48 |
14.04.2006 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of April 14, 2006 No. 48 "About the minimum consumer budgets for various social and demographic national groups" |
275-B |
14.04.2006 |
Resolution of Board of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 14, 2006 No. No. 275-B, 41 and 113 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for issue of the preferential target microcredits by commercial banks to personal subsidiary and Dehkan farms for development of livestock production at the expense of means of the state Fund of assistance of employment" (ceased to be valid since 23.03.2015) |
1 |
14.04.2006 |
Resolution of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 14, 2006 No. 1 "About official interpretation of item 4 of article 75 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
14.04.2006 |
List of additional paid services of state educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan It is approved by the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 14, 2006 |
507 |
13.04.2006 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 13, 2006 No. 507 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for evaluating not preserved apartment houses which are not completed by construction, dachas" (as amended on 02.04.2020) |
506 |
13.04.2006 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 13, 2006 No. 506 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for preservation by citizens of the apartment houses which are not completed by construction, dachas, implementation of improvement of the parcels of land on which preservation of such houses, dachas is carried out" (as amended on 22.02.2012) |
260 |
12.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 12, 2006 No. 260 "About approval of coefficient for establishment of the amount of the rent to foreign persons for use of lands of settlements and lands of nonagricultural appointment" (as amended on 29.09.2008) |
95 |
12.04.2006 |
Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2006 No. 95 "About approval of approximate forms of lease agreements of real estate and the parcels of land for ensuring functioning of special economic zones" (as amended on 22.12.2014) |
ZRU-32 |
12.04.2006 |
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 12, 2006 No. ZRU-32 "About partnerships of private homeowners" (ceased to be valid since 01.08.2020) |
337 |
12.04.2006 |
Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of April 12, 2006 No. 337 "About approval of the Procedure for registration of materials about administrative offenses on rail transport" (as amended on 17.05.2012) |
10/6 |
12.04.2006 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 12, 2006 No. 10/6 "About approval of the Provision "About Classification of the Credits in Credit Unions" (ceased to be valid since 14.01.2021) |
179 |
12.04.2006 |
Order of the Chairman of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 12, 2006 No. 179 "About approval of Rules of the organization and conducting checks of condition of control and economic work and compliance with law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in tax authorities" |
261 |
12.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 12, 2006 No. 261 "About approval of the Regulations on provision of the parcels of land under subsurface use" (ceased to be valid since 27.01.2018) |
60 N |
11.04.2006 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2006 No. 60n "About approval of the Regulations on requirements to the statement, data and the documents submitted for receipt of license for activities of subjects of insurance case" (ceased to be valid since 26.10.2014) |
234 |
11.04.2006 |
Decision of State commission on securities and the stock market of Ukraine of April 11, 2006 No. 234 "About approval of the Regulations on order of registration of release of regular mortgage bonds, the prospectus of the issue, report on results of placement of mortgage bonds, repayments and cancellations of registration of release of mortgage bonds" (ceased to be valid since 28.10.2014) |
201 |
10.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2006 No. 201 "About procedure for forming and maintaining the unified register of certificates of conformity, the provisions containing in the specified register of data and payments for provision of such data" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2021) |
210 |
10.04.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 10, 2006 No. 210 "About the special import quota on the threads imported on customs area of the Republic of Belarus textured polyester" (ceased to be valid since 14.09.2022) |
57 |
10.04.2006 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Belarus of April 10, 2006 No. 57 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for consideration of requests (statements) for establishment of compliance of provisions of the agreements limiting the competition, to the antitrust law" (ceased to be valid since 08.06.2022) |
485 |
10.04.2006 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 10, 2006 No. 485 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for maintaining the state inventory of anthropogenic emissions from sources and absorption by absorbers of greenhouse gases" (ceased to be valid since 12.03.2021) |
10.04.2006 |
Agreement on interaction of Coordination council of Attorney-Generals of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of April 10, 2006 |
285-P |
10.04.2006 |
Provision of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2006 No. 285-P "About procedure for acceptance and execution by credit institutions, divisions of settlement network of the Bank of Russia of the executive documents shown by claimants" (ceased to be valid since 15.02.2019) |
60 |
10.04.2006 |
Order of Federal Service for Labour and Employment of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2006 No. 60 "About approval of the List of officials of Federal Service for Labour and Employment and its territorial authorities on the state supervision and control of compliance with law about work and other regulatory legal acts containing regulations of labor right (State Labour Inspection in subjects of the Russian Federation), authorized to constitute protocols on administrative offenses" (ceased to be valid since 11.10.2015) |
07.04.2006 |
Resolution of the Plenum of the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 7, 2006 "About check of compliance of the resolution of Judicial board on civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 29, 2005 to the Constitution and the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic in connection with the claim F.M. Aliyeva" |
471 |
07.04.2006 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 7, 2006 No. 471 "About approval of Rules of hotel servicing in the Republic of Belarus" (as amended on 22.12.2018) |
