of June 26, 2017 No. 446
About approval of Rules of the organization of suppression of the fires
According to subitem 70-34) of Item 1 of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 11, 2014 "About civil protection", PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of the organization of suppression of the fires.
2. In accordance with the established procedure to provide to committee on emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it the copy on paper and electronically in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions;
4) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) within ten working days submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this Item.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ilyin Yu. V.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan police colonel general
K. Kasymov
It is approved Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan "____" ___________ 2017 |
______________ A. Myrzakhmetov |
It is approved Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "____" ___________ 2017 |
______________ E.Sagadiyev |
It is approved Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "____" ___________ 2017 |
______________ K. Bozumbayev |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 26, 2017, No. 446
1. These rules of the organization of suppression of the fires (further - Rules) regulates questions of the organization of suppression of the fires and carrying out wrecking.
2. The main objective of staff of fire service on the fire is rescuing of people, property of physical persons and legal entities and fire liquidation.
3. For accomplishment of the main objective by staff of divisions the following means are used:
fire and rescue trucks, including the cars adapted for the purposes of suppression;
fire equipment;
the tools (mechanized and nonmechanized);
means of communication and lighting;
individual protection equipment of respiratory organs (further – SIZOD);
fire-fighting substances;
fire protection systems of buildings and constructions;
sources of fire-water supply (natural and artificial reservoirs, internal and outside water supply system);
tools and equipment for first-aid treatment by the victim.
4. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:
1) wrecking - actions for search and rescuing of people, material and cultural values, rendering emergency medical and psychological assistance to the population which is in zone of emergency situation, environment protection in zone of emergency situation and when conducting military operations, to localization and suppression or bringing to minimum possible level of impact of characteristic factors, dangerous to them;
2) special works - the actions of staff aimed at providing accomplishment of tasks with use of special technical means and (or) methods;
3) the directing cable - the device intended for designation of transit of gazodymozashchitnik in (smoke-filled) circle, unsuitable for breath, from works location to exit to fresh air, and if necessary and back;
4) tactical opportunities of division - capability of the staff equipped with technical means effectively to carry out task in a definite time;
5) the area of departure of division - the territory in which the schedule of departure provides the first-priority direction of division on challenge on the fire;
6) gazodymozashchitnik - the employee of fire service who underwent the corresponding training and allowed on conducting actions for fire extinguishing and carrying out wrecking in environment, unsuitable for breath;
7) link of gas and smoke protective service - created on site the fire the group of gazodymozashchitnik combined by objective and single management for conducting actions for fire extinguishing and carrying out wrecking in environment, unsuitable for breath;
7-1) developed fire – stage of complete participation in the fire of all combustible surfaces within the established space (vertical, horizontal, the planes of designs);
8) prolivka of places of burning - the actions after liquidation of the fire for chilling of places of burning accompanying process of control dismantling (survey) of the burning designs and materials;
9) hose delay - the device for fixing at height of the hose line;
10) the hose line - the pressure head fire hoses connected among themselves;
11) the hose bridge - the device for protection of fire hose against damages when moving through it road transportation;
12) collection and return to division - actions of staff for return of forces and funds of fire service from the place of the fire to the permanent base;
13) flexible sheaf (cable hitch) - the device intended for connection among themselves of gazodymozashchitnik as a part of link of gas and smoke protective service for the entire period of their stay in environment, unsuitable for breath;
14) the foam attack - continuous supply of foam to the burning area with simultaneous application of several foam trunks;
15) expansion of forces and means - actions of staff for reduction of the fire trucks which arrived to the place of challenge (fire) in ready state to accomplishment of tasks on fire extinguishing;
16) the plan of attraction of forces and means - the document determining structure of forces and the funds raised to suppression of the fires at the level of the area;
17) guard - the main tactical division of fire service consisting of departments (department) on the main and special fire trucks capable to independently solve problems according to the tactical opportunities;
18) pressure head fire hose - pressure head sleeve for transportation of fire-fighting substances under excessive pressure;
18-1) guarding – the works consisting in continuous or periodic survey of the area which is taken place the fire for the purpose of prevention of renewal of the fire from the hidden centers which are not revealed at stage of liquidation (localization) belong to guarding of the fire;
19) the lafetny fire trunk combined - the fire trunk intended for forming of the continuous or continuous and sprayed with changeable corner of torch water streams, and also streams of air and mechanical foam of low frequency rate in case of suppression of the fires;
