To 69-ka |
27.10.2020 |
Order of the Chairman of Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 27, 2020 No. to 69-ka "About approval of Rules of functioning of National system of video monitoring" |
KR DSM-155/2 |
27.10.2020 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 27, 2020 No. KR DSM-155/2020 "About approval of Rules of destruction of the medicines and medical products which became useless the expired, counterfeited and other medicines and medical products which are not conforming to requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 11.07.2023) |
KR DSM-157/2 |
27.10.2020 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 27, 2020 No. KR DSM-157/2020 "About approval of rules of carrying out accreditation of the test laboratories performing exclusive activities for examination and assessment of safety and quality of medicines and medical products" |
KR DSM-160/2 |
27.10.2020 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 27, 2020 No. KR DSM-160/2020 "About approval of rules of implementation of advertizing under control to the state sanitary and epidemiologic control and supervision of products (goods) which are subject (being subject) to state registration" (as amended on 27.06.2024) |
701 |
23.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701 "Questions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 17.07.2024) |
439 |
21.10.2020 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 21, 2020 No. 439 "About purpose of regular elections of deputies of the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
690 |
21.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 21, 2020 No. 690 "Questions of some republican state companies of Committee of science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 19.08.2022) |
395/TAX CODE |
21.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 21, 2020 No. 395/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Collection, Personal Data Processing" (as amended on 18.04.2023) |
681 |
20.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 20, 2020 No. 681 "About adoption of shares of private companies "Direct Investment Fund "Kazakhstan Investment Development Fund (KIDF)" Ltd. and "Kazakhstan Investment Development Fund (KIDF) Management Company" Ltd. from private property in republican property according to the gift agreement" |
392/TAX CODE |
19.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 19, 2020 No. 392/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules on Confirmation of Conformity of Information Systems, Technical, Program and Technical and Software (Products), Technical Means of Information Protection to Requirements of Information Security" (ceased to be valid since 11.08.2024) |
1024 |
19.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 19, 2020 No. 1024 "About approval of Rules and term of realization of pilot project on administration of the taxpayers performing commodity importation on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union with application of risk management system" |
101 |
19.10.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of October 19, 2020 No. 101 "About approval of Rules of state registration of release of shares of mutual investment fund" (as amended on 22.12.2023) |
672 |
16.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 16, 2020 No. 672 "About approval of the list of the guaranteed amount of free medical care and recognition voided some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
662 |
14.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 14, 2020 No. 662 "About determination of cases of import to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the medicines and medical products as the humanitarian assistance which did not undergo state registration in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 12.09.2023) |
222-HK |
14.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 14, 2020 No. 222-HK "About approval of Requirements to wholesale distribution centers and about introduction of amendments to the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2015 No. 264 "About approval of Rules of domestic trade" (as amended on 29.06.2022) |
224-HK |
14.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 14, 2020 No. 224-HK "About approval of form, procedure for registration and registration of declarations of conformity" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2021) |
1000 |
13.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2020 No. 1000 "About approval of Requirements to subjects of financial monitoring on preparation and training in the sphere of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing" (ceased to be valid since 27.08.2021) |
KR DSM-129/2 |
13.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2020 No. KR DSM-129/2020 "About approval of rules of forming of pharmaceutical inspectorate, maintaining the register of pharmaceutical inspectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 10.08.2022) |
384/TAX CODE |
13.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2020 No. 384/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Informing on Activities for Implementation of Digital Mining" (ceased to be valid since 04.06.2023) |
999 |
13.10.2020 |
Joint Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2020 No. 999, on October 13, 2020 No. 77 "About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking leaf behind compliance with law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing" (ceased to be valid since 03.09.2021) |
386/TAX CODE |
13.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2020 No. 386/Tax Code "About approval of Rules of functioning of the single gateway of Internet access and the single gateway of e-mail of "the electronic government" |
386/TAX CODE |
13.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2020 No. 386/Tax Code "About approval of Rules of functioning of the single gateway of Internet access and the single gateway of e-mail of "the electronic government" (as amended on 26.04.2023) |
96 |
12.10.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of October 12, 2020 No. 96 "About approval of Requirements to Rules of internal control for the purpose of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction for professional participants of the security market and central depositary" (as amended on 12.09.2022) |
98 |
12.10.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of October 12, 2020 No. 98 "About approval of Requirements to Rules of internal control for the purpose of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction for stock exchange" (as amended on 12.09.2022) |
97 |
12.10.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of October 12, 2020 No. 97 "About approval of Requirements to Rules of internal control for the purpose of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction for the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, insurance brokers, societies of mutual insurance, Export credit agency of Kazakhstan, branches of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and branches of insurance nonresident brokers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 29.03.2024) |
