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of September 21, 2017 No. 1156

About approval of the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service and supply of natural gas

(as amended on 02-11-2017)

According to the laws of Ukraine "About the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of power and utilities" and "About the natural gas market" the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities decides:

1. Approve the Minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service and supply of natural gas which are attached.

2. To operators of gas-distribution systems and suppliers of natural gas within two weeks from the date of entry into force of this resolution to post the current version of the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service and supply of natural gas on the official sites.

3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of, its publication following behind day in the official printing publication - the Pravitelstvenny Kuryer newspaper.

Chairman of NKREKP

D. Vovk

Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of power and utilities of Ukraine of September 21, 2017 No. 1156

Minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service and supply of natural gas

1. General provisions

1.1. These Standards and requirements determine the list of the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service and supply of natural gas (further - Standards and requirements) governing the relations connected with distribution and supply of natural gas according to the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service, consumer protection and provision of gas-distribution system by the operator (further - the Operator of GRS) or the supplier of natural gas (further - the supplier) compensations for non-compliance with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of distribution and supply of natural gas to consumers or customers (in case of non-compliance with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of accession to gas networks).

1.2. Action of these Standards and requirements extends to operators of GRS, suppliers, consumers of natural gas, customers (in case of non-compliance with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of accession to gas networks).

1.3. In these Standards and requirements terms are used in the following values:

end date of provision of service - end date of counting of term of provision of service to the consumer (customer) which is confirmed by the relevant act, registration of initial information or other established document

start date of provision of service - start date of counting of term of provision of service to the consumer (customer) from the moment of receipt of GRS by the Operator or supplier from the consumer (customer) of all necessary data (the fact of obtaining and which completeness of content is established by the relevant document registered as incoming correspondence) and in need of payment of service according to the established regulations;

information source - the paper, electronic or magnetic data carrier which content is used for fixing and receipt of information in the course of the organization of monitoring of indicators of quality of provision of services of distribution of natural gas by the Operator of GRS and indicators of quality of provision of services of supply of natural gas by the supplier;

information source code - code which for convenience is assigned by division of the Operator of GRS or the supplier for own sources of information used for monitoring of indicators of quality of provision of services of the Operator of GRS or the supplier;

compensation for non-compliance with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of distribution of natural gas - the sum of money provided to the consumer or the customer (in case of non-compliance with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of accession to gas networks) in case of non-compliance by the operator with GRS of the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of distribution of natural gas in the sizes established by these Standards and requirements;

compensation for non-compliance with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of supply of natural gas - the sum of money provided to the consumer in case of non-compliance by the supplier with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of supply of natural gas in the sizes established by these Standards and requirements;

the minimum Standard and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of distribution of natural gas - the consumer service quality level in case of provision of services of distribution of natural gas which shall be provided in amount and in the terms determined by the current legislation;

the minimum Standard and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of supply of natural gas - the consumer service quality level in case of provision of services of supply of natural gas which shall be provided in amount and in the terms determined by the current legislation.

Other terms in these Standards and requirements are used in the values given in the laws of Ukraine "About the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of power and utilities", "About the natural gas market", "About addresses of citizens", the Code of gas-distribution systems approved by the resolution of NKREKP of September 30, 2015 No. 2494, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 6, 2015 at No. 1379/27824 (further - the Code of GRS), the Rules of supply of gas approved by the resolution of NKREKP of September 30, 2015 No. 2496, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 6, 2015 at No. 1382/27827 (further - Rules of supply of natural gas).

2. Providing with the Operator GRS of the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of distribution of natural gas

2.1. The operator of GRS shall provide the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of provision of services of distribution of natural gas to the consumer or the customer (in case of non-compliance with the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service in case of accession to gas networks).

2.2. By provision by the Operator of GRS of services of distribution of natural gas treat the minimum Standards and quality requirements of consumer service:

1) provision of technical access to gas-distribution system:


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