Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
676 19.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 19, 2014 No. 676 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Certification of the State Information Systems and Non-state Information Systems Integrated with the State Information Systems on Compliance to Their Requirements of Information Security and to the Standards Accepted in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 21.09.2015)
671 18.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2014 No. 671 "About price fixation of the transaction performed on interchange by gas"
672 18.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2014 No. 672 "About price fixation of the transaction on gas return"
NK-06/5043-I 18.06.2014 Letter of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2014 No. NK-06/5043-I (concerning expansion of scope of cash registers upon transition to new procedure for application of cash registers in the Republic of Kazakhstan)
303 18.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2014 No. 303 "About approval of the Regulations on republican services of civil protection" (as amended on 13.12.2019)
673 18.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2014 No. 673 "About approval of the list of the fields (group of fields, part of the field) hydrocarbonic raw material referred to category low-profitable, high-viscosity, flooded, low-debit and developed" (ceased to be valid since 15.07.2019)
229 18.06.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2014 No. 229 "About approval of regulations of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of processing industry" (ceased to be valid since 12.09.2015)
664 17.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 17, 2014 No. 664 "About approval of standards of the state services in the field of veterinary science" (ceased to be valid since 30.11.2015)
227 17.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 17, 2014 No. 227 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of the higher and postgraduate education" (ceased to be valid since 24.01.2016)
256 17.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 17, 2014 No. 256 "About approval of Regulations of Admission in the military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan realizing professional training programs of postgraduate education" (ceased to be valid since 14.07.2015)
172/ODES 16.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 16, 2014 No. 172/ODES "About Approval of Rules of Registration in the Database of the State Town-planning Inventory of Town-planning Projects, Preproject and Project (Project and Estimate) Documentation, and also Objects of Architectural, Town-planning and Construction Activities" (as amended on 01.07.2023)
348 16.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 16, 2014 No. 348 "About some questions of Department of own safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" (as amended on 02.10.2014)
653 13.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 13, 2014 No. 653 "About transfer of the republican state company from republican property in municipal property" (as amended on 28.08.2015)
651 13.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 13, 2014 No. 651 "About approval of the list of fields (group of fields, part of the field) firm types of minerals, except for popular, referred to category low-profitable" (ceased to be valid since 17.09.2018)
645 12.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 12, 2014 No. 645 "About approval of flat fares" (as amended on 23.09.2022)
644 12.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 12, 2014 No. 644 "About approval of flat fare for projects of the solar power plants using photo-electric modules on the basis of the Kazakhstan silicon (Kaz PV) for transformation of energy of sunlight"
641 12.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 12, 2014 No. 641 "About marginal approval of prices of wholesale of commodity gas in the domestic market"
107 11.06.2014 Order of the Oil Minister and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 11, 2014 No. 107 "About approval of Standard standard rates of number of heads, specialists, employees and industrial and production personnel, the organizations performing oil transportation and water supply" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
207-V ZRK 10.06.2014 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 10, 2014 No. 207-V ZRK "About innovative cluster "The park of innovative technologies" (as amended on 21.05.2024)
328 09.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 9, 2014 No. 328 "About approval of sample of the certificate of person who is looking for shelter"
276 09.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 9, 2014 No. 276 "About approval of Rules of training of employees of the organizations and the populations to measures of fire safety and the requirement to contents of training programs for training in measures of fire safety" (as amended on 21.12.2022)
633 09.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 9, 2014 No. 633 "About approval of standards of the state services in the sphere of preschool and secondary education" (ceased to be valid since 29.08.2015)
331 09.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 9, 2014 No. 331 "About approval of Rules of organization activity of formation of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 15.03.2016)
623 06.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 6, 2014 No. 623 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Certification of Laboratories for Examination of Quality of Seeds"
616 05.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 5, 2014 No. 616 "About some questions of import of combine harvesters and modules of combine harvesters to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
204-O 05.06.2014 Order of the Minister of the environment and water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 5, 2014 No. 204-O "About approval of form of the certificate of catch origin" (ceased to be valid since 14.09.2016)
606 03.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 3, 2014 No. 606 "About introduction of temporary ban on export from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the raw precious metals, scrap and waste of the precious metals and primary goods containing precious metals"
347 03.06.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 3, 2014 No. 347 "About approval of the Program of preparation and retraining of specialists of services of aviation safety, service employees of authorized body in the field of civil aviation concerning aviation safety and aviation safety" (ceased to be valid since 17.01.2016)
