Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
24.12.1996 Contract on eternal friendship between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 24, 1996
24.12.1996 Contract between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan on rendering mutual legal assistance on civil, family and criminal cases of December 24, 1996
16.12.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of December 16, 1996 "About avoidance of double taxation and prevention of evasion from the taxation concerning taxes on the income and property" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2022)
05.12.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills of December 5, 1996
05.12.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Ukraine on creation of joint Ukrainian-Uzbek airline on freight transportation of December 5, 1996
05.12.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation, mutual assistance and exchange of information in the field of fight against violations of the tax legislation of December 5, 1996
05.12.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical industry of December 5, 1996
05.12.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in customs affairs of December 5, 1996
05.12.1996 Agreement between the Ministry of external commercial relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of external commercial relations and trade of Ukraine on cooperation of December 5, 1996
05.12.1996 Agreement between Head Department of geodesy, cartography and the inventory under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzgeodezkadastr) and Head Department of geodesy, cartography and inventory under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Ukrgeodezkartografiya) about sci-tech cooperation in the field of geodesy, cartography, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth of December 5, 1996
05.12.1996 Contract between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine on prevention of emergence of cases of double citizenship of December 5, 1996
26.11.1996 Convention between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the French Republic of November 26, 1996 "About avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax avoidance and violation of the tax legislation concerning taxes on the income and property"
25.11.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on mutual deliveries of agricultural machinery and joint use of the available capacities of the companies of agricultural mechanical engineering of November 25, 1996
25.11.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on procedure and distribution terms of programs of the Russian telebroadcasting organizations in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and telebroadcasting programs of the Kazakhstan teleradio organization in the territory of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1996
25.11.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on sci-tech cooperation of November 25, 1996 (as amended on 28.06.1999)
14.11.1996 Convention between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kingdom of Belgium of November 14, 1996 "About avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax avoidance on the income and on the capital" (as amended on 18.02.2015)
05.11.1996 Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Georgia on mutual recognition of the rights and regulation of the relations of property of November 5, 1996
04.11.1996 Agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Justice of Georgia in the field of judicial examination of November 4, 1996
30.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on regulation of process of resettlement and protection of the rights of immigrants of October 30, 1996
21.10.1996 Tashkent declaration of heads of the Turkic-speaking states of October 21, 1996
18.10.1996 Convention between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation on elimination of double taxation and prevention of tax avoidance on the income and the capital from October 18, 1996
18.10.1996 Agreement of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 18, 1996 "About creation of transnational financial and industrial group on ensuring operation and repair of the aircraft equipment of civil aviation of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
18.10.1996 Solution of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the Concept of forming of information space of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 18, 1996
18.10.1996 Agreement on creation and activities of interstate financial and industrial group "Facets" of October 18, 1996
18.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on features of legal regulation of activities of the companies, organizations and the organizations of rail transport of October 18, 1996 (as amended on 21.05.2009)
18.10.1996 Contract between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on lease of the objects and fighting fields 4 of the State central trans-species polygon of the Russian Federation located in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 18, 1996 (as amended on 25.11.2005)
17.10.1996 Agreement between Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on cooperation in the field of commercial arbitration of October 17, 1996
17.10.1996 Consular convention between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan of October 17, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation and mutual aid in the field of currency and export exchange control of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on sci-tech cooperation of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of electric and mail service of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of communication of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation and exchange of information in the field of fight against violations of the financial and tax legislation of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation and mutual aid concerning observance of the tax legislation of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on mutual exchange of land and aero film-making materials of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Ministry of general and professional education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of preschool, general, primary professional and pedagogical education of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of power industry of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of geodesy, cartography, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth of October 8, 1996
08.10.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on procedure and distribution terms of programs of the Russian telebroadcasting organizations in the territory of the Republic of Moldova of October 8, 1996
07.10.1996 Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of medicine and health care of October 7, 1996
17.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Georgia in the field of youth policy of September 17, 1996
17.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Georgia on cooperation in the field of sport of September 17, 1996
17.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Georgia on procedure for transit of September 17, 1996
17.09.1996 Declaration on bases of the economic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Georgia of September 17, 1996
17.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Georgia on encouragement and mutual protection of investments of September 17, 1996
17.09.1996 Contract between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Georgia on mutual legal assistance on civil and criminal cases of September 17, 1996 (as amended on 31.03.2005)
17.09.1996 Memorandum between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Georgia of cooperation in the field of environmental protection of September 17, 1996
17.09.1996 Agreement between National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Bank of Georgia on the organization of calculations of September 17, 1996
16.09.1996 Convention between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic of September 16, 1996 "About avoidance of double taxation and prevention of evasion from the taxation concerning taxes on the income" (as amended on 03.04.2017)
