28.05.1999 |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on mutual settlement, the embassies connected with activities of May 28, 1999 |
28.05.1999 |
Agreement between the Federal Service of forestry of Russia and the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Belarus on cooperation in the field of forestry of May 28, 1999 |
28.05.1999 |
Agreement between Committee on standardization, metrology and certification of the Department of Energy, the industry and trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State committee on standardization, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus on cooperation in the field of standardization, metrology, certification and accreditation of May 28, 1999 |
28.05.1999 |
Agreement between Committee on standardization, metrology and certification of the Department of Energy, the industry and trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Department of standards, metrology and technical supervision of the Republic of Moldova concerning recognition of works on certification of May 28, 1999 |
28.05.1999 |
Rules of issue and use of office and one-time tickets for driving through the railroads of the State Parties of the CIS and the Republic of Estonia of May 28, 1999 |
ZR-302 |
27.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Armenia of May 27, 1999 No. ZR-302 "About responsibility for offenses in the field of town planning" (as amended on 13.12.2022) |
413-XIV |
27.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of May 27, 1999 No. 413-XIV "About culture" (as amended on 28.12.2023) |
412-XIV |
27.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of May 27, 1999 No. 412-XIV "About livestock production" (ceased to be valid since 26.08.2023) |
286 |
26.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 26, 1999 No. 286 "About approval of the Regulations on the registration fees of programs for electronic computers, databases and topology of integrated chips" (ceased to be valid since 26.10.2016) |
99-FZ |
24.05.1999 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ "About state policy of the Russian Federation concerning compatriots abroad" (as amended on 08.08.2024) |
4196 |
24.05.1999 |
Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan of May 24, 1999 No. 4196 "About streamlining of activities of joint Turkmen-Turkish educational institutions" |
83 |
21.05.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 21, 1999 No. 83 "About approval of Rules of use of fund of protection and reproduction of the woods" (as amended on 25.02.2008) |
263 |
21.05.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 21, 1999 No. 263 "About questions of the organization and activities of Central Securities Depository" (as amended on 14.04.2020) |
669-IQ |
21.05.1999 |
Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 21, 1999 No. 669-IQ "About social protection of displaced persons and persons equated to them" (as amended on 28.06.2024) |
668-IQ |
21.05.1999 |
Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 21, 1999 No. 668-IQ "About the status of refugees and displaced persons (persons moved within the country)" (as amended on 07.05.2024) |
686-XIV |
20.05.1999 |
Law of Ukraine of May 20, 1999 No. 686-XIV "About responsibility of subjects of business activity for untimely introduction of payment for the consumed utilities and content of the territories, adjacent to houses" |
687-XIV |
20.05.1999 |
Law of Ukraine of May 20, 1999 No. 687-XIV "About architectural activities" (as amended on 13.12.2022) |
20.05.1999 |
Agreement between the Ministry of Defence of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on order of interaction of military bodies for use of airspace and air traffic control when ensuring flights of military aircrafts of the Kyrgyz Republic in airspace of the Russian Federation and military aircrafts of the Russian Federation in airspace of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 20, 1999 |
20.05.1999 |
Protocol between the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Customs Service of Ukraine concerning customs valuation and verification of May 20, 1999 |
20.05.1999 |
Memorandum between the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Customs Service of Ukraine of procedure for rendering mutual assistance of May 20, 1999 |
20.05.1999 |
Agreement on cooperation in the field of statistics between the Ministry of macroeconomic and statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the state committee of statistics of Ukraine of May 20, 1999 |
20.05.1999 |
Agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of May 20, 1999 |
679-XIV |
20.05.1999 |
Law of Ukraine of May 20, 1999 No. 679-XIV "About the National Bank of Ukraine" (as amended on 21.03.2024) |
4-rp/99 |
19.05.1999 |
Solution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of May 19, 1999 No. 4-rp/99 "On case on the constitutional representation of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine on official interpretation of article 86 of the Constitution of Ukraine and Articles 12, 19 Laws of Ukraine "About the status of the People's Deputy of Ukraine" (case on requests of People's Deputies of Ukraine)" |
