Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
149 05.05.2022 Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 5, 2022 No. 149 "About approval of standard regulations on the Commission on implementation of the procedure of assignment, prolongation, deprivation and the termination of the status of the refugee"
613 05.05.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of May 5, 2022 No. 613 "About approval of the inventory, coming from the Republic of Armenia, temporarily prohibited when exporting from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to the states which are not members of the Eurasian Economic Union" (ceased to be valid since 05.11.2022)
94 05.05.2022 Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of May 5, 2022 No. 94 "About activities of banks in the territories in which are conducted conducted) fighting or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation" (as amended on 07.06.2024)
90 05.05.2022 Resolution of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of May 5, 2022 No. 90 "About the level of interest rates of National Bank of Moldova and regulation of required reserves"
274 05.05.2022 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 2022 No. 274 "About introduction of temporary ban on export of separate types of goods" (ceased to be valid since 08.08.2022)
523-VIQ 05.05.2022 Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 5, 2022 No. 523-VIQ "About food security" (as amended on 24.05.2024)
467 04.05.2022 Order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2022 No. 467 "About approval of Rules and term of realization of pilot project on transfer by banks of the second level of data on the cash calculations performed in case of sales of goods, performance of works and rendering services in bodies of state revenues" (as amended on 30.12.2022)
135 04.05.2022 Order of the Minister of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2022 No. 135 "About approval of Rules of cost determination of researches, consulting services and state tasks of the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 03.07.2024)
125/TAX CODE 04.05.2022 Order of the Chairman of the Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 4, 2022 No. 125/Tax Code "About Approval of the Provision and Regulations of Conciliation Commission"
254 04.05.2022 Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2022 No. 254 "About temporary procedure for execution of financial liabilities in the sphere of the corporate relations before some foreign creditors"
23 04.05.2022 Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of May 4, 2022 No. 23 "About price fixation on the precious metals in products and scrap which are bought up at physical persons" (ceased to be valid since 23.05.2022)
252 03.05.2022 Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of May 3, 2022 No. 252 "About application of response special economic measures in connection with unfriendly actions of some foreign states and the international organizations" (as amended on 22.12.2022)
134 03.05.2022 Order of the Minister of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 3, 2022 No. 134 "About approval of Rules of election of public mediator"
13 03.05.2022 Order of the Chairman of the Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 3, 2022 No. 13 "About approval of the Method of carrying out the analysis of competitive situation in the goods markets" (as amended on 27.07.2023)
THE KR DSM - 03.05.2022 Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 3, 2022 No. KR DSM - 40 "About approval of the instruction on the organization of anti-terrorist protection of objects, vulnerable in the terrorist relation, performing activities in the field of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
515 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 515 "Some questions of transfer of the excise tax from realization by subjects of managing of retail trade of tobacco products, tobacco and industrial substitutes of tobacco, the liquids used in electronic cigarettes"
526 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 526 "About exit from the Agreement on carrying out coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification"
532 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 532 "About approval of the Technical regulation concerning requirements to ecodesign for local heaters on solid fuel" (Extraction)
528 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 528 "Some questions of financing of purchase of goods of long-term storage in the conditions of warlike situation" (as amended on 08.10.2022)
523 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 523 "Some questions of provision to subjects of managing of the help within the program of the international technical assistance "EU4Business: competitiveness and internationalization of MTP" (ceased to be valid since 08.08.2023)
516 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 516 "Question of the Single state web portal for collection of donations in support of Ukraine "United24" (as amended on 23.08.2024)
531 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 531 "Some questions of appointment and payment of temporary government assistance to children which parents evade from payment of the alimony have no opportunity to contain the child or their place of residence it is unknown"
550 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 550 "About the termination of implementation of the state control of non-food products in the conditions of warlike situation" (as amended on 08.03.2024)
291 03.05.2022 Decision of executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 291 "About features of realization during action of warlike situation in Ukraine of pilot project for provision in real estate lease of bank which liquidation procedure is performed by Fund of guaranteeing household deposits, way of carrying out open tenderings (auctions)" (ceased to be valid since 04.01.2023)
522 03.05.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 522 "About approval of the Procedure for provision of services of the National center of reservation of the state information resources" (as amended on 07.04.2023)
