of September 8, 2017 No. 725
About the Mechanism of coordination of state policy in the field of diaspora, migration and development
Based on the Program of the activities of the Government for 2016 - 2018 approved by the Resolution of Parliament No. 1 of January 20, 2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 20-24, 49), Item 2 of Chapter XVI of the Action plan of the Government for 2016-2018 approved by the Order of the Government No. 890 of July 20, 2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 217-229, 966), with subsequent changes, and the National strategy "Diaspora-2025" approved by the Order of the Government No. 200 of February 26, 2016. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 49-54, 230), the Government DECIDES:
1. Approve the Mechanism of coordination and implementation of state policy in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments of the public power by the central and local authorities it (is applied).
2. Found Interdepartmental committee in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments.
3. To the ministries and other central bodies of public management within a month to appoint persons responsible for promotion and realization of policy of the state in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments.
4. Recommend to local authorities of the public power to implement integrated approach in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments at the local level.
5. To the ministries, the central and local authorities of public management to apply integrated approach in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments within programs of activities and migration impact assessment.
6. The state office (The Liaison Bureau with diaspora):
1) to coordinate implementation of policy in the field;
2) to perform monitoring and assessment of process of implementation the politician in the field at the central and local levels;
3) to organize meetings on strengthening of potential for responsible persons;
4) to provide methodical support in the relation of the analysis of influence of migration.
7. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the secretary general of the Government.
8. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 58-r of June 7, 2013 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2013, Art. No. 125-129, 451).
Prime Minister |
Paweê Phillip |
Countersign: deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration |
Andrey Galbur |
deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Infrastructure |
Octavian Kalmyk |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 8, 2017, No. 725
The mechanism of coordination and implementation of state policy in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments (further – the Mechanism) contains the description of the main organizational and methodological aspects according to which integrated approach in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments will be realized. Also the Mechanism contains functions of responsible persons in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments at the level of decision making and technological level.
The purpose of this Mechanism is ensuring effective realization of policy in the field both contribution to increase in positive influence and reduction of negative consequences of migration.
In the context of this Mechanism the following special terms are applied:
integrated approach in the field of diaspora, migration and development (DMR) – the mechanism of communication and coordination of all involved parties (central and regional authorities, civil society, the academic circle and private sector, the international organizations, etc.) for realization of strategic objectives of state policy in the field of the relations with diaspora;
Interdepartmental committee in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments – collegiate organ which performs the activities according to provisions of regulations and international treaties which party the Republic of Moldova is.
Basic principles:
1) ensuring rule of law and the fundamental human rights which are written down in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and international treaties;
2) protection of the rights and interests of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova who are located abroad;
3) motivation of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova who are located abroad to realization of individual human potential and capacity of communities in implementation of civil obligations for the benefit of the Republic of Moldova;
4) expansion of opportunities for contributing diaspora to development of the country;
5) effective coordinating of activities of the central or local authorities of the public power down and across, with active participation of civil society, the academic circle, private sector and the relevant international structures in realization of policy in the field of diaspora, migration and development.
1) implementation of the mechanism of integration into areas of diaspora, migration and development in strategy and plans of national development;
2) application of integrated approach in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments at the local level;
3) consolidation of potential of responsible persons in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments as a part of the central and local authorities of the public power.
For the purpose of effective interdepartmental cooperation the Interdepartmental committee in the field of diaspora, migrations and developments is established (further – Committee).
Interdepartmental committee in the area
diasporas, migrations and developments
1. Tasks of Committee:
1) coordinates development and deployment of the state policy influencing area of diaspora, migration and development;
2) is formulated by strategic vision in the field during the medium-term and long-term periods;
3) develops offers and recommendations which will be included in strategy/development plans;
4) approves the strategy and development plans influencing area of diaspora, migration and development;
5) provides realization of actions based on programs of national development of the Government;
6) formulates project proposals legislative and regulations;
7) provides interdepartmental communication in the field.
2. Rights of Committee:
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