20) line item of stvolshchik - the location of stvolshchik in case of accomplishment of task by it on fire extinguishing;
21) the generator of foam of average frequency rate (foamer) - the device intended for obtaining from water solution of frother of air and mechanical foam of average frequency rate and its giving to the seat of fire;
22) line item - the location of forces and means of fire service performing direct conducting actions for rescuing of people and property, to supply of fire-fighting substances, accomplishment of special works on the fire;
23) the fire - the uncontrollable burning creating threat, doing harm to life and human health, material damage to physical persons and legal entities, interests of society and state;
24) rescuing of people on the fire - process of carrying out or conclusion of people outside accompanied by firefighters from zone of impact of dangerous factors of the fire (or emergence of direct threat of this impact), including with use of rescue means;
25) evacuation of people on the fire - process of independent movement of people outside or to the safety area from rooms in which there is threat of impact of dangerous factors of the fire;
26) situation assessment on the fire - the conclusion created on the basis of results of investigation of the fire, generalization and analysis of the received data;
27) operational staff on the fire - the body which is temporarily created by the head of fire extinguishing, for management of forces and means on the fire;
28) fire liquidation - stage (stage) of fire extinguishing at which burning is stopped and conditions for its spontaneous origin are eliminated;
29) the plan of evacuation in case of the fire - the document in which ways of evacuation and emergency exits are specified rules of conduct of people, and also procedure and the sequence of actions of service personnel on object are established in case of the fire;
30) forces and means on the fire - the staff and workers of fire services, fire trucks, means of communication and managements, fire-fighting substances and other technical means which are on arms;
31) management of forces and means on the fire - the activities of the head of fire extinguishing (operational staff on the fire) performed for the purpose of successful conducting actions for fire extinguishing on the basis of situation assessment;
32) dangerous factor of the fire - factor of the fire which impact leads to injury, poisoning or death of the person, and also to destruction (damage) of material values;
33) fire-water supply - complex of the technical constructions intended for fence and transportation of water, storage of its inventories and their use for fire extinguishing;
34) number (rank) of the fire - the conditional sign of complexity of the fire determining necessary structure of forces and the funds of garrison raised to fire extinguishing in the schedule of departure;
35) fire localization - the stage (stage) of fire extinguishing at which is absent or is liquidated threat to people (animals), distribution of the fire is stopped and conditions for its liquidation are created by the available forces and means;
36) fire trunk - the device established on the end of the pressure head hose line for forming and the direction of fire-fighting streams;
37) fire development - change of parameters of the fire in time and space;
38) the fire truck - the car intended for delivery to the place of challenge of fire-fighting crew, fire and technical arms, fire-fighting means and their giving to the seat of fire;
39) fire-fighting substance - the substance having the physical and chemical properties allowing to create conditions for flame-out;
40) suppression of the fires - the actions directed to liquidation of the fires, rescuing of people, property of physical persons and legal entities;
41) fire division - structural unit of fire service;
42) fire-fighting crew (department) - staff on the vehicle for ensuring works on fire extinguishing and carrying out wrecking with the obligations distributed between them;
43) the plan of fire extinguishing - the operational document predicting situation and establishing the main questions of the organization of suppression of the developed fire;
44) fire and technical arms (fire arms) - the set consisting from, the tame firefighter and the rescue tool, fire rescue devices and means of small-scale mechanization, and also individual protection equipment and other technical devices for specific fire trucks according to their appointment;
45) the back on the fire - forces and means providing conducting actions for fire extinguishing on line items;
46) the site on the fire - part of the territory on which forces and means combined by objective and single management are concentrated;
47) the decisive direction on the fire - the direction on the site of the fire where danger to people, threat of explosion, the most intensive spread of fire was created and where actions of staff on this direction can provide success of fire extinguishing;
47-1) fire motorcycle - the motorcycle which is specially equipped with medical set it is emergency - rescue tools, the equipment for suppression of the fires, carrying out wrecking and first-aid treatment by the victim;
47-2) control of development of the fire – impact on the seat of fire fire-fighting means for the purpose of prevention of further change of parameters in time and space;
48) the soaking-up fire hose - the soaking-up sleeve of tough design for selection of water from water source by means of the fire pump;
49) urgent works in case of liquidation of emergency situations - activities for comprehensive providing wrecking, creation of the conditions necessary for preserving life and human health;
50) the schedule of departure - the document determining structure of forces and the funds raised to suppression of the fires in the capital, the cities of republican value, the regional centers and the cities of regional value.
