Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
795 04.06.2007 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 4, 2007 No. 795 "About approval of the list of paid services which are provided by divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National police and the Public migratory service and the amount of payment for their provision" (as amended on 27.12.2023)
271/121 04.06.2007 Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine and the State committee of Ukraine concerning technical regulation and consumer policy of June 4, 2007 No. 271/121 "About approval of the Instruction for monitoring quality of oil and oil products at the companies and the organizations of Ukraine"
258-III ZRK 04.06.2007 Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 4, 2007 No. 258-III ZRK "About the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 30.12.2022)
618 04.06.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of June 4, 2007 No. 618 "About approval of the List of indicators for each criterion of steady housekeeping in the woods of the Republic of Moldova" (as amended on 21.11.2018)
343 04.06.2007 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2007 No. 343 "About implementation of monthly compensation payments to the idle able-bodied persons performing care of the disabled person of the I group (except for disabled people since the childhood of the I group), and also for aged, needing according to the conclusion of medical institution permanent foreign care or reached age of 80 years" (as amended on 22.04.2024)
381 04.06.2007 Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine of June 4, 2007 No. 381 "About approval of the Regulations on use of special technical devices in case of leave of alcohol ethyl denatured (alcohol technical) for requirements of the companies - producers of products of organic synthesis" (ceased to be valid since 25.04.2014)
28/5 01.06.2007 Resolution of the National commission on securities of the Republic of Moldova of June 1, 2007 No. 28/5 "About approval and amendment of some regulations relating to the procedure of legalization of the capital in the security market" (as amended on 18.10.2007)
307 01.06.2007 Order of the Ministry of industrial policy of Ukraine of June 1, 2007 No. 307 "About approval of the Procedure for determination and approval of amounts of commodity importation (including vehicle sets) on customs area of Ukraine, structure of vehicle sets and technical descriptions on compound components of vehicle sets which are used for construction and productive activity of the companies for production of cars and components to them"
769 01.06.2007 Decision of the National commission on questions of regulation of communication of Ukraine of June 1, 2007 No. 769 "About approval of the Regulations on state regulation of number resource of telecommunication public service network of Ukraine" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2022)
744 01.06.2007 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 1, 2007 No. 744 "About approval of Rules of commission trade by nonfoods" (as amended on 10.05.2023)
289 01.06.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of June 1, 2007 No. 289 "About the Concept of reforming of public service of Tajikistan"
313 01.06.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of June 1, 2007 No. 313 "About approval of the Procedure for calculation of the average earnings which are due to the worker in all cases (production of warranty payments in case of accomplishment of the state or public duties, in case of payment of time of leave, in case of payment of earnings during transfer to other work), except for average earnings in case of award of pension" (as amended on 27.02.2020)
28/6 01.06.2007 Resolution of the National commission on securities of June 1, 2007 No. 28/6 "About approval of the Code about corporate management" (ceased to be valid since 04.03.2016)
448 01.06.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 1, 2007 No. 448 "About approval of Rules of determination of target indicators of quality of the environment" (ceased to be valid since 02.07.2015)
1103-V 31.05.2007 Law of Ukraine of May 31, 2007 No. 1103-V "About the state system of biosafety during creation, testing, transportation and use of genetically modified organisms" (as amended on 23.04.2024)
87 31.05.2007 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 31, 2007 No. 87 "About approval of the Rule of issue of the air operator certificate and recognition of the similar documents issued in other states and requirements to air operator certificates for various categories of air traffics with the purpose of safety of air transport" (as amended on 04.04.2022)
353-IIIQ 31.05.2007 Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 31, 2007 No. 353-IIIQ "About social adaptation of persons exempted from punishment in penal institutions" (as amended on 22.06.2021)
352-IIIQ 31.05.2007 Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 31, 2007 No. 352-IIIQ "About rules of ethical behavior of government employees" (as amended on 30.12.2022)
9 31.05.2007 Resolution of the Plenum of Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus of May 31, 2007 No. 9 "About application of the Economic Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus in case of review of court decrees according to the procedure of supervision" (as amended on 29.06.2011)
10 31.05.2007 Resolution of the Plenum of Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus of May 31, 2007 No. 10 "About application of the Economic Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus in case of review of court decrees on newly discovered facts" (ceased to be valid since 24.10.2024)
172-p 31.05.2007 Order of the Minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2007 No. 172-p "About approval of the list, forms and terms of exchange of information on maintaining the Single state monitoring system of the environment and natural resources"
441 31.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2007 No. 441 "About approval of base rates for calculation of the extent of the harm done by violation of the forest legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 10.11.2023)
169-p 31.05.2007 Order of the Minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2007 No. 169-p "About approval of the Qualifier of waste" (ceased to be valid since 20.08.2021)
605 31.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of May 31, 2007 No. 605 "About approval of National strategy about politicians of employment of labor power for 2007-2015"
367 31.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2007 No. 367 "About measures for implementation of article 54 of the Federal law "About Fishery and Preserving Water Biological Resources" (as amended on 22.10.2012)