186/2/16-121 |
19.05.1999 |
Letter of State Tax Administration of Ukraine of May 19, 1999 No. 186/2/16-1210 "About legitimacy of taxation on value added of the transactions on sales of goods performed by persons who acquired the patent of trading activity" |
EG/04-02-05/ |
19.05.1999 |
Procedure for charge and collection of import customs duties is approved by the Deputy minister of external commercial relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 22, 1999 No. 01/12-1326, the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 19, 1999 No. EG/04-02-05/1049, the Vice-chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 2, 1999 No. A-02/8 (ceased to be valid since 06.03.2017) |
260 |
17.05.1999 |
Order of the Ministry of transport of Ukraine of May 17, 1999 No. 260 "About approval of the Procedure for the conclusion of insurance contracts of the ocean ships staying in state-owned property and given by shipowners to the freight, lease, leasing" (as amended on 24.04.2013) |
504 |
17.05.1999 |
Regulations on procedure for the organization and conducting complex check of condition of control and economic work on ensuring taxation and other obligations to the state in the MGD RK territorial subdivisions (it is approved by the order of the minister of state revenues of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 17, 1999 No. 504) |
17.05.1999 |
Solution of the Constitutional court of May 14, 1999 "According to the petition of the Kyrgyz-English closed joint stock company "Kamkor-Londongeyt insurance company about recognition of Article unconstitutional and inappropriate to item 4 79, to Item 3 of Article 84 and Item 2 of article 88 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic of the law-enforcement practice established by the resolution of judicial structure of supervising instance of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of October 2, 1998 in the claim of Maksat joint stock bank - Maksat-Yug branch about collection with Kyrgyzsko of the English closed joint stock company "Kamkor-Londongeyt Insurance Company of the Amount of 1463436 Som and Expenses on the National Duty in the Amount of 39268 Som 72 Tyyyn" |
220 |
17.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 17, 1999 No. 220 "About approval of the Regulations on single payment procedure of journey to venues of leave and treatment of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure of law-enforcement bodies and divisions of tax police of the Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" |
218 |
15.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 15, 1999 No. 218 "About approval of Rules of stay of foreign citizens in the Republic of Tajikistan and Rules of transit of foreign citizens through the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan" (as amended on 01.06.2018) |
14.05.1999 |
Solution of the Constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 14, 1999 "According to the petition of Ademi limited liability company for recognition of Article unconstitutional and inappropriate to Item 2 7, to Item 3 of Article 15, to Items 3 and 4 of Article 79, to Item 3 of Article 84, to Item 2 of Article 88 and article 90 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic of the law-enforcement practice established by the decision of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 19, 1996 on case on the claim of the prosecutor of the city of Bishkek for the benefit of the state-owned business insurance company "Kyrgyzstan" to Ademi limited liability company about collection of the amount of 2340006 som" |
260 |
14.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 14, 1999 No. 260 "About the registration fees of objects of copyright, the related rights and author's agreements" (ceased to be valid since 26.10.2016) |
259 |
14.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 14, 1999 No. 259 "About approval of the Regulations on duties on patenting of selection achievements" (ceased to be valid since 26.10.2016) |
651-XIV |
13.05.1999 |
Law of Ukraine of May 13, 1999 No. 651-XIV "About general secondary education" (ceased to be valid since 18.03.2020) |
392-XIV |
13.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of May 13, 1999 No. 392-XIV "About restructuring of agricultural enterprises in the course of privatization" (as amended on 03.05.2002) |
Z-78/99 |
13.05.1999 |
Conclusion of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of May 13, 1999 No. Z-78/99 "About compliance of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and to international legal acts of part six of Article 209 of the Code of penal procedure of the Republic of Belarus" |
393-XIV |
13.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of May 13, 1999 No. 393-XIV "About Chamber of Commerce and Industry" (as amended on 10.03.2022) |
723 |
12.05.1999 |
Instruction on the organization and carrying out by airlines the CIS countries of calculations for aviation services and transfer abroad of the amounts of excess of income gained in the Republic of Uzbekistan over expenses is approved NAC Uzbekiston havo yullari by the State inspectorate of the Republic of Uzbekistan for supervision of aviation safety |