95 |
12.10.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of October 12, 2020 No. 95 "About approval of Requirements to Rules of internal control for the purpose of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction for the single accumulation pension fund and the Voluntary accumulation pension funds" (as amended on 12.09.2022) |
352 |
09.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 9, 2020 No. 352 "About some questions of supply of oil products to the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
971 |
08.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 8, 2020 No. 971 "About approval of Rules of use of electronic identifiers (navigation seals)" |
309 |
08.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 8, 2020 No. 309 "About approval of Rules of rendering the state service "Issue of the Conclusion (the Allowing Document) for Import of Samples of the Unregistered Remedies of Plants (Pesticides) for Carrying Out Registration (Melkodelyanochny and Production) Testing and (or) Scientific Research according to Decisions of Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission" (as amended on 31.10.2023) |
347 |
07.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 7, 2020 No. 347 "About some questions of transportation of the liquefied oil gas" |
375/TAX CODE |
06.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 6, 2020 No. 375/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Implementation of Industry Examination in the field of the Electronic Industry" |
KR DSM-114/2 |
06.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 6, 2020 No. KR DSM-114/2020 "About approval of Rules of submission of reports on results of laboratory researches on maximum permissible nicotine content in all brands of tobacco and tobacco products, including products with the heated tobacco" (as amended on 28.06.2024) |
370/TAX CODE |
05.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 5, 2020 No. 370/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Provision of Innovative Grants on Technology Development of Operating Plants" (as amended on 16.02.2024) |
428 |
05.10.2020 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 5, 2020 No. 428 "About some questions of the Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 31.07.2023) |
427 |
05.10.2020 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 5, 2020 No. 427 "About some questions of the Agency on strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 29.07.2024) |
633 |
02.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 2, 2020 No. 633 "About approval of Rules of the organization of activities of the trade markets, requirements to content of the territory, the equipment and equipment of the trade market" (ceased to be valid since 24.07.2023) |
639 |
02.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 2, 2020 No. 639 "About some questions of the republican state companies which are under authority of the Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 08.06.2021) |
630 |
01.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 1, 2020 No. 630 "About reorganization of the republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The public technical service" of Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
364/TAX CODE |
01.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 1, 2020 No. 364/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Provision of Innovative Grants on Technology Development of Industries" (as amended on 16.02.2024) |
301 |
01.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 1, 2020 No. 301 "About approval of Rules on rendering the state services in the field of land relations" (Extraction) |
365/TAX CODE |
01.10.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 1, 2020 No. 365/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Provision of Innovative Grants on Commercialization of Technologies" (as amended on 25.05.2023) |
625 |
01.10.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 1, 2020 No. 625 "About Interdepartmental council on consumer protection" (ceased to be valid since 29.04.2022) |
623 |
30.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 30, 2020 No. 623 "About limiting determination of the size of cost of control (identification) sign, means of identification, the applied in marking of tobacco products, products with the heated tobacco, nicotinocontaining liquids for use in electronic cigarettes" (ceased to be valid since 03.08.2023) |
505 |
30.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 30, 2020 No. 505 "About approval of Rules of development, approval and approval of town-planning projects (master plans of settlements, drafts of the detailed layout and projects of building)" (as amended on 29.06.2024) |
938 |
30.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 30, 2020 No. 938 "About approval of Rules of representation by subjects of financial monitoring of data and information on the transactions which are subject to financial monitoring and signs of determination of suspicious transaction" (ceased to be valid since 12.03.2022) |
299 |
29.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 29, 2020 No. 299 "About approval of Rules of rendering the state service "Licensing for Import of Remedies of Plants (Pesticides)" (as amended on 08.12.2023) |
501 |
29.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 29, 2020 No. 501 "About approval of Rules of access to rendering the services to airport sites (airfield) which are not relating to airport activities" (as amended on 22.12.2023) |
352/TAX CODE |
28.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 28, 2020 No. 352/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Display and Use of Electronic Documents in Service of Digital Documents" (as amended on 19.03.2024) |
926 |
28.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 28, 2020 No. 926 "About approval of Requirements to rules of internal control for the purpose of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to financing of terrorism for not the financial sector" (ceased to be valid since 27.08.2021) |
927 |
28.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 28, 2020 No. 927 "About approval of Rules of marking and traceability of tobacco products means of identification" (as amended on 24.07.2024) |
120 |
28.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 28, 2020 No. 120 "About approval of Rules of conducting cash transactions with physical persons and legal entities in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 25.12.2023) |
596 |
22.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 22, 2020 No. 596 "About some questions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Extraction) |
637 |