809 30.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2022 No. 809 "About storage of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors"
788 30.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2022 No. 788 "About procedure for realization of functions on implementation of insurance and warranty support of export and import, their amounts, control of their implementation and procedure for disclosure of information by the organization realizing these functions"
33 30.04.2022 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 30, 2022 No. 33 "About National telebroadcasting corporation of the Kyrgyz Republic"
245 30.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 30, 2022 No. 245 "About creation of Public institution Tunduk under the Ministry of digital development of the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 13.12.2023)
247 30.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 30, 2022 No. 247 "About liquidation of the State company "Kyrgyz Tourism" under the Ministry of Culture, information, sport and youth policy of the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 13.12.2023)
236 30.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 30, 2022 No. 236 "About measures for implementation of requirements of regulations of the Tax code of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also regulations of appendix 18 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union" (as amended on 27.08.2024)
249 30.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 30, 2022 No. 249 "About goods, liable to the value added tax at the rate zero (0) percent, the food security of the country and stabilization of market prices applied for the purpose of providing" (as amended on 28.12.2023)
246 30.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 30, 2022 No. 246 "About approval of the Procedure of public procurements of medicines and medical products through the organizations (representations) founded by the United Nations"
1709/5 30.04.2022 Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of April 30, 2022 No. 1709/5 "About approval of the Procedure for providing with ware property of the prisoners of war containing in camps for content of prisoners of war, sites for content of prisoners of war"
PP-232 30.04.2022 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 30, 2022 No. PP-232 "About additional measures for diversification of services of internal tourism" (as amended on 18.07.2024)
238-r 30.04.2022 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 30, 2022 No. 238-r "About the purposes of renewal of the omission of foreign citizens and stateless persons according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation the Kyrgyz Republic"
144/TAX CODE 29.04.2022 Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2022 No. 144/Tax Code "About Approval of Rules of Functioning of the State Service of Access Control to Personal Data"
243 29.04.2022 Order of the Acting Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2022 No. 243 "About approval of the Rule of interaction with the Eurasian economic commission on questions of forming and maintaining the Eurasian register of manufactured goods taking into account the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
268 29.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2022 No. 268 "About some questions of advisory advisory bodies under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 02.08.2023)
275 29.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2022 No. 275 "About some questions of "Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute" limited liability partnership
511 29.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 29, 2022 No. 511 "Some questions of accomplishment of the Law of Ukraine "On legal status of persons, missing persons in case of special circumstances" (as amended on 12.09.2023)
285/2022 29.04.2022 Presidential decree of Ukraine of April 29, 2022 No. 285/2022 "Questions of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality"
519 29.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 29, 2022 No. 519 "About creation of the Interdepartmental working group on questions of providing the population with food products of long-term storage and sanitary and hygienic goods in the conditions of warlike situation"
502 29.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 29, 2022 No. 502 "Some questions of regulation of activities in the sphere of utilities in connection with introduction in Ukraine of warlike situation"
270 29.04.2022 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 29, 2022 No. 270 "About features of confirmation of conformity" (as amended on 28.12.2023)
269 29.04.2022 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 29, 2022 No. 269 "About measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 31, 2022 No. 131" (as amended on 12.07.2023)
PP-230 29.04.2022 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 29, 2022 No. PP-230 "About additional measures for material support of the segments of the population needing social protection and the help" (as amended on 16.07.2024)
UP-128 29.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 29, 2022 No. UP-128 "About Additional Measures of Material Support of the Segments of the Population Needing Social Protection"
12 29.04.2022 Order of the Chairman of the Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 29, 2022 No. 12 "About approval of the Method of carrying out the analysis of competitive situation in the markets of financial services"
321 29.04.2022 Decision of the National commission on securities and the stock market of Ukraine of April 29, 2022 No. 321 "About approval of Licensed conditions of implementation of professional activity on the organization of trade in financial instruments in the controlled market and on the organization of trade in financial instruments on multilateral trading floor"
233 29.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 29, 2022 No. 233 "About other means accumulated on special accounts" (ceased to be valid since 25.07.2023)
264 28.04.2022 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 28, 2022 No. 264 "About winning of the award of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality of 2021"
