of October 23, 2017 No. 859
About approval of Provisional regulations for procedure for performing transplantation of kidney and (or) share of liver, and also marrow haematopoietic stem cells
For the purpose of providing patients at terminal stage with chronic diseases of kidney and hepatic, and also haematogenic system of high-technology specialized medical care, and also widespread introduction of transplantation in surgical practice in the republic the Cabinet of Ministers DECIDES:
1. Approve Provisional regulations for procedure for performing transplantation of kidney and (or) share of liver, and also marrow haematopoietic stem cells according to appendix.
2. Determine effective period of Provisional regulations - about day of entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About organ transplantation, fabrics and (or) cells of the person".
3. To the Ministry of Health together with the interested ministries and departments till December 31, 2017 to introduce in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure the bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About organ transplantation, fabrics and (or) cells of the person", having provided in it, including, establishment of tough control of providing legal development mechanisms of transplant service and implementation of permanent dispensary observation of patients during the posttrasplantatsionny period.
4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. K. Shadmanov and Information analysis department concerning health care, ecology, protection surrounding circles, physical culture and sport of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 23, 2017 No. 859
1. These Provisional regulations determine procedure for performing transplantation of kidney and (or) share of liver, and also marrow haematopoietic stem cells from the living donor, and also the indication and contraindication to performing transplantation, the right and obligation of the donor and recipient.
2. Transplantation of kidney and (or) share of liver is the surgery which is carried out for the purpose of change to the recipient of healthy kidney and (or) share of liver from the living related donor instead of the injured kidney and (or) liver not capable to perform the vital functions and leading to irreversible disorders of health.
Performing transplantation of haematopoietic stem cells of marrow - is the surgery which is carried out for the purpose of change to the recipient of the healthy stem cells of marrow or stem cells of marrow of the living donor instead of the damaged cages not capable to perform the vital functions of blood formation and leading to irreversible disorders of health
.3. For carrying out transplantation of kidney and (or) share of liver by living related donors can be persons who consist in the first, second, third and fourth degree of relationship among themselves, at the same time:
children concerning parents - in the first degree of relationship;
grandsons concerning the grandfather and the grandmother, and also blood brothers and sisters - in the second degree of relationship;
the great-grandson concerning the great-grandfather and the great-grandmother, and also the uncle and the aunt with the nephews - in the third degree of relationship;
cousins and sisters - in the fourth degree of relationship.
The spouses who lived at least three years in the scrap registered in bodies by ZAGS, and all their relatives stated above, and also stepbrothers and sisters, and also children adopted three years ago (with the parents - adoptive parents) in the procedure established by the legislation can be living related donors.
In these Provisional regulations the following basic concepts are applied:
the living donor (further - the donor) - the person who is voluntarily giving body, fabric and (or) cages for transplantation to the recipient;
the recipient - the person to whom transplantation of body, fabric and (or) cells of the person is carried out.
Can be living donors for transplantation of stem cells of marrow both relatives of the recipient, and persons who are not consisting with it in relationship.
4. The documents confirming closely related communication of the donor and recipient are the certificate of birth, the passport, the certificate on marriage, and also other documents testimonial of reliability of family or peculiar relation.
Production of evidence about closely related communication, and also responsibility for authenticity of the submitted documents on family relation is conferred on the donor and the recipient.
5. Withdrawal of kidney and (or) share of liver for the purpose of accomplishment of transplantation at persons which did not reach eighteen-year age, acknowledged in accordance with the established procedure incapacitated, containing in places of detention, persons with disability of I and II groups, the expectant mothers, persons having drug addiction, chronic alcoholism, toxicomania is not allowed.
6. Transplantation is carried out only in the following state medical organizations:
Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of surgery of name of the academician V. Vakhidov;
Republican scientific center of the emergency medical care;
Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of nephrology and transplantation of kidney;
Republican multi-profile medical center of U. Halmuratov (Republic of Karakalpakstan);
Bukhara regional multi-profile medical center;
Navoiy regional multi-profile medical center;
Namangan regional multi-profile medical center;
Samarkand regional multi-profile medical center;
Khorezm regional multi-profile medical center.
6-1. Transplantation of haematopoietic stem cells of marrow is carried out only in the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of hematology.
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