278 31.05.2007 Order of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2007 No. 278 "About procedure and conditions of payment to the military personnel of bodies of the Federal Security Service of monetary compensation instead of provision of additional days of rest" (as amended on 13.05.2013)
28-8 31.05.2007 Model law "About Professional Sport" Is adopted at the twenty eighth plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the CIS by the Resolution of May 31, 2007 No. 28-8
28-9 31.05.2007 Model Tax code for the State Parties of the CIS (Special part: Chapter 6 - 8) No. 28-9 Is accepted at the twenty eighth plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the CIS by the Resolution of May 31, 2007
783 30.05.2007 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 30, 2007 No. 783 "About approval of the Standard regulations on the social hostel for persons who need social protection"
12/224-3018 30.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 30, 2007 No. 12/224-3018 "About recognition invalid decisions of general meeting of participants oh "Pollen Ukraine"
18/12 30.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 30, 2007 "About agreement cancelation"
14/221d/06 30.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 30, 2007 No. 14/221d/06 "About recognition of the lease agreement invalid"
1/90-5/163-2 30.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 30, 2007 "About recognition invalid bills of exchange"
1880 30.05.2007 Order of the Ministry of Ukraine for family, youth and sport of May 30, 2007 No. 1880 "About approval of the Procedure for informing on appointment and payment of the government public assistance on the orphan children and children deprived of parent care who stay under guardianship (care) and live in families of guardians (custodians), by the principle "Money goes for the child" or the termination of its payment in experimental conditions in 2008" (as amended on 05.05.2008)
256 30.05.2007 Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine of May 30, 2007 No. 256 "About approval of Fire safety regulations in case of operation of nuclear power plants"
28/3 30.05.2007 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 30, 2007 No. 28/3 "About approval of the Chart of accounts of financial accounting in commercial banks and other financial credit institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 14.12.2022)
334 30.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2007 No. 334 "About establishment of sizes of assets of the leasing organizations for the purpose of implementation of anti-monopoly control" (ceased to be valid since 17.01.2021)
61 30.05.2007 Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 30, 2007 No. 61, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 30, 2007 No. 2007-36, GAZhK "Uzbekiston Temir Yullar" of May 30, 2007 No. 151-4 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for settlement between railway administrations when calculating in the international railway service"
440 30.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 30, 2007 No. 440 "About approval of Rules of issue of the certificate on the right of temporary export of cultural values" (ceased to be valid since 23.04.2015)
112 30.05.2007 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of May 30, 2007 No. 112 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for receipt of the consent of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus by banks to implementation of transactions with securities" (ceased to be valid since 20.05.2018)
200 30.05.2007 Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of May 30, 2007 No. 200 "About approval of Rules of use of cash foreign currency in the territory of Ukraine and modification of some regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine" (ceased to be valid since 07.02.2019)
335 30.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2007 No. 335 "About establishment of sizes of assets of credit institutions for the purpose of implementation of anti-monopoly control" (ceased to be valid since 30.10.2014)
20/434 29.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 29, 2007 "About the termination of actions which violate copyright and collection of compensation for violation of property copyright"
15/1431 29.05.2007 Instruction about procedure for calculation and payment of the social tax Is approved by the Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 1, 2007 No. 2F, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 29, 2007 No. 15/1431
01-4/1 29.05.2007 Message of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2007 No. 01-4/1 "About condition of the constitutional legality in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
438 29.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2007 No. 438 "Questions of National space agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 19.09.2014)
35 29.05.2007 Order of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 29, 2007 No. 35 (about approval of the Code of ethics of government employees of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic)
13 29.05.2007 Resolution of the Constitutional court of the Republic of Moldova of May 29, 2007 No. 13 "About control of constitutionality of Items 2 and 3 of the Regulations on application of cash registers when implementing cash cash calculations approved by the Order of the Government of April 28, 1998 No. 474 "About application of cash registers with fiscal memory in case of payments with cash"
138 29.05.2007 Order of the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2007 No. 138 "About approval of form of the state water register" (as amended on 17.11.2016)
682 29.05.2007 Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2007 No. 682 "About recalculation of the amount of monthly pension supplement to persons replacing the state positions of the Russian Federation, to persons replacing positions in state governing bodies of USSR and RSFSR, to the citizens of the Russian Federation replacing positions in the office of Executive Committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia, the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Meeting of the Union of Belarus and Russia, Interstate economic committee of Economic union and Interstate statistical committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
15/1430 29.05.2007 Instruction of accounting of means of the state agency of social insurance and pensions Is approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 29, 2007 No. 15/1430
29.05.2007 Decision of Electrical power Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 29, 2007 "About new editions of the Regulations on honorary title "The honored power engineering specialist of the CIS", Regulations on the Certificate of honor of Electrical power Council of the CIS and their descriptions"
