203-HK |
21.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. 203-HK "About approval of blank forms of certificates of conformity and procedure for their filling" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2021) |
109 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. 109 "About approval of the Instruction for conducting financial accounting by banks of the second level, branches of nonresident banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Development Bank of Kazakhstan joint-stock company and the mortgage organizations and introduction of amendments to the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 22, 2008 No. 79 "About approval of the Standard chart of accounts of financial accounting for certain subjects of the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 1, 2011 No. 68 "About approval of the Instruction for conducting financial accounting by certain subjects of the financial market" (as amended on 27.11.2023) |
107 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. 107 "About approval of Rules of submission of the reporting under accounting data by branches of nonresident banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, branches of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, branches of insurance nonresident brokers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 19.12.2022) |
36 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of September 21, 2020 No. 36 "About approval of regulations and rules on ensuring nuclear and radiation safety" (as amended on 12.01.2024) |
1715 |
21.09.2020 |
Decision of executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of Ukraine of September 21, 2020 No. 1715 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for creation, registration of share issue, issue of the banking license to transitional bank" |
88 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 88 "About approval of Rules of issue of permission to opening of branch of the insurance nonresident broker of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Rules of implementation of activities of branch of the insurance nonresident broker of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 13.03.2021) |
87 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 87 "About approval of Rules of issue of permission to opening of branch of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also Rules and conditions of implementation of activities of branch of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 13.03.2021) |
90 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 90 "About approval of Requirements to services of response to incidents of information security, to conducting internal investigations of incidents of information security" (as amended on 27.11.2023) |
KR DSM-105/2 |
21.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2020 No. KR DSM-105/2020 "About approval of rules of implementation of advertizing of medical services (help)" |
89 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of September 21, 2020 No. 89 "About approval of requirements to competences of heads and employees of divisions of information security, including requirements for advanced training of persons responsible for ensuring information security" (as amended on 20.10.2022) |
573 |
21.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 21, 2020 No. 573 "About the organization of activities of guarantee fund for servicing of public debt under treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (as amended on 30.12.2021) |
1490 |
18.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2020 No. 1490 "About licensing of educational activities" (as amended on 20.06.2024) |
492 |
18.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 18, 2020 No. 492 "About the Archival agency under the Public registration service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" (ceased to be valid since 18.06.2021) |
545 |
18.09.2020 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 18, 2020 No. 545 "About issue of the certificate of pharmaceutical product" (as amended on 25.03.2022) |
20 |
18.09.2020 |
Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of September 18, 2020 No. 20 "About determination of structure and format of the statistical declaration in the form of the electronic document" (as amended on 20.12.2022) |
1493 |
18.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2020 No. 1493 "About approval of Rules of the order the goods detained by customs authorities and introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 19.06.2021) |
535 |
17.09.2020 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 17, 2020 No. 535 "About implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 23, 2020 No. 235" (as amended on 13.01.2023) |
912-IX |
17.09.2020 |
Law of Ukraine of September 17, 2020 No. 912-IX "About investigation" (as amended on 14.04.2022) |
339/TAX CODE |
17.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 17, 2020 No. 339/Tax Code "About Determination of the Priority Directions of Provision of Innovative Grants" (as amended on 28.12.2023) |
600 |
17.09.2020 |
Order of the Department of Energy of Ukraine of September 17, 2020 No. 600 "About approval of the unified form of the statement which is drawn up by results of holding planned (unplanned) action of the state supervision (control) for observance by the subject of managing of requirements of the legislation in the field of power industry and in the field of heat supply, and other forms of administrative documents" (as amended on 28.08.2023) |
KR DSM-104/2 |
17.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 17, 2020 No. KR DSM-104/2020 "About approval of Rules of wholesale and retail sale of medicines and medical products" (as amended on 08.10.2024) |
1467 |
16.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2020 No. 1467 "About licensing of production of surveying works" (as amended on 20.10.2022) |
1477 |
16.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2020 No. 1477 "About licensing of activities for expertize of industrial safety" (as amended on 06.09.2022) |
1461 |
16.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2020 No. 1461 "About approval of Rules of realization of real estate of the Russian Post joint-stock company which is not answering the purpose of its activities and about modification of Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2012 No. 909" (Extraction) |
1479 |
16.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2020 No. 1479 "About approval of Rules of fire prevention regime in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 24.10.2022) |
849 |
16.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 16, 2020 No. 849 "Some questions of increase in retirement benefits for separate categories of persons in 2021 and further" (as amended on 24.02.2023) |
11-r/2020 |
16.09.2020 |
Solution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of September 16, 2020 No. 11-r/2020 "On case on the constitutional representation of 50 People's Deputies of Ukraine concerning compliance of the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of separate provisions of the Law of Ukraine "About National anti-corruption bureau of Ukraine" |
