of August 4, 2017 No. 414
About approval of Rules of catering services in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to Item 7 of article 44 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 16, 2012 "About military service and the status of the military personnel" I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of catering services in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. To provide to management of the chief Tyl and arms of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) the direction of the copy of this order in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for inclusion and official publication in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in paper and electronic types within ten calendar days from the date of state registration;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
4) the direction of data in Legal department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item within ten calendar days from the date of state registration.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy defense secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan major general Kurmanbayev B. Zh.
4. Bring this order to officials in the part concerning them.
5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan colonel general
S. Zhasuzakov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 4, 2017 No. 414
1. These rules of catering services in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Rules) determine procedure for catering services in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the military personnel, students of military departments during training sessions, recruits in case of receipt in military educational institutions, the candidates who arrived for delivery of admission examinations and being in barracks in republican schools "Zhas Is Uhlan" (further - content), in the following cases:
1) by delivery of food for cooking content with forces of military unit;
2) in case of acquisition of the food services which are content through commercial structures by means of public procurements;
3) in case of issue of individual food allowances (further - IRP) for content;
4) in case of issue of monetary compensation instead of the put food ration for content.
Catering services in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Armed Forces) the complex of actions aimed at uninterrupted providing connections, military units and organizations (further - military unit) food, sterns, the equipment and property of food service and catering services of the content Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulations.
Put on one content food depending on the contingent, the equipment and property of food service put military unit are established by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2015 No. 353 "About approval of regulations of provisioning, sterns, the equipment, table and kitchen ware and the equipment of food service of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan on peace time" (it is registered in the register of state registration for No. 11844) (further - supply Regulations).
Regulations of provisioning are estimated in daily dachas.
Daily giving, the quantity of food put on the established supply Regulations for food of one person in days.
Daily giving military unit (division) is estimated on payroll.
2. Catering services are performed by the following stages:
1) planning of money for catering services in Armed Forces;
2) regulation of providing with food, the equipment and property of food service in Armed Forces;
3) catering services content in Armed Forces;
4) providing with the equipment and property of food service of Armed Forces;
5) stores organization of food, equipment and property of food service;
6) control of catering services.
3. The common directorship catering services in Armed Forces is performed of management of providing Head department of Tyl Upravleniya with food of the chief Tyl and arms of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - management of providing with food) which is dovolstvuyushchy body in Armed Forces concerning food supply.
4. Management of catering services at other levels of bodies of military management is performed of the relevant food services.
5. Treat governing bodies of food service:
1) in the center - management of providing with food;
2) in managements of commanders-in-chief of types, top military commanders of regional commands, types of military forces, connections, military units and organizations of Armed Forces - food service.
6. Providing Armed Forces with food, the equipment and property is performed according to the scheme:
the center - management of the commander-in-chief of type of troops;
management of the commander-in-chief of type of troops - managements of top military commanders of regional command, type of military forces;
management of the top military commander of regional command, type of military forces - connection;
connection - military unit (ship);
military unit (ship) - division and (or) the serviceman.
7. Planning of money for catering services in Armed Forces is performed at all levels of bodies of military management based on the Plan of food supply of the Armed Forces and the Plan of providing with the equipment and property of food service constituted according to appendices 1 and 2, to these rules (further - Plans of providing).
8. Plans of providing reflect quantity and quality characteristics of need of Armed Forces for food, the equipment and property of food service.
9. Plans of providing are constituted:
1) management of providing with food - for Armed Forces;
2) food service of types and types of military forces, regional commands - for subordinate connections, military units and organizations;
3) food service of connection - for the military units and organizations which are part of connection and consisting on allowance;
4) food service of military unit (organization) - for military unit (organization) and military units (organizations) consisting on allowance.
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