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of October 27, 2017 No. 1307

About approval of the Procedure for forming and settlement of a tariff of service in conversion of household waste

According to the laws of Ukraine "About state regulation in the field of utilities", "About the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities" the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for forming and settlement of a tariff of service in conversion of household waste which is applied.

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of, its publication following behind day in the official printing publication - the Pravitelstvenny Kuryer newspaper.

Chairman of NKREKP

D. Vovk

Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities of Ukraine of October 27, 2017 No. 1307

Procedure for forming and settlement of a tariff of service in conversion of household waste

1. General provisions

1.1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of forming and settlement of a tariff of service in conversion of household waste for the subjects of managing performing or intend to perform economic activity on conversion of household waste and which are licensees of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities (further - NKREKP).

1.2. This Procedure is applied in case of establishment of NKREKP of rate for service in conversion of household waste to the subjects of managing specified in Item 1.1 of this Chapter and extends to these subjects when calculating such rate.

1.3. In this Procedure terms are used in such value:

base period - the calendar year preceding planning period;

settlement of a tariff - establishment of NKREKP of rate for licensees for service in conversion of household waste with certain structure;

secondary raw materials - the substances and materials received in the course of conversion of household waste from which products can be made or which can be used as products/raw materials;

the statement - the written appeal of the licensee to NKREKP for settlement of a tariff of service in conversion of household waste with complete set of documents and/or reasons for the expenses provided by this Procedure;

the applicant - the licensee which addressed NKREKP for settlement of a tariff of service in conversion of household waste with the statement;

investing program - the complex of actions approved in accordance with the established procedure, for increase in level of reliability and ensuring effective conversion of household waste, containing obligations of the licensee in the field of conversion of household waste, in particular on construction (reconstruction, modernization) objects in the specified sphere with respect for environmental standards for prevention of harmful effects of household waste on the environment and health of the person, with the corresponding feasibility statements and calculations, the confirming feasibility and efficiency of expected investments, and also with indication of sources of its financing and the schedule of accomplishment;

the licensee - the subject of managing who obtained the license for implementation of economic activity on conversion of household waste;

licensed activities - economic activity on conversion of household waste;

inappropriate or unreasonable use of the means provided by the established rate - use by the licensee of funds for the purposes or in the sizes which are not provided by structure of the established rates and the investing program approved by NKREKP and also use of the amounts of the means provided by structure of rate for ensuring implementation of licensed activities which were spent by the licensee for purchase of goods (goods), service (services) without respect for the principles of implementation of purchases;

reasons for expenses - confirmation and/or references to the regulatory legal acts, financial, technical and other records, actual data (including primary financial accounting) proving need of carrying out and financing of actions and the size of expenses on planning and/or forecast period;

the main activities - activities for conversion of household waste;

planning period - the period lasting 12 months for which forming and calculation of rate is perfromed;

collateral products - the secondary raw materials, heat and/or electrical energy received in the course of conversion of household waste;

the preliminary rate for service in conversion of household waste - temporary rate for the licensee which did not put the objects of conversion of household waste finished with construction into operation is established by NKREKP before commissioning of objects of conversion of household waste and applied on the conditions determined by this Procedure;

structure of rate - reasonable expenses of the licensee (operational, financial, expenses on covering of losses of the companies arising during consideration of calculation of rate, installation and its promulgation, and target profit) on implementation of the licensed activities which groups are determined by NKREKP and on the basis of which the rate is calculated and established;

rate for service in conversion of household waste - the cost of conversion of unit (tons) of household waste determined as monetary value of planned costs by all technology transactions of process of conversion of household waste with obligatory taking note of the income from sale of the collateral products (secondary raw materials, heat and electrical energy) received in the course of conversion and target profit.

1.4. Do not join in calculation of rate of costs which are not used for determination of the taxation object according to requirements of the Section III of the Tax code of Ukraine or exceed limits of the corresponding expenses.

1.5. In calculation of rate for service in conversion of household waste expenses on implementation of other types of activity of the licensee are not considered.

1.6. The structure of rate for planning period is determined taking into account influence of the planned income which the licensee is going to receive during this period from sale of collateral products, according to Chapter 4 presents of the Procedure.

The amount of such income is determined based on planned sales amounts of collateral products taking into account the actual sales amounts of such products, the established rates and current prices on such products according to the signed agreements, but not below the regular prices.

2. General requirements to forming of planned amounts of activities and planned costs

2.1. Forming of planned costs for service in conversion of household waste is performed counting on planning period.

2.2. Planned costs are created by licensees according to the annual plan of licensed activities based on the state and industry standard rates of expenses of resources, technical and economic calculations taking into account the main features of engineering procedures of the specific place of implementation of licensed activities, estimates, rates of the taxes and fees operating or the forecast prices of material resources and services in planning period.

2.3. Expenses which objective regulation is impossible, are planned taking into account actual expenses for basic and the previous base periods based on estimates and the required proving materials.

2.4. Staple prices and fuels and lubricants for technology needs (except production of heat and electrical energy) can be taken into consideration of rate taking into account the forecast of price indexes of producers of industrial output according to the main forecast macroeconomic indicators of economic and social development of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the basic scenario 1 in the amount of, equal 50% of forecast percent of growth of the price.

2.5. Annual plans of provision of service in conversion of household waste are created taking into account all technology transactions of process of conversion and consist from:

project documentation;

planned amounts of conversion of household waste;

the signed agreements on acceptance of household waste for conversion;

calculations of planned annual amounts of receipt of collateral products and its sale according to the signed agreements;

changes of amounts of conversion of household waste as a result of economic development of settlements and dynamics of population of the settlements serviced by the licensee taking into account perspective of their growth, rates of the housing estate and development of activities of industrial enterprises, educational institutions, the organizations of services industry, change of technology of collection of household waste in the settlements serviced by the licensee and according to the master plan of the settlement (settlements), rules of improvement and/or schemes of sanitary cleaning of the settlement (settlements) approved by local government bodies in the procedure established by the legislation;

enhancement (upgrade) of engineering procedure of conversion of household waste as a result of automation and mechanization of production, replacement of the softened equipment, application of energy-saving technologies;

increases in level of production organization and improvement of working conditions in connection with enhancement of operational production planning, management systems, improvement of material logistics of economic activity and requirements for economy of fuel and energy resources.


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