of June 21, 2017 No. 688
Some questions of realization of pilot project on implementation of the electronic land biddings and ensuring storage and data protection during their carrying out
For the purpose of prevention of corruption and non-admission of abuses in the field of the land relations connected with transfer of lands to use on competitive basis by introduction of the electronic land biddings, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food, Public service on geodesy, cartography and the inventory concerning realization from October 1, 2017 to October 1, 2019 of pilot project on implementation of the electronic land biddings by territorial authorities of Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory which provide implementation of powers according to the order with lands of agricultural purpose of state-owned property.
2. Approve the Procedure for realization of pilot project on carrying out the electronic land biddings which is applied.
3. Give to the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food till October 15, 2019. To the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the report on results of realization of pilot project and to make offers of rather effective methods of introduction of the electronic land biddings.
4. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food, Public service on geodesy, cartography and the inventory, the State agency on the electronic government on implementation of the actions directed to implementation of use of storage system and data protection of Blockchain when carrying out the electronic land biddings and in work of the state land cadastre.
5. Bring in the Strategy of enhancement of the controling mechanism in the field of use and protection of lands of agricultural purpose of state-owned property and the order them approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 7, 2017 No. 413 "Some questions of enhancement of management in the field of use and protection of lands of agricultural purpose of state-owned property and the order them" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2017, No. 51, the Art. 1569), changes which are applied.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 21, 2017 , No. 688
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of realization of pilot project by carrying out the electronic land biddings by territorial authorities of Gosgeokadastr when implementing of powers by them according to the order lands of agricultural purpose of state-owned property.
2. In this Procedure terms are used in such value:
1) the contractor of the electronic land biddings - subject of managing which signed the agreement on their carrying out with the organizer of the land biddings;
2) electronic platform - the website of the contractor of the electronic land biddings connected to system of the electronic land biddings and/or the hardware and software which functions on the Internet and provides to participants of the electronic land biddings, the contractor of the electronic land biddings opportunity to use services of such system with automatic exchange of information concerning process of carrying out the electronic land biddings;
3) the electronic land biddings - sale of lots by holding the auction through system of the electronic land biddings;
4) the user - physical person or legal entity which was registered in system of the electronic land biddings;
5) step of the electronic land biddings - the allowance on which during the electronic land biddings increase in starting and each following price of lot is performed. Value of step of the electronic land biddings is established by the organizer of the electronic land biddings in the amount up to 0,5 of percent of the starting price of lot;
6) lot - the right (lease, emphyteusis) to the parcel of land of agricultural purpose of state-owned property which is exposed at the electronic land biddings;
7) number of lot - number which is created automatically in system of the electronic land biddings in case of placement of the announcement of carrying out the electronic land biddings;
8) the operator of an electronic trading platform - the legal entity who according to the signed contract with the operator of system of the electronic land biddings provides functioning of electronic platform which is connected to electronic trading system;
9) the operator of system of the electronic land biddings - the legal entity who according to the signed contract with Gosgeokadastr provides functioning of the database of system of the electronic land biddings and is litsitator of the electronic land biddings;
10) the organizer of the electronic land biddings - the territorial authority of Gosgeokadastr which provides implementation of powers according to the order with lands of agricultural purpose of state-owned property and signed the agreement on carrying out the electronic land biddings with the contractor of the electronic land biddings;
11) personal account of the user and/or participant and/or organizer - the section of system of the electronic land biddings in which announcements of carrying out the electronic land biddings, the message on results of their carrying out and the electronic land biddings other information are posted. The user and/or the participant, and/or the organizer who will become authorized by means of personal identifiers (login and the password) has access to personal account of the user and/or the participant and/or the organizer;
12) the winner of the electronic land biddings - the participant who offered the highest price for lot fixed during the electronic land biddings;
13) system of the electronic land biddings - the two-level automated information and telecommunication system which provides possibility of creation, placements, the publication and exchange of information and documents electronically, necessary for carrying out the electronic land biddings, prevention of corruption actions and abuses and consists of the database and electronic platforms which interact via the interface of programming of appendices it is provided in the form of code with open access and determines functionality of system;
14) the observer of the electronic land biddings - the Internet user who watches carrying out the electronic land biddings and cannot submit the price proposals;
15) the starting price of lot - the lot cost approved by the organizer of the electronic land biddings and reflected in the announcement of carrying out the electronic land biddings;
16) the participant of the electronic land biddings - the user allowed by the contractor of the electronic land biddings to participation in the electronic land biddings according to requirements of this Procedure;
17) lot selling price - the actual sales price of lot at the biddings.
2-1. Creation and processing of electronic documents in system of the electronic land biddings is performed according to requirements of the legislation in the field of electronic document management with imposing on them the qualified digital signature.
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