607 03.06.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 3, 2014 No. 607 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the environment and water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and recognition voided some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 20.01.2016)
196 02.06.2014 Order of the acting minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 2, 2014 No. 196 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "Issue of the Conclusion about Confirmation of Reference of the State Members of the Customs Union of Goods Imported on the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Territory to the Goods Intended for Industrial Conversion in Easy, Mining and Metallurgical, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Woodworking Industries, and also in Mechanical Engineering and Building Industry" (ceased to be valid since 28.05.2015)
267 02.06.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 2, 2014 No. 267 "About approval of Storage precautions, accounting, write-off and utilization of property of civil defense" (ceased to be valid since 10.06.2016)
192 02.06.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 2, 2014 No. 192 "About approval of regulations of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of power industry, energy saving and increase in energy efficiency" (ceased to be valid since 13.08.2015)
601 31.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2014 No. 601 "About determination of the legal entity on technical supply of test procedures, maintenance and administration of the automated database on personnel of public service, collection, processing and personal data protection of government employees and entering of amendments into the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2008 No. 1305 "About reorganization of public institution "Center of information and testing of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for public service" and the republican state state company "Eurasian Center of Training of Government Employees"
599 31.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2014 No. 599 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Documents Acceptance in the Organization of Technical and Professional, Postsecondary Education" (ceased to be valid since 17.10.2015)
605 31.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2014 No. 605 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered in the sphere of the higher and postgraduate education" (ceased to be valid since 14.01.2016)
600 31.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2014 No. 600 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 19.08.2015)
265 30.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 30, 2014 No. 265 "About approval of Rules of registration and removal from accounting of protective constructions of civil defense" (as amended on 16.08.2023)
586 30.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 30, 2014 No. 586 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and recognition voided some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
153/ODES 30.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 30, 2014 No. 153/ODES "About Approval of Regulations of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 27.05.2016)
578 29.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2014 No. 578 "About some questions of export of forest products from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
258 29.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2014 No. 258 "About approval of structure of plans of civil defense and action plans on liquidation of emergency situations" (as amended on 12.04.2022)
575 29.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2014 No. 575 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of increase in productivity and product quality of crop production, cost of the fuels and lubricants and other inventory items necessary for carrying out spring and field and harvest works, by subsidizing of production of priority cultures and cost of costs for cultivation of crops in the protected soil" (ceased to be valid since 21.09.2015)
574 29.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2014 No. 574 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of cost of fertilizers (except for organic)" (ceased to be valid since 30.11.2015)
573 29.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2014 No. 573 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of cost of herbicides, bioagents (entomophages) and biological products intended for processing of crops for the purpose of protection of plants" (ceased to be valid since 30.11.2015)
562 28.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 28, 2014 No. 562 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Issue of Documents on Preparation Passing, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel of Industry of Health Care" (ceased to be valid since 02.11.2015)
549 27.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 27, 2014 No. 549 "About approval of standards of the state services in education and sciences and modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 28, 2013 No. 195 "About some questions of licensing of educational activities" (ceased to be valid since 21.12.2015)
541 26.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 26, 2014 No. 541 "About approval of Rules of development and adjustment, conducting necessary examinations of the investment offer, and also planning, consideration, selection, monitoring and assessment of realization of budget investments and recognition voided some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 05.03.2015)
544 26.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 26, 2014 No. 544 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered in the sphere of the higher and postgraduate education" (ceased to be valid since 14.01.2016)
282 26.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 26, 2014 No. 282 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of pharmaceutical activities" (ceased to be valid since 09.08.2015)
538 23.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 23, 2014 No. 538 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local executive bodies in the sphere of preschool and secondary education" (ceased to be valid since 29.08.2015)
533 22.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 22, 2014 No. 533 "About approval of standards of the state services in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population" (ceased to be valid since 19.09.2015)
515 21.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 21, 2014 No. 515 "About price approval for the works, services made and (or) realized by the subject of the state monopoly in the field of veterinary science" (ceased to be valid since 30.11.2015)