16.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation in the field of the oil and gas industry of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Agreement on cooperation and interaction between committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the ministry of homeland security of the Azerbaijan Republic of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on encouragement and mutual protection of investments of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on air traffic of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation in the field of youth and sport of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Contract between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Azerbaijan Republic on bases of the relations of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation in the field of provision of pensions of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Agreement on the organization of calculations between National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic of September 16, 1996
16.09.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on the international automobile communication of September 16, 1996
14.09.1996 Izmir agreement of September 14, 1996
C-1/14-96 11.09.1996 Decision of Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States of September 11, 1996 No. C-1/14-96 (about interpretation of the concepts "refugee", "migrant", "displaced person" in relation to the Agreement on the help to refugees and displaced persons of September 24, 1993)
C-1/11-96 04.09.1996 Decision of Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States of September 4, 1996 No. C-1/11-96 (about questions of provision of pensions and compulsory national insurance of the military personnel of Armed Forces of the State Parties of the CIS, the Joint Armed Forces of the Commonwealth, Armed Forces and other military forming of the former USSR, and also provision of pensions of families of this military personnel)
31.08.1996 Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Georgia on cooperation on boundary questions of August 31, 1996
26.08.1996 Contract between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic on rendering mutual legal assistance on civil and criminal cases of August 26, 1996
20.08.1996 Agreement on the organization of single metrological space in the field of power industry of the Commonwealth of Independent States Is approved by the Decision of the 13th meeting of Electrical power Council of the CIS on August 20, 1996
09.08.1996 Agreement between National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and the Central Bank of Turkmenistan on the organization of calculations of August 9, 1996
05.08.1996 Agreement between National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Bank of Moldova on the organization of calculations of August 5, 1996
02.08.1996 Agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic on authority delegation on protection of the rights of interests of citizens and legal entities of the Kyrgyz Republic abroad and issue of visas for entry into the Kyrgyz Republic of August 2, 1996
12.07.1996 Agreement on bases of the interstate relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan of July 12, 1996
12.07.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on cooperation in fight against violations of the customs legislation of July 12, 1996
12.07.1996 Agreement on cooperation in the field of culture, science and education between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of July 12, 1996
09.07.1996 Convention between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Ukraine on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax evasion concerning taxes on the income from July 9, 1996
09.07.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Ukraine on cooperative principles in oil and gas industries of July 9, 1996
01.07.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Georgia on debt restructuring of the Government of Georgia on the public credits granted to the Government of Georgia by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 1, 1996
25.06.1996 Convention between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Mali of June 25, 1996 "About avoidance of double taxation and establishment of rules of rendering mutual aid concerning taxes on the income and property"
19.06.1996 Contract between Inter-parliamentary Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation and Council of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States on rendering information, legal, material and organizational services to inter-parliamentary committee of June 19, 1996
19.06.1996 Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Education of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of education of June 19, 1996
3 17.06.1996 Regulations on Executive Committee of Community of Belarus and Russia Are approved by the Decision of the Supreme Council of community of Belarus and Russia of June 17, 1996 No. 3
14.06.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of technical information security of June 14, 1996
12.06.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 12, 1996 "About avoidance of double taxation of the income and property" (as amended on 23.03.2017)
11.06.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Estonia on the international automobile communication of June 11, 1996
29.05.1996 Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany of May 29, 1996 "About avoidance of double taxation concerning taxes on the income and property" (as amended on 15.10.2007)
28.05.1996 Convention between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Georgia on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax avoidance on the income (profit) and on property of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Agreement on Inter-parliamentary Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Georgia on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Georgia on cooperation in the field of protection of industrial property of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Agreement between the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Customs Department of Georgia on cooperation in fight against smuggling and customs offenses of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Protocol between the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Customs Department of Georgia on methodological and information interaction in the field of customs statistics of external trade of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Georgia on guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of provision of pensions of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Georgia on mutual cooperation on postal orders of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of Georgia on the basic principles of creation of financial and industrial groups of May 28, 1996
28.05.1996 Contract between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Georgia on legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases of May 28, 1996
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on avoidance of double taxation of the income and prevention of tax avoidance on the income (profit) and on property of May 27, 1996
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of provision of pensions of May 27, 1996
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation in the field of health care of May 27, 1996
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation in the field of tourism of May 27, 1996
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation in the field of culture and the humanitarian sphere of May 27, 1996
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs of May 27, 1996
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on free trade of May 27, 1996 (as amended on 13.06.2003)
27.05.1996 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic on mutual cooperation on postal orders of May 27, 1996
27.05.1996 Protocol between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic on cooperation and consultations of May 27, 1996

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