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of August 4, 2017 No. 582

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for provision to citizens of subsidy for payment of part of interests on credit and subsidy for repayment of principal debt on the credit

(as amended on 30-01-2024)

According to the paragraph the second Item 11 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 4, 2017 "About the state support of citizens for construction (reconstruction) of premises" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 240

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for provision to citizens of subsidy for payment of part of interests on credit and subsidy for repayment of principal debt on the credit it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective since August 7, 2017.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 4, 2017 No. 582

Regulations on procedure for provision to citizens of subsidy for payment of part of interests on credit and subsidy for repayment of principal debt on the credit

1. This Provision determines procedure for provision of subsidy for payment of part of interests on credit, issued by banks on construction (reconstruction) of premises (further - subsidy for payment of part of percent), and subsidies for repayment of principal debt by this credit (further - subsidy for repayment of principal debt) to the citizens performing construction (reconstruction) of premises.

2. la of the purposes of this provision are applied terms and their determinations in the values established in presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus of January 6, 2012 No. 13 "About some questions of provision to citizens of the state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises" and of July 4, 2017 No. 240.

3. The citizens having the right to subsidy for payment of part of percent and the citizens having the right to subsidy for payment of part of percent and subsidy for repayment of principal debt (further, if is not established other, – subsidies) performing construction (reconstruction) of premises submit the application for provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent or for provision of subsidies (further – the statement for provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) in corresponding district, city (the cities of regional and district subordination) executive committees, local administrations of areas in the cities (further – local executive and administrative organs) in the place of registration of persons in need in housing improvement on place of residence.

The citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement in the place of military service, service in paramilitary organizations (further – military service), the public civil service, work in the state bodies having the right according to part two of subitem 1.14 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 4, 2017 No. 240 to approval of lists on receipt of subsidy for payment of part of percent or lists on receipt of subsidies (further – lists on receipt of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies), or in the organizations entering their system and (or) subordinated to them which delegates powers according to lists on receipt of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) (further – the state bodies and the organizations having the right to approval of lists), and performing construction (reconstruction) of premises after approval them in accordance with the established procedure in lists for receipt of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) submit the application for provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) to the relevant local executive and administrative organs:

in the location of the relevant state bodies (organizations) in which they stay on such registry, – in case of construction (reconstruction) of premises in the settlement in the location of these state bodies (organizations), and also in case of construction (reconstruction) of premises in satellite towns;

in the location of the under construction (reconstructed) premises – in case of construction (reconstruction) of premises in the settlement not in the location of these state bodies (organizations), except for constructions (reconstruction) of premises in satellite towns.

The citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement on place of employment (the public civil service) (except for the citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement in the place of military service (the public civil service, work) in the state bodies and the organizations having the right to approval of lists) and performing construction (reconstruction) of premises, submit the application for provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) to the relevant local executive and administrative organs in the location of state bodies (organizations) in which they stay on such registry.

Consideration of the applications about provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) of the citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement on place of employment (the public civil service) (except for the citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement in the place of military service (the public civil service, work) in the state bodies and the organizations having the right to approval of lists) and performing construction (reconstruction) of premises, is made by the relevant local executive and administrative organs in the location of state bodies (organizations) in which they stay on such registry, based on data of state bodies (organizations) confirming observance of priority of the direction of the citizens needing housing improvement on construction (reconstruction) of premises in these state bodies (organizations).

Consideration of the applications about provision of subsidy for payment of part of the percent (subsidies) of the citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement in the place of military service (the public civil service, work) in the state bodies and the organizations having the right to approval of lists, and performing construction (reconstruction) of premises is made by the relevant local executive and administrative organs specified in part two of this Item based on lists on receipt of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) approved by these state bodies (organizations).

4. For decision making about provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent or about provision of subsidies (further – the decision on provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) (except for the decision on provision of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) made according to Item part five 3 this provision) the relevant local executive and administrative organs, and for inclusion in lists on receipt of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) – the state bodies and the organizations having the right to approval of lists request and receive the following data and documents:

data on stay on accounting of persons in need in housing improvement on place of residence and on place of employment (the public civil service) or in the place of military service (the public civil service, work) in the state bodies and the organizations having the right to approval of lists, each member of the family of the receiver of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies), and in case of stay on accounting of persons in need in housing improvement – confirmation about availability of the statement for voluntary removal of the receiver of subsidy for payment of part of percent (subsidies) and members of his family from accounting of persons in need in housing improvement upon termination of construction (reconstruction) of premises;


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