Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
420 29.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2014 No. 420 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of rates of remuneration on the credits, and also leasing of processing equipment and agricultural machinery" (ceased to be valid since 08.06.2015)
421 29.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2014 No. 421 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing on compensation of part of the expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investment investments" (ceased to be valid since 24.02.2016)
138 29.04.2014 Joint Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2014 No. 138, of May 5, 2014 No. 125/ODES "About Approval of Forms of Checking Sheets in the field of Private Entrepreneurship in the field of Turnover of Poisons, Arms, Military Equipment and Separate Types of Weapon, Explosive and Pyrotechnic Substances and Products with Their Application" (ceased to be valid since 29.01.2016)
140 29.04.2014 Joint Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2014 No. 140, of May 5, 2014 No. 124/ODES "About Approval of Criteria for Evaluation of Risk Degree in the field of Private Entrepreneurship in the field of Turnover of Poisons, Arms, Military Equipment and Separate Types of Weapon, Explosive and Pyrotechnic Substances and Products with Their Application" (ceased to be valid since 29.01.2016)
191 28.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 28, 2014 No. 191 "About approval of Rules of holding qualification examination" (as amended on 07.06.2018)
189 28.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 28, 2014 No. 189 "About approval of Rules of accounting of the temporary administrator, rehabilitation, interim and bankrupt managing directors, appointment and discharge of rehabilitation and bankrupt managing directors, and also Rules of advanced training of the temporary administrator, rehabilitation, interim and bankrupt managing directors" (ceased to be valid since 19.04.2020)
55 28.04.2014 Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on consumer protection of April 28, 2014 No. 55 "About approval of Regulations of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on consumer protection" (ceased to be valid since 27.05.2016)
409 28.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 28, 2014 No. 409 "About approval of the Rules of conducting monitoring which are under construction (planned to construction) the objects and complexes" (ceased to be valid since 10.08.2015)
116 28.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 28, 2014 No. 116 "About approval of regulations of the state services" (ceased to be valid since 04.07.2015)
400 25.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 25, 2014 No. 400 "About questions of rendering by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the state services in the sphere of flight operation and maintenance of the flight validity" (ceased to be valid since 10.12.2015)
133 25.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 25, 2014 No. 133 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of use of atomic energy" (ceased to be valid since 05.08.2015)
276 25.04.2014 Joint Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 25, 2014 No. 276, of April 30, 2014 No. 198 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "Issue of Special Permission to Journey of Heavy and (or) Large-size Vehicles (including Foreign) on the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 18.08.2016)
67 23.04.2014 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2014 No. 67 "About approval of forms of standard custodial agreements" (as amended on 24.02.2021)
70 23.04.2014 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2014 No. 70 "About approval of Rules of recognition of the bargains concluded in the organized and unorganized security markets as made for the purpose of manipulation, forming and works of expert stock exchange committee, and also its quantitative structure" (ceased to be valid since 01.10.2016)
71 23.04.2014 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2014 No. 71 "About approval of Rules of activities of the affiliated organization acquiring doubtful and bad assets of parent bank" (ceased to be valid since 13.05.2018)
68 23.04.2014 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2014 No. 68 "About approval of Rules of application of measures of early reaction and technique of determination of the factors influencing deterioration in financial position of bank of the second level" (ceased to be valid since 16.09.2015)
199-V ZRK 23.04.2014 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2014 No. 199-V ZRK "About Law-enforcement Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 06.04.2024)
379 18.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 18, 2014 No. 379 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of rates of remuneration according to credit and leasing obligations of subjects of agro-industrial complex for financial improvement"
178-O 18.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 18, 2014 No. 178-O "About approval of forms of social contracts" (ceased to be valid since 18.06.2015)
53 18.04.2014 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 18, 2014 No. 53 "About approval of Rules of assignment of national identification numbers to government securities" (ceased to be valid since 25.03.2018)
373 17.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 17, 2014 No. 373 "About introduction of temporary ban on export from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of waste and scrap of ferrous metals"
369 17.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 17, 2014 No. 369 "Questions of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on communication and information" (as amended on 28.08.2015)
368 17.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 17, 2014 No. 368 "About purchase of grain in the state resources from harvest of 2014"
194-V ZRK 17.04.2014 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 17, 2014 No. 194-V ZRK "About Traffic" (as amended on 06.04.2024)
356 16.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 16, 2014 No. 356 "About establishment of limits of borderland, quarantine strip and border area and approval of the list of the border territories entering border area where are excluded or suspended separate regime restrictions" (as amended on 09.02.2021)
