of June 30, 2017 No. 408
About approval of Standard qualification characteristics of positions of heads, specialists and other employees of the organizations of inland water transport
According to the subitem 17) Article 16 of the Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 23, 2015 PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Standard qualification characteristics of positions of heads, specialists and other employees of the organizations of inland water transport.
2. To provide to committee of transport of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it the copy on paper and electronically in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printed publicity materials;
4) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of actions, according to subitems 1), 2), 3) and 4) this Item.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zh. Kasymbek
It is approved Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan July 10, 2017 |
_____________________ T. Duysenova |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 30, 2017 No. 408
1. Job responsibilities:
directs all personnel of nagivation lock and ensures smooth operation of construction;
provides productive and financial activities of nagivation lock;
provides timely, high-quality and full implementation of the production plan of nagivation lock, accounting and provisions of the reporting;
will organize regular inspection of condition of the equipment of hydraulic engineering constructions;
provides timely detection of defects and damages from regulation to technical condition of the equipment and elements of the hydraulic engineering construction which can entail emergency situation;
provides maintenance performance, surveys, the current and capital repairs of constructions and the equipment of nagivation lock;
provides creation of scheduled plans and accomplishment of these works;
provides search of contractors on performance of works and rendering services, prepares and approves draft agreements;
provides timely provision of information necessary for creation of the project documentation, estimate calculations;
weekly holds legal meetings with heads of services, groups and productive activity specialists of lock;
takes part in project development of industry regulations, rules, techniques, instructions;
provides carrying out monitoring of criteria of safety on the basis of results natural (visual and tool) observations of controlled indicators of the equipment and hydraulic engineering constructions;
provides development of standard engineering technology solutions on localization and liquidation of dangerous damages and emergency situations on hydraulic engineering constructions;
plans and provides necessary conditions for work of the commission on inspection of the equipment of lock and its elements of hydraulic engineering constructions;
promotes taking measures to decrease in material costs on works, to observance of regime of economy, rational expenditure of materials, fuel, the electric power and other resources;
takes part in work of the commission on acceptance of the performed works;
provides timely planning, the organization and check on confirmation or increase in qualification knowledge by workers of nagivation lock;
provides conditions of access control on the territory of nagivation lock;
provides completeness of nagivation lock with operational protective, life and fire-proof preservers according to the approved regulations;
takes measures to providing nagivation lock with the necessary not reduced inventory of materials, spare parts for accomplishment of repair work of emergency nature;
performs matching of specialists in operation of hydraulic engineering constructions;
provides safe and healthy working conditions;
provides observance by workers of nagivation lock and contract organizations of requirements of normative and legal acts (documents) for safety and labor protection, flammability control and ecology;
provides content of approach navigation canals in condition, safe for navigation;
follows labor and production discipline, employment policies and procedures, requirements for safety and labor protection, production sanitation and flammability control.
2. Shall know:
The labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 23, 2015 (further - the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
The ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 (further - the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
The civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 27, 1994 (further - the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
The water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 9, 2003 (further - the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 19, 2000 "About security activities" (further - the Law on security activities);
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 6, 2004 "About inland water transport" (further - the Law on inland water transport);
The order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2015 No. 550 "About approval of Operational regulations, inspection and repair of shipping hydraulic engineering constructions (locks)" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 11915) (further - Operational regulations, inspection and repair of shipping hydraulic engineering constructions (locks);
The order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 28, 2011 No. 95 "About approval of Rules of the omission of courts through nagivation locks" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 6843) (further - Rules of the omission of courts through nagivation locks);
The order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2015 No. 537 "About approval of Rules of in-land navigation" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 11347) (further - Rules of in-land navigation);
assignment and device of nagivation lock, its separate elements, constructions and equipment, their technical characteristics, rules and instructions for their operation;
design features and technical condition of nagivation lock in general, its separate elements (equipment, hydraulic engineering constructions);
modes and specific features of operation of nagivation lock;
assignment, arrangement, the principle and the operational procedure of the control instrumentation established on nagivation lock;
production plan of nagivation lock;
works schedules of nagivation lock;
bases of the economy, production organizations, work and management;
employment policies and procedures;
requirements for safety and labor protection, production sanitation and flammability control.
3. Requirements to qualification:
the highest (or postgraduate) professional (technical) education and length of service on executive positions of the shipping hydraulic engineering construction at least 5 years.
