of December 27, 2005 No. PP-244
About the forecast of the main macroeconomic indicators and parameters of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2006
According to the Resolution of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 2, 2005 N99-1 "About the Government Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2006":
1. Approve:
the main macroeconomic indicators for 2006 according to the appendix N 1;
key parameters of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2006 according to the appendix N 2;
key parameters of the off-budget Pension fund, Republican road fund, off-budget fund of school education under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2006 according to the appendices NN 3-5.
2. Establish the extreme extent of central government budget deficit for 2006 in the amount of percent 1,5 to amount of the gross domestic product (GDP).
Determine that financing of central government budget deficit is performed only at the expense of noninflationary sources, including receipts from placement of government bonds, remaining balance of means of the republican budget for the beginning of 2006 and external borrowings.
3. Approve rates for 2006:
tax on the income (profit) of legal entities according to the appendix N6;
tax on gross income of trade enterprises and public catering according to the appendix N 7;
single tax payment for microfirms and small enterprises according to the appendix N 8;
the single tax from gross revenue for the legal entities performing activities for the organization of lotteries, totalizators and based on risk of other games according to the appendix N 9;
the fixed tax by separate types of business activity on legal entities and physical persons according to the appendices NN 10 and 11;
the excise tax on the goods made in the republic and delivered according to lists according to the appendices NN 12-1, 12-2;
tax for use of water resources according to the appendix N 13;
tax for use of natural resources according to the appendix N 14;
the excess profit tax on copper cathodic according to the appendix N 15;
the property tax of legal entities according to the appendix N 16;
the property tax of physical persons according to the appendix N 17;
the single land tax according to the appendix N 18;
the single land tax for the payers who passed to payment of the single land tax proceeding from the normative cost of agricultural holdings according to the appendix N 19;
the land tax for the payers who did not pass to payment of the single land tax according to the appendix N 20;
the local taxes and charges according to the appendix N 21;
obligatory contributions and charges to Republican road fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the appendices NN 22 and N 23;
obligatory contributions to the off-budget Pension fund in the amount of 0,7 of percent and in Fund of school education under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 1 percent from the established subjects to taxation according to the appendix N 24.
4. Keep for 2006:
tax rate on value added in the amount of 20 percent;
rate of compulsory insurance premiums of citizens from the salary in the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of percent 2,5;
payment of the single tax for microfirms and small enterprises performing purchasing, supplying and sales, broker activity, and also rendering services in the commission agreement, in rate in the amount of 30 percent to gross income except for of microfirms and small enterprises performing broker activities in the security market which pay the single tax at the rate in the amount of 10 percent to gross income.
To the Ministry of Finance together with the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two weeks to develop and approve in accordance with the established procedure Regulations on procedure for calculation and payment of the single tax.
5. Lower rates since January 1, 2006:
tax on income of legal entities and physical persons gained in the form of dividends and percent from 15 to 10 percent;
single social payment from 31 to 25 percent with distribution of means between the off-budget Pension fund, the State fund of assistance of employment and the Federation Council of labor unions according to standard rates according to the appendix N 25.
Recommend to business entities to allocate the funds released as a result of decrease in rate of single social payment for wages increase of workers.
6. Impose since January 1, 2006 the excise tax on the liquefied gas produced by the manufacturing companies of the republic, except for the amounts realized to the population through the interregional unitary enterprises of JSC Uztransgaz, at the rate in the amount of 21 percent, estimated according to the legislation.
7. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 27.09.2020 No. UP-6075
8. Extend since January 1, 2006 to agricultural producers of the Andijan, Bukhara, Khorezm regions, within continuation of experiment, calculation of the single land tax, proceeding from the normative cost of agricultural holdings.
To the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on land resources, geodesy, cartography and the state inventory together with the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan to bring in accordance with the established procedure to all agricultural producers of the Andijan, Bukhara and Khorezm regions the normative cost of land grounds for calculation of the single land tax.
9-11. Confidentially.
12. Increase share of the funds allocated in the Government budget from privatization and privatization from 40 to 65 percent at the expense of the means left at the disposal of the companies on which balance there is privatized part of property, with the direction them in the off-budget Pension fund.
13. For the purpose of increase in role, independence and responsibility of regional authorities and management in forming of the income and expenses of local budgets of all levels to enlist increases in share of local budgets in the government budget in full in the income of local budgets of receipt on the following nation-wide taxes:
to tax for use of water resources;
to the fixed tax on separate types of business activity on legal entities and physical persons;
to the excise tax on the alcoholic products made in the republic, alcohol, beer and vegetable oil.
