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of August 24, 2017 No. 583

About approval of Rules of catering services in National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.12.2023 No. 905)

According to Item 7 of article 44 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 16, 2012 "About military service and the status of the military personnel" I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of catering services in National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. To the main command of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Zhaksylykov R. F.) in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on the Internet - resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration, the direction of the copy of this order, on official publication in paper and electronic type, in the Kazakh and Russian languages, the confirmed official stamp, in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan police major general Bisenkulov B. B.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister police colonel general

K. Kasymov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 24, 2017 No. 583

Rules of catering services in National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of catering services in National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan are developed according to Item 7 of article 44 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About military service and the status of the military personnel" and determine procedure for catering services in National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - National guard).

2. Catering services in National guard are performed in the following procedure:

1) planning of money for catering services and provisioning of the military personnel, the equipment and property of food service of National guard;

2) providing with food and provisioning of the military personnel of National guard;

3) the organization of accounting and the reporting in food service of National guard;

4) providing National guard with the equipment and property of food service for catering services;

5) stores organization of food, the equipment and property of the food service intended for catering services of National guard.

3. Management of catering services in National guard is performed of department of food supply of management of the back of the Main command (further - department of food supply) which is the central body in National guard concerning food supply.

4. The department of food supply directs food service of National guard, instructs within the competence obligatory for execution, and explanations to food services of regional commands, connections, military units and the highest military educational institution of National guard concerning food supply.

5. Management of catering services at other levels of bodies of military management is performed of food services of regional commands, connections, military units and the highest military educational institution of National guard.

6. Treat governing bodies of food service:

1) in the center - department of food supply;

2) in regional commands, connections, military units and the highest military educational institution food service.

7. In addition to governing bodies enter into structure of food service of National guard:

1) provision warehouses (bases, vegetable storehouses) military units and the highest military educational institution of National guard;

2) canteens of military units and the highest military educational institution of National guard.

8. Providing National guard with food, the equipment and property is performed according to the scheme: the center - department of food supply of management of the back of the Main command - food service of regional command (food service of the highest military educational institution of National guard) - food service of connection (military unit) - division - the serviceman.

Chapter 2. Planning of money for catering services of National guard

9. Planning of money for catering services of National guard is performed at all levels of bodies of military management and performed in the following directions:

1) planning of money on catering services and provisioning of the military personnel;

2) planning of money for purchase of the equipment and property of food service for catering services.

Paragraph 1. Planning of money for catering services and provisioning of the military personnel

10. Planning of money for catering services and provisioning of the military personnel is performed in the following directions:

acquisition of food services;

acquisition of food and individual food allowances (further - IRP).

11. Basic data for planning of money on purchase of food services, food and individual food allowances for National guard are:

1) the actual (planned) availability of food, individual food allowances for the beginning of the planned period;

2) the number of staff of the military personnel of conscription service, and also payroll number of the contract servicemen who are part of combat crews, daily details and alerts of regional commands, connections, military units and the highest military educational institution of National guard for the beginning of the planned period;

3) the natural regulations of food and provisioning, sterns, the equipment, table and kitchen ware and the equipment of food service of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on peace time (further - natural regulations) approved by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2015 No. 420 "About approval of natural regulations of the food, provisioning, sterns, the equipment, table and kitchen ware and the equipment of food service of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on peace time" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 12632) (further - the Order No. 420), their quantity on each regulation;

4) organizational actions which holding is provided in the planned period;

5) food prices and IRP;

6) price proposals of potential suppliers of food (forage).

12. The data obtained by results of planning of money for providing with food the military personnel and feeding of office animals of National guard join appropriate section in the budget request of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Paragraph 2. Planning of money for purchase of the equipment and property of food service for catering services

13. Basic data for planning of money for purchase of the equipment and property of food service of National guard are:

1) the actual availability of the equipment and property of food service, their high-quality condition taking into account useful lives for the beginning of the planned period;

2) natural regulations;

3) the number of staff of the military personnel of conscription service, and also payroll number of the contract servicemen who are part of combat crews, daily details and alerts of regional commands, connections, military units of the highest military educational institution of National guard;

4) the prices of the equipment and property of food service, according to data of authorized body in the field of the state statistics (in the presence);

5) price proposals of potential suppliers.

The data obtained by results of planning of money for purchase of the equipment and property of food service of National guard join appropriate section in the budget request of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 3. Providing with food and provisioning of the military personnel of National guard

14. Providing with food and provisioning of the military personnel of National guard is performed according to natural regulations, No. approved by the Order 420, within the allocated limits of budgetary funds for the corresponding period by the following methods:

1) acquisition of food for the military personnel;

2) acquisition of food services of the military personnel;

3) acquisition of IRP.