219 16.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 16, 2014 No. 219 "About approval of the Instruction of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan for traffic safety control" (ceased to be valid since 11.06.2015)
358 16.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 16, 2014 No. 358 "About approval of standards of the state services in the sphere of land relations, geodesy and cartography" (ceased to be valid since 10.01.2016)
5-2/197 16.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 16, 2014 No. 5-2/197 "About approval of regulations of the state service "Subsidizing of Production Management Systems of Agricultural Products" (ceased to be valid since 28.09.2015)
HK-21/2967 A 14.04.2014 Letter of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 14, 2014 No. HK-21/2967 I "Concerning Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy, the Taxation"
352 14.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 14, 2014 No. 352 "About approval of the list and selection criteria of the objects of religious appointment imported by the religious associations registered in judicial authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan which are exempted from the value added tax" (ceased to be valid since 20.04.2018)
348 12.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 12, 2014 No. 348 "About acceptance of the state municipal company on the right of economic maintaining "Akmola arnasa sou" under department of housing and communal services, passenger transport and highways of Korgalzhynsky district of Akmola area from municipal property in republican property" (ceased to be valid since 19.09.2014)
188-V ZRK 11.04.2014 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 11, 2014 No. 188-V ZRK "About Civil Protection" (as amended on 06.04.2024)
341 10.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 10, 2014 No. 341 "About approval of Rules of accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits on safety of compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions in the single accumulation pension fund in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2023)
245 10.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 10, 2014 No. 245 "About approval of Regulations of the state services in the sphere of road transport" (ceased to be valid since 12.03.2016)
243 09.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 9, 2014 No. 243 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the field of activities of airfields (helidromes), foreign carriers, aviation training centers and aeronautical personnel, aviation safety and use of airspace" (as amended on 28.12.2015)
791 09.04.2014 Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 9, 2014 No. 791 "About formation of Council of national investors in case of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 05.08.2019)
239 09.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 9, 2014 No. 239 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of inland water and rail transport" (ceased to be valid since 23.09.2015)
70 09.04.2014 Order of the Oil Minister and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 9, 2014 No. 70 "About approval of professional standards of oil and gas industry on specialties of technical and professional education" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
320 04.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 4, 2014 No. 320 "About increase in the amount of social payments from the State Social Insurance Fund on cases of disability and loss of the supporter"
321 04.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 4, 2014 No. 321 "About increase in the sizes of retirement benefits from authorized organization"
319 04.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 4, 2014 No. 319 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 10.09.2015)
192 04.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 4, 2014 No. 192 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of safety of traffic" (ceased to be valid since 04.07.2015)
163 04.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 4, 2014 No. 163 "About approval of regulations of the state services of bodies of Tax Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 09.09.2014)
221 03.04.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2014 No. 221 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the field of water transport" (ceased to be valid since 15.08.2015)
100/ODES 03.04.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 3, 2014 No. 100/ODES "About Approval of Regulations of the State Service, Rendered by Committee on Cases of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 27.05.2016)
153 02.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 2, 2014 No. 153 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of accounting of state-owned property" (ceased to be valid since 11.07.2015)
290 01.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 1, 2014 No. 290 "About approval of Rules of determination of rate for support of renewable energy resources" (ceased to be valid since 19.09.2015)
66-OD 01.04.2014 Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of natural monopolies of April 1, 2014 No. 66-OD "About approval of ceiling Method of calculation of prices for commodity gas of subjects of the controlled market" (ceased to be valid since 20.02.2017)
217 01.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 1, 2014 No. 217 "About approval of form of checking leaf of activities of the operator of the airport (airfield) for rescue flight servicing" (ceased to be valid since 28.01.2016)
111 01.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 1, 2014 No. 111 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of tourism" (ceased to be valid since 08.02.2016)
6-1/181 01.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 1, 2014 No. 6-1/181 "About approval of regulations of the state service "Certification of Quality of Cotton Raw"
139-O 01.04.2014 Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 1, 2014 No. 139-O "About approval of regulations of rendering the state services" (ceased to be valid since 21.07.2015)
