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of October 27, 2017 No. 1308

About approval of the Procedure for forming and approval of investing programs of subjects of managing in the field of conversion of household waste

According to the laws of Ukraine "About natural monopolies", "About state regulation in the field of utilities", "About the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities" the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for forming and approval of investing programs of subjects of managing in the field of conversion of household waste which is applied.

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of, its publication following behind day in the official printing publication - the Pravitelstvenny Kuryer newspaper.

Chairman of NKREKP

D. Vovk

Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities of Ukraine of October 27, 2017 No. 1308

Procedure for forming and approval of investing programs of subjects of managing in the field of conversion of household waste

1. General provisions

1.1. This Procedure establishes the mechanism of development, approval, approval, representation, consideration, approval and accomplishment of investing programs of subjects of managing in the field of conversion of household waste for the purpose of determination of justification of the capital investments and/or expenses planned by them in structure of investment component of rate for service in conversion of household waste on rate on the principles of economic feasibility, and also target use of means by these subjects.

1.2. Action of this Procedure extends to subjects of natural monopolies which perform or intend to perform economic activity on conversion of household waste and are licensees of NKREKP on implementation of economic activity on conversion of household waste (further - licensees).

1.3. In this Procedure terms are used in the following values:

base period - the period which precedes planning period, lasting, as a rule, calendar year;

production investments from profit - certain profit share, formed from economic activity of the licensee also goes for financing of the actions of investing program aimed at the production development;

financing sources of investing program (further - financing sources) - the means received by the licensee from implementation of licensed activities for rendering service in conversion of household waste (further - the licensed activities) at the expense of which financing of actions of investing program, including the depreciation charges, production investments from profit (means in the amount provided in the established rates for accomplishment of investing program) and other receipts received from implementation of the economic activity connected and not connected with licensed type of activity (own means), borrowed funds (bonded loans, bank loans) the raised funds (the means received from sale of shares, attracted under agreements of financial leasing, share and other fees of citizens and legal entities, investors, grants), budgetary funds and so forth is performed;

actions - implementation or purchase of goods, works and services for updating of fixed assets, increase in production efficiency, ensuring accounting of sales amounts, for accounting and optimization of technology costs and losses of natural and energy resources, improvement of quality of provision of services and level of production organization, observance of regulations of ecological safety, etc. which influence rate components;

the accounting period - the period of action of investing program for which the licensee reports on accomplishment of the investment plan;

investing program - the complex of actions approved in accordance with the established procedure, for increase in level of reliability and ensuring effective conversion of household waste, containing obligations of the licensee in the field of conversion of household waste, in particular on construction (reconstruction, modernization) objects in the specified sphere with respect for environmental standards for prevention of harmful effects of household waste on the environment and health of the person, with the corresponding feasibility statements and calculations, the confirming feasibility and efficiency of expected investments, and also with indication of sources of its financing and the schedule of accomplishment;

planning period - the period lasting 12 months for which forming of rate in which structure appropriate sources of financing are provided is performed;

forecast period - the period for which the investing program and equal to planning period is developed or exceeds it, but no more deadline of realization of investing program;

productive indicators - the indicators determined following the results of the analysis (commercial, technical, financial, economic risk analysis, etc.), the characterizing results of accomplishment of investing program and based on which the efficiency evaluation and reasonable use of the means provided by the financial plan for goal achievement and realization of tasks is performed;

annual investing program - the investing program created within planning period;

target expenses (means) - distribution (financing) of expenses of the means provided for accomplishment of appropriate section of investing program.

Other terms in this Procedure are used in the values given in the Law of Ukraine "About state regulation in the field of utilities".

1.4. The licensee according to the legislation bears responsibility for accuracy of the information, provided to them according to this Procedure.

2. Development of investing program

2.1. For the purpose of reasons for the planned expenses of the licensee directed to capital investments into construction, reconstruction, upgrade of object of conversion, acquisition of the tangible and intangible assets and/or amounts directed to return of the credits and other obligations and which are going to be used for financing of the specified purposes the licensee develops investing program, claims, provides its approval, approval and accomplishment.

If the forecast period constitutes more than one year, then measures of investing program and the schedule are provided with breakdown on the periods and Sections of each calendar year.

2.2. The investing program is created according to requirements of this Procedure with indication of amounts and financing sources of actions (excluding tax on value added) and shall contain:

1) the title page in the form given in appendix 1 and/or appendix 2, depending on the period for which the investing program is created;

2) content of investing program in the form given in appendix 3;

3) information card of the licensee of investing program in the form given in appendix 4;

4) the financial plan of use of funds for accomplishment of investing program for the long-term period in the form given in appendix 5;

5) the financial plan of use of funds for accomplishment of annual investing program in the form given in appendix 6;


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