101 |
07.04.2006 |
Order of the Minister of the industry and trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 7, 2006 No. 101 "About approval of the Regulations on Coordination council concerning entrepreneurship" |
37-a |
07.04.2006 |
Order of Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2006 No. 37-a "About approval of Methodical instructions for calculation of rates for transportation and storage of the detained vehicles" (ceased to be valid since 09.09.2016) |
12 |
06.04.2006 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus of April 6, 2006 No. 12 "About approval of the inventory for children on which regional and Minsk city Councils of deputies, Councils of deputies of basic territorial level do not impose the sales tax of goods in retail trade in 2006" |
77-XVI |
06.04.2006 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of April 6, 2006 No. 77-XVI "About release from customs duty and the value added tax of the goods and services imported for construction of power plant near the village Burlechen of the area Kakhul" |
98 |
06.04.2006 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 6, 2006 No. 98 "About approval of "Procedure for creation, operation, safety and the order by networks of telecommunications of special purpose of public authorities" (as amended on 25.08.2022) |
UP-163 |
06.04.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 6, 2006 unitary enterprise No. 163 "About additional measures of social support of persons which were injured owing to catastrophic crashes on the Chernobyl NPP and other nuclear objects" (ceased to be valid since 10.06.2022) |
466 |
06.04.2006 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 6, 2006 No. 466 "About measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 8, 2005 No. 580" (ceased to be valid since 29.07.2022) |
150 |
06.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 6, 2006 No. 150 "About provision of delay on customs duty payment, excises and the value added tax to the subjects of foreign economic activity performing import to the Republic of Tajikistan of diesel fuel, mineral fertilizers and agricultural chemicals according to future and forward transactions" (ceased to be valid since 05.07.2014) |
107 |
05.04.2006 |
Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine of April 5, 2006 No. 107 "About the Procedure for the certificate of the right of the personality to privileges according to the Law of Ukraine "About social protection of children of war" (as amended on 14.02.2007) |
58 |
05.04.2006 |
Order of the State inspectorate for supervision in power industry Uzgosenergonadzor of April 5, 2006 No. 58 "About approval of Safety regulations in case of operation of the heatusing installations and thermal networks" (as amended on 08.02.2011) |
204 |
05.04.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 5, 2006 No. 204 "About approval of the Regulations on provision to foreign citizens and stateless persons of shelter in the Republic of Belarus, its loss and deprivation and other questions of stay in the republic of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship" (as amended on 08.01.2018) |
05.04.2006 |
Agreement between Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation in the field of the international commercial arbitration of April 5, 2006 |
248 |
05.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 5, 2006 No. 248 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of cost of services in supply of drinking water from especially important group and local water supply systems which are uncontested sources of drinking water supply" (ceased to be valid since 10.01.2016) |
190 |
04.04.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 4, 2006 No. 190 "About provision to the Promagroleasing open joint stock company which performed import in 2005 to customs area of the Republic of Belarus of agricultural machinery and spare part cases to it, privileges on payment of customs duties and the value added tax" |
202 |
04.04.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 4, 2006 No. 202 "About release from taxation by import customs duties and the value added tax of the goods intended for ensuring scientific, research and innovative activities" (as amended on 15.09.2016) |
25 |
04.04.2006 |
Resolution of the State veterinary inspection of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 4, 2006 No. 25 "About the Procedure for carrying out veterinary and sanitary certification of working conditions of the physical persons and legal entities which are engaged in slaughter of animals, production, conversion, storage, transportation and trade of meat, meat products, raw materials of animal origin, and also import and export of these products in the Republic of Tajikistan" |
ZRU-30 |
04.04.2006 |
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 4, 2006 No. ZRU-30 "About information security in the automated bank system" (as amended on 20.09.2024) |
98-O |
04.04.2006 |
Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2006 No. 98-O "According to the claim of Product Company Log on Violation of Constitutional Rights and Freedoms Provisions of Item 1 of Article 165 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation limited liability company |
57 |
04.04.2006 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of April 4, 2006 No. 57 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for opening and account management in precious metals" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2021) |
27 |
04.04.2006 |
Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of April 4, 2006 No. 27 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for approval of decisions of administrations of free economic zones on determination of limits of free customs zones (abolition of free customs zones, within free economic zones, and also construction within free customs zones" (ceased to be valid since 08.04.2014) |
237 |
04.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 4, 2006 No. 237 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of cost of services in water supply to agricultural producers" (ceased to be valid since 04.05.2016) |
217 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 3, 2006 No. 217 "About approval of the standards of assessment of property obligatory to application by all subjects of estimative activities in the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 15.11.2016) |
141 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 3, 2006 No. 141 "About questions of transition to the International standard of cotton" |
220 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 3, 2006 No. 220 "About approval of the Regulations on the simplified procedure for acquisition of nationality of the Kyrgyz Republic by citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan" (as amended on 09.02.2011) |