14. Approve for 2006:
amounts of the income and expenses of the budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of areas and the city of Tashkent, the extreme sizes of grants and target subventions from the republican budget according to the appendix N 26;
standard rates of contributions from receipts of nation-wide taxes to the budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of areas and the city of Tashkent according to the appendix N 27;
minimum admissible sizes of turnover cash of the budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of areas and the city of Tashkent according to the appendix N 28.
Grant to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan the right:
in case of allocation of grants, target subventions and budget advances (on temporary cash gap between the income and expenses) to the relevant budgets to specify their sizes, proceeding from completeness of receipts of all taxes and payments which are due on the territories, and also need of unconditional financing of first-priority expenses of the Government budget (the salary with charges, grants, benefits and the payments equated to them);
bring amendments in the approved sizes of the income transferred from the republican budget to the local budget of the Samarkand region, taking into account the tax revenues from JV UZBAT created in the Samarkand region, with settlement of the arising cash gaps between the income and expenses by means of mutual calculations between the republican budget and the local budget of the Samarkand region.
15. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide step-by-step reducing the budgetary appropriations allocated to the Center for testing and certification of agricultural machinery and machine technologies under Uzagromashservice Association, annually for 15% with its full translation for self-financing since 2010.
16. Approve for 2006 the sizes of reserve fund of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and budget reserve funds of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of areas and the city of Tashkent according to the appendix N 29.
17. Determine that I will eat around attraction of the foreign credits from name or under guarantee of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2006 shall not exceed amount of repayment of principal debt on the foreign credits for 2005.
18. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to continue implementation of measures for further implementation in 2006 of mechanisms of treasurer execution of the State Budget in the Samarkand region, and also to step-by-step introduction of treasurer budget implementation for the state-financed organizations located in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Bukhara, Namangan, Surkhandarya, Syr Darya, Khorezm regions and the city of Tashkent.
19. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
along with submission of the budget statement for 2007 to bring in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure target reference points of parameters of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2008-2009;
together with the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan on analysis results of accomplishment of the forecast of macroeconomic indicators and execution of the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan, if necessary, to make in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on refining of key parameters of the Government budget within the established deficit.
20. Accept the offer of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
a) about refining of the main indicators for 2005:
the income of the Government budget in the amount of 3330 billion sum, expenses - to 3420 billion sum and decrease in amount of budget deficit to percent 0,6 to amount of gross domestic product;
the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the income of 990,4 of one billion sum and expenses of 979,6 of one billion bags;
b) about carrying out together with the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January, 2006 of transactions on settlement of mutual calculations between budgets of all levels for 2005 final turnovers with reflection of the performed operations in the performance report of the Government budget for 2005.
21. Consider invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the appendix N 30.
Make changes and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the appendices NN 31 and 32 (confidentially).
22. To the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments to make offers in the Cabinet of Ministers on changes and amendments in the existing acts of the legislation in connection with adoption of this resolution in a month.
To the ministries and departments, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent in week time to bring earlier published regulations into accord with this resolution.
23. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Golyshev V. A.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
I. Karimov
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 27, 2005 No. PP-244
(in % to previous year)
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |Прогноз на | | Показатели |2006 год | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Валовой внутренний продукт (ВВП) |107,2 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Индекс потребительских цен, к декабрю 2005 года |6,0 - 8,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Объем промышленной продукции |109,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Объем производства сельскохозяйственной продукции |105,2 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Объем капитальных вложений |107,5 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Объем розничного товарооборота |108,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Дефицит Государственного бюджета (в % к ВВП) |1,5 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Appendix No. 2
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 27, 2005 No. PP-244
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Показатели |млн. сум | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |I. Доходы без государственных целевых фондов - всего |4 042 460,4 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1. Прямые налоги |1 045 920,6 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.1 Налог на доходы (прибыль) юридических лиц |218 955,1 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.2 Налог на валовой доход предприятий торговли и | | | общественного питания |72 961,1 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.3 Единый налог и отчисления в Государственный бюджет|95 542,7 | | от единого налогового платежа для микрофирм и | | | малых предприятий | | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.4 Налог на доходы физических лиц |603 416,7 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.5 Фиксированный налог на доходы юридических и |55 045,0 | | физических лиц, занимающихся предпринимательской | | | деятельностью | | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2. Косвенные налоги |1 986 656,3 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2.1 Налог на добавленную стоимость |1 017 352,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2.2 Акцизный налог |760 548,6 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2.3 Таможенная пошлина |86 754,5 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2.4 Единый таможенный платеж с физических лиц |45 883,9 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2.5 Налог с физических лиц на потребление бензина, | | | дизельного топлива и газа для транспортных средств|76 117,3 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3. Ресурсные платежи и налог на имущество |768 184,1 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3.1 Налог на имущество |142 580,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3.2 Земельный налог |138 541,7 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3.3 Налог за пользование недрами |465 749,1 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3.4 Налог за пользование водными ресурсами |21 313,3 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |4. Налог на благоустройство и развитие социальной | | | инфраструктуры |69 614,5 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |5. Прочие доходы |172 084,9 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |II. Доходы внебюджетного Фонда школьного образования | | | при Министерстве финансов |261 855,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |III. Доходы государственных целевых фондов |1 623 906,9 | |(Внебюджетный Пенсионный фонд при Министерстве | | |финансов, Республиканский дорожный фонд при | | |Министерстве финансов, Государственный фонд содействия| | |занятости, Специальный счет Госкомимущества) | | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |ВСЕГО ДОХОДОВ |5 928 222,3 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Appendix No. 2 continuation
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Показатели |млн. сум | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |I. Расходы без государственных целевых фондов - всего |4 313 522,1 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1. Расходы на социальную сферу и социальную поддержку | | | населения - всего |2 205 348,9 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |из них: | | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.1 просвещение |1 285 078,5 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.2 здравоохранение |494 675,1 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.3 культура и спорт |66 179,7 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.4 наука |22 549,3 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.5 социальное обеспечение |16 872,4 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.6 возмещение из бюджета разницы в ценах на | | | социально-значимые услуги для населения |13 160,9 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.7 социальные пособия семьям, включая имеющим детей |282 554,8 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2. Дотация Внебюджетному Пенсионному фонду |50 000,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3. Расходы на экономику |557 666,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |4. Расходы на финансирование централизованных | | | инвестиций |395 000,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |5. Содержание органов государственной власти, | | | управления и судебных органов |88 562,6 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |6. Содержание органов самоуправления граждан |27 400,4 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |7. Резервный фонд Кабинета Министров |19 450,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |8. Прочие расходы |970 094,2 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |II. Расходы внебюджетного Фонда школьного образования | | |при Министерстве финансов |261 855,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |III. Расходы государственных целевых фондов |1 623 906,9 | |(Внебюджетный Пенсионный фонд при Министерстве | | |финансов, Республиканский дорожный фонд при | | |Министерстве финансов, Государственный фонд содействия| | |занятости, Специальный счет Госкомимущества) | | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Всего расходов |6 199 284,0 | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| |Дефицит Государственного бюджета |-271 061,7 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Appendix No. 3
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 27, 2005 No. PP-244
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Показатели |млн. сум | |------------------------------------------------------+-------------| | |ВСЕГО РЕСУРСОВ |1 383 645,8 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.|Ожидаемый остаток на начало 2006 года |35 807,0 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2.|Доходы |1 207 838,8 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| | |в том числе: | | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| | |Единый социальный платеж от фонда оплаты труда | 934 347,7 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| | |Обязательные страховые взносы граждан от заработной| | | |платы | 93 069,8 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| | |Обязательные отчисления от объема реализации | | | |товаров (работ, услуг) | 151 738,7 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| | |Прочие доходы | 28 682,6 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3.|Дотация из Государственного бюджета | 50 000,0 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |4.|Поступления от приватизации государственного | | | |имущества | 40 000,0 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |5.|Остатки средств Дорожного фонда на конец 2005 года | 50 000,0 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| | |РАСХОДЫ | 1 353 645,8 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |1.|Выплата пенсий неработающим пенсионерам | 1 188 065,7 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |2.|Выплата пенсий работающим пенсионерам | 51 551,5 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |3.|Денежная компенсация по оплате коммунальных услуг | 22 980,0 | |--+---------------------------------------------------+-------------| |4.|Пособия по временной нетрудоспособности, | | | |беременности и родам, при рождении ребенка, на | | | |погребение
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