to the procedure of refreshening in the amount of 5 620 000 thousand tenges.

Article 19. Consider that as a part of costs of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018 means for transfer to joint-stock company "The Kazavtozhol national company on accomplishment of agreement obligations of trust management of state-owned property are provided in the amount of 21 948 267 thousand tenges.

Article 20. Provide in the republican budget for 2018 580 206 thousand tenges for repayment and servicing of the loans guaranteed by the state.

Article 20-1. Determine that since January 1, 2018 requirements of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the legal entities liquidated as of January 1, 2018 according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the credits and funds allocated for obligation fulfillment on the state guarantees, according to the list of legal entities and amounts of debt determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan stop.

Article 21. Set limit of provision of the state guarantees of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018 in the amount of 1 500 000 000 thousand tenges.

Article 22. Set limit of government debt for December 31, 2018 in the amount of 12 000 000 000 thousand tenges.

Article 23. Set limit of provision of guarantees of the state for 2018 in the amount of 35 200 000 thousand tenges.

Article 24. Set limit of the state obligations of projects of public-private partnership, including the state concessionary obligations of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for 2018 in the amount of 1 726 942 051 thousand tenges.

Article 25. Approve the list of republican budget programs (subprogrammes) which are not subject to the sequester in the course of execution of the republican budget for 2018 according to appendix 5 to this Law.

Determine that in the course of execution of local budgets for 2018 local budget programs according to appendix 6 to this Law are not subject to the sequester.

Article 26. This Law becomes effective since January 1, 2018.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

N. Nazarbayev


Appendix 1

to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2018 - 2020" of November 30, 2017 No. 113-VI ZRK

Republican budget for 2018



Amount, one thousand tenges







I. Income

   8 651 742 646



Tax revenues

   5 592 394 446



Income tax

   1 755 200 700



Corporate income tax

   1 755 200 700



Internal taxes on goods, works and services

   2 599 259 285



Value added tax

   2 147 825 242




  99 191 541



Receipts for use of natural and other resources

  334 920 868



Charges for conducting business and professional activity

  4 516 090



Tax on gaming

  12 805 544



Taxes on international trade and external transactions

   1 210 617 988



Customs payments

   1 176 225 144



Other taxes on international trade and transaction

  34 392 844



The obligatory payments levied for making of legally significant actions and (or) issue of documents by the state bodies or officials authorized on that

  27 316 473



State fee

  27 316 473



Non-tax receipts

  120 224 237



Income from state-owned property

  83 408 187



Receipts of part of net income of the state companies

  8 606 709



Dividends on the state blocks of shares which are in state-owned property

  13 744 335



Income on the shares in legal entities which are in state-owned property

  1 937 716



Lease revenues of the property which is in state-owned property

  46 863 905



Remunerations for placement of budgetary funds on bank accounts

 700 000



Remunerations on the credits issued from the government budget

  3 393 534



Other incomes from state-owned property

  8 161 988




Amount, one thousand tenges








Receipts from sales of goods (works, services) by the public institutions financed from the government budget

  2 693 080



Receipts from sales of goods (works, services) by the public institutions financed from the government budget

  2 693 080



Receipts of money from carrying out the public procurements organized by the public institutions financed from the government budget

 265 270



Receipts of money from carrying out the public procurements organized by the public institutions financed from the government budget

 265 270



The penalties, penalty fee, sanctions, penalties imposed by the public institutions financed from the government budget, and also containing and financed from the budget (expense budget) of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  10 703 587



The penalties, penalty fee, sanctions, penalties imposed by the public institutions financed from the government budget, and also containing and financed from the budget (expense budget) of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for receipts from the organizations of oil sector and in Fund of compensation by the victim

  10 703 587




 819 682



Financial aid

 819 682



Other non-tax receipts

  22 334 431



Other non-tax receipts

  22 334 431



Sales proceeds of fixed capital

  5 620 000



Sales of goods from the state material reserve

  5 620 000



Sales of goods from the state material reserve

  5 620 000



Receipts of transfers

   2 933 503 963



Transfers from subordinate state bodies

  333 503 963



Transfers from regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital

  333 503 963



Transfers from National fund

   2 600 000 000



Transfers from National fund in the republican budget

   2 600 000 000



Functional group


Amount, one thousand tenges







II Costs

   9 353 497 730



State services of general nature

  409 751 219



Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  7 112 488



Services in ensuring activities of the Head of state

  4 901 292



Services in forecast analytically ensuring strategic aspects of domestic and foreign policy of the state

 211 733



Services in ensuring safety of archival fund, printing editions and their special use

 496 425



Services in ensuring activities of Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasa

 959 218



Services in ensuring activities of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan

 528 095



Expansion of the rights and opportunities of women in the Republic of Kazakhstan

 15 725



Prime minister's department of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  2 573 526



Services in ensuring activities of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  2 573 526



National center for human rights

 82 620



Services in observation of observance of rights and freedoms of man and citizen

 82 620



Office of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 187 350



Services in ensuring activities of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 187 350



Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  70 015 410



Services in determination and the organization of realization of state policy in the field of protection of public order and ensuring public safety, criminal executive system, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature

  70 015 410



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  69 932 872



Services in coordination of foreign policy activities

  47 423 820



Delimitation and demarcation of Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 221 338



Foreign business trips

  3 342 355



Ensuring special, technical and physical protection of diplomatic representations abroad

 92 063



Representation of interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international organizations, authorized and other bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States

 413 316



Participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international organizations, other international and other bodies

  15 338 781



Ensuring realization of information and image policy

  3 044 822



Assistance of nationalization of the gender and connected Sustainable development goals in the countries of Central Asia

 56 377



Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  77 206 057



Services in ensuring budgetary planning, execution and control of execution of the State Budget and counteraction to economic and financial crimes and offenses

  69 262 336



Implementation of audit of the investment projects financed by international financial institutions

 23 296


Functional group


Amount, one thousand tenges








Payment of exchange difference for the soft housing credits

 10 331



Creation and development of information systems of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 181 764



Financing of political parties

  6 161 347



Reforming of system of tax administration

 644 908



Construction of facilities and infrastructures of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 60 500



Management of the state assets

 861 575



Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  32 547 567



Basic financing of subjects of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities

  6 295 675



Development of science

  26 251 892



Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  6 685 160



Services in coordination of activities in the sphere of power, atomic energy, oil and gas and petrochemical industry and environmental protection

  6 685 160



Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  34 859 896



Forming and realization of policy of the state in the sphere of standardization, metrology, the industry, investment attraction, geology, forming of industrial policy, development of infrastructure and the competitive market, transport and communications, constructions, housing and communal services

  11 551 919



Payment of awards for deposits to housing construction savings

  22 997 459



Ensuring realization of researches of the projects performed together with the international organizations

 310 518



Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  28 361 553



Services in forming and development of economic, trade policy, policy in the field of consumer protection, to regulation of activities of subjects of natural monopolies and in the field of statistical activities, to ensuring protection of the competition, coordination of activities in the field of regional development and development of entrepreneurship

  20 441 540



Ensuring realization of researches of the projects performed together with the international organizations

 727 370



Increase in competitiveness of regions and enhancement of public administration

 161 370



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