5. Actions for suppression of the fires begin with the moment of receipt of the message on the fire and are considered finished on return of division to the permanent base, reductions of guard on duty and cars to readiness and include:
acceptance and processing of challenges;
departure and following to the place of challenge (fire);
fire investigation;
rescuing, evacuation of people and property;
expansion of forces and means;
localization and liquidation of burning;
accomplishment of special, rescue and urgent works in case of liquidation of emergency situations (further - urgent works);
collection and return to division.
6. Operations on suppression of the fires are performed according to fire extinguishing tactics, and also requirements of rules for safety and labor protection in case of suppression of the fires, and can be carried out in the conditions of high psychological and physical activity, professional risk, direct danger to life and health of participants of suppression. Objectives, it is carried out according to the sheet of the calculation specified in appendix 1 to these rules.
7. Actions for investigation, rescuing, evacuation of people and property, expansion of forces and means, liquidation of burning and accomplishment of special, rescue and urgent works can be carried out at the same time.
8. Acceptance and processing of challenges is performed in accordance with the established procedure by the dispatcher (radio telephone operator) duty of the center of operational management by forces and means (further – TsOUSS), Item of communication of part (further – PSCh) fire service and includes:
acceptance and fixation of information;
assessment of the acquired information and decision making about the direction to the place of challenge of forces and means provided by the schedule of departure (the plan of attraction of forces and means);
giving of signal "Alarm" or dispatch of fire brigade (post), rescue division on radio station, or on other available means of communication;
delivery (transfer) to the official heading guard or duty shift (further – the chief of guard (the senior engineer), permits of departure of guard on duty of fire brigade (specialized fire brigade) to the fire according to appendix 2 to these rules, and also, operating plans and cards of fire extinguishing, in case of their availability;
providing officials with the available information on object of challenge (fire).
9. In case of acceptance of information from the applicant, the duty dispatcher establishes and fixes:
address of object of challenge or other data on its location;
availability and nature of danger of life and to human health;
features of object (in the presence);
surname, name, middle name and phone number of the applicant;
message time;
other data influencing accomplishment of task of division.
10. Giving of signal "Alarm" is performed right after establishment of the address or other data on the place of challenge (fire) and decision making about departure.
11. Processing of challenges not exceed two minutes and not detain departure and following to the place of challenge (fire).
12. The additional (specified) information about the fire, on the available communication channels without delay is transferred by the dispatcher to officials including during their following to the place of challenge (fire).
13. When processing challenges with use of the automated systems both other actions and obligations of the duty dispatcher regulated by job descriptions can be provided.
14. Departure and following include collection of staff on signal "Alarm" and its delivery on fire trucks and other special vehicles to the place of challenge (fire).
15. In case of receipt along the line of data on liquidation of the fire or its absence, the fire division should arrive to the place of challenge (fire), except cases when about return there is order of the senior official, the employee of service on duty of fire extinguishing (further - DSPT), dispatchers of the center of operational management by forces and means (further - TsOUSS).
16. In case of forced stoppage in transit of following of the head fire truck, the cars following it, stop, and continue further movement only on specifying of the chief of guard (the senior engineer). In case of forced stop of the second or the fire trucks going it the others, without stopping, continue movement to the place of challenge (fire). The senior chief on the fire truck which stopped movement immediately reports the matter to the duty dispatcher.
