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of October 5, 2017 No. 2163-VIII

About the basic principles of ensuring cyber security of Ukraine

(as amended on 05-06-2024)

This Law determines legal and organizational basis of ensuring protection of the vital interests of man and citizen, society and state, national interests of Ukraine in cyberspace, main objectives, the directions and the principles of state policy in the field of cyber security, power of state bodies, companies, organizations, organizations, persons and citizens in this sphere, the basic principles of coordination of their activities for ensuring cyber security.

Article 1. Determination of terms

In this Law the terms below are used in such value:

1) indicators of cyberthreats - indicators (specifications) used for identification and response to cyberthreats;

2) information on cyber security incident - data on circumstances of cyberincident, in particular about what subjects to cyberprotection and under what conditions underwent to cyber attack, from them are successfully found, neutralized, prevented by means of what means of cyberprotection, including with what use of indicators of cyberthreats;

3) cyber security incident (further - cyberincident) - the event or number of unfavorable events of accidental nature (natural, technical, technological, wrong, including as a result of action of human factor) and/or having signs of possible (potential) cyber attack which constitute safety hazard of systems of electronic communications, process control systems, create probability of violation of the normal mode of functioning of such systems (including failure and/or blocking of system operation, and/or unauthorized management of its resources), threaten safety (security) of electronic information resources;

4) cyber attack - directed (intentional) actions in cyberspace which are performed by electronic communications (including information and communication technologies, program, software and hardware, other technical and technological means and the equipment) and are directed to achievement of one or sets of such purposes: violation of confidentiality, integrity, availability of electronic information resources which are processed (are transferred, stored) in communication and/or technological systems, receipt of unauthorized access to such resources; violation of safety, steady, reliable and normal mode of functioning of communication and/or technological systems; use of communication system, its resources and means of electronic communications for implementation of cyber attacks to other subjects to cyberprotection;

5) cyber security - security of the vital interests of man and citizen, society and state when using cyberspace in case of which sustainable development of information society and the digital communication circle, timely identification, prevention and neutralization of real and potential hazards of homeland security of Ukraine in cyberspace are provided;

6) cyberthreat - the available and potentially possible phenomena and factors creating danger to the vital national interests of Ukraine in cyberspace which exert negative impact on condition of cyber security of the state, cyber security and cyberprotection of its objects;

7) cyberprotection - set of organizational, legal, technical actions, and also the actions of cryptographic and technical information security directed to prevention of cyberincidents, identification and protection against cyber attacks, liquidation of their effects, recovery of stability and reliability of functioning of communication, technological systems;

8) cybercrime (computer crime) - socially dangerous guilty act in cyberspace and/or with its use, responsibility for which is provided by the law of Ukraine on criminal liability and/or which is recognized as crime international treaties of Ukraine;

9) cybercrime - set of cybercrimes;

10) cyberdefense - set of political, economic, social, military, scientific, scientific and technical, information, legal, organizational and other actions which are performed in cyberspace and are aimed at providing protection of sovereignty and defense capability of the state, prevention of emergence of armed conflict and repulse of the armed aggression;

11) cyberspace - environment (virtual space) which gives opportunities for implementation of communications and/or realization of the public relations, formed as a result of functioning of the joint (joint) communication systems and ensuring electronic communications with use of the Internet and/or other global data transmission networks;

12) cyberinvestigation - the activities performed by prospecting bodies in cyberspace or with its use;

13) cyberterrorism - the terrorist activities performed in cyberspace or with its use;

14) cyberespionage - the espionage performed in cyberspace or with its use;

15) critical information infrastructure - set of objects of critical information infrastructure;

16) No. 1882-IX Is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 16.11.2021


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