Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
11.09.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of implementation of joint control on the Kazakhstan-Russian frontier of September 11, 2009
11.09.2009 Decision of Economic council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of September 11, 2009 "About the Overview of trade policy of the Republic of Tajikistan"
11.09.2009 Decision of Economic council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of September 11, 2009 "About condition and tendencies of market development of securities in the State Parties of the CIS"
11.09.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of September 11, 2009 "About the Overview of trade policy of the Republic of Belarus"
09.09.2009 Agreement between Service of financial investigation of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Center for fight against economic crimes and corruption of the Republic of Moldova on interaction in the field of counteraction to financing of terrorism and to legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way of September 9, 2009
07.09.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Estonia about economic and sci-tech cooperation of September 7, 2009
07.09.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Estonia on release of owners of diplomatic passports from visa requirements of September 7, 2009
30.07.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on cooperation on operation of Sangtudinsky GES-1 of July 30, 2009
19.06.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of June 19, 2009 "About measures for non-admission of distribution in the territories of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of virus of flu A/H1N1"
19.06.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of June 19, 2009 "About condition and tendencies of development of competition policy in the Russian Federation"
18.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of Turkmenistan on cooperation in the field of sport and tourism * of June 18, 2009
18.06.2009 Protocol on cooperation and exchange of legal information between Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Central Election Commission of June 18, 2009
18.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of Turkmenistan on the international automobile passenger and freight traffic of June 18, 2009
18.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of Turkmenistan on cooperation in the field of seal and information * of June 18, 2009
18.06.2009 Agreement on cooperation in the field of health care and medical science between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan * of June 18, 2009
18.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of Turkmenistan on cooperation and mutual aid in customs affairs of June 18, 2009
18.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of Turkmenistan on cooperation in the field of science and technologies * of June 18, 2009
16.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on procedure of individual business activity by citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 16, 2009
16.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on cooperation in the field of civil defense (protection), the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of June 16, 2009
16.06.2009 Agreement between the governments of state members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on cooperation in the field of ensuring the international information security of June 16, 2009
16.06.2009 Ekaterinburg declaration of Chapters of state members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
2 16.06.2009 Decision of Council of heads of states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of June 16, 2009 No. 2 "About provision to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of the status of the partner in dialogue of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization"
3 16.06.2009 Decision of Council of heads of states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of June 16, 2009 No. 3 "About provision to the Republic of Belarus of the status of the partner in dialogue of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization"
16.06.2009 Agreement on development of multamodalny transportations of TRACECA
1 16.06.2009 Decision of Council of heads of states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of June 16, 2009 No. 1 "About approval of the Regulations on political and diplomatic measures and mechanisms of response of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to the situations threatening the world, safety and stability in the region"
16.06.2009 Convention of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of June 16, 2009 "Against terrorism"
14.06.2009 Agreement on the basic principles of creation of system of the hidden management of forces and means of system of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of June 14, 2009
14.06.2009 Agreement on collective rapid reaction forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of June 14, 2009
12.06.2009 Contract between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine on transfer of persons condemned to imprisonment for further serving sentence of June 12, 2009
12.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on visa-free trips of citizens of June 12, 2009
11.06.2009 Agreement on the basic principles of creation of system of the hidden management of forces and means of system of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of June 11, 2009
11.06.2009 Protocol on order of interaction between the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus and Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova by comparison of data of customs statistics of mutual trade of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Moldova of June 11, 2009
11.06.2009 Protocol between the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic about cooperation and mutual aid in customs affairs of November 5, 2004 of June 11, 2009
11.06.2009 Agreement on Collective rapid reaction forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of June 11, 2009
11.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on measures for protection of technologies in connection with cooperation in the field of research and use of space in the peace purposes and in creation and operation space-rocket and rocketry of June 11, 2009
10.06.2009 Agreement between the Ministry of tourism and sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Sport and tourism of the Republic of Belarus about cooperation in the field of tourism of June 10, 2009
10.06.2009 Agreement between the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus about cooperation in the field of archiving of June 10, 2009
