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The document ceased to be valid since September 27, 2020 according to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2020 No. 583

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On September 20, 2017 No. 48258


of April 4, 2017 No. 166

About approval of Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision in property, lease, permanent (termless) use, free use of the parcels of land which are in federal property without tendering

According to Items 5. 3, 5.35 (1) the Regulations on Federal Agency for State Property Management approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 No. 432 (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, No. 23, Art. 2721; No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 3, Art. 379; No. 6, Art. 738; No. 19, Art. 2342; 2010, No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 30, Art. 4104; 2011, No. 6, Art. 888; No. 14, Art. 1935, 1947; 2012, No. 6, Art. 678, 679; No. 10, Art. 1241; No. 27, Art. 3766; No. 39, Art. 5278; 2013, No. 22, Art. 2814; No. 41, Art. 5205; No. 45, Art. 5822; 2014, No. 2, Art. 112; No. 32, Art. 4488; 2015, No. 2, Art. 491; No. 5, Art. 837; No. 41, Art. 5652; 2016, No. 2, the Art. 325), and item 4 of Rules of development and approval of administrative regulations of provision of the state services approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. 373 (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; No. 35, Art. 5092; 2012, No. 28, Art. 3908; No. 36, Art. 4903; No. 50, Art. 7070; No. 52, Art. 7507; 2014, to No. 5, of the Art. 506), I order:

1. Approve the enclosed Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision in property, lease, permanent (termless) use, free use of the parcels of land which are in federal property without tendering.

2. Recognize invalid orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:

of November 7, 2011 No. 622 "About approval of Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in sale (privatization) of the parcels of land on which real estate objects are located" (registration No. 22717) is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2011;

of October 3, 2013 No. 571 "About approval of Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision of the parcels of land which are in federal property according to the procedure of renewal of the rights" (registration No. 30548) is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 5, 2013;

of October 3, 2013 No. 569 "About approval of Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision of the parcels of land which are in federal property on which real estate objects are located in lease, gratuitous fixed-term use or permanent (termless) use" (registration No. 30989) is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2013;

of October 3, 2013 No. 570 "About approval of Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision of the parcels of land which are in federal property for the purposes connected with construction" (registration No. 31065) is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 21, 2014;

of October 3, 2013 No. 572 "About approval of Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision of the parcels of land which are in federal property for the purposes which are not connected with construction" (registration No. 31007) is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 13, 2014.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister - the head of Rosimushchestvo Pristanskov D. V.


M. S. Oreshkin

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2017, No. 166

Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision in property, lease, permanent (termless) use, free use of the parcels of land which are in federal property without tendering

I. General provisions

Subject of regulation of Administrative regulations

1.1. Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Agency for State Property Management of the state service in provision in property, lease, permanent (termless) use; free use of the parcels of land which are in federal property without tendering (further respectively - Administrative regulations, the state service) determines terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures (actions) of Rosimushchestvo, territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo, their structural divisions and officials, order of interaction of Rosimushchestvo, territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo, their structural divisions with the applicants specified in Item 1.2 of Administrative regulations and also order of interaction with other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and other organizations by provision of the state service.

Circle of applicants

1.2. The state service is provided to the legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, physical persons or their authorized representatives having the right to the parcel of land which is in federal property without tendering, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (further - the applicant, applicants).

Requirements to procedure for informing on provision of the state service

1.3. Information on the location, contact telephone numbers, official site, e-mail address and working schedule of Rosimushchestvo (territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo):

1) location: 109012, Moscow, Nikolsky Pereulok, 9 (appendix No. 1 to Administrative regulations);

2) phones for reference: (495) 698-75-83, 539-58-62 (multichannel), (495) 698-75-83 (phone answerphone);

3) address of the official site:;

4) e-mail address:;

5) schedule (mode) of work of Rosimushchestvo (territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo) <1>:


<1> Local time.

Monday - Thursday - from 9:00 till 18:00;

Friday and holiday days - from 9:00 till 16:45;

Saturday and Sunday - the days off;

break - from 13:00 till 13:45.

