of October 28, 2017 No. 877
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for forming of the state order on creation of workplaces and training taking into account the current and perspective demands of the labor market
According to the Program of complex measures for further enhancement of the activities of bodies for work and employment of the population approved by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 24, 2017 No. PP-3001, for the purpose of providing the complex solution of questions of employment, strengthening of effectiveness of measures for employment of the unoccupied population, increase in the professional training level of personnel the Cabinet of Ministers decides achievements of balance of the labor market:
1. Approve:
Regulations on procedure for forming of the state order on creation of workplaces and training taking into account the current and perspective demands of the labor market according to appendix No. 1;
the scheme of forming and approval of the state order on creation of workplaces according to appendix No. 2;
the scheme of forming and approval of the state order on training in educational institutions according to appendix No. 3.
2. Determine that coordination of forming of the state order:
on creation of workplaces it is performed by the Ministry of employment and employment relationships and the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
on training in educational institutions it is performed by the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education and the Ministry of national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. To the ministry of employment and employment relationships together with the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two-month time to develop and approve method of calculation of determination of need for creation of workplaces.
4. To bodies of the public and economic board, executive bodies on places, to educational institutions to provide timely and high-quality forming, approval and accomplishment of forecast parameters of the state order on creation of workplaces and training.
5. To the ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments in a month:
make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this resolution;
bring the regulatory legal acts adopted by them into accord with this resolution.
6. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan D. A. Kuchkarov, the minister of employment and employment relationships A. A. Haitov and the minister of the higher and secondary vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. U. Mazhidov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 28, 2017 No. 877
1. This Provision determines procedure for forming of the state order on creation of workplaces and training for the purpose of providing the complex solution of questions of employment, strengthening of effectiveness of measures for employment of the unoccupied population, increase in the professional training level of personnel, achievements of balance of the labor market.
2. The main determinations used in this Provision:
the state order on creation of workplaces - the order to provide to employers creation of certain quantity of the workplaces having required organizational technical characteristics for employment of jobless citizens;
the state order on training - the order to the highest, average special, professional and general average educational institutions, including non-state (further - educational institutions) to perform professional training, retraining and advanced training of the specialists having necessary vocational qualities for ensuring requirement of the labor market with qualified personnel;
the created workplace - the workplace created by the employer on the new or operating production capacities for the purpose of expansion of production volume (works, services), and also the replacements which are disposed in connection with upgrade and retrofitting of production of workplaces;
The state program of assistance of employment of the population - the document approved in accordance with the established procedure, containing forecast parameters of creation of workplaces and employment of the population by the territories of the republic, industries of economy and the social sphere, and also measure for achievement of the approved forecast parameters, terms of their accomplishment and executives in charge;
forecast parameters of training - the acceptance quotas approved in accordance with the established procedure in educational institutions.
3. The main objectives of the state order on creation of workplaces and training are:
ensuring purposeful creation of workplaces for the guaranteed employment of graduates of educational institutions, taking into account the predicted vocational structure of training of graduates, and also the need for employment of the unoccupied persons experiencing the difficulties in job search and incapable to compete on equal terms in the labor market (further - unoccupied persons);
optimization of structure of training by establishment to educational institutions of forecast parameters of training, taking into account anticipated demand in specialists in the labor market.
4. In the state order on creation of workplaces the number of workplaces predicted by bodies of the public and economic board, with determination of required characteristics, necessary for projects implementation, included in the Investing program of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the program of complex development of the territories and industry programs of upgrade is determined (further - development programs).
5. The state order on creation of workplaces is created the forthcoming year proceeding from the need for attraction of the manpower for projects implementation which entered development programs and also for ensuring employment of unoccupied persons.
6. The organizations annually till September 1 of the year previous forecast on the basis of the analysis of current status and prospects of program implementation of development represent to higher bodies of the public and economic board preliminary parameters of need for creation of workplaces in form according to appendix No. 1 to this Provision.
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