22.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 22, 2020 No. 637 "About approval of allowing requirements and the list of the documents confirming compliance to them in case of issue of permissions of the second category in the field of turnover of civil and office weapon and cartridges to it" (as amended on 01.03.2024) |
115 |
21.09.2020 |
Joint the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. 115, on October 7, 2020 No. 679 "About approval of Rules on providing the throughput and inside modes in buildings of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its territorial branches" (as amended on 27.11.2023) |
203-HK |
21.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. 203-HK "About approval of blank forms of certificates of conformity and procedure for their filling" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2021) |
109 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. 109 "About approval of the Instruction for conducting financial accounting by banks of the second level, branches of nonresident banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Development Bank of Kazakhstan joint-stock company and the mortgage organizations and introduction of amendments to the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 22, 2008 No. 79 "About approval of the Standard chart of accounts of financial accounting for certain subjects of the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 1, 2011 No. 68 "About approval of the Instruction for conducting financial accounting by certain subjects of the financial market" (as amended on 27.11.2023) |
107 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. 107 "About approval of Rules of submission of the reporting under accounting data by branches of nonresident banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, branches of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, branches of insurance nonresident brokers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 19.12.2022) |
88 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 88 "About approval of Rules of issue of permission to opening of branch of the insurance nonresident broker of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Rules of implementation of activities of branch of the insurance nonresident broker of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 13.03.2021) |
87 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 87 "About approval of Rules of issue of permission to opening of branch of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also Rules and conditions of implementation of activities of branch of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 13.03.2021) |
90 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 90 "About approval of Requirements to services of response to incidents of information security, to conducting internal investigations of incidents of information security" (as amended on 27.11.2023) |
KR DSM-105/2 |
21.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. KR DSM-105/2020 "About approval of rules of implementation of advertizing of medical services (help)" |
89 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 89 "About approval of requirements to competences of heads and employees of divisions of information security, including requirements for advanced training of persons responsible for ensuring information security" (as amended on 20.10.2022) |
339/TAX CODE |
17.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 17, 2020 No. 339/Tax Code "About Determination of the Priority Directions of Provision of Innovative Grants" (as amended on 28.12.2023) |
KR DSM-104/2 |
17.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 17, 2020 No. KR DSM-104/2020 "About approval of Rules of wholesale and retail sale of medicines and medical products" (as amended on 02.06.2023) |
354 |
14.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 14, 2020 No. 354 "About approval of Rules of suspension of account transactions according to the current account intended for storage of the collected amounts of advantage of claimants, the private legal executive whose licenses it is suspended or stopped or of which licenses deprived, and also excluded from members of Republican chamber and form of the order" |
580 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 580 "About some questions of republican property" |
11-1-4/252 |
11.09.2020 |
Joint Order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 11-1-4/252, 6 of October, 2020 No. 460 "About approval of Rules of reclamation of the documents concerning providing the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens and stateless persons through organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
574 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 574 "About recognition valid some documents of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the other persons staying in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
216 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Acting Minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 216 "About approval of rules of rendering the state services of regulation of use of water fund" |
KR DSM-101/2 |
10.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 10, 2020 No. KR DSM-101/2020 "About approval of Rules of creation and execution of the instruction on medical application of medicines and medical products and general characteristic of medicine" |
568 |
10.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 10, 2020 No. 568 "About determination of the inventory, subject to marking" (as amended on 28.06.2024) |
407 |
08.09.2020 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 407 "About measures for further enhancement of system of public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
557 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 557 "About some questions of the Single operator of house construction" (as amended on 27.12.2023) |
558 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 558 "About acceptance of share in the authorized capital of "Kazakh Research Institution of Water Economy" and "Research and Production Center of Fishery" limited liability partnerships from private property in republican property according to the gift agreement" (as amended on 03.06.2022) |
559 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 559 "About reorganization of some republican state companies which are under authority of Committee of geodesy and cartography of the Ministry of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
35 |
07.09.2020 |
Order of the Chairman of Committee according to the statistics the Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 7, 2020 No. 35 "About approval of the Technique of determination of main type of economic activity of the company" |
62 |