PP-4826 |
15.09.2020 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Of September 15, 2020 No. PP-4826 "About approval of the international treaty" |
PP-4827 |
15.09.2020 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 15, 2020 No. PP-4827 "About approval of the international treaty" |
1435 |
15.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 No. 1435 "About licensing of the activities connected with the address of explosive materials of industrial function" (as amended on 28.01.2022) |
1445 |
15.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 No. 1445 "About approval of the Regulations on licensing of activities for maintenance of medical products (except for case if maintenance is performed for ensuring own needs of the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur, and also case of maintenance of medical products with low degree of potential risk of their application)" (ceased to be valid since 01.03.2022) |
1428 |
15.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 No. 1428 "About the measures for ensuring compliance by the invited foreign citizen or the stateless person of procedure for stay (residence) in the Russian Federation taken by inviting party" |
1434 |
15.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 No. 1434 "About approval of Rules of carrying out technical inspection of vehicles, and also about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 09.12.2023) |
1446 |
15.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 No. 1446 "About determination of the federal executive body authorized on implementation of the Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 83 and the Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 3, 2016 No. 82, and also about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" |
59 |
15.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade of the Republic of Belarus of September 15, 2020 No. 59 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for classification of retail shopping facilities by types and types" (ceased to be valid since 08.07.2021) |
3088 |
15.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 No. 3088 "About approval of Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in issue of the conclusion attached to the request for state registration of the name of the place of goods origin and for provision of exclusive right for such name, and also to the request for provision of exclusive right for earlier registered name of the place of goods origin" |
PP-4829 |
15.09.2020 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 15, 2020 No. PP-4829 "About measures for implementation of system of the safe, ordered and legal labor migration" (as amended on 10.11.2023) |
53/405/83/30 |
15.09.2020 |
Joint Order of Service of information and safety of the Republic of Moldova of September 15, 2020 No. 53/405/83/307 "About approval of Regulations about procedure for the organization and implementation of special search activities in networks of electronic communications" |
533 |
14.09.2020 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 14, 2020 No. 533 "About statistical declaration of goods" (as amended on 19.10.2022) |
484 |
14.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 14, 2020 No. 484 "About approval of Rules of establishment of the mode at check points through Frontier of the Kyrgyz Republic and the List of types of economic and other activity at check points through Frontier of the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 15.08.2024) |
195 N |
14.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2020 No. 195n "About determination of the Procedure for carrying out identification of the foreign goods placed (placed) under customs procedure of free warehouse in the goods made (received) with use foreign goods placed under customs procedure of free warehouse" |
823 |
14.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 14, 2020 No. 823 "About assignment for ensuring implementation of some actions directed to prevention of origin and distribution, localization and liquidation of flashes, epidemics and pandemics of sharp respiratory disease of COVID-19, of SARS-CoV-2 caused by coronavirus" (ceased to be valid since 10.12.2020) |
35 |
14.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of September 14, 2020 No. 35 "About price fixation on the precious metals in products and scrap which are bought up at physical persons" (ceased to be valid since 09.11.2020) |
5549-U |
14.09.2020 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2020 No. 5549-U "About requirements to contents of notifications, stipulated in Item 3 parts 1 and part 4 of article 12 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 224-FZ "About counteraction to unauthorized use of insider information and to market manipulation and about modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation", and also about procedure and terms of submission to the Bank of Russia of the specified notifications" (ceased to be valid since 05.10.2024) |
596 |
14.09.2020 |
Order of the Department of Energy of Ukraine of September 14, 2020 No. 596 "About approval of the Standard agreement about holding electronic auctions on distribution of quota of support between the customer of auction and the operator of an electronic trading platform" (as amended on 29.04.2024) |
354 |
14.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 14, 2020 No. 354 "About approval of Rules of suspension of account transactions according to the current account intended for storage of the collected amounts of advantage of claimants, the private legal executive whose licenses it is suspended or stopped or of which licenses deprived, and also excluded from members of Republican chamber and form of the order" |
1418 |
12.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2020 No. 1418 "About licensing of the separate types of activity connected with precious metals and gemstones" (as amended on 17.05.2024) |
1406 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2020 No. 1406 "About approval of the list of semiprecious stones for the purpose of application of article 7.5 of the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences and articles 191 and 255 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" |
580 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 580 "About some questions of republican property" |
188 N |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2020 No. 188n "About approval of Features of accounting in tax authorities of physical persons - the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are not individual entrepreneurs" (as amended on 01.09.2022) |
1398 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2020 No. 1398 "About transformation of Coordination council on tourism development in the Russian Federation in Government commission on tourism development in the Russian Federation" (Extraction) |
185 |
11.09.2020 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of September 11, 2020 No. 185 "About the Automated information system of accounting of offenses, cases on offenses and persons who made offenses" |
11-1-4/252 |
11.09.2020 |