260 28.04.2022 Order Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine of April 28, 2022 No. 260 "About approval of the unified form of the statement which is drawn up by results of holding planned (unplanned) action of the state supervision (control) for observance by the subject of managing of requirements of the legislation in the field of public conveyance, dangerous goods, dangerous wastes by sea and river transport and safety on sea and river transport (except the sphere of safety of navigation of vessels of the fleet of fish industry), and other forms of administrative documents" (as amended on 27.06.2022)
175 28.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 28, 2022 No. 175 "About approval "Procedure for appointment, calculation, recalculation, the translation from one type on another and payment of work pensions" (as amended on 09.07.2024)
275 27.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of April 27, 2022 No. 275 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for distribution of means of National fund of development of agricultural industry and the rural zone for partial compensation of excises on the diesel fuel used by agricultural producers in 2022" (as amended on 06.07.2022)
277 27.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of April 27, 2022 No. 277 "About approval of the Regulations on provision of advance subsidies for local development by means of program implementation of LEADER" (as amended on 13.12.2023)
2022-P-12/27 27.04.2022 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 27, 2022 No. 2022-P-12/27-4-(BS) "About additional temporary solutions of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic concerning application of penalties"
127 27.04.2022 Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 27, 2022 No. 127 "About approval of form of specifying of elimination of violations of requirements of the land legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued to the subject of the state control"
250 27.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 27, 2022 No. 250 "About approval of the Concept of development of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2030" (as amended on 17.03.2023)
UP-116 27.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 27, 2022 No. UP-116 "About Additional Measures of Stimulation of Development and Industrialization of Cultivation of Giant-fennel in the Republic" (as amended on 31.05.2023)
UP-122 27.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 27, 2022 No. UP-122 "About Additional Measures for Further Enhancement of Customs Administration"
164 27.04.2022 Order of the Department of Energy of Ukraine of April 27, 2022 No. 164 "About approval of the Technical regulation of energy marking of energy-requiring products"
156 27.04.2022 Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2022 No. 156 "About approval of the Procedure for matching of the Russian carrier for implementation of regular transportations, joint with foreign carrier, on international route of regular public conveyances and baggage road transport on which regular transportations are offered to be performed foreign carrier without involvement of the Russian carrier"
1/11-NPA 27.04.2022 Order of the State corporation of the Russian Federation on atomic energy Rosatom of April 27, 2022 No. 1/11-NPA "About approval of Administrative regulations of implementation by State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" of licensed control of organization activity on use of nuclear materials and radioactive materials in case of work on use of atomic energy in the defensive purposes, including development, production, testing, transportation (transportation), operation, storage, liquidation and utilization of nuclear weapon and military nuclear power plants, except for activities of military units and organizations of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in this area"
PP-225 27.04.2022 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 27, 2022 No. PP-225 "About measures for enhancement of system of financing of expenses on production of agricultural products and its purchases" (as amended on 05.04.2023)
232 26.04.2022 Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 26, 2022 No. 232 "About approval of Rules of cost determination of researches, consulting services and the state task in the field of transport" (as amended on 15.11.2023)
228 26.04.2022 Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 26, 2022 No. 228 "About approval of requirements to the technical means used in case of examination of the passengers and persons visiting objects of transport infrastructure, the things which are in case of them including cabin baggage and baggage
178 26.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 26, 2022 No. 178 "About the Procedure for return of the amount of excessively offset value added tax over the amount of the accrued tax for tax period"
177 26.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 26, 2022 No. 177 "About the Procedure for conducting medico-social examination"
481 26.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 26, 2022 No. 481 "Some questions of the organization of work of workers of subjects of managing of public sector of economy for warlike situation" (as amended on 13.05.2022)
17 26.04.2022 Resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 2022 No. 17 "About provision of data" (as amended on 31.05.2024)
180 26.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 26, 2022 No. 180 "About the List and regulations of production of the alcoholic beverages by physical person for own consumption exempted from payment of the excise tax"
PP-221 26.04.2022 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 26, 2022 No. PP-221 "About additional measures for further development of the sphere of intellectual property" (as amended on 24.05.2024)
PP-224 26.04.2022 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 26, 2022 No. PP-224 "About the additional measures directed to increase in livestock of small cattle of the meat, wool and milk directions and strengthening of food supply of industry in the republic" (as amended on 30.12.2022)
