of October 6, 2005 No. 2961-IV
About rehabilitation of persons with disability in Ukraine
This Law according to the Constitution of Ukraine determines the basic principles of creation of legal, social and economic, organizational conditions for elimination or compensation of the consequences caused by permanent violation of health, functioning of system of maintenance by disabled people of physical, mental, social wellbeing, assistance by it in achievement of social and material independence.
In this Law the terms below are used in such value:
person with disability - full age person with permanent restriction of activity to which according to the procedure, determined by the legislation, disability is established;
the child with disability - person before achievement of age of majority by it (aged up to 18 years) with permanent restriction of activity to which according to the procedure, determined by the legislation, disability is established;
disability - measure of loss of health in connection with disease, injury (its consequences) or congenital shortcomings that in case of interaction with external environment can lead to restriction of activity of person owing to what the state shall create conditions for realization of the rights by it on an equal basis with other citizens and provide its social protection;
loss of health - availability of diseases and physical defects which result in physical, sincere and social trouble;
the paragraph of the sixth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.12.2020 No. 1053-IX;
the paragraph of the seventh is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.12.2020 No. 1053-IX;
medico-social examination - establishment of extent of permanent restriction of activity, group of disability, the reason and time of their approach, and also completion and approval of the individual program of rehabilitation of person with disability (the child with disability) within the strategy of compensation on the basis of the individual rehabilitation plan and comprehensive rehabilitation examination of person with activity restriction;
the paragraph the ninth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.12.2020 No. 1053-IX;
elimination of restrictions of activity - system of the actions directed to creation of conditions for achievement or recovery by the person of optimum physical, intellectual, mental and social level of activity and providing its legislatively certain rights;
rehabilitation of persons with disability - system of the medical, psychological, pedagogical, physical, professional, labor, sports sporting, social events sent on provision to the persons of the help in recovery and compensation of the broken or lost functions of organism for achievement and maintenance of social and material independence, labor adaptation and integration into society, and also providing persons with disability supportive applications of rehabilitation and medical products;
the paragraph the twelfth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.12.2020 No. 1053-IX;
rehabilitation actions - complex of actions which perform rehabilitation of persons with disability;
the paragraph the fourteenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.12.2020 No. 1053-IX;
psychology and pedagogical rehabilitation - system of the psychological and pedagogical actions directed to forming of methods of mastering knowledge, skills, provision of psychological assistance, in particular concerning forming of self-affirmation and proper self-assessment by the person of the opportunities, assimilation of rules of public conduct by implementation of system teaching and educational work;
employment rehabilitation - system of the actions directed to training of the person for professional activity, recovery or receipt of professional working capacity by adaptation, readaptation, training, retraining or retraining with possible further employment and necessary social maintenance taking into account personal tendencies and wishes of the person;
labor rehabilitation - system of the actions developed taking into account tendencies, physical, intellectual and mental capacities of the person and directed to mastering labor skills of providing labor activity and adaptation under production conditions including by creation of special or specially adapted workplaces;
sports rehabilitation - system of the actions developed using physical exercises for recovery of health of the person and directed to recovery and compensation by means of occupations by physical culture and sport of functionality of its organism for improvement of physical and psychological state;
the paragraph the nineteenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.12.2020 No. 1053-IX;
social resettlement - system of the actions directed to creation and providing conditions for return of the person to active participation in life, recoveries of its social status and capability to independent public and family and household work by sredo-social orientation and social adaptation, satisfaction of need for ensuring rehabilitation with supportive applications;
psychological recovery - system of the actions directed to recovery, correction of psychological functions, qualities, properties of the person, creating favorable conditions for development and statement of the personality;
the public assistance - system of the actions directed to return of the person to active life and work, recovery of the social status and forming at the person of qualities, installations concerning adaptation to conditions of normal activity by legal and material protection of its existence, preparation for self-service with forming of capability to movement and communication, daily vital needs and so forth;
the paragraph twenty third is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 03.12.2020 No. 1053-IX;;
professional orientation - evidence-based system of forms, methods, levers per capita for assistance to its professional self-determination based on accounting of the state of health, educational and vocational levels, interests, capability, specific, psychophysiological features and requirements of industries of economy;
professional selection - evidence-based system of determination of degree of suitability of the person to specific profession, specialty (workplace, position) according to the normative requirements established by the legislation;
professional adaptation - system of the actions aimed at providing successful professional formation of the working person, forming at it professional qualities, installations requirements actively and creatively to work;
psychological support - system of social and psychological, psychology and pedagogical methods and methods of the help to the person for the purpose of optimization of its psychoemotional condition in the course of forming of capability and consciousness, assistance social professionally to self-determination, increase in competitiveness in the labor market and to the direction of efforts of the person to realization of own professional career;
psychology and pedagogical maintenance - the system activities of the practical psychologist and correctional teacher directed to creation of complex system of kliniko-psychological, psychology and pedagogical and psychotherapeutic conditions which promote assimilation of knowledge, skills, successful adaptation, rehabilitation, personal formation of the person, normalization of the family relations, its integration into society;
psychological adaptation - system of the actions directed to forming at the person of capability to adapt to the requirements and criteria existing in society due to assignment to it regulations and values of this society;
workplace of person with disability the place or production site of permanent or temporary finding of the person in the course of labor activity at the companies, in organizations and the organizations;
special workplace of person with disability - the separate workplace or the site of floor space requiring additional actions for labor organization of the person taking into account its individual functionality caused by disability, way of adaptation of the capital and additional equipment, technical equipment and so forth;
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