10.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on cooperation in the field of civil defense, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of June 10, 2009
10.06.2009 Contract between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus on long-term economic cooperation for 2009-2016 of June 10, 2009
10.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on cooperation in the field of the higher and postgraduate education of June 10, 2009
09.06.2009 Agreement on single approaches to use of information technologies in activities of Customs Services of state members of Eurasian economic community of June 9, 2009
09.06.2009 Agreement on the single principles of information exchange of Customs Services of state members of Eurasian economic community of June 9, 2009
419 09.06.2009 Decision of Interstate council of Eurasian economic community of June 9, 2009 No. 419 "About realization of joint efforts on overcoming effects of the global financial crisis in state members of Eurasian economic community"
09.06.2009 Agreement of EVRAZES of June 9, 2009 "About management of means of Anti-recessionary fund of Eurasian economic community"
09.06.2009 Constitutive treaty of Anti-recessionary fund of Eurasian economic community of June 9, 2009
09.06.2009 Agreement on procedure for introduction and application of the measures affecting foreign trade in goods on single customs area concerning the third countries of June 9, 2009 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015)
09.06.2009 Agreement on rules of licensing in the field of foreign trade in goods of June 9, 2009 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015)
04.06.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on mutual introduction of marks on the conclusion or annulment of marriage in passports of citizens of the Republic of Belarus and citizens of the Russian Federation signed by exchange of June 4, 2009
29.05.2009 Memorandum between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of cooperation of May 29, 2009
28.05.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on mutual transfer into the ownership of the parcels of land and on lease of the parcels of land of May 28, 2009
28.05.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of use of atomic energy in the peace purposes of May 28, 2009
28.05.2009 Agreement on conditions of stay of Commonwealths of Independent States Executive committee in the territory of the Republic of Belarus of May 28, 2009
28.05.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2009 "About cooperation in the field of use of atomic energy in the peace purposes *"
26.05.2009 Memorandum between the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the State control of the Republic of Latvia of mutual understanding of May 26, 2009
22.05.2009 Solution of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 "About the Plan of joint operations for creation of the Single system of accounting of citizens of the third states and stateless persons driving in the territory of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
22.05.2009 Agreement on cooperation in the field of civil registration within Eurasian economic communities of May 22, 2009
22.05.2009 Agreement of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 About exchange of information in the field of fight against crime
22.05.2009 Solution of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 "About Regulations on the cultural and sporting events of boundary departments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States held within Council of commanders of Border troops"
22.05.2009 Legal decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 "About offers on overcoming negative effects of the global financial crisis"
22.05.2009 Solution of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 "About the Plan of priority actions in the field of humanitarian cooperation of the State Parties of the CIS for 2009-2010"
22.05.2009 Solution of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 "About the Actions plan on realization of the first stage (2009-2011) of Strategy of economic development of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the period till 2020"
22.05.2009 Solution of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 "About the Concept of forming of information and library space based on border libraries of the State Parties of the CIS"
22.05.2009 Solution of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 22, 2009 "About giving of the international automobile carriers of Russia of the status of the basic organization of the states of members of the CIS to Association in the field of methodical ensuring additional training on professional competence of the international automobile carriers of the State Parties of the CIS"
22.05.2009 Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2009 "About exchange of information about mobile surface-to-air missile systems of type of "Eagle" and "Arrow" when implementing their export to the third countries or importing from the third countries"
21.05.2009 Memorandum between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning forming of custom union of May 21, 2009
21.05.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on procedure for visit of the Baikonur complex of May 21, 2009
32-9 14.05.2009 Model law "About Counteraction to Extremism" Is adopted at the thirty second plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties the resolution of May 14, 2009 No. 32-9
32-8 14.05.2009 Model law "About Ethnocultural Public Associations of Citizens" Is adopted at the thirty second plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the CIS the resolution of May 14, 2009 No. 32-8
32-5 14.05.2009 Model law "About Education of Children and Youth" Is adopted at the thirty second plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the CIS by the Resolution of May 14, 2009 No. 32-5
7 13.05.2009 Resolution of Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 7 O Recommendations about ensuring boundary safety of state members of EurAsEC and simplification of procedures of crossing of borders of the states of community by physical persons (on the basis of experience of European Union)
8 13.05.2009 Resolution of Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 8 O Recommendations about harmonization of the legislation of state members of EurAsEC in the field of regulation and functioning of the market of products of livestock production (on the basis of the comparative and legal analysis of national legal systems)
6 13.05.2009 Resolution of Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 6 O Recommendations about harmonization of the corporate legislation of state members of EurAsEC (on the basis of the comparative and legal analysis of national legal systems)