288 31.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 31, 2014 No. 288 "About marginal approval of price of wholesale of the liquefied oil gas in the domestic market"
147 31.03.2014 Order of the Vice-Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 31, 2014 No. 147 "About approval of Rules, form and terms of submission by the National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan to body of Tax Service of information on the taxpayers having the taxation objects and (or) objects connected with the taxation and also about the taxation objects and (or) objects connected with the taxation"
275 29.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 29, 2014 No. 275 "About approval of standards of the state services in questions of public service"
64-OD 28.03.2014 Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of natural monopolies of March 28, 2014 No. 64-OD "About approval of Rules of inclusion and exception of the State register of subjects of natural monopolies" (ceased to be valid since 13.06.2020)
4-1/165 28.03.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 28, 2014 No. 4-1/165 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "Issue to the Exporter of Grain of Confirmation about Observance by the Exporter of Grain of Obligations on Supply of Grain to the State Resources of Grain" (ceased to be valid since 25.12.2015)
71 odes 27.03.2014 Order of the Chairman of Committee of technical regulation and metrology of the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2014 No. 71 of odes "About Application of the National Standards of the Russian Federation Interconnected with the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union " about Safety of the Equipment Working under Excessive Pressure " in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 28.06.2019)
271 27.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2014 No. 271 "About approval of Rules of determination of flat fares and the marginal auction prices" (as amended on 16.09.2022)
133 27.03.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2014 No. 133 "About approval of Rules of use of the web portal of public procurements and Rules of work of the web portal of public procurements in case of technical failures of work of the web portal of public procurements" (ceased to be valid since 14.01.2016)
125 27.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2014 No. 125 "About approval of Rules of tendering on realization of distrained property in the form of electronic auction" (ceased to be valid since 08.03.2015)
102 27.03.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2014 No. 102 "About approval of regulations of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of the industry and export control"
100 27.03.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2014 No. 100 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "Registration and Accounting of Chemical Products" (ceased to be valid since 28.08.2015)
103 27.03.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2014 No. 103 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of subsurface use, except for hydrocarbonic raw materials" (ceased to be valid since 09.03.2016)
151 26.03.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 26, 2014 No. 151 "About approval of Rules of issue of the conclusions (allowing documents) for import to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of haematopoietic stem cells, marrow in case of their movement for the purpose of performing unrelated transplantation, and also samples of cages, fabrics, biological liquids and secrets, including the waste products of the person, physiological and pathological allocations, dabs, scrapes, washouts intended for the diagnostic scientific purposes or received in the course of carrying out biomedical researches" (ceased to be valid since 21.11.2020)
255 26.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 26, 2014 No. 255 "About approval of Rules of implementation of compulsory professional pension contributions" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2023)
209 26.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 26, 2014 No. 209 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the field of informatization rendered by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 31.10.2015)
262 26.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 26, 2014 No. 262 "About approval of the standard of rendering special social services in the field of education" (ceased to be valid since 23.05.2015)
265 26.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 26, 2014 No. 265 "About questions of rendering the state services in the sphere of road transport" (ceased to be valid since 30.12.2015)
252 20.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 20, 2014 No. 252 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Exporter 2020 and Performance of 2020 programs (ceased to be valid since 30.12.2015)
253 20.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 20, 2014 No. 253 "About approval of standards of the state services in the field of health care" (ceased to be valid since 02.09.2015)
165 20.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 20, 2014 No. 165 "About approval of regulations of the state services in questions of documentation and registration of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 03.08.2015)
111-O 20.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 20, 2014 No. 111-O "About approval of the Instruction to destination and to implementation of retirement benefits to the employees serving in bodies of prosecutor's office (except for bodies of military prosecutor's office)" (ceased to be valid since 28.01.2017)
202 19.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 19, 2014 No. 202 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the field of communication rendered by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 15.08.2015)
144 19.03.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 19, 2014 No. 144 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of medical activities" (ceased to be valid since 02.08.2015)
08-1-1-1/87 19.03.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 19, 2014 No. 08-1-1-1/87 "About approval of regulations of the state services" (ceased to be valid since 12.10.2015)