Information on question of provision of the state service and data on the course of its provision is submitted including with use of the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" ( (further - the Portal).

1.4. Information on the location, the working schedule and the telephone numbers for enquiries of structural divisions of Rosimushchestvo and territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo responsible for provision of the state service, and also on procedure for provision of the state service and the list of the documents necessary for its obtaining, is placed:

- on the official sites of central office of Rosimushchestvo ( and territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo on the Internet (further - the official site, the official sites);

- on the Portal;

- at information stands in places of provision of the state service.

Information on the location, the working schedule, phone (fax), the address with indication of the postal index, the e-mail address, the address of the official site is provided in appendix No. 1 to Administrative regulations. Phones (faxes), addresses with indication of postal indexes, e-mail addresses, addresses of the official sites of territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo are provided in appendix No. 2 to Administrative regulations.

1.5. The specified information can be obtained according to the procedure of consultation.

For receipt of information on the procedure of provision of the state service by applicants the following forms of consultation are used:

- individual consultation personally;

- individual consultation by mail (by e-mail);

- individual consultation by phone;

- public written consultation;

- public oral consultation.

1.6. Waiting time of the applicant in case of individual consultation in case of the personal address shall not exceed 15 minutes.

Individual consultation in case of the personal address of each applicant by the official of Rosimushchestvo or territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo (further - the official) shall not exceed 10 minutes.

1.7. Individual consultation by mail (by e-mail).

In case of individual consultation by mail the answer to the address of the interested person goes by mail to the interested person in case of the address in writing or by e-mail to the e-mail address of the interested person in case of the address in electronic form in time established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The date of receipt of the address is registration date of the entering address in Rosimushchestvo or territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo.

1.8. Individual consultation by phone shall not exceed 10 minutes.

Consultations of general nature (about the location, the working schedule, required documents) are also provided with use of means of autoinforming. When autoinforming the round-the-clock provision of reference information is provided.

1.9. Public written consultation is performed by placement of information materials at information stands in places of provision of the state service, the publication of information materials in mass media, including the publication on the official sites and on the Portal. Consultation by the publication of information materials on the official sites, in mass media of the regional level is performed by territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo. Territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo send information to local mass media and control its placement.

1.10. Public oral consultation is performed by the official with attraction of financial resources of mass information.

1.11. Officials of the divisions providing the state service in case of the answer to addresses of applicants:

- in case of the oral address of the applicant (by phone or personally) can give the answer independently. In cases when the official cannot independently answer the question asked in case of the telephone address, the phone call shall be readdressed (is transferred) to other official or the addressed person telephone number according to which it is possible to obtain necessary information is reported;

- in case of the response to phone calls, oral and written addresses shall answer politely and correctly;

- in case of the response to phone calls the official performing consultation shall tell surname, the name, middle name (the last - in the presence), post and the name of structural division of Rosimushchestvo or territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo. By results of consultation the official performing consultation shall sum up briefly the results and list to the applicant of measure which need to be undertaken;

- answers to written addresses are given in simple, accurate and clear form in writing and shall contain:

answers to the questions posed;

position, surname and initials of person which signed the answer;

surname and initials of the contractor;

name of structural division contractor;

phone number of the contractor;

- has no right to perform the consultation of applicants which is beyond informing on standard procedures and conditions of rendering the state service and influencing directly or indirectly individual decisions of applicants.

1.12. At stands in places of provision of the state service the following information materials are placed:

- exhaustive information on procedure for provision of the state service (including in the form of the flowchart which is visually displaying algorithm of accomplishment of ministerial procedures);

- excerpts from Administrative regulations and appendix to it;

- scheme of accommodation of officials and mode of acceptance of applicants by them;

- numbers of offices in which the state service is provided; surnames, names, middle names (the last - in the presence) and positions of the corresponding officials;

- the list of the websites of the authorized multipurpose centers of provision of the state and municipal services (further - the multipurpose centers) in the subject of the Russian Federation on which it is possible to learn the address and working schedules of data of the multipurpose centers;

- excerpts from regulatory legal acts on most frequently asked questions;

- the exhaustive list of the documents necessary according to regulatory legal acts for provision of the state service;

- forms of statements;

- the list of the bases for refusal in provision of the state service;

- procedure for appeal of decisions, actions or failure to act of the officials providing the state service.