In case of independent following to the place of challenge (fire) of department of guard and forced stop of the fire truck, the chief of guard (the senior engineer), the commander of department reports the matter to the duty dispatcher and takes measures for delivery of staff and fire and technical arms (further – PTV) to the place of challenge (fire), having left the official exercising control of the fire truck for defect elimination.
When following to the place of challenge (fire) of fire motorcycles and the forced stop connected with defect of the fire motorcycle the fire rescuer motorcyclist, reports on the incident on the dispatcher of garrison. The second fire motorcycle without stopping, continues movement to the place of challenge (fire).
17. In case of detection along the line of other fire the head heading division allocates part of forces and funds for its suppression (depending on situation) and immediately gives information on this fire and the made decision on TsOUSS (PSCh).
18. In case of the road accident the senior chief (in its absence - the driver) stops movement and further is guided by traffic regulations.
19. Along the line the senior chief of division keeps in continuous contact with TsOUSS (PSCh). Reports about all cases of stop of the fire truck on TsOUSS (PSCh).
20. When following divisions of service of fire extinguishing to the place of challenge (fire) by rail, the senior chief heading fire divisions provides with water or air transport:
safety of fire trucks;
reliability of fixture of fire trucks;
organize placement, food and rest of staff.
21. Investigation of the fire represents set of the events held for the purpose of information collection about the fire for assessment of situation and decision making on the organization of actions for fire extinguishing.
22. Investigation of the fire is conducted continuously with the moment of receipt of the message on the fire to its liquidation.
23. The main methods of receipt of intelligence information are: indications of technical means, observation (survey), poll of the informed persons and studying of documentation.
24. When carrying out investigation it is established:
availability and nature of threat to people, their locations, way, methods and survival equipment (protection), and also need of protection (evacuation) of property;
availability of electroinstallations energized opportunity and feasibility of their shutdown;
availability and possibility of secondary manifestations of the dangerous factors of the fire (further - OFP) including caused by features of technology and production organization on this object of the fire;
the place and burning area that burns, and also ways of spread of fire;
condition and behavior of building constructions of the building (construction), place of their opening and dismantling;
availability and possibility of use of systems and means of fire protection of the organization (object);
location of the next water sources and possible methods of their use;
possible ways of input of forces and means for suppression of the fires, and other data necessary for the choice of the decisive direction on the fire (further - the decisive direction);
sufficiency of forces and the funds raised to fire extinguishing.
25. When carrying out investigation it is necessary to use documentation and data represented by officials of object on which there was fire.
26. Investigation is headed by the head of fire extinguishing (further – RTP) and other persons according to its order.
Investigation is carried out by each commander and the participant of fire extinguishing on the site of work, also carry out, transfer primary information from the place of challenge before arrival of RTP also fire rescuers motorcyclists.
27. Are part of groups of investigation:
RTP and coherent if to the fire there arrived one department;
RTP, the commander of one of departments and coherent if to the fire there arrived two and more departments.
The quantity and structure of groups of investigation can change RTP taking into account the developing operational situation on the fire.
28. In need of carrying out investigation several prospecting groups are at the same time diversely created. Each group is headed by person not below the commander of department and consists at least of two people.
29. In the presence of the information about the people who remained in the burning rooms, the structure of investigation needs to be strengthened for the purpose of assistance to victims.
30. Investigation in several directions is conducted in the following cases:
if there is information about the people who remained in the burning or smoke-filled rooms and their location is unknown;
if there are no external signs of the fire, and nobody met the arrived fire division;
in case of the fires in buildings with mass stay of people;
in case of the fires in high rise buildings;
when the fire accepted the big sizes;
there are several centers of burning.
31. Under the organization of investigation at the same time in several RTP directions:
organizes simultaneous carrying out investigation adjacent, above and below the located rooms;
determines the number of prospecting groups, their structure and action areas;
appoints commanders of prospecting groups and sets tasks for them;
establishes procedure for information transfer;
carries personally out investigation on the most difficult and important sector of the fire;
determines and specifies type of PTV, and also security measure for staff of each prospecting group.
