Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 30, 2017 No. 704

About cash cover of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure and some other persons

(as amended on 10-01-2019)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve:

scale of charges of categories and coefficients of official pay rates of the military personnel from among faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure, officers (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), faces of the private and the commanding structure according to appendix 1;

the scheme of job grades on the main standard positions of faces of officers of Armed Forces, National guard, the State Border Service and the Public special service of transport according to appendix 2;

the scheme of job grades on the main standard positions of faces of officers of Management of the state protection according to appendix 3;

the scheme of job grades on the main standard positions of faces of officers of Security service according to appendix 4;

the scheme of job grades on the main standard positions of faces of officers of Service of foreign intelligence and other prospecting bodies according to appendix 5;

the scheme of job grades on the main standard positions of faces of the commanding structure of bodies and divisions of civil protection according to appendix 6;

the scheme of job grades on the main standard positions of faces of officers of Public service of special communication and information security according to appendix 7;

the scheme of job grades on the main standard positions of faces of the commanding structure of the Public criminal and executive service according to appendix 8;

the scheme of job grades on positions of faces of the commanding structure of tax police of the office of the Public fiscal service according to appendix 9;

the scheme of job grades on positions of faces of the commanding structure of tax police of head departments in areas, Kiev and body for servicing of large taxpayers of the Public fiscal service according to appendix 10;

the scheme of job grades on positions of faces of the commanding structure of tax police of the state tax authorities of the Public fiscal service according to appendix 11;

scale of charges of categories and coefficients of official pay rates of the military personnel of compulsory military service according to appendix 12;

the scheme of tariff coefficients on positions of cadets of military educational institutions, educational institutions of the Ministry of infrastructure, Public service of special communication and information security, Public service on emergency situations, the Public criminal and executive service, the Public fiscal service, lyceum students of military lyceums, lyceums of civil protection and lyceums with the strengthened military physical training from among the orphan children and children deprived of parent guardianship according to appendix 13;

the scheme of tariff coefficients on military (special) rank of the military personnel (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), faces of the private and the commanding structure according to appendix 14;

additional types of cash cover of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure in sizes according to appendix 15;

the sizes of length-of-service allowance the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the private and the commanding structure according to appendix 16.

2. Determine that cash cover of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure consists of official pay rate, salary on military (special) rank, monthly (increase in official pay rate, the allowance, surcharge, the remunerations having permanent nature, awards) and one-time additional types of cash cover.

3. Payment of cash cover by the serviceman, to faces of the private and the commanding structure to perform according to the procedure, approved by the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of infrastructure, the Ministry of Justice, Security service, Management of the state protection, Service of foreign intelligence, Administration of Public service of special communication and information security (further - state bodies).

4. Determine that the sizes of official pay rates, salaries are determined by military (special) ranks of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure by multiplication of the size of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons established by the law for January 1, 2018 by the corresponding tariff coefficient according to appendices 1, of 12, 13 and 14.

5. Grant the right to heads of state bodies within the assignments allocated for their maintenance:

To establish 1):

official pay rates the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the private and the commanding structure which positions are not provided by this resolution in the sizes determined to the schemes approved by this resolution it agrees appendices 1 - 11 on similar positions;

official pay rates to deputy managers of structural divisions which positions are not provided by this resolution are 1-5 percent lower than official pay rate of the corresponding head;

the allowance for features of service by the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service) and to faces of the private and the commanding structure at the rate to 100 percent of official pay rate taking into account salary on military (special) rank and length-of-service allowances.

Procedure and conditions of payment of such allowance to determine to heads of state bodies depending on quality, complexity, amount and importance of the carried-out obligations by position;

2) to perform awarding of the military personnel (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), faces of the private and the commanding structure according to their personal deposit in general result of service within fund of the awarding formed in the amount of at least 10 percent of official pay rates and economy of fund of cash cover;

3) to provide once a year to the military personnel (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the private and the commanding structure financial support for the solution of social questions in the amount of, not exceeding their monthly cash cover, and the help for improvement in the amount of monthly cash cover.

6. Pay:

1) length-of-service allowance the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the private and the commanding structure in sizes according to appendix 16;

2) surcharge for academic degree of the doctor of philosophy (candidate of science) or the doctor of science on the corresponding specialty if activities for profile correspond to scientific degree, the military personnel (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the private and the commanding structure in the amount of respectively 5 and 10 percent of official pay rate. In the presence of two scientific degrees surcharge is established on one (highest) academic degree;


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