186 |
03.04.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 3, 2006 No. 186 "About some tax matters of national association "Belarusian railroad"" (as amended on 30.09.2024) |
UP-156 |
03.04.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 3, 2006 unitary enterprise No. 156 "About increase in the sizes of insurance part of pensions in 2006" |
191 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2006 No. 191 "About approval of the list of positions of the health, pharmaceutical and other workers of the state and municipal health care systems who are subject to compulsory insurance which occupation is connected with threat of life and to health of these workers" |
136 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 3, 2006 No. 136 "About approval of the Provision of Interdepartmental coordination council on problems of the state judicial examinations under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan" |
124 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 3, 2006 No. 124 "About measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 20, 2006 No. 1716" (as amended on 25.09.2015) |
139 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 3, 2006 No. 139 "About storage, accounting and indexing of movies" |
123 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 3, 2006 No. 123 "About approval of the Program of fight against diabetes in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010" |
PP-315 |
03.04.2006 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 3, 2006 No. PP-315 "About measures for effective use of grant means of the international Global fund for fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria" |
122 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 3, 2006 No. 122 "About approval of Rules of carrying out employee assessment of managements and departments of education, educational institutions, organizations of preschool and additional education of the Republic of Tajikistan" (ceased to be valid since 07.06.2017) |
137 |
03.04.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 3, 2006 No. 137 "About approval of Regulations of Admission of students in higher educational institutions of the republic according to quota of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan" (ceased to be valid since 02.07.2015) |
183 |
31.03.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2006 No. 183 "About criteria of sufficient conversion of meat" (as amended on 08.12.2010) |
425-r |
31.03.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2006 No. 425-r "About establishment of JSC Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company of the export quota in 2006 of the primary goods containing precious metals" |
208 |
31.03.2006 |
Decision of State commission on securities and the stock market of Ukraine of March 31, 2006 No. 208 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for repayment of hypothecation certificates and cancellation of registration of release of hypothecation certificates which are issued in paperless form" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2020) |
33 |
31.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of March 31, 2006 No. 33 "About approval of national rules of auditor activities of "Action of auditing organization in case of identification of misstatements of the accounting and (or) financial reporting and the facts of non-compliance with the legislation" (as amended on 14.12.2022) |
92 |
31.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 31, 2006 No. 92 "About approval of the Procedure for test of blood, components and medicines of blood and tinned solutions in organizations of service of blood (banks of blood)" |
79 |
30.03.2006 |
Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 30, 2006 No. 79 "About approval of Rules about procedure for informing the population and the organizations about condition of industrial safety" |
1395 |
30.03.2006 |
Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 30, 2006 No. 1395 "About additional measures for encouragement of investing activities" (as amended on 22.01.2021) |
1394 |
30.03.2006 |
Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 30, 2006 No. 1394 "About increase in basic part of work old-age pension" (ceased to be valid since 14.02.2018) |
70-XVI |
30.03.2006 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of March 30, 2006 No. 70-XVI "About beekeeping" (as amended on 26.10.2023) |
9 |
30.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus of March 30, 2006 No. 9 About approval of Standard rules of internal control of the operators of mail service performing financial transactions" (ceased to be valid since 31.01.2015) |
374 |
29.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 29, 2006 No. 374 "About approval of the Program of increase in labor safety at the coal-mining and shaft construction companies" (as amended on 11.02.2016) |
373 |
29.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 29, 2006 No. 373 "About approval of Rules of ensuring information protection in information, electronic communication and information communications systems" (as amended on 14.10.2022) |
386 |
29.03.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 29, 2006 No. 386 "About state regulation in the field of import and export of ozone-depleting substances" |
1 |
29.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus of March 29, 2006 No. 1 "About court practice on cases on intentional causing heavy bodily harm" (as amended on 31.03.2021) |
Z-194/2006 |
29.03.2006 |
Conclusion of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of March 29, 2006 No. Z-194/2006 "About Constitution compliance, to other laws of the Republic of Belarus, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus Resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 18, 1992 No. 758 "About conditions of purpose of pensions to separate employee categories of aircraft of flight-test structure" regarding provision of pensions of stewards of civil aviation" |
29.03.2006 |
Solution of the Constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 29, 2006 "At the request of judicial board of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic about recognition of part 1 of Article 389 of the Code of penal procedure of the Kyrgyz Republic of the unconstitutional and contradicting Item 3 article 83 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic" |
18-O |
29.03.2006 |
Order of the Main State Tax Service of Turkmenistan on March 29, 2006 No. 18-O "About approval of the instruction for conducting documentary tax audits" |
81 |
29.03.2006 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 29, 2006 No. 81 "About customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic" (ceased to be valid since 12.08.2015) |
81 |
