It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
August 22, 2017
No. 1045/30913
of August 1, 2017 No. 279
About approval of General provisions of safety in case of the treatment of radioactive waste before their burial
According to articles 8 and 24 of the Law of Ukraine "About use of nuclear energy and radiation safety", the subitem 7 of item 4 of the Regulations on the State inspection of the nuclear regulation of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 20, 2014 No. 363, within harmonization of the legislation of Ukraine with the legislation of the EU with reference levels of safety of Association of the Western European regulating authorities (WENRA) and recommendations of IAEA and for the purpose of enhancement of regulations and rules on regulation of nuclear and radiation safety I order:
1. Approve General provisions of safety in case of the treatment of radioactive waste before their burial which is applied.
2. To management to ensure safety of the treatment of radioactive waste (N.V.'s Rybalko) submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
4. I reserve control of execution of this order.
Acting as Chairman
B. Stolyarchuk
Approved by the Order of the State inspection of nuclear regulation of Ukraine of August 1, 2017 No. 279
1. These General provisions establish the purposes, criteria, the principles and the main requirements of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety at all stages of the treatment of radioactive waste before their burial.
2. These General provisions are obligatory for subjects of activities in the field of the treatment of radioactive waste and the operating organizations performing activities at stages of lifecycle of nuclear installations (further - subjects of Russian joint stock company).
3. Amounts and terms of implementation of these general provisions concerning the objects intended for the address with Russian joint stock companies which are under construction, put into operation are operated on the effective date, are proved by the subject of Russian joint stock company and are approved by Gosatomregulirovaniya.
4. These General provisions are recommended for application in work to the subjects performing activities for use and production of sources of ionizing radiation, and also the design and project organizations, the organizations of scientific and technical support, construction, mounting, repair, adjustment to the organizations, the companies for production of the equipment for the objects intended for the address with Russian joint stock company.
5. In these General provisions reducings which have the following values are used:
III - source of ionizing radiation;
OAB - the report on the analysis of safety;
The NPA - the regulatory legal act;
Russian joint stock company - radioactive waste;
The special company - specialized enterprise according to the address from Russian joint stock company;
YaRB - nuclear and radiation safety.
6. In these General provisions terms are used in the following values:
emergency - condition of the object intended for the address about the Russian joint stock company which is characterized by violation of limits and/or conditions of safe operation, did not turn into accident;
accident - breakdown of service of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company from which exit of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation in the quantity exceeding the borders of safe operation determined by the project (working project) resulted. Accident is characterized by initial event, ways of course and effects;
validation - the process directed to confirmation by objective proofs that the end product (product or service) conforms to the established requirements;
verification - the process directed to confirmation of conformity of service quality or operational parameters of product to necessary characteristics;
long-term storage of Russian joint stock company - storage of packagings of Russian joint stock company in storage for long-term storage of Russian joint stock company of 30 and more years with ensuring content and isolation of Russian joint stock company, further withdrawal of packagings of Russian joint stock company for their transfer on burial;
operational limits - parameter values, characterizing condition of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company, and also condition of its systems and the equipment installed in the project (working project) for normal operation of object;
operation of the object intended for the address from Russian joint stock company before their burial - the activities directed to goal achievement for which the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company including safe handling of Russian joint stock company on object from their acceptance before transfer on other object, and also maintenance and repair was constructed;
effective coefficient of reproduction of neutrons (To ef) - the relation of number of neutrons of the next generation as a result of division of kernels to number of neutrons of the previous generation in all amount of the differentiating circle;
isolation of Russian joint stock company - protection of Russian joint stock company against external impacts by physical department of Russian joint stock company from the environment;
the integrated process of the address with Russian joint stock company - set of the interconnected, consecutive actions which are performed at all stages of the address from Russian joint stock company from formation of Russian joint stock company before transfer on burial taking into account sources of education, amounts and characteristics of Russian joint stock company;
acceptance criterions of Russian joint stock company - high-quality and quantitative parameters and characteristics to which there shall correspond the Russian joint stock company (packaging of Russian joint stock company) after their preliminary processing, conversion and/or storage of Russian joint stock company for the purpose of their acceptability for the address at the following stage;
limits of safe operation - established in the project (working project) and proved in OAB of parameter value characterizing condition of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company, and also condition of its systems and the equipment important for safety which violation leads to emergencies and can lead to accidents;