15. Providing the military personnel with food is performed using the following features:

1) transfer on food supply of connections, military units and the highest military educational institution of National guard and their exception from food supply;

2) transfer of the military personnel (military teams, divisions) on food supply and their exception from food supply;

3) providing the military personnel with food ration (IRP) on transit.

Paragraph 1. Transfer on food supply of connections, military units and the highest military educational institution of National guard and their exception from food supply

16. Transfer on food supply of connections, military units and the highest military educational institution in other regional command, connection, military unit and their exception from food supply is performed by reorganization, re-deployment, temporary movement (in case of accomplishment of office and fighting tasks), and also in other cases according to orders of the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Commander-in-chief of National guard.

17. Again created military units are enlisted on food supply based on the relevant order of the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Commander-in-chief of National guard about their forming. When moving military unit to the new place of dislocation and attachment to other regional command of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan in regional command where there was on food supply military unit, the certificate in form, according to appendix 1 to these rules is written out.

18. In military unit the certificate is written out only in case to it other military unit is attributed on providing. The certificate is signed in regional command (military unit) - the deputy commander, the commander of military unit on the back and chiefs of the relevant services.

19. By results of transfer on food supply and exceptions from food supply regional command, connection or military unit in which food supply was performed submit the report on the executed actions in department of food supply.

Paragraph 2. Transfer of the military personnel (military teams, divisions) on food supply and their exception from food supply

20. The military teams (divisions) of National guard arriving to the destination and to areas of accomplishment of office and fighting tasks are enlisted on food supply based on the order (order) of the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Commander-in-chief of National guard, at the same time the military personnel arriving as a part of these military units is enlisted on food supply in one of military units of the National guard which is in Item of temporary dislocation.

21. The military personnel who arrived to military unit or is enlisted in the highest military educational institution of National guard on food supply and excluded from food supply by the daily order of the commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard.

22. Serve as the basis for transfer on food supply and exception from food supply:

the natural regulations approved by the Order No. 420;

for contract servicemen - the instruction and the official report about transfer on food supply and exception from food supply in form, according to appendix 2 to these rules;

for cadets and the military personnel of conscription service - the instruction, the leave pass and the certificate on food according to appendix 3 to these rules.

23. The certificate on food is the document confirming on what number and on what natural regulations of ration the cadet or the serviceman, military team (division) with food in nature is satisfied in case of departure from military unit. The certificate grants the right to the serviceman (military team, division) on receipt of food in nature both on the new duty station of the serviceman, and in case of stay it on official journey, on leave and on stationary treatment in military hospital, polyclinic, infirmary of military unit or the highest military educational institution.

24. If on arrival of the serviceman in military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard without certificate on food (the certificate is lost, etc.) the serviceman is enlisted on food supply by the daily order of the commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard based on its official report in which absence reasons of the certificate are specified and on what number it is satisfied with food. The duplicate of the certificate from the military unit or the highest military educational institution which issued the certificate on food which shall send it no later than 3 days is at the same time requested.

25. In case of initial emergence of the right at the military personnel and other contingents according to notes to natural regulations approved by the Order No. 420, on food supply at the expense of the state they are enlisted and excluded by the daily order of the commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard without certificate.

26. According to the charter of garrison and guard services of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 364 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 5, 2007 "About approval of all-army regulations of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the military personnel containing on guardroom is provided with food on regulation of the main general ration, their transfer on food is performed according to food certificates. If in case of guardroom food is not cooked, then the procedure for its delivery to the military personnel to guardroom is established by the chief of garrison.

Detained, not having food certificates, installed on guardroom or to the room for temporarily detained, are enlisted on allowance according to the statement from the order of the chief of body of military police (the commander of military unit).

27. Without certificate on food also the military personnel and other contingents having the right to food ration (food) at the expense of the state, brought to military-medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in case of sudden diseases are enlisted on food supply (injuries, poisonings, infectious diseases, etc.). In these cases the military-medical organization requests the certificate on food from military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard, and the last - immediately send it to military-medical organization. Contract servicemen are enlisted on food supply at the expense of the state based on the medical certificate (direction) of the treating (inspected) doctor for the appointed medical period.

28. In case of departure of the military personnel from military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard as a part of military team (division) the certificate on food is written out one on all team. The list of the military personnel which is signed by the same officials, as the certificate is attached to the certificate, and also the commander of the decreasing division (the senior of team) and it is certified by official stamp of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard.

29. The certificate on food is not written out by the serviceman passing conscription military service, transferred to the reserve, and about satisfaction them food specified in the instruction.

30. Food rations on natural regulations of food and provisioning are released at the expense of the state or with payment of their all-in cost.