32. It is necessary for the staff conducting investigation:
use the available technical means, documentation, data from persons knowing design features and the layout of the building, engineering procedure and the equipment of production;
use, whenever possible, the shortest ways of conducting investigation;
carry out works on rescuing of people in case of direct threat for them;
give first aid by the victim;
accept, along with investigation of the fire, measure for restriction of spread of fire and smoke by all available means, on its suppression and protection of property;
open and check the rooms located on the ways of possible spread of fire and smoke;
observe requirements of safe engineering and rules of work in SIZOD;
to timely report on RTP (to operational staff on the fire) results of investigation and information obtained in its course.
33. In the presence of burning signs investigation is carried out with use of the hose line.
34. For the purpose of safety when carrying out investigation it is necessary:
have in case of itself survival equipment and self-rescuing, the necessary tool for opening and dismantling of designs, devices of lighting, means of communication, SIZOD, flexible sheaf directing cable, means of suppression rescue cap, signaling device of motionless condition.
35. During investigation, in need of and depending on situation, also other tactical problems can be solved at the same time.
36. Rescue operations will be organized and carried out if:
1) people are threatened by fire, high temperature, explosion hazard or collapses of designs, or rooms where they are, are filled with smoke or harmful gases;
2) people cannot independently leave dangerous places or are in panic state;
3) there is threat of spread of fire and smoke on ways of evacuation;
4) application life-threatening and human health of fire-fighting substances and structures is provided.
37. Rescuing of people in case of the fire is carried out with use of the methods and technical means ensuring the greatest safety and if necessary with implementation of actions for prevention of panic.
38. Rescuing of people on the fire is carried out with simultaneous expansion of forces and means for fire extinguishing.
39. Giving of fire trunks is necessary for providing conditions of safe rescuing of people if people are directly threatened by fire, and ways of rescuing are barred, or can be cut off by fire.
40. If forces and means are not enough for simultaneous work on rescuing of people and fire extinguishing, for rescuing of people all staff of divisions of fire service is used, and additional forces and means are caused.
41. For rescuing of people the shortest and safe ways are used:
main entrances and exits;
emergency exits;
window openings, balconies, loggias and galleries;
hatches in overlappings if through them it is possible to leave the building or to pass into its safe part;
the apertures in partitions, overlappings and walls made by firefighters.
At the same time, the following rescue means are used:
stationary and manual fire-escapes;
autoladders, car lifts, rescue equipment and devices;
rescue ropes;
inflatable and shock-absorbing devices, SIZOD, aircraft.
42. The main methods of rescuing of people are:
independent exit of people in the safe direction specified by the employee of fire service;
conclusion salvaged accompanied by firefighters when ways of rescuing smoke-filled, or condition and age of salvaged raises doubts in possibility of their independent exit from the threatened zone;
carrying out of the people who do not have opportunity independently to move;
descent salvaged on stationary and manual fire-escapes, autoladders and car lifts;
by means of technical rescue devices when ways of rescuing are barred by fire, smoke or blockage and other methods of rescuing are impossible.
43. The procedure and methods of rescuing of people are determined by RTP depending on situation on the fire and conditions of people which need the help.
44. When carrying out rescue operations it is necessary:
take measures for prevention of panic, using system of the internal notification and other means;
attract administration, service personnel, members of fire-proof forming;
cause emergency medical service. Before its arrival injured to give first aid by forces of staff of divisions of fire service, being on site the fire;
provide places for temporary placement of salvaged.
45. If there are data on the locations of people and salvaging them there do not find, it is necessary to inspect and check carefully all smoke-filled and adjacent rooms in which there can be people.
Search of people stops only after it is determined that needing rescuing is not present.
46. Rescuing of property in case of the fire is performed on specifying RTP according to the procedure of importance and urgency of accomplishment of tasks.
47. Expansion of forces and means shall not break normal progress in rescuing and evacuation of people.
48. Expansion of forces and means consists of the following stages:
preparation for expansion;
preliminary expansion;
complete expansion.
49. Preparation for expansion is carried out on the arrival of division on the fire along with investigation and includes:
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