16.01.2017 |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of People's Republic of China of January 16, 2017 "About avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax avoidance concerning taxes on the income and the capital" |
5 |
13.01.2017 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of January 13, 2017 №5 "About consideration of the cooperation projects having integration potential for financing by Eurasian Development Bank" |
7 |
13.01.2017 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of January 13, 2017 №. 7 "About compensation Payment procedure in case of violation by state member of the Eurasian Economic Union of obligations in the field of the state support of agricultural industry" |
6 |
13.01.2017 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of January 13, 2017 № 6 "About Regulations on carrying out market monitoring of industrial output within the Eurasian Economic Union" |
8 |
13.01.2017 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of January 13, 2017 № 8 "About the inventory, coming from developing countries or from the least developed countries concerning which when importing to customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union tariff preferences are provided" (as amended on 12.04.2024) |
173 |
27.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 27, 2016 № 173 "About classification of compactor of the Eurasian Economic Union, waste pressing according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity" |
28 |
26.12.2016 |
Decision of the Supreme Euroasian economic council of December 26, 2016 №28 "About approval of the size of the duty paid by business entities in case of appeal to the court of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
20 |
26.12.2016 |
Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of December 26, 2016 No. 20 "About the Program of forming of the total electrical power market of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
24 |
26.12.2016 |
Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of December 26, 2016 No. 24 "About approval of Regulations of trade in services, organization and activities" |
26.12.2016 |
Agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2016 "About application of procedure for regulation of access to services of rail transport, including fundamentals of tariff policy" (ceased to be valid since 21.01.2024) |
26.12.2016 |
Agreement between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2016 "About development of economic cooperation in the conditions of Eurasian economic integration" |
26.12.2016 |
Protocol between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2016 "About procedure for assistance and control of its use" |
26.12.2016 |
Protocol between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2016 "About technical assistance" |
141 |
21.12.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of December 21, 2016 №141 "About approval of the Procedure for use by authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union of measures for suspension or prohibition of use of the medical products posing hazard to life and (or) human health, poor-quality, counterfeit or counterfeited medical products and to their withdrawal from the address in the territories of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
142 |
21.12.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of December 21, 2016 №142 "About Regulations on annual monitoring and the analysis of results of realization of the main directions of industrial cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union" |
143 |
21.12.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of December 21, 2016 №143 "About the Concept of creation of the Euroasian network of industrial cooperation and subcontracting" |
153 |
21.12.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of December 21, 2016 №153 "About some questions of customs and tariff regulation" |
169 |
19.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Euroasian Economic Commission of December 19, 2016 No. 169 "About approval of the Procedure for realization of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union" |
168 |
19.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 19, 2016 № 168 "About the Procedure for coordination of interval quantitative values of external parameters of the forecasts used for preparation of official forecasts of social and economic development of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 09.02.2021) |
167 |
19.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 19, 2016 №167 "About provision of the Eurasian economic commission of official statistical information by authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 03.12.2018) |
166 |
19.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 19, 2016 No. 166 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Ensuring exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data" |
13.12.2016 |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 13, 2016 "About system of assistance to mutual trade" |
161 |
06.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 6, 2016 No. 161 "About approval of the Procedure for mutual provision of data" |
160 |
06.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 6, 2016 № 160 "About transitional provisions of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality of" (TP EEU 036/2016)"E |
163 |
06.12.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 6, 2016 No. 163 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "forming, maintaining and use of the general register of residents (participants) free (special, special) economic zones" |
130 |
30.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 30, 2016 № 130 "About establishment of rate of import customs duty of the Common customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union concerning polyethylene for drawing factory three-layer anticorrosive covering on pipes of big diameter" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2022) |
127 |
30.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 30, 2016 №127 "About establishment of rates of import customs duties of the Common customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union concerning separate types of chemical compounds" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2022) |
150 |
30.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 30, 2016 № 150 "About the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About requirements to mineral fertilizers" |
158 |
30.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 30, 2016 № 158 "About approval of the single list of quarantine objects of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 25.01.2023) |
159 |
30.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 30, 2016 № 159 "About approval of Single rules and regulations of providing quarantine of plants on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 26.01.2024) |
157 |
30.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 30, 2016 No. 157 "About approval of the Single quarantine phytosanitary requirements imposed to quarantine products and quarantinable objects on customs border and on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 15.02.2023) |
28.11.2016 |
Agreement between the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus and the State committee of property questions of the Azerbaijan Republic of November 28, 2016 "About cooperation" |
24.11.2016 |
Multilateral Convention of November 24, 2016 "On accomplishment of the measures relating to tax agreements for the purpose of counteraction to washing out of tax base and to profit conclusion from under the taxation" |