210 |
12.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 12, 1999 No. 210 "About approval of the Provision on calculation of product cost (works, services) at the companies and in the organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan" (ceased to be valid since 28.10.2023) |
526 |
11.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 1999 No. 526 "About approval of Rules of submission of the declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2021) |
265 |
11.05.1999 |
Regulations on the Interdepartmental commission on military technically cooperation and export control under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus Are approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 11, 1999 No. 265 (as amended on 08.04.2013) |
11.05.1999 |
Solution of constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 11, 1999 "According to the petition of limited liability company "Transnational concern "Vosst" about recognition of Article unconstitutional and inappropriate to item 4 4, to Item 2 of Article 38, to Item 2 of Article 79 and article 83 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic of the law-enforcement practice established by determination of judicial board on civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 16, 1998 on case on the claim of the citizen Abdybekov M. to Sokuluksky MPMK and limited liability company "Transnational concern "Vosst" about recognition invalid the purchase and sale agreement of hydroelectric power station Sokuluk-2 of the March 3, 1997 concluded between joint-stock company Sokuluksky MPMK and limited liability company "Transnational concern "Vosst" |
420 |
11.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of May 11, 1999 No. 420 "About formation of body of the state energy supervision and approval of the Regulations on the state energy supervision" (ceased to be valid since 31.12.2018) |
255-Z |
10.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Belarus of May 10, 1999 No. 255-Z "About pricing" (as amended on 11.07.2014) |
ZR-297 |
08.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Armenia of May 8, 1999 No. ZR-297 "About education" (as amended on 08.11.2024) |
37 |
08.05.1999 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 8, 1999 No. 37 "About tax consultants" (as amended on 29.11.2021) |
665-IQ |
07.05.1999 |
Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 7, 1999 No. 665-IQ "About the land market" (as amended on 10.12.2024) |
112 |
07.05.1999 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of May 7, 1999 No. 112 "About approval of the Procedure for reflection in financial accounting of the means released as a result of receipt of privileges on taxes and customs payments, the organizations and the organizations consisting on the budget" |
37 |
07.05.1999 |
Procedure for repayment of obligations to the budget by the business entities having means on accounts in foreign currency Is approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 37, the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 99-60, the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 128-B (ceased to be valid since 10.04.2018) |
834 |
07.05.1999 |
Approximate Employment policies and procedures of the company, organization, organization irrespective of their departmental accessory, patterns of ownership and managing are approved by the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 7, 1999 No. 834 (as amended on 26.02.2019) |
223 |
06.05.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 6, 1999 No. 223 "About measures for further enhancement of stock and exhibition and fair exchange trading in the Republic of Uzbekistan" (as amended on 10.08.2020) |
32 N |
06.05.1999 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1999 No. 32n "About approval of the Accounting regulation "Income of the Organization" PBU 9/99" (as amended on 06.04.2015) |
33 N |
06.05.1999 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1999 No. 33n "About approval of the Accounting regulation "Expenses of the Organization" PBU 10/99" (as amended on 06.04.2015) |
06.05.1999 |
Solution of the Constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 6, 1999 "According to the petition of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic for recognition of Article unconstitutional and inappropriate to Item 2 7, to Item 3 of Article 15, to Items 3 and 4 of Article 79, to Item 3 of Article 84, to Item 2 of Article 88 and article 90 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic of the law-enforcement practice established by the resolution of judicial structure of supervising instance of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of October 29, 1998 on case on the claim of Khan Tengri joint-stock company to National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic about collection of the amount of 1531020 som" |
382-XIV |
06.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of May 6, 1999 No. 382-XIV "About turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors" (as amended on 20.07.2023) |
8 |
06.05.1999 |