Texts of information materials are printed by font, convenient for reading (the size at least 14), without corrections, if necessary separate provisions of information materials are allocated with bold-face type.

1.13. The following information materials are posted on the official sites on the Internet:

- full name and postal addresses of Rosimushchestvo, territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo and their structural divisions;

- telephone numbers for enquiries on which it is possible to get advice in the order of provision of the state service;

- e-mail addresses of Rosimushchestvo, territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo and their structural divisions;

- the text of Administrative regulations (with the corresponding references to the flowcharts displaying algorithm of accomplishment of ministerial procedures) with appendices;

- the information materials (the complete version) containing at stands in places of provision of the state service.

1.14. On the Portal the following information is placed:

- full name, postal addresses and the working schedule of the divisions of Rosimushchestvo providing the state service;

- telephone numbers for enquiries on which it is possible to get advice in the order of provision of the state service;

- e-mail addresses of Rosimushchestvo and its territorial authorities;

- procedure for receipt of information by applicants concerning provision of the state service, data on result of provision of the state service.

II. Standard of provision of the state service

Name of the state service

2.1. The state service in provision in property, lease, permanent (termless) use, free use of the parcels of land which are in federal property without tendering.

The name of the federal executive body providing the state service

2.2. The state service is provided by Rosimushchestvo, and also territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo.

2.3. By provision of the state service the statement for provision of the parcel of land which arrived to territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo without tendering (further - the application) with the complete set of documents attached to it is directed directly to Rosimushchestvo by territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo with the simultaneous notification of the applicant, except as specified, provided by regulations on territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo.

2.4. By provision of the state service interaction with federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and other organizations is performed.

2.5. Rosimushchestvo, and also territorial authorities of Rosimushchestvo has no right to demand from the applicant of implementation of actions the, including coordination necessary for receipt of the state service and the receipts of services and receipt of the documents and information included in the list of services which are federal executive bodies, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" of the state services, necessary and obligatory for provision, connected with the appeal to other state bodies, local government bodies, the organizations, except for and are provided by the organizations participating in provision of the state services, and determination of the amount of payment for their rendering, No. 352 <2> approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 (further - the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 352).


<2> Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 20, Art. 2829; 2012, No. 14, Art. 1655; No. 36, Art. 4922; 2013, No. 52, Art. 7207; 2014, No. 21, Art. 2712; 2015, No. 50, Art. 7165, 7189; 2016, No. 31, Art. 5031; No. 37, Art. 5495; 2017, No. 8, Art. 1257, Official Internet portal of legal information, 17.02.2017.

Description of result of provision of the state service

2.6. Is result of provision of the state service:

- the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, the lease agreement of the parcel of land, the agreement of free use by the parcel of land or adoption by authorized body of the decision on provision of the parcel of land in property free of charge, in permanent (termless) use;

- refusal in the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, the lease agreement of the parcel of land, the agreement of free use by the parcel of land or adoption by authorized body of the decision on provision of the parcel of land in property free of charge, in permanent (termless) use.

Term of provision of the state service

2.7. By provision of the parcel of land without tendering in property free of charge, in permanent (termless) use the term of provision of the state service shall not exceed thirty days from the date of receipt of the statement in Rosimushchestvo or in territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo.

By provision of the parcel of land without tendering by the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, the lease agreement of the parcel of land, the agreement of free use by the parcel of land the term of provision of the state service shall not exceed sixty days from the date of receipt of the statement in Rosimushchestvo or in territorial authority of Rosimushchestvo.


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