1 18.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 18, 2014 No. 1 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of culture" (ceased to be valid since 05.08.2015)
11 18.03.2014 Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for religions of March 18, 2014 No. 11 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of religious activities" (ceased to be valid since 25.07.2015)
109 17.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 17, 2014 No. 109 "About approval of Regulations of Admission in the highest military educational institutions" (ceased to be valid since 14.07.2015)
87 17.03.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 17, 2014 No. 87 "approval of the professional standard "Technology of Water, Fuel and Lubricants at Power Plants" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
88 17.03.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 17, 2014 No. 88 "About approval of the professional Elektrotekhnologiya standard (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
89 17.03.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 17, 2014 No. 89 "About approval of the professional standard "The Electric and Electromechanical Equipment (by Types)" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
NK-13-YUL-E- 14.03.2014 Letter of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 14, 2014 No. NK-13-YuL-E-260-NK-2077 "Concerning the taxation of the income of nonresidents when rendering services in technical support of software products"
106 14.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 14, 2014 No. 106 "About approval of Rules of activities of the commission on licensing of judicial and expert activities" (ceased to be valid since 24.01.2017)
240 14.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 14, 2014 No. 240 "About questions of rendering by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the state services in fields of activity of airfields (helidromes), foreign carriers, aviation training centers and aviation personnel, aviation safety and use of airspace" (ceased to be valid since 13.01.2017)
239 14.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 14, 2014 No. 239 "About approval of the standard of the state service "State Testing of Agricultural Plants for Economic Usefulness" (ceased to be valid since 30.11.2015)
94 13.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 13, 2014 No. 94 "About approval of the professional standard "Lift Economy and Escalators" (ceased to be valid since 29.06.2016)
235 13.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 13, 2014 No. 235 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of power industry, energy saving and increase in energy efficiency" (ceased to be valid since 05.09.2015)
237 13.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 13, 2014 No. 237 "About approval of standards of the state services "Issue of the Reference by Determination of the Address of Real Estate Objects in the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Issue of Architectural and Planning Task" and "Issue of the Decision on Reconstruction (Re-planning, Re-equipment) of Rooms (Separate Parts) of the Existing Buildings Which Are Not Connected with Change of the Bearing and Protecting Designs, Engineering Systems and the Equipment" (ceased to be valid since 10.01.2016)
229 12.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 12, 2014 No. 229 "About questions of rendering by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the state services in the sphere of inland water and rail transport" (ceased to be valid since 03.10.2015)
33/TAX CODE 12.03.2014 Order of the Chairman of National space agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 12, 2014 No. 33/Tax Code "About Approval of Regulations of the State Services Rendered by the National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 18.08.2015)
103 12.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 12, 2014 No. 103 "About approval of Regulations of the state services in the sphere of industrial property" (ceased to be valid since 30.08.2015)
209 11.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2014 No. 209 "About approval of Rules of issue of permissions to numerous crossing of Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Kazakhstan courts for conducting trade activities in territorial waters (sea), internal waters and on the continental shelf, spatial and temporary limits of action of permissions, and also Rules of control of the specified courts" (as amended on 24.04.2024)
219 11.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2014 No. 219 "About approval of standards of the state services of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 13.12.2016)
217 11.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2014 No. 217 "About approval of standards of the state services in the sphere of social protection of the population"
152 11.03.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2014 No. 152 "About approval of regulations of the state services "Certification to Stateless Persons and Residence Permits to the Foreigners Who Are Constantly Living in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Registration and Issue of Permissions to Foreigners and Stateless Persons for Permanent Residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Registration of Acceptance and Getting Out of Nationality of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Assignment and Prolongation of the Status of the Refugee in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 08.08.2015)
97 07.03.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 7, 2014 No. 97 "About approval of Rules of clerical work" (ceased to be valid since 31.05.2021)
176-V ZRK 07.03.2014 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 7, 2014 No. 176-V ZRK "About Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy" (as amended on 06.04.2024)
93 07.03.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 7, 2014 No. 93 "About approval of the Regulations on the qualification commission" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
202 06.03.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2014 No. 202 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of processing industry" (ceased to be valid since 10.12.2015)

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