Regulations on clearing (clearing) houses of the commodity and raw exchanges of the Republic of Uzbekistan Are approved the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 6, 1999 No. 8 (ceased to be valid since 06.07.2015) |
619-XIV |
05.05.1999 |
Law of Ukraine of May 5, 1999 No. 619-XIV "About scrap metal" (as amended on 14.07.2020) |
250-Z |
05.05.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 1999 No. 250-Z "About scientific and technical information" (as amended on 17.07.2023) |
8/2 |
05.05.1999 |
Resolution of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 5, 1999 No. 8/2 "About idea of Mangystau regional court of recognition of unconstitutional part six of Article 292 of the Code of penal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
05.05.1999 |
Agreement between the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and People's Republic of China on determination of point of joint of frontiers of three states of May 5, 1999 |
4171 |
04.05.1999 |
Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan of May 4, 1999 No. 4171 "About approval of the Regulations on Road traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan" |
95-FZ |
04.05.1999 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 4, 1999 No. 95-FZ "About free aid (assistance) of the Russian Federation and modification and amendments in separate legal acts of the Russian Federation for taxes and for establishment of privileges on payments in state non-budgetary funds in connection with implementation of free aid (assistance) of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 28.12.2022) |
96-FZ |
04.05.1999 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ "About protection of atmospheric air" (as amended on 08.08.2024) |
188 |
03.05.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 3, 1999 No. 188 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for calculation and payment of the land tax" |
87-FZ |
01.05.1999 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 1, 1999 No. 87-FZ "About subsoil plots, right to use by which it can be granted on the terms of the Section of products (the kirinsky perspective block of the Sakhalin-3 project)" |
94-FZ |
01.05.1999 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 1, 1999 No. 94-FZ "About protection of Lake Baikal" (as amended on 08.08.2024) |
92-FZ |
01.05.1999 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 1, 1999 No. 92-FZ "About Russian Trilateral Commission on the Regulation of Social and Labour Relations" (as amended on 28.12.2016) |
186 |
30.04.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 30, 1999 No. 186 "About approval of the Instruction about tax on users of highways" (as amended on 19.06.2000) |
ZR-295 |
30.04.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Armenia of April 30, 1999 No. ZR-295 "About state registration of the rights to property" (as amended on 21.10.2024) |
82-FZ |
30.04.1999 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 30, 1999 No. 82-FZ "About guarantees of the rights of indigenous ethnic groups of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 13.07.2020) |
81-FZ |
30.04.1999 |
Maritime Code of the Russian Federation of April 30, 1999 No. 81-FZ (as amended on 26.02.2024) |
6 |
30.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 30, 1999 No. 6 "About court practice on cases on plunders of alien property by theft, robbery and robbery" (as amended on 16.12.2024) |
UP-2287 |
30.04.1999 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 30, 1999 No. UP-2287 "About Amnesty in connection with the Announcement on May 9 — in the Afternoon and Honours" |
204 |
30.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 30, 1999 No. 204 "About rates of customs fees" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2021) |
30.04.1999 |
Additional protocol according to privileges and immunities of the organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation of April 30, 1999 |
1 |
30.04.1999 |
Normative Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 1999 No. 1 "About respect of legality by courts in case of criminal sentencing" (ceased to be valid since 14.07.2015) |
355-I |
30.04.1999 |
Law of Turkmenistan of April 30, 1999 No. 355-I "About the state notariate" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016) |
733 |
29.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 29, 1999 No. 733 "About approval of the list of energy objects which construction is financed by means of the power companies which do not join in their gross income" (as amended on 13.04.2001) |
756 |
29.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 29, 1999 No. 756 "About some questions of regulation of goods exchange (barter) transactions in the field of foreign economic activity" (as amended on 19.12.2012) |
374 |
29.04.1999 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 374 of April 29, 1999 "About approval of the Regulations on payment procedure of immediate compensation for the damage caused to health, disabled people from among participants of mitigation of consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash and nuclear testing, accidents with the ionizing radiation and their consequences on nuclear civil or military facilities" (as amended on 14.12.2020) |