Joint Order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 11-1-4/252, 6 of October, 2020 No. 460 "About approval of Rules of reclamation of the documents concerning providing the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens and stateless persons through organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
574 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 574 "About recognition valid some documents of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the other persons staying in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
183 |
11.09.2020 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of September 11, 2020 No. 183 "About subsidized insurance in agricultural industry" (as amended on 31.03.2023) |
216 |
11.09.2020 |
Order of the Acting Minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 11, 2020 No. 216 "About approval of rules of rendering the state services of regulation of use of water fund" |
KR DSM-101/2 |
10.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 10, 2020 No. KR DSM-101/2020 "About approval of Rules of creation and execution of the instruction on medical application of medicines and medical products and general characteristic of medicine" |
676 |
10.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 10, 2020 No. 676 "About approval of the Regulations on power accountants and energy audit" (as amended on 07.03.2023) |
678 |
10.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 10, 2020 No. 678 "About approval of Methodology of development of professional standards" |
3105/5 |
10.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of September 10, 2020 No. 3105/5 "About approval of the Procedure for carrying out the analysis of financial and economic condition of subjects of managing concerning availability of signs of dummy bankruptcy, bringing to bankruptcy, concealment of resistant insolvency, illegal actions in case of bankruptcy" (as amended on 10.08.2023) |
568 |
10.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 10, 2020 No. 568 "About determination of the inventory, subject to marking" (as amended on 28.06.2024) |
1380 |
09.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2020 No. 1380 "About procedure for compensation of interest payment on bonds without determination of term of their repayment in case of acceptance by issuers of the specified bonds of the decision on refusal of their payment and modification of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2020 No. 1260-r" |
1388 |
09.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2020 No. 1388 "About approval of Rules of control of preserving special characteristics of goods concerning which the name of the place of goods origin is registered" |
PP-4821 |
09.09.2020 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 9, 2020 No. PP-4821 "About measures for the accelerated development of the food industry of the Republic and full providing the population with high-quality food products" (as amended on 19.04.2024) |
585 N |
09.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2020 No. 585n "About approval of Rules of calculation and confirmation of insurance years of service for determination of the sizes of temporary disability benefits, on pregnancy and childbirth" (as amended on 27.05.2024) |
794 |
09.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 9, 2020 No. 794 "About redistribution of some expenses of the government budget provided to the Ministry of Health for 2020 and introduction of amendments to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" |
850 |
09.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 9, 2020 No. 850 "Some questions of the organization of financial monitoring" (as amended on 17.02.2023) |
585 |
09.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2020 No. 585 "About approval of the application form of any person, except the owner, about early termination of legal protection of the trademark, service mark, the well-known trademark, trademark, the service mark protected in the territory of the Russian Federation according to international treaties of the Russian Federation, action of exclusive right on geographical specifying or the name of the place of goods origin in connection with the termination of the legal entity - the owner or registration of the termination by the citizen of activities as the individual entrepreneur - the owner, and also the death of the citizen - the owner of exclusive right on geographical specifying, the name of the place of goods origin, and also about recognition by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation which voided the Order of September 28, 2015 No. 693 "About approval of Administrative regulations of provision by Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the state service in early termination of legal protection of the trademark, service mark, the well-known trademark, on cancellation of the certificate or certificates on exclusive right on the name of the place of goods origin according to the statement of any person, except the owner, in connection with the termination of the legal entity - the owner or registration of the termination by the citizen of activities as the individual entrepreneur - the owner, and also in case of the death of the citizen" and the changes made to it" |
1377 |
09.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2020 No. 1377 "About approval of criteria for inclusion of the organizations in the list of the organizations having the right to perform refining of precious metals, and Rules of inclusion of the organizations in the list of the organizations having the right to perform refining of precious metals, and exceptions of the affinaging organizations of the list of the organizations having the right to perform refining of precious metals, and about modification of Item 7 of the Regulations on the mode of constant state surveillance on production facilities of the affinaging organizations and organizations performing sorting, primary classification and primary assessment of gemstones" (as amended on 18.09.2023) |
202 |
09.09.2020 |
Resolution of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of September 9, 2020 No. 202 "About the level of interest rates of National Bank of Moldova and regulation of required reserves" |
407 |
08.09.2020 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 407 "About measures for further enhancement of system of public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
557 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 557 "About some questions of the Single operator of house construction" (as amended on 27.12.2023) |
110 |
08.09.2020 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of September 8, 2020 No. 110 "About establishment for 2021 of amounts of the tariff quota concerning separate types of the long-grain rice coming from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and imported in the territory of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
558 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 558 "About acceptance of share in the authorized capital of "Kazakh Research Institution of Water Economy" and "Research and Production Center of Fishery" limited liability partnerships from private property in republican property according to the gift agreement" (as amended on 03.06.2022) |