31. Are handed out by the serviceman of National guard at the expense of the state of the soldering of natural regulations in the form of food or products.

32. Cadets of the highest military educational institution of National guard the entire period of training including after the publication of the order on assignment of primary officer rank by it, till day of their release are provided with free food.

33. Cadets of the highest military educational institution of National guard in case of release them during study from content in barracks can be excluded from food supply, or instead of the food put by it it is allowed to hand out food.

34. All military personnel of National guard receives only one food ration of natural regulation put by it.

35. The military personnel of military units, divisions (teams, duty shifts, combat crews) receiving food on different natural regulations, with the written permission of department of food supply of management of the back of the Main command of National guard is provided with food on one natural regulation if under the terms of their placement or accomplishment of office and fighting tasks by them it is not possible to organize food for them separately.

36. Lists of the military personnel to which issue of food rations on natural regulations of food on hands is allowed also terms of issue of food rations monthly (to the 30th day of the last month) appear the order of the commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard. Lists are constituted by the headquarters of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard based on requests of commanders of divisions.

37. IRP is also back issued to the military personnel passing conscription military service and cadets of the highest military educational institution of National guard on transit (business trip, leave) to the venue (dislocation).

38. When moving the serviceman passing conscription military service or the cadet of the highest military educational institution of National guard from one division in another in military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard transfer and exception on food supply it is performed according to the food reference which is written out by food service in form according to appendix 4 to these rules.

39. The military personnel who arrived with marks in food certificates about satisfaction them with food for one or several days ahead is enlisted on food supply from the date of to which they were satisfied according to the certificate.

40. Issue of food on hands to the military personnel receiving food ration on natural regulation for any number of days, but no more than for one month the days established by the commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution is made on delivery notes on internal transfer of inventories in form No. 434-z, according to appendix 50, of the acting minister of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of August 2, 2011 No. 390 "About approval of the Album of forms of accounting documentation for public institutions" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 7126) (further - the Order No. 390), written out and registered in financial service or according to the distributing (delivery) sheets which are written out by food service in form according to appendix 5 to these rules.

The basis for the statement of food are natural regulations of food, the diary of accounting of movement of the military personnel consisting on food supply, which is kept in food service in form, according to appendix 6 to these rules and the menu layout of products, written out in food service in form, according to appendix 7 to these rules.

Paragraph 3. Catering services of the military personnel

41. Development of diet of the military personnel of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard is assigned to the commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard, their deputies for the back, chiefs of food and health services.

42. Reception hours of food the military personnel are determined by the commander of military unit or the chief of military educational institution of National guard.

43. Intervals between meals shall not exceed 7 hours taking into account it in case of establishment of daily routine the breakfast is planned prior to the occupations, lunch - after the end of major activities, dinner - in 2-3 hours prior to release. After lunch within at least 30 minutes classes or works are not given.

44. Requirements to diet are implemented in the menu layout of products which allows to use most correctly and rationally products of ration of natural regulation for preparation of various and physiologically full-fledged food, and also to acquaint the military personnel and officials controlling catering services, with the range of the planned dishes, quantity of food which are subject to issue on one serviceman a day and settlement exit of ready dishes, meat and fish portions.

45. The menu layout of products is constituted by the chief of food service of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard together with the chief of health service of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard, chiefs of dining rooms and instructors-cooks of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard.

46. Sign the menu layout of products:

1) deputy commander of military unit or deputy chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard for the back;

2) chiefs of medical and food services of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard.

The commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard approves the menu layout of products.

Changes in approved by the menu layout of products can be made only with the written permission of the commander of military unit or the chief of the highest military educational institution of National guard.

47. The menu layout of products is written out for week in four copies. For the separate deployed divisions of military units the menu layout of products for a period of one month is used week.

The first copy of the menu layout of products is in food service of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard and forms the basis for the organization of control of food of the military personnel and creation of the reporting, the second and third copies are written out on warehouse and to the dining room, form the basis for the statement of products from warehouse to the dining room and management for the cook when cooking, the fourth copy is hung out in the lunch hall of the dining room. For the separate deployed divisions of military units of the menu layout of products it is written out for week in triplicate. Upon termination of use (management) of the menu layout of products are given in food service of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard.

48. Food of the military personnel of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard will be organized by food service.

49. For catering services of the military personnel, and also storages of food in military units or in the highest military educational institution of National guard are equipped table, provision warehouses and vegetable storehouses which are placed in the special buildings built or reconstructed on the projects approved without fail with department of food supply.

50. Officials of military unit or the highest military educational institution of National guard in case of execution of job and special responsibilities, and also persons arriving with check on the corresponding office task or the instruction exercise control of catering services of the military personnel.


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