753 |
29.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 29, 1999 No. 753 "About procedure for issue by the National commission of regulation of the power industry of licenses for activities connected with the production, transfer and delivery of electrical energy combined by production of heat and electrical energy, production of heat energy on combined heat and power plants and installations with use nonconventional or renewable energy resources" (ceased to be valid since 21.08.2014) |
02/20-52 |
28.04.1999 |
Regulations on procedure for administrative detention of persons who made violation of the customs legislation are approved by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 28, 1999 No. 02/20-52 (ceased to be valid since 02.02.2018) |
167 |
27.04.1999 |
Order of Department of treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 27, 1999 No. 167 "About approval of Regulations of Admission of cash from representatives of public institutions, physical persons for transfer in the budget and into accounts of public institutions through branches and structural divisions of Agent bank" |
70 |
26.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic on April 26, 1999 No. 70 "About some regulatory legal acts on forestry" (as amended on 12.01.2024) |
126-B |
26.04.1999 |
Instruction about procedure for import to the Republic of Uzbekistan and export from the Republic of Uzbekistan of cash foreign currency by physical persons Is approved by the Vice-chairman of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Vice-chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 26, 1999 No. 126-B (ceased to be valid since 12.07.2018) |
24.04.1999 |
Statement of Presidents of the Azerbaijan Republic, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 24, 1999 |
613-XIV |
23.04.1999 |
Law of Ukraine of April 23, 1999 No. 613-XIV "About participation of Ukraine in the international peace support operations and safety" (as amended on 23.12.2015) |
34/90/85 |
22.04.1999 |
Order of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 1999 No. 34/90/85 "About procedure for forming and use of funds for purchase of tractors, farm vehicles and the equipment and transfer to their subjects of managing of the Republic of Belarus on the terms of long-term lease" (as amended on 11.05.2006) |
269 |
22.04.1999 |
Order of the Ministry of state revenues of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 22, 1999 No. 269 "About monitoring of large taxpayers" |
606-XIV |
21.04.1999 |
Law of Ukraine of April 21, 1999 No. 606-XIV "About enforcement proceeding" (ceased to be valid since 05.01.2017) |
657-IG |
20.04.1999 |
Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 20, 1999 No. 657-IG "About release of the physical persons and legal entities living in settlements in the territories subjected to military aggression of the Armenian armed forces from the tax discharge on property from January 1, 1998 to January 1, 2002" |
51 |
20.04.1999 |
Order of the Pension fund of Ukraine of April 20, 1999 No. 51 "About approval of the Procedure for carrying out the Pension fund of Ukraine by bodies of write-off and debt restructuring on collection on compulsory national pension insurance of the coal-mining, uglepererabatyvayushchy, shakhtouglestroitelny companies of the Ministry of the coal industry of Ukraine and the mining companies for underground production of raw materials of the Ministry of industrial policy of Ukraine" |
ZR-291 |
20.04.1999 |
Law of the Republic of Armenia of April 20, 1999 No. ZR-291 "About privatization of Prometheus Khimprom Ltd, and also about provision of privileges of Vanadzor Plant of Chemical Fibre Ltd, GZAO "Vanadzor combined heat and power plant", Vanadzor Chemical Plant Ltd, Prometheus Khimprom Ltd |
98 |
20.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Board of directors of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 20, 1999 No. 98 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for execution of collection orders and decisions of the courts by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 20.04.2018) |
621 |
19.04.1999 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the National Bank of Ukraine of April 19, 1999 No. 621 "About carrying out offsettings of overdue reciprocal debt of the companies, organizations and organizations of power industry, the coal and gas industry" (ceased to be valid since 02.04.2024) |
17.04.1999 |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Russian Federation on production cooperation of April 17, 1999 |
17.04.1999 |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Russian Federation on mutual protection of investments of April 17, 1999 |
16.04.1999 |
Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on procedure and conditions of acceptance and distribution of programs of the Russian telebroadcasting organizations in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 16, 1999 |
16.04.1999 |
Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on conditions of placement and servicing of diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation of April 16, 1999 |