158 |
21.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 21, 2016 №158 "About the Advisory committee on functioning of the domestic markets" |
144 |
15.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 15, 2016 No. 144 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the database of passports of check points through outline border of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
142 |
08.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 8, 2016 №142 "About classification of paper blocks for notes according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
74 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 №74 "About approval of the Procedure for forming and maintaining the register of authorized persons of producers of medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
73 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 №73 "About the Procedure for certification of authorized persons of producers of medicines" |
75 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 № 75 "About approval of the Regulations on Expert committee on medicines" |
76 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 №76 "About approval of Requirements to marking of medicines for medical application and veterinary medicines" (as amended on 23.09.2022) |
82 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 3, 2016 №82 "About approval of General requirements to the quality system of pharmaceutical inspectorates of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
86 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 № 86 "About the Order of interaction of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union on identification of counterfeited, counterfeit and (or) substandard medicines" |
80 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 80 "About approval of Rules of proper distributor practice within the Eurasian Economic Union" |
84 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 № 84 "About procedures for forming and maintaining the unified register of the registered medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union and information databases in the sphere of drug circulation" |
89 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 №89 "About approval of Rules of carrying out researches of biological medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 04.07.2023) |
90 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 № 90 "About approval of the Procedure for forming and maintaining the register of pharmaceutical inspectors of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
91 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 № 91 "About approval of the Procedure for ensuring conducting joint pharmaceutical inspections" |
92 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 №92 "About single questions of the address of medicines" |
93 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 №93 "About recognition of results of inspection of production of medicines" (as amended on 04.09.2020) |
88 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 3, 2016 No. 88 "About approval of requirements to the instruction on medical application of medicine and general characteristic of medicine for medical application" (as amended on 19.05.2022) |
79 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 3, 2016 No. 79 "About approval of Rules of proper clinical practice of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
81 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 81 "About approval of Rules of proper laboratory practice of the Eurasian Economic Union in the field of drug circulation" |
87 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 87 "About approval of Rules of proper practice of pharmakonadzor of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 19.05.2022) |
78 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 78 "About Rules of registration and examination of medicines for medical application" (as amended on 29.05.2024) |
77 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 77 "About approval of Rules of proper production practice of the Eurasian Economic Union (as amended on 04.07.2023) |
83 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 №83 "About approval of Rules of conducting pharmaceutical inspections" (as amended on 06.09.2024) |
85 |
03.11.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 85 "About approval of Rules of carrying out researches of bioequivalence of medicines within the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 12.04.2024) |
138 |
01.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 25, 2016 № 139 "About the organization of pilot project for realization of electronic document management between state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Eurasian economic commission" |
129 |
01.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 1, 2016 № 129 "About classification of the refrigerated mixes of vegetables according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
134 |
01.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 1, 2016 №134 "About classification of dried hemoglobin according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 27.12.2016) |
130 |
01.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 1, 2016 No. 130 "About approval of the Regulations on features of determination of customs value of goods in case of completion of action of customs procedure of free customs zone and customs procedure of free warehouse" (as amended on 14.01.2020) |
137 |
01.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 1, 2016 No. 137 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the directory list of check points through outline border of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
136 |
01.11.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 1, 2016 No. 136 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the general register of owners of free warehouses" (as amended on 26.03.2019) |
28.10.2016 |
Agreement of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 28, 2016 "About cooperation in the field of quarantine of plants" |
28.10.2016 |
Agreement of October 28, 2016 "About state cooperation – members of the CIS in mining and metallurgical industry" |
28.10.2016 |
Agreement of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 28, 2016 "About state cooperation – members of the CIS in automotive industry" |
28.10.2016 |
Agreement of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 28, 2016 "About state cooperation – members of the CIS in the field of legal education of consumers" |
139 |
25.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 25, 2016 №139 "About Regulations on the Advisory committee on migration policy" (as amended on 21.11.2017) |
122 |
25.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 25, 2016 №122 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the unified register of the registered medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 06.09.2022) |
123 |
25.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 25, 2016 №123 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the unified register of authorized persons of producers of medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
125 |
25.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 25, 2016 № 125 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the single information database on the revealed undesirable reactions (actions) to medicines including messages on inefficiency of medicines" (as amended on 21.02.2023) |
126 |
