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of November 21, 2017 No. PP-3402

About measures for organization of the State award "Mard ¸glon"

(as amended on 24-12-2024)

Due to the organization of the State award "Mard ¸glon" based on the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 5, 2017 No. UP-5106 "About Measures for Increase in Efficiency of the State Youth Policy and Support of Activities of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan", for the purpose of education of brave sons of the Homeland, worthy great ancestors and having such qualities as courage, valor, determination, honesty and patriotism, and also stimulations of the educated, initiative, business, vigorous and self-sacrificing young men who achieved good results in various spheres of life of society:

1. Approve the offer of Central Office of the Union of youth of Uzbekistan on annual delivery on the eve of the Youth Day of the State award "Mard ¸glon" to representatives of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent (on 2 representatives from each region).

2. Determine that:

The state award "Mard ¸glon" is awarded to the gifted young men who are example for peers the progress in study, public activity and talent for special achievements in the field of science, educations, medicine, cultures, literatures, arts, sport, production, military service and in activities of law enforcement agencies;

job seekers to the State award "Mard ¸glon", are considered by the Commission on the state awards and heraldry in case of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Commission). By results of consideration by the Commission offers to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan are made;

award of the State award "Mard ¸glon" is performed by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

The state award "Mard ¸glon" is established in the amount of 50-fold basic settlement size;

the pupils of organizations of general education and secondary vocational, professional education who became winners of the State award "Mard ¸glon" are accepted in higher educational institutions in bachelor degree, and the students of the highest educational institutions or youth having the bachelor's degree are accepted in magistracy in the corresponding direction without admission examinations on the budget basis.

3. Approve Regulations on the State award "Mard ¸glon" according to appendix No. 1.

4. Approve the description of the breastplate of the State award "Mard ¸glon" according to appendix No. 2.

5. To the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to allocate to Agency on cases of youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan appropriate means from the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the expenses connected with award of the State award "Mard ¸glon", production of the breastplate and diploma.

6. The commissions to develop and approve the Instruction about procedure for selection of job seekers and submission of their documents on the State award "Mard ¸glon" in a month.

7. To the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments to make offers on changes and amendments in the normative legal documents following from this resolution in a month.

8. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Counselor of state concerning youth policy of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the chairman of Central Office of the Union of youth of Uzbekistan K. Kuranbayev.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoev

Appendix No. 1

to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 21, 2017 No. PP-3402

Regulations on the State award "Mard ¸glon"

1. The state award "Mard ¸glon" (further - the State award) is awarded to the gifted young men who reached 14 years and 30 years, the being example for peers the progress in study, public activity and talent, for special achievements in the field of science, educations, medicine, cultures, literatures, arts, sport, production, military service and in activities of law enforcement agencies are not more senior.

2. The state award is awarded annually to representatives of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent (on 2 representatives from each region, all 28).

Delivery of the State award is made annually on the eve of the Youth Day.

3. Offers on job seekers on the State award are made in the Commission on the state awards and heraldry in case of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Commission) by Agency on cases of youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also on the representations of the Chairman of the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent approved with chiefs of the youth welfare departments of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent on the basis of offers of bodies of the public and economic board, non-state non-profit organizations, organizations of education, health care, culture, sport and other organizations.

4. Registration, submission of documents and selection of job seekers are performed according to the instruction approved by the Commission.

5. Winners of the State award are handed breastplates and diplomas of the established sample in a festive atmosphere.

6. The state award is established in the amount of 50-fold basic settlement size.

The pupils of organizations of general education and secondary vocational, professional education who became winners of the State award are accepted in higher educational institutions in bachelor degree, and the students of the highest educational institutions or youth having the bachelor's degree are accepted in magistracy in the corresponding direction without admission examinations on the basis of state grants.

Winners of the State award use other privileges established by the legislation.

7. The breastplate of the State award rushes on the right side of breast.

8. The state award repeatedly is not awarded.

Appendix No. 2

to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 21, 2017 No. PP-3402

Description of the breastplate of the State award "Mard ¸glon"

The breastplate of the State award "Mard ¸glon" is made of the copper alloy covered with gold micron 0,25 thickness and has the form of convex octahedral star. Each side of star consists of six convex beams, distance between tops of opposite beams of 38 millimeters.


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