518 21.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 21, 2014 No. 518 "About approval of Rules of entrance and registration of participants and (or) workers of participants of the international specialized exhibition in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
529 21.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 21, 2014 No. 529 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Issue of the Certificate of Statement on Special Accounting of the Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs Performing Transactions with Precious Metals, Except for Products from Them and the Primary Goods Containing Precious Metals" (ceased to be valid since 10.12.2015)
511 20.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 20, 2014 No. 511 "About approval of Rules of maintaining and use of the register of subjects of private entrepreneurship" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
235 20.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 20, 2014 No. 235 "About approval of the training program of executive training, specialists of governing bodies and forces of civil protection, training of the population in methods of protection and to actions in case of emergency situations and the military conflicts or owing to these conflicts" (as amended on 26.09.2023)
218 20.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 20, 2014 No. 218 "About approval of the Instruction to destination and to implementation of retirement benefits by the serviceman" (as amended on 09.12.2021)
236 20.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 20, 2014 No. 236 "About approval of Rules of calculation of rate of the rent by transfer of republican property to property employment (lease)" (ceased to be valid since 29.01.2016)
236 20.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 20, 2014 No. 236 "About approval of qualification requirements to specialized training centers in the field of fire safety on preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists of non-state fire services" (ceased to be valid since 22.01.2016)
270 20.05.2014 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 20, 2014 No. 270 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "Issue of Permission to Performing Clinical Trials of Medical Technologies" (ceased to be valid since 02.08.2015)
507 19.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 19, 2014 No. 507 "About approval of Rules of determination of the additional list of the imported goods which are subject to taxation by excises on country of source" (ceased to be valid since 04.05.2018)
311 19.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 19, 2014 No. 311 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of flight operation and maintenance of the flight validity" (ceased to be valid since 16.02.2016)
505 17.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 17, 2014 No. 505 "About approval of standards of the state services of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
188-O 16.05.2014 Order of the Minister of the environment and water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 16, 2014 No. 188-O "About determination of the list of the states for carrying out comparative analysis of rates for the electrical energy made due to use of renewable energy resources"
225 16.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 16, 2014 No. 225 "About approval of Rules of operating, movement, use, replenishment of material values of operational reserve of authorized body in the field of civil protection" (as amended on 05.02.2024)
105-OD 16.05.2014 Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of natural monopolies of May 16, 2014 No. 105-OD "About approval of limit of rates and tariff estimates of "The Kazakhstan Company on Management of Power Networks of KEGOC on Regulated Services in Transfer of Electrical Energy in Power Networks, on Services in Technical Scheduling of Leave in Network and Consumption of Electrical Energy and on Services in the Organization of Balancing of Production Consumption of Electrical Energy as the Emergency Regulating Measure" joint-stock company (as amended on 09.09.2015)
202-V ZRK 16.05.2014 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 16, 2014 No. 202-V ZRK "About Permissions and Notifications" (as amended on 19.06.2024)
138/ODES 16.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 16, 2014 No. 138/ODES "About Approval of Regulations of the State Services" (ceased to be valid since 28.06.2015)
139/ODES 16.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 16, 2014 No. 139/ODES "About Approval of Regulations of the State Services" (ceased to be valid since 28.06.2015)
227 16.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 16, 2014 No. 227 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the field of financial accounting and audit" (ceased to be valid since 14.08.2015)
224 15.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 15, 2014 No. 224 "About approval of forms of the final report of rehabilitation and bankrupt managing directors" (as amended on 29.04.2020)
486 13.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 13, 2014 No. 486 "About approval of the list of agricultural products on which are established the guaranteed purchase price and purchase price" (ceased to be valid since 20.02.2020)
218 12.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 12, 2014 No. 218 "About approval of standard form of the conclusion of the interim manager about financial position of the debtor" (ceased to be valid since 11.08.2020)
469 11.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 11, 2014 No. 469 "About approval of conditions on which foreigners and stateless persons can be part of crew of the vessel floating under National flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
470 11.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 11, 2014 No. 470 "About determination of measures of the state support of categories of domestic potential suppliers" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
132 11.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 11, 2014 No. 132 "About approval of the Technique of cost determination of conducting examination and assessment of documentation on questions of budget investments and concessions" (ceased to be valid since 12.04.2015)
472 11.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 11, 2014 No. 472 "About approval of Rules of calculation of annual average number of workers and the annual average income of subjects of private entrepreneurship" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
208 06.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2014 No. 208 "About approval of Rules of participation of the temporary administrator, rehabilitation, interim and bankrupt managing directors of electronic method in procedures of rehabilitation and bankruptcy" (ceased to be valid since 15.05.2020)