25.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of October 25, 2016 №126 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the single information database on the medicines suspended, withdrawn and forbidden to medical application" |
127 |
25.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 25, 2016 №127 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the unified register of pharmaceutical inspectors of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
111 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 №111 "About establishment of rate of import customs duty of the Common customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union concerning fibers artificial viscose" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2022) |
109 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 № 109 "About approval of the Procedure for development, approval, change and use of single sanitary and epidemiologic and hygienic requirements and procedures" |
113 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 № 113 "About the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About restriction of use of dangerous substances in products of electrical equipment and radio electronics" |
98 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 №98 "About approval of the Approval procedure like measuring instruments" |
97 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 № 97 "About approval of the Approval procedure like standard sample" |
98 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 №98 "About approval of the Approval procedure like measuring instruments" |
114 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 No. 114 "About the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About safety of attractions" |
145 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 № 145 "About approval of Rules of mutual recognition of results of works on ensuring unity of measurements" |
163 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 № 163 "About Methodology of calculation of allowed level of the measures of the state support of agricultural industry making the distorting impact on mutual trade of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in agricultural goods and forms of notifications on the state support of agricultural industry" (as amended on 18.02.2022) |
161 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 No. 161 "About the Procedure for development and adoption of lists of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their lack of national (state) standards as a result of which application on voluntary basis observance of requirements of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union is provided, and lists of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence – the national (state) standards containing rules and methods of researches (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union and implementation of assessment of conformity of objects of technical regulation" (as amended on 15.04.2022) |
162 |
18.10.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of October 18, 2016 No. 162 "About the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About safety of fish and fish products" (as amended on 23.06.2023) |
124 |
15.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 25, 2016 № 124 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the single information database of the medicines which are not conforming to quality requirements and also the counterfeited and (or) counterfeit medicines revealed in the territories of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
13.10.2016 |
Agreement between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of Georgia of October 13, 2016 "About encouragement and mutual protection of investments" |
111 |
04.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 4, 2016 No. 111 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the database about sales amounts (purchase) of the money which arrived into accounts in foreign currency of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" (ceased to be valid since 19.08.2022) |
112 |
04.10.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 4, 2016 No. 112 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the amount credited and the distributed import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data" (ceased to be valid since 24.11.2022) |
03.10.2016 |
Agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of youth and sport of the Republic of Moldova of October 3, 2016 "About cooperation in the field of youth policy" |
105 |
27.09.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of September 27, 2016 № 105 "About the Strategy of development for cross-border space of trust" |
16.09.2016 |
Convention of September 16, 2016 "About interregional state cooperation – members of the Commonwealth of Independent States" |
96 |
30.08.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of August 30, 2016 №96 "About classification of borehole case cumulative punchers and cumulative charges by the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
102 |
30.08.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of August 30, 2016 No. 102 "About approval of Regulations of information exchange of authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and Euroasian economic commission in the field of protection of the rights to intellectual property items" (as amended on 30.11.2023) |
97 |
30.08.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of August 30, 2016 №97 "About establishment of the tariff quotas concerning separate types of the agricultural goods imported in 2017 on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union and also about amounts of the tariff quotas concerning these goods imported in the territory of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
98 |
30.08.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of August 30, 2016 №98 "About establishment of amounts of the tariff quota concerning separate types of the long-grain rice coming from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and imported in 2017 in the territory of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
93 |
30.08.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of August 30, 2016 No. 93 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the unified register of the authorized organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union performing carrying out researches (testing) of medical products for the purpose of their registration" (as amended on 24.12.2019) |
94 |
30.08.2016 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of August 30, 2016 No. 94 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Forming, maintaining and use of the single information database of monitoring of safety, quality and efficiency of medical products" |
6 |
12.08.2016 |
Decision of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council of August 12, 2016 № 6 "About some questions of import and the goods circulation on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union in connection with accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the World Trade Organization" |
68 |
09.08.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of August 9, 2016 No. 68 "About the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbon gases for their use in fuel quality" |
50 |
09.08.2016 |
Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of August 9, 2016 № 50 "About some questions connected with execution of an employment agreement (contract), its prolongation and the bases for its termination in the Eurasian economic commission" |