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The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2024 according to Item 1 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 25, 2023 No. 185

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

October 25, 2017

No. 1309/31177


of August 8, 2017 No. 3384

About approval of the Regulations on obligatory criteria and financial standard rates, and also the requirements limiting risks in activities of finance companies by provision of financial services in administration of financial assets for purchase of goods in groups

According to item 4 of part one of article 28 of the Law of Ukraine "About financial services and state regulation of the markets of financial services" and to the subitem 18 of item 4 of the Regulations on the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of the markets of financial services, No. approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of November 23, 2011 1070, the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of the markets of financial services decided:

1. Approve Regulations on obligatory criteria and financial standard rates, and also the requirements limiting risks in activities of finance companies by provision of financial services in administration of financial assets for purchase of goods in groups (further - the Provision) which is applied.

2. To submit to department of regulation and supervision of provision of financial services by finance companies together with department of legal providing this order to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for state registration.

3. And members of the commission to provide to management of ensuring activities of the Chairman promulgation of this order after its state registration.

4. Temporarily, before the termination of occupation of the separate territories of Ukraine determined by the Law of Ukraine "About providing the rights and freedoms of citizens and legal regime in temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine" and the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of March 17, 2015 No. 254-VIII "About recognition of certain areas, cities, settlements, villages of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions by partially occupied territories" the structure of the assets relating to the 5th group does not join assets which are rights to claim against participants of group about introduction of periodical payments in payment for current price of the goods acquired for them in group provided with pledge according to the Law of Ukraine "About pledge" and the containing three or more overdue payments of participants of the groups living or being in temporarily occupied territories and in the territory of conducting anti-terrorist operation.

5. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

6. To finance companies to bring the activities into accord with requirements of the Provision within year from the date of entry into force of this order.

7. Control over the implementation of this order to assign to the member Natskomfinuslug Zaletov A. N.

Acting as commission chairman

A. Maksimchuk

Approved by the Order of the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of the markets of financial services of Ukraine of August 8 20017 years No. 3384

Regulations on obligatory criteria and financial standard rates, and also the requirements limiting risks in activities of finance companies by provision of financial services in administration of financial assets for purchase of goods in groups

I. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to item 4 of part one of article 28 of the Law of Ukraine "About financial services and state regulation of the markets of financial services" and the subitem 18 of item 4 of the Regulations on the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of the markets of financial services, No. 1070 approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of November 23, 2011.

2. This Provision establishes criteria and standard rates of solvency, quality of assets and liquidity, and also the requirements limiting risks on transactions with financial assets by provision of financial services in administration of financial assets for purchase of goods in groups.


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