164 06.05.2014 Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on fight against economic and corruption crime (financial police) of May 6, 2014 No. 164 "About approval of Regulations of Admission to training in the Academy of financial police of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in fight against economic and corruption crime (financial police) realizing professional training programs of postgraduate education" (ceased to be valid since 23.04.2021)
78 06.05.2014 "About approval of Rules and the bases of forgiveness of bad debt on the credit (I will occupy) the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2014 with No. 78 also to remuneration on it"
76 06.05.2014 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2014 No. 76 "About approval of Requirements to forming, method of calculation of insurance reserves and their structure" (ceased to be valid since 08.03.2009)
157 06.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2014 No. 157 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "Coordination of Purchase and Sale, Transfer to Lease or Trust Management of Power Generation Facilities and (or) Its Separate Parts irrespective of Patterns of Ownership" (ceased to be valid since 08.09.2015)
162 06.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2014 No. 162 "About approval of regulations of the state services rendered by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Exporter 2020 and Performance 2020 programs" (ceased to be valid since 30.11.2015)
156 06.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2014 No. 156 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "Coordination of Designing and Construction of the Duplicative (Shunting) Power Lines and Substations" (ceased to be valid since 16.01.2016)
4-4/256 06.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2014 No. 4-4/256 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the field of quarantine of plants" (ceased to be valid since 04.12.2015)
153 05.05.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 5, 2014 No. 153 "About approval of regulations of the state services in the field of technical regulation and metrology" (ceased to be valid since 03.11.2015)
5-2/249 05.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 5, 2014 No. 5-2/249 "About approval of regulations of the state service "Subsidizing on Compensation of Rate of Remuneration on the Credits (Leasing) for Support of Agricultural Industry"
441 04.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2014 No. 441 "About some questions of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 28.08.2015)
814 04.05.2014 Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2014 No. 814 "About approval of the Regulations on Service of the state protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 18.06.2024)
448 04.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2014 No. 448 "About approval of Rules of execution of court resolutions at the expense of the government budget on indemnification caused as a result of illegal condemnation, illegal criminal prosecution, illegal application as measure of restraint of detention, house arrest, recognizance not to leave, illegal imposing of administrative punishment in the form of arrest or corrective works, the illegal placement to mental health or other medical institution" (ceased to be valid since 29.08.2015)
435 04.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2014 No. 435 "About approval of Rules of forming and approval of rates (the prices, rates of charges) on regulated services (goods, works) of subjects of the natural monopolies performing the activities for agreements of concession" (ceased to be valid since 19.09.2015)
445 04.05.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2014 No. 445 "About approval of the list of legal entities whose core activity is implementation of loan transactions or the redemption of rights to claim and which hundred percent of voting shares (shares) belong to national managing holding, the assets having the right to expense amount deduction on creation of provisions (reserves) against doubtful and bad assets, contingent obligations, except for and the contingent obligations provided for benefit of the interconnected parties or to the third parties according to obligations of the interconnected parties (except assets and contingent obligations of credit partnerships), rules of its forming and rules of creation of provisions (reserves)" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2018)
97-OD 04.05.2014 Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of natural monopolies of May 4, 2014 No. 97-OD "About ceiling establishment of prices for retail sale of oil products on which state regulation of the prices is established" (ceased to be valid since 21.08.2014)
4-4/246 04.05.2014 Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2014 No. 4-4/246 "About approval of Regulations of the state service "State registration of pesticides (agricultural chemicals) (ceased to be valid since 20.11.2015)
142 30.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2014 No. 142 "About approval of Provisions of public institutions of the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their territorial authorities" (as amended on 24.10.2014)
423 30.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2014 No. 423 "About approval of standards of the state services rendered in the sphere of technical and professional education" (ceased to be valid since 17.10.2015)
203 30.04.2014 Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2014 No. 203 "About approval of standard form of the conclusion of the temporary administrator about efficiency (inefficiency) of the plan of rehabilitation" (ceased to be valid since 06.02.2016)
419 29.04.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2014 No. 419 "About approval of the rates which are not exceeding the level of selling price established in approved and approved with authorized or local executive body of the feasibility statement on the construction project of object for use of renewable energy resources, and terms of its action according to the feasibility statement for the power making organizations using renewable energy resources" (as amended on 19.02.2015)
141 29.04.2014 Joint Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2014 No. 141, of May 5, 2014 No. 127/ODES "About Approval of Criteria for Evaluation of Risk Degree in the field of Private Entrepreneurship in the field of the Industry" (ceased to be valid since 03.08.2016)
139 29.04.2014 Joint Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2014 No. 139, of May 5, 2014 No. 126/ODES "About Approval of Forms of Checking Sheets in the Sphere of Private Entrepreneurship in the field of the Industry" (ceased to be valid since 26.01.2016)

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