29.03.2006 |
Customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic (groups 01-20) No. 81 Is approved by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic" of March 29, 2006 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
81 |
29.03.2006 |
Customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic (groups 21-40) No. 81 Is approved by the law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic" of March 29, 2006 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
81 |
29.03.2006 |
Customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic (groups 41-60) No. 81 Is approved by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic" of March 29, 2006 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
81 |
29.03.2006 |
Customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic (groups 81-97) No. 81 Is approved by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic" of March 29, 2006 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
81 |
29.03.2006 |
Customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic (groups 61-80) No. 81 Is approved by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic" of March 29, 2006 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
321 |
28.03.2006 |
Order of the Government of Moldova of March 28, 2006 No. 321 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for distribution of the export quota of sugar from the Republic of Moldova to Romania" |
207 |
28.03.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 28, 2006 No. 207 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure and conditions of payment of the percentage allowance to official pay rates for confidential kind of work and confidential clerical work" (as amended on 04.03.2014) |
320 |
28.03.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of March 28, 2006 No. 320 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for application of the digital signature in electronic documents of bodies of the public power" (ceased to be valid since 29.12.2017) |
11 |
28.03.2006 |
Regulations on designer's service of construction of buildings and constructions (the ISS of THURSDAY 11-06-2006) It is approved by the State committee of construction and architecture of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 28, 2006 No. 11 |
89 |
27.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 27, 2006 No. 89 "About approval of Rules of tax withholding on value added on zero (0) to rate for the goods and services intended for official use of foreign states by diplomatic and consular representations, representative offices of the international organizations, and also for personal use by the diplomatic and administrative and technical staff of these representations including living together with them members of their families" (as amended on 27.03.2024) |
52 |
27.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 27, 2006 No. 52 "About measures on improvement of wholesale trade system of consumer goods" (as amended on 16.05.2020) |
403 |
27.03.2006 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 27, 2006 No. 403 "About measures for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of September 22, 2005 No. 12" (as amended on 20.12.2023) |
25/11/1058 |
27.03.2006 |
Instruction of the State customs inspection under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 27, 2006 No. 25/11/1058 (about application of the special simplified procedures of customs clearance and control to the faces included in the list of persons to which to apply the special simplified procedures of customs clearance and control) |
19 |
27.03.2006 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus of March 27, 2006 No. 19 "about some questions of carrying out environmental audit" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2016) |
263 |
27.03.2006 |
Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2006 No. 263 "About official representatives of Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in foreign states" (ceased to be valid since 07.12.2016) |
71 |
25.03.2006 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of March 25, 2006 No. 71 "About approval of Rules of implementation of warranty and compensation payments by Fund of guaranteeing insurance payments and about modification and amendments in the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 24, 2003 No. 345 "About approval of the Standard agreement of participation in Fonda of guaranteeing insurance payments" (as amended on 30.04.2010) |
85 |
25.03.2006 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of March 25, 2006 No. 85 "About approval of the Instruction on requirements to evaluation methods and calculation principles of insurance rates on classes (types) of insurance of the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, branches of the insurance (reinsurance) nonresident organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 12.02.2021) |
77 |
25.03.2006 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and financial institutions of March 25, 2006 No. 77 "About approval of Rules of liquidation and job requirement of liquidation commission of compulsorily liquidated insurance (reinsurance) organization" (as amended on 27.11.2023) |
75 |
25.03.2006 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and financial institutions of March 25, 2006 No. 75 "About approval of report form about results of placement of shares of mutual investment fund" (ceased to be valid since 02.08.2016) |
83 |
25.03.2006 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of March 25, 2006 No. 83 "About approval of Rules of calculation of the coefficients characterizing unprofitability of the insurance (reinsurance) organization" (ceased to be valid since 16.03.2016) |
16-O |
24.03.2006 |
Order of the Main State Tax Service of Turkmenistan of March 24, 2006 No. 16-o "About approval of the Instruction for conducting cameral tax audits of the financial reporting and tax declarations (reports and calculations)" |
195 |
23.03.2006 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 23, 2006 No. 195 "About financial assistance to the business entities injured with robberies, marauding and conflicts on March 24-25, 2005" (ceased to be valid since 27.01.2022) |
7/5 |
23.03.2006 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 23, 2006 No. 7/5 "About approval of the Provision "About the Corrective Actions Applied to Credit Unions" (ceased to be valid since 13.01.2021) |
32 |
23.03.2006 |
Methodical instructions for reference of deductions by the accounting (tax) period proceeding from the principle of uniform and pro rata forming of the income and expenses Are approved by the order of the Ministry of Economics and finance of Turkmenistan of March 23, 2006 No. 32, the order of the Main State Tax Service of Turkmenistan of March 23, 2006 No. 15-O |