It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
August 3, 2017
No. 959/30827
of June 6, 2017 No. 557
About approval of the Procedure for exchange of electronic documents with monitoring bodies
For the purpose of normative legal regulation of exchange of electronic documents with monitoring bodies according to requirements of the laws of rather electronic document management and the digital signature and according to the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 20, 2014 No. 375, I order:
1. Approve the Procedure for exchange of electronic documents with monitoring bodies which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the order of State Tax Administration of Ukraine of April 10, 2008 No. 233 "About submission of electronic tax statements", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 16, 2008 for No. 320/15011.
3. To provide to the public fiscal service of Ukraine (M.V. Is sold) in two weeks from the date of entry into force of this order promulgation of the agreement on recognition of electronic documents on the subwebsites of the official web portal of the Public fiscal service of Ukraine.
4. Determine that agreements on recognition of electronic documents which on the date of entry into force of this order are effective continue to be effective before emergence of the bases determined by Item 14 the Section III of the Procedure for the exchange of electronic documents with monitoring bodies approved by this order.
5. To provide to department of monitoring of databases and verification of payments of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure:
provision of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
promulgation of this order.
6. This order becomes effective in two months from the date of its official publication.
7. I reserve control of execution of this order and I assign to the acting as the Chairman of the Public fiscal service of Ukraine M. V Is sold.
A. Danilyuk
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of June 6, 2017, No. 557
1. This Procedure is developed according to the paragraph of the tenth Item 42.6 of Article 42 of Chapter 1 of the Section II of the Tax code of Ukraine (further - the Code), the laws of Ukraine "About electronic documents and electronic document management", "About electronic confidential services", "About information", "About information security in information and communication systems", "About electronic communications" and determines the main organization-legal bases of exchange of electronic documents between subjects of electronic document management.
2. In this Procedure terms are used in such values:
the author of the electronic document (further - the author) - the legal entity, self-employed person, physical person, the tax agent, monitoring body, public authority, local government body who created the electronic document;
the addressee - the legal entity, self-employed person, physical person, the tax agent, monitoring body, public authority, local government body to which the electronic document is addressed;
data - information and/or data provided in the form suitable for processing by electronic means;
the second receipt - the electronic message created in the format approved in the procedure established by the legislation, the software of monitoring body (addressee) by results of electronic identification, processing, check of obligatory details of the electronic document and certifying the fact and time of acceptance (rejection) or registration of such electronic document;
electronic document management - set of processes of creation, representation, acceptance, electronic identification, processing, storage, use of electronic documents which are carried out using integrity checking and, in case of need, with confirmation of the fact of receipt of such documents;
electronic documents - documents (including tax statements, the financial and statistical reporting, tax and excise delivery notes, calculations of adjustment to tax and excise delivery notes, statements, references, service requests, statements, notifications, decisions, other documents) which are created electronically with observance of requirements of the legislation of rather electronic document management and electronic confidential services, creation, and/or provision, and/or the direction of which is provided by the Tax code of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts adopted on the basis and in pursuance of this Code, and/or connected with realization of the rights and obligations of the payer and/or monitoring bodies according to regulations of this Code, and move in format (standard) approved in the procedure established by the legislation;
the obligatory detail of the electronic document - obligatory data in the electronic document without which it cannot be identified and/or accepted to processing and will not have legal force;
operational day - part of day during which the electronic document management is if technically possible performed;
the first receipt - the electronic message which is created in format (standard) approved in the procedure established by the legislation, the software of monitoring body by results of the automated verification of the electronic document and certifies the fact and time of receipt of the electronic document at the time of such obtaining;
signer - physical person which creates the digital signature;
the notification on acquisition of the status of the subject of electronic document flow - the information message created by the software of monitoring body as a part of the first receipt and certifying the fact of acquisition by the taxpayer of the status of the subject of electronic document management after receipt of the first any electronic document by monitoring body;
the termination letter of electronic document management - the electronic message created in format (standard) approved in the procedure established by the legislation, the software of monitoring body and certifying fact and time of the termination of electronic document management;
the subject of electronic document management (further - EDMS) - the author, the signer, and the addressee who acquire the stipulated by the legislation rights and obligations in the course of electronic document management;
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