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of August 28, 2017 No. 673

About implementation of the Law No. 133 of June 17, 2016 on declaring of property and private interests

Based on parts (2) and (4) Article 7 and Item a) parts (1) article 25 of the Law No. 133 of June 17, 2016 on declaring of property and private interests (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 245-246, 513) DECIDES: the Government

1. To subjects of declaring of property and private interests as a part of the public organizations to apply the strengthened qualified digital signature to signing of the declaration on property and private interests electronically.

2. Approve the following procedure for issue of the strengthened qualified digital signatures to subjects of declaring of property and private interests as a part of the public organizations:

1) to National authority on integrity within one month to determine and constitute the list of responsible persons for collection of declarations on property and private interests, and also to approve the plan of their training for the purpose of filling of the Electronic register of subjects of declaring of property and private interests;

2) to provide to the State office by means of the State company "Center of Special Telecommunications" issue to the strengthened qualified digital signature to subjects of declaring of property and private interests as a part of the public organizations based on the statement provided by the public organizations and according to the updated list of the public organizations which is kept by National authority on integrity. The regulations on procedure for provision of services of certification of open keys to subjects of declaring of property and private interests affirm the State company "Center of Special Telecommunications" and are approved with Service of information and safety;

3) to the public organizations till October 1, 2017 to introduce data on the subjects of declaring of property and private interests operating in their structure in the Electronic register of subjects of declaring of property and private interests;

4) to provide to the public organizations necessary specifications for application of the strengthened qualified digital signature and accuracy of the data, the certification services containing in the application for rendering which is submitted to the State company "Center of Special Telecommunications".

3. Provisions of this resolution do not extend to subjects of declaring of property and the private interests specified in part (3) article 9 of the Law No. 133 of June 17, 2016 on declaring of property and private interests.

4. To provide to owners of the State register of the population, the State register of legal units, the Electronic register of subjects of declaring of property and private interests and the Register of the state positions and government employees by means of interoperability platform free access to the State company "Center of Special Telecommunications" to these registers for the purpose of confirmation of reliability and establishment of authenticity of the data provided in the statement by the public organizations.

5. Access to strictly necessary information from the state registers specified in Item 4, is provided by means of interoperability platform on the basis of the agreements on cooperation signed with the holder of platform by means of which sufficient guarantees concerning ensuring compliance with the principles of processing and personal data protection, according to the current legislation and the advanced practice in the field are provided.

6. The expenses connected with issue to the strengthened digital qualified signature are provided on a centralized basis with the State office due to the assignments provided for this purpose in the government budget for the corresponding year. For the current year of the State office to provide offers on amendment of the budget financial resources when refining the government budget for 2017.

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


Minister of Finance


Octavian to Armash


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