Paragraph 2. Chief of mekhaniko-ship service
1. Job responsibilities:
performs management of production economic activity of the organizations of inland water transport performing maintenance and repair of courts;
gives methodical help to crews on technical operation of courts;
directs development and adjustment of plans (schedules) of maintenance and repair of courts, its designs, power units, ship devices, the equipment, mechanisms and systems;
will organize consideration of estimates, calculations and requests of the organizations for repair of courts;
analyzes costs of time for repair of courts, devices, the equipment, mechanisms;
provides accomplishment of tying commitments by the ship-repair organizations for repair of courts, to accomplishment of requests for spare parts, the tool, limits of fuel and lubricants and other materials;
will organize creation and accomplishment of plans of inspection surveys of courts, carrying out on them heattechnical tests and modernization works, implementation of the new equipment;
provides timely submission of the established reporting under functions of service, accounting of constructive changes in courts, their technical condition, and also write-off plan development (transfers from one shipowner to another) courts;
provides accomplishment (observance) by crews of vessel and employees of service of requirements of regulatory legal acts (documents) for technical operation of courts, to conducting technical study in courts, safety and labor protection, flammability control and ecology, the Charter of service in courts;
will organize analysis of accidents and emergency situations with the ship equipment, their accounting, the analysis and development of actions for their prevention;
follows labor and production discipline, employment policies and procedures, requirements for safety and labor protection, production sanitation and flammability control.
2. Shall know:
Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Law on inland water transport;
The order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 30, 2015 No. 74 "About approval of the Charter of service in courts" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 10454) (further - the Charter of service in courts);
The order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 28, 2015 No. 508 "About approval of Operational regulations of courts of internal water swimming" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 11776) (further - Operational regulations of courts of internal water swimming);
The order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2015 No. 357 "About approval of Rules of issue and maintaining ship's papers for the courts performing navigation on inland waterways" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 11093) (further - Rules of issue and maintaining ship's papers for the courts performing navigation on inland waterways);
The order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 18, 2015 No. 134 "About establishment of requirements to the minimum structure of crews of vessel" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 10788) (further - Requirements to the minimum structure of crews of vessel);
Rules of in-land navigation;
technical characteristics and purpose of the ship equipment in all courts of the organization of water transport;
methodical and regulating documents and materials on safe operation of courts of inland water transport;
requirements for safety and labor protection, production sanitation and flammability control.
3. Requirements to qualification:
the highest (or postgraduate) education on the corresponding specialty and length of service on technical positions or on command positions of courts at least 5 years.
1. Job responsibilities:
organizes accomplishment of shop orders on obstanovochny, dredging, vypravitelny and surveying works;
carries out with use of computer aids, communications and bonds of work on planning and the organization of traveling works;
participates in plan development, actions, offers and other documents necessary for accomplishment of the shop order;
analyzes condition of the ship courses, prepares instructions to the line of holding the actions directed to their improvement;
organizes and takes part in works on research, project development and programs on improvement of shipping conditions, and also preparation of necessary reviews, responses, the conclusions concerning attended operation;
studies and analyzes information, specifications, indicators and results of work, generalizes and systematizes them, carries out necessary calculations, using modern electronic computer facilities;
constitutes working schedules, explanatory notes and other technical documentation, and also the established reporting under the approved forms and in certain terms;
gives methodical and practical help in case of projects implementation and programs, plans and agreements;
checks condition and operation of technical means and the ship courses;
monitors observance of the established requirements, existing rules, rules and standards;
prepares decisions under approval of construction of different objects on the river within the site;
provides the reporting of the subordinated objects and prepares according to these Sections of specifying to the line;
prepares materials for review of traveling works;
follows labor and production discipline, employment policies and procedures, requirements for safety and labor protection, production sanitation and flammability control.
2. Shall know:
Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Law on inland water transport;
The charter of service in courts;
Rules of in-land navigation;
Operational regulations of courts of internal water swimming;
Rules of issue and maintaining ship's papers for the courts performing navigation on inland waterways;
Requirements to the minimum structure of crews of vessel;
methodical and regulating documents and materials on safe operation of courts of inland water transport;
requirements for safety and labor protection, production sanitation and flammability control.
3. Requirements to qualification:
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