10-15 13.05.2009 Resolution of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 10-15 "About Recommendations about harmonization of the legislation of state members of EurAsEC in the field of simplification of procedures of trade (regarding unification of system of customs transit on the basis of experience of the European Union)"
9 13.05.2009 Resolution of Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 9 O Recommendations about enhancement of the legislation in the field of protection and providing the rights of disabled people in state members of EurAsEC (on the basis of the Comparative and legal analysis of national legal systems)
10 13.05.2009 Resolution of Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 10 O Recommendations of Advisory council of Committee of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the CIS "The Eurasian Economic Community: the approved approaches to overcoming effects of world financial and economic crisis"
10-14 13.05.2009 Resolution of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 10-14 "About Recommendations about harmonization of the legislation of state members of EurAsEC in the field of transfer pricing (on the basis of the comparative and legal analysis of national legal systems)"
10-16 13.05.2009 Resolution of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 10-16 "About Recommendations about harmonization of the legislation of state members of EurAsEC in the field of ensuring food security (on the basis of the Comparative and legal Analysis of National Legal systems)"
10-18 13.05.2009 Resolution of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 10-18 "About Recommendations about harmonization of the legislation of state members of EurAsEC in the field of cultural policy (on the basis of the comparative and legal analysis of national legal systems)"
10-13 13.05.2009 Resolution of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian Economic Community of May 13, 2009 No. 10-13 "About Recommendations about harmonization of the labor law of state members of EurAsEC (on the basis of the comparative and legal analysis of national legal systems)"
12.05.2009 Agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia on cooperation in the field of agricultural industry of May 12, 2009
05.05.2009 Agreement between the Ministry of information of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Culture and tourism of the Azerbaijan Republic about cooperation in the field of seal and information of May 5, 2009
30.04.2009 Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia on common efforts in protection of frontier of the Republic of Abkhazia of April 30, 2009
30.04.2009 Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic South Ossetia about common efforts in protection of frontier of the Republic South Ossetia of April 30, 2009
29.04.2009 the protocol between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on deliveries of goods in production cooperation in 2009 of April 29, 2009
27.04.2009 Agreement on cooperation between the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Belarus and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2009
01-1/3-08 20.04.2009 Advisory proceeding of Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States of April 20, 2009 No. 01-1/3-08 "About interpretation of part one of article 1 of the Agreement on procedure for provision of pensions and national insurance of staff of law-enforcement bodies of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 24, 1993"
10.04.2009 Decision of Commonwealths of Independent States Council of Foreign Ministers of April 10, 2009 "About practice of work of the Mission of observers for the CIS at presidential and parliamentary elections, and also referenda in the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
10.04.2009 Decision of Council of Foreign Ministers of state members of the Commonwealth of April 10, 2009 "About Recommendations about formulation the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of clauses to the international treaties signed within the Commonwealth of Independent States"
09.04.2009 Program of cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus for 2009-2010 of April 9, 2009
25.03.2009 Agreement on cooperation between the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General's Office of Turkmenistan of March 25, 2009
25.03.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Turkmenistan of March 25, 2009 "About encouragement and mutual protection of investments"
13.03.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of March 13, 2009 "About Regulations on the organization of goods turnover in the market of fruit and vegetable products and potatoes of the State Parties of the CIS on the basis of the international goods distribution system "Green channel"
13.03.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of March 13, 2009 "About the Concept of scientific information support of programs and projects of the State Parties of the CIS in the innovative sphere"
13.03.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of March 13, 2009 "About the carried-out work on step-by-step cancellation of restrictions in mutual trade of the State Parties of the CIS"
13.03.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of March 13, 2009 "About activities of Intergovernmental Council for investigation, use and protection of subsoil in 2005-2008"
13.03.2009 Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of March 13, 2009 "About the Overview of trade policy of Ukraine"
06.03.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on provision to the Republic of Belarus of public credit of March 6, 2009
12.02.2009 Agreement between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania on cooperation in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage of February 12, 2009
01-1/2-08 06.02.2009 Decision of Economic court of the Commonwealth of Independent States "About interpretation of application of Article 7 of the safeguards agreement of the rights of citizens of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of provision of pensions of March 13, 1992 and article 1 of the agreement on procedure for provision of pensions of the military personnel and their families and national insurance of the military personnel of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 15, 1992" of February 6, 2009 No. 01-1/2-08
03.02.2009 Agreement between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Russian Federation on repayment of part of public debt in property form and write-off of the remained debt of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Russian Federation of February 3, 2009

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