07.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 7, 2020 No. 62 "About approval of Rules of carrying out monitoring of the projects realized within programs of financial support of entrepreneurship within the State program of support and business development "The road map of business-2025" (ceased to be valid since 18.06.2022) |
607 |
01.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2020 No. 607 "About approval of Rules by determination of legal status of the persons which are in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and not having the evidence of the belonging to nationality of other state" (as amended on 12.04.2024) |
363 |
24.08.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 24, 2020 No. 363 "About approval of rules of rendering the state service "Licensing for Export of Collection Materials on Mineralogy, Paleontology, Bones of Fossil Animals" (Extraction) |
351 |
17.08.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 17, 2020 No. 351 "About approval of Rules of rendering the state service "Licensing for Occupation Educational Activities" (ceased to be valid since 12.12.2022) |
730 |
13.08.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 13, 2020 No. 730 "About approval of Rules of write-off of the amount of the penalty fee which is registered in personal account of the taxpayer as of April 1, 2020, and the amounts of the penalty fee added on the amount of the shortage formed on the property tax, the land tax and tax on vehicles for tax periods till January 1, 2020, except for obligations on the tax discharge on property and the land tax for 2019 before date of its payment including day of payment" |
187 |
12.08.2020 |
Order of the Minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 12, 2020 No. 187 "About approval of rules of rendering the state services of export licensing of objects of fauna and forestry" (as amended on 05.05.2023) |
300 |
12.08.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 12, 2020 No. 300 "About establishment of quota for attraction of foreign labor power for implementation of labor activity in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020" |
KR DSM-96/20 |
11.08.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 11, 2020 No. KR DSM-96/2020 "About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to health care facilities" (as amended on 28.01.2022) |
6-HK |
30.07.2020 |
Normative resolution of Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 30, 2020 No. 6-HK "About approval of Rules of carrying out external state audit and financial control" (as amended on 18.07.2024) |
269 |
30.07.2020 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 30, 2020 No. 269 "About approval of Rules of holding the auction with use of object of informatization of the operator of electronic auctions on provision of the right of subsurface use on hydrocarbons electronically" (as amended on 29.03.2024) |
18 |
29.07.2020 |
Order of the Head of Department on ensuring activity of the courts under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the office of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan) of July 29, 2020 No. 18 "About approval of Technical requirements to the electronic document and Rules of its address in the automated information system of court" (as amended on 06.06.2023) |
248 |
21.07.2020 |
Order of the Chairman of Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 21, 2020 No. 248 "About approval of the Procedure for the organization of actions of bodies of state revenues concerning taxpayers, registration (re-registration) of which by court is acknowledged invalid, and (or) to the transaction (transaction), action (actions) according to the statement of the invoice and (or) other document of which shipments of goods, and their partners (are acknowledged recognized) as the court resolution which took legal effect committed (made) by the subject of private entrepreneurship without the actual performance of works, rendering services," |
91 |
20.07.2020 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 20, 2020 No. 91 "About approval of the list, forms and terms of submission of the reporting on observance of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to financing of terrorism by the legal entity performing activities only through exchange point based on the license of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan for exchange transactions with cash foreign currency and Rules of its representation" (as amended on 26.09.2023) |
48/ke |
17.07.2020 |
Order of the Chairman of Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 17, 2020 No. 48/ke "About introduction of amendments to the Order of the Chairman of Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2018 No. 86/nanosecond "About price approval on the services realized by the subject of the state monopoly in spheres of informatization, ensuring information security" |
451 |
16.07.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 2020 No. 451 "About some questions of conducting scientific anti-corruption examination" (ceased to be valid since 30.07.2023) |
283 |
16.07.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 2020 No. 283 "About approval of Rules of implementation of lump social sum payment on case of loss of the income in connection with introduction of restrictive actions" (as amended on 27.07.2020) |
252 |
14.07.2020 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 14, 2020 No. 252 "About some questions of supply of oil products to the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
253 |
14.07.2020 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 14, 2020 No. 253 "About approval of Criteria by determination of the operator of electronic auctions on provision of the right of subsurface use on hydrocarbons" (as amended on 02.12.2022) |
443 |
14.07.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 14, 2020 No. 443 "About suspension of initiation of bankruptcy proceedings" |
86 |
14.07.2020 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 14, 2020 No. 86 "About establishment of limits of variation of buying rate from the selling rate of foreign currency for tenge on the operations performed through exchange points" (as amended on 31.03.2022) |
436 |
10.07.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 10, 2020 No. 436 "About some questions of International Airport Astana joint-stock company (as amended on 04.10.2023) |
322 |
10.07.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 10, 2020 No. 322 "About approval of Rules of rendering the state services of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population" (as amended on 29.11.2022) |
394 |
10.07.2020 |
Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 10, 2020 No. 394 "About approval of Rules of carrying out identification of specific goods" (as amended on 26.04.2023) |
665 |
10.07.2020 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 10, 2020 No. 665 "About approval of Rules of rendering the state services by bodies of state revenues of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 31.07.2024) |