normal operation - operation of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company in the operational limits determined by the project (working project);
violations of normal operation - violation in work of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company from which the variation from the set operational limits resulted, did not lead to emergency;
the systems and the equipment important for safety, - the systems and the equipment performing safety functions, and also systems and the equipment which refusals can lead to accident;
management system activities - documentation and management practice by human, material, financial and information resources of the subject of Russian joint stock company;
aging - deterioration process over time technical characteristics of designs, systems and the equipment of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company;
storage for long-term storage of Russian joint stock company - construction or complex of the constructions, systems and the equipment intended for safe long-term storage of packagings of Russian joint stock company;
maintenance - complex of transactions on control and support of operating state of constructions, systems and the equipment of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company;
temporary storage of Russian joint stock company - storage of Russian joint stock company (packagings of Russian joint stock company) during limited term with subsequent their withdrawal for burial;
conditions of safe operation - the conditions on quantity, characteristics of working capacity, rules of maintenance, repair of the systems and the equipment important for safety established in the project (working project) and proved in OAB under which observance of limits of safe operation of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company is provided;
packaging of Russian joint stock company - packaging set with placed in it by Russian joint stock company (form of Russian joint stock company);
management of aging - system of the technical and organizational actions performed for the purpose of prevention of degradation of constructions, systems and the equipment of the object intended for the address with Russian joint stock company owing to their aging and depreciation below admissible limits;
content of Russian joint stock company - restriction of distribution of the radionuclides containing in Russian joint stock company for the established physical barriers current of certain time;
physical barrier - constructions, systems and the equipment intended for prevention of distribution of radioactive materials and/or ensuring protection against impact of ionizing radiation;
form of Russian joint stock company - Russian joint stock company of the certain physical and chemical form received as a result of conversion of Russian joint stock company before their placement in packaging set.
Other terms are used in the values given in the Laws of Ukraine "About the treatment of radioactive waste", "About allowing activities in the field of use of nuclear energy", "About use of nuclear energy and radiation safety", the Technical regulation of rather packaging sets for storage and burial of radioactive waste approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 18, 2007 No. 939 (in edition of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 24, 2012 No. 1099), conditions and safety requirements (licensed conditions) of implementation of activities in the field of the treatment of radioactive waste, No. approved by the order of the State committee of nuclear regulation of Ukraine of October 22, 2002 110, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 6, 2002 at No. 874/7162 (in edition of the order of the State inspection of nuclear regulation of Ukraine of August 20, 2014 No. 118), the Basic health regulations of ensuring radiation safety of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of February 02, 2005 No. 54, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 20, 2005 at No. 552/10832, the State hygienic standard rates "Regulations of radiation safety of Ukraine (NRBU-97)", approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of July 14, 1997 No. 208, enacted by the resolution of the Chief state health officer of Ukraine of December 01, 1997 No. 62.
1. Common goal and principles of safety
1. Common goal of safety in case of the address from Russian joint stock company before their burial is protection of personnel, the population, including protection of present and future generations of people, and the environment against negative radiative effects.
2. In case of the address from Russian joint stock company before their burial the subject of Russian joint stock company provides not exceeding of limits of doses of radiation of personnel and the population, and also admissible emissions and dumpings.
3. The subject of Russian joint stock company plans and performs the address from Russian joint stock company before their burial according to state policy and the strategy of the address with Russian joint stock company for the purpose of realization of the tasks and actions provided by the Law of Ukraine "About the Nation-wide target ecological program of the treatment of radioactive waste", the Strategy of the treatment of radioactive waste in Ukraine approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 19, 2009 No. 990-r, others the NPA in the field of use of nuclear energy.
4. The basic principles of safety in case of the address from Russian joint stock company before their burial are:
minimization of Russian joint stock company;
interdependence of stages of the address with Russian joint stock company;
decrease in burden on future generations;
ensuring culture of safety;
obligations on safety;
strategy implementation of protection in depth;
application of the approved technical practice;
implementation of management system activities;
accounting of human factor;
accounting of experience of the address with Russian joint stock company;
ensuring radiation protection;
ensuring security;
assessment of safety of the objects intended for the address from Russian joint stock company before their burial.
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