559 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2020 No. 559 "About reorganization of some republican state companies which are under authority of Committee of geodesy and cartography of the Ministry of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
552 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of September 8, 2020 No. 552 "About approval of form of the conclusion about results of monitoring of procurement procedure and procedure for its filling" (as amended on 15.11.2023) |
1115 |
08.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of September 8, 2020 No. 1115 "Some questions of the organization of distance training" (as amended on 24.02.2023) |
472 |
07.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 7, 2020 No. 472 "About liquidation of the state company "Solnyshko" under the State agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" |
PP-4819 |
07.09.2020 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 7, 2020 No. PP-4819 "About measures for the organization of activities of the Agency for the inventory under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (as amended on 18.01.2024) |
UP-6061 |
07.09.2020 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 7, 2020 No. UP-6061 "About Measures for Cardinal Enhancement of System of Accounting of the Earth and the State Inventories" (as amended on 18.01.2024) |
819 |
07.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 7, 2020 No. 819 "Some questions of the Ministry of questions of strategic industries of Ukraine" |
35 |
07.09.2020 |
Order of the Chairman of Committee according to the statistics the Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 7, 2020 No. 35 "About approval of the Technique of determination of main type of economic activity of the company" |
62 |
07.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 7, 2020 No. 62 "About approval of Rules of carrying out monitoring of the projects realized within programs of financial support of entrepreneurship within the State program of support and business development "The road map of business-2025" (ceased to be valid since 18.06.2022) |
530 |
04.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2020 No. 530 "About approval of Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of provision of the state service in issue of the conclusion that in borders of geographical object the applicant makes goods which special characteristics only are determined by environment and (or) human factors, characteristic of this geographical object, which is applied to the request for state registration of the name of the place of goods origin and for provision of exclusive right for such name, and also the conclusions that in borders of geographical object the applicant makes the goods having the special characteristics specified in the state register of geographical instructions and names of places of goods origin of the Russian Federation which is applied to the request for provision of exclusive right for earlier registered name of the place of goods origin, concerning products of agricultural industry and food products, except for mineral drinking medicinal, medical and table, mineral natural table water, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" |
539 |
04.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 4, 2020 No. 539 "About measures for further enhancement of mechanisms of collection, processing and storage of information on the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization and the physical persons performing business activity" (as amended on 05.08.2022) |
671 |
03.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 3, 2020 No. 671 "About approval of Sanitary regulations about the extraction solvents used in case of production of foodstuff and food ingredients" |
660 |
03.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 3, 2020 No. 660 "About indexation of payments of social insurance and some state social payments" |
PP-4818 |
03.09.2020 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 3, 2020 No. PP-4818 "About measures for digitalization of activities of judicial bodies" |
PP-4817 |
02.09.2020 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 2, 2020 No. PP-4817 "About the organization of activities of Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for development of silkworm breeding and woolen industry" (as amended on 10.06.2023) |
781 |
02.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 2, 2020 No. 781 "About approval of the actions plan on strategy implementation of communications in the sphere of prevention and anti-corruption for 2020 and introduction of amendments to some acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" (Extraction) |
767 |
02.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 2, 2020 No. 767 "Questions of payment of monetary compensation to victims which apartment houses (apartments) are destroyed as a result of the emergency situation of military nature caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation" (Extraction) |
853 |
02.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 2, 2020 No. 853 "Some questions connected with reforming of system of institutional leaving and education of children" (as amended on 04.08.2021) |
850-IX |
02.09.2020 |
Law of Ukraine of September 2, 2020 No. 850-IX "About provision of construction products in the market" (as amended on 12.05.2022) |
1336 |
02.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2020 No. 1336 "About approval of requirements to the organization and carrying out the state control (supervision) in the field of shared-equity construction of apartment houses and (or) other real estate objects" (ceased to be valid since 19.11.2022) |
535 |
02.09.2020 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 2, 2020 No. 535 "About approval of Administrative regulations of rendering separate state services in the field of the inventory" |
607 |
01.09.2020 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2020 No. 607 "About approval of Rules by determination of legal status of the persons which are in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and not having the evidence of the belonging to nationality of other state" (as amended on 12.04.2024) |
458 |
01.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 1, 2020 No. 458 "About goods, liable to the value added tax at the rate zero (0) the percent applied for the purpose of stabilization of epidemiological situation" |
925 N |
01.09.2020 |
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2020 No. 925n "About approval of the Procedure for issue and registration of leaves of disability, including procedure for forming of leaves of disability in electronic form" (Extraction) (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2022) |
1334 |
01.09.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2020 No. 1334 "About suspension of current of terms, stipulated in Item the 9th article 169.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" |
476 |
31.08.2020 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 31, 2020 No. 476 "About National council under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on industry development" |