124 26.04.2022 Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of April 26, 2022 No. 124 "About approval of form of the tax declaration of the payer of the single tax of the third group for action of warlike, emergency state in Ukraine"
229/8-1 26.04.2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 26, 2022 No. 229/8-1 "About the Joint statement of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic on the main directions of economic policy for 2022" (ceased to be valid since 29.12.2023)
11 26.04.2022 Order of the Chairman of the Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 26, 2022 No. 11 "About approval of Rules of placement in public access of information necessary for ensuring free change of the seller (supplier) of goods" (ceased to be valid since 08.06.2024)
757 26.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2022 No. 757 "About features of pension payment, implementation of other payments and providing on compulsory social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases established based on the legislation of the Russian Federation and international agreements of the Russian Federation, to persons living outside the territory of the Russian Federation" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2023)
62 N 26.04.2022 Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2022 No. 62n "About determination of requirements to persons performing the goods delivery for private use as the express freights and declaration of goods for private use delivered to physical persons as express freights, and procedure for making of customs transactions concerning such goods including transactions on payment of customs duties, taxes"
156 26.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 2022 No. 156 "About bonds" (as amended on 10.07.2024)
ZRU-766 25.04.2022 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 25, 2022 No. ZRU-766 "About organic products" (as amended on 17.01.2024)
30 25.04.2022 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 25, 2022 No. 30 "About the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2022 and the forecast for 2023-2024" (as amended on 25.01.2023)
228 25.04.2022 Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2022 No. 228 "About coefficients deflators to tax rate on mining in case of coal production"
29 25.04.2022 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 25, 2022 No. 29 "About approval of the performance report of the budget of Fund of compulsory medical insurance under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2020"
PP-216 25.04.2022 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 25, 2022 No. PP-216 "About strengthening of maternity welfare and the childhood in 2022 — 2026" (as amended on 08.09.2023)
UP-115 25.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 25, 2022 No. UP-115 "About additional measures for simplification of application of customs regime "Conversion on customs area"
PP-215 25.04.2022 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 25, 2022 No. PP-215 "About additional measures for approach to the population of primary health care and increase in efficiency of medical services" (as amended on 20.01.2023)
232 25.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2022 No. 232 "About the state information system in the field of anti-corruption of Poseidon and introduction of amendments to some acts of the President of the Russian Federation" (Extraction)
750 23.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2022 No. 750 "About implementation of activities for import credit insurance from entrepreneurial and (or) policy risks of importers, their foreign partners according to the corresponding transactions, the Russian and foreign credit institutions performing crediting of the corresponding transactions, and other organizations giving financial support to specified persons and also activities for reinsurance"
747 23.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2022 No. 747 "About determination of check points through frontier of the Russian Federation for departure from the territory of the Russian Federation of separate types of the goods specified in Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2010 to No. 521" (as amended on 22.11.2023)
152 22.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2022 No. 152 "About import of tobacco raw materials and tobacco products"
246 22.04.2022 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2022 No. 246 "About application of special measures concerning separate services" (as amended on 10.04.2023)
537 22.04.2022 Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of April 22, 2022 No. 537 "About approval of requirements to the confided container in Items of retail trade by liquid fuel, procedure for its installation and application" (as amended on 10.11.2022)
247 22.04.2022 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2022 No. 247 "About movement of vehicles" (Extraction) (as amended on 17.05.2024)
13 22.04.2022 Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2022 No. 13 "About approval of the Method of calculation of average prices on consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population for calculation of parity of purchasing power of Belarusian ruble" (as amended on 03.11.2023)
105 21.04.2022 Resolution of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova of April 21, 2022 No. 105 "About prolongation of emergency state"
147 21.04.2022 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 21, 2022 No. 147 "About implementation of share issue of additional releases"
126 21.04.2022 Order of the Minister of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 21, 2022 No. 126 "About approval of Rules of maintaining the register of public mediators"
133/TAX CODE 21.04.2022 Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 21, 2022 No. 133/Tax Code "About Approval of the Technique and Criteria of Implementation of Technological Forecasting, Functioning of the Industry Centers of Technological Competences, Organization of Technological Frameworks and Development of Target Technological Programs" (as amended on 31.07.2024)
106 21.04.2022 Law of the Republic of Moldova of April 21, 2022 No. 106 "About compulsory third party car insurance for the damage caused by vehicles" (as amended on 11.07.2024)

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