256-III 29.05.2007 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2007 No. 256-III "About ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Singapore about avoidance of double taxation and prevention of evasion from the taxation concerning taxes on the income and the Protocol to it"
81 29.05.2007 Order of the State committee of nuclear regulation of Ukraine of May 29, 2007 No. 81 "About approval of General provisions of safety of burial of radioactive waste in geological storages" (ceased to be valid since 02.10.2018)
198 29.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 29, 2007 No. 198 "About the register of the business entities making alcoholic beverage products in the Kyrgyz Republic" (ceased to be valid since 24.05.2019)
46 29.05.2007 Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of May 29, 2007 No. 46 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for provision of data of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus to interested persons" (ceased to be valid since 09.07.2014)
333 28.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2007 No. 333 "About enhancement of state regulation of gas prices" (as amended on 31.12.2010)
28 28.05.2007 Rules about the Register of subjects of natural monopolies Are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 28, 2007 No. 28
10 28.05.2007 Instruction for determination, approval and maintaining rates and tariff estimates on goods (works, services) subjects of natural monopolies Is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 28, 2007 No. 10
28 28.05.2007 Rules about hearing of cases on violations of the law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About natural monopolies" Are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 28, 2007 No. 28
28 28.05.2007 Procedure for carrying out (public) discussion of projects of rates for goods (works, services) subjects of natural monopoly Is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 28, 2007 No. 28
427 28.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 28, 2007 No. 427 "About approval of the state quota for drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors for 2007"
5 28.05.2007 Normative Resolution of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 28, 2007 No. 5 "About official interpretation of Item 3 of Article 26 and Item 1 of article 39 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
74 28.05.2007 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 28, 2007 No. 74 "About payment for the electric power by the population of the city of Karakul of the Jalal-Abad region"
325 28.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2007 No. 325 "About approval of form of the offer on creation of autonomous organization by change like the existing public or local government office"
28.05.2007 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Turkmenistan on cooperation in the field of standardization, metrology, certification and accreditation of May 28, 2007
28.05.2007 Contract between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan on trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation till 2020 of May 28, 2007
28.05.2007 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Turkmenistan on protection, reproduction and use of saigas (Saiga tatarica tatarica) of May 28, 2007
349-r 26.05.2007 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 26, 2007 No. 349-r "About customs clearance of natural gas"
777 26.05.2007 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 26, 2007 No. 777 "About approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine" (ceased to be valid since 24.09.2014)
111 25.05.2007 Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine of May 25, 2007 No. 111 "About approval of the Regulations on honourable (freelance) consular officials of foreign states in Ukraine and consular establishments which are headed by such officials" (ceased to be valid since 04.01.2022)
73 25.05.2007 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 25, 2007 No. 73 "About the state support of small business" (as amended on 10.05.2017)
72 25.05.2007 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 25, 2007 No. 72 "About procedure for conducting checks of subjects of entrepreneurship" (as amended on 07.08.2024)
71 25.05.2007 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 25, 2007 No. 71 "About state regulation and policy in the field of issue and absorption of greenhouse gases" (as amended on 06.07.2016)
25.05.2007 Agreement on forming of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About financing in 2007 of the Actions plan on implementation of the Concept of development of social and medical bases of improvement of quality of life and prevention of disability of veterans of wars, participants of the local conflicts, peacekeeping transactions and the victims of terrorism in the State Parties of the CIS for 2006 - 2010"
25.05.2007 Agreement on cooperation in the field of advanced training and occupational retraining of specialists of the states of members of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About giving of the status of the basic organization of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States to "Research Institution of Problems of Storage" federal state institution in the field of scientific and technical development of systems of the state material reserves, the organization of retraining and advanced training of personnel"
25.05.2007 Agreement on training for law-enforcement bodies (police) and internal troops of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About giving of education to Organization "Institute of retraining and advanced training of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus" of the status of the basic organization of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States for personnel training in the field of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations"
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About approval of the Regulations on the basic organization of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States for preparation and retraining of personnel for tax authorities (financial) investigations and giving of economic safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to academy and Academy of financial police of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on fight against economic and corruption crime (financial police) of the status of the basic organization of the states of members of the Commonwealth of Independent States for preparation and retraining of personnel for tax authorities (financial) investigations"
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About approval of the Regulations on grant of Council of commanders of Border troops for listeners and cadets of educational institutions of boundary departments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
25.05.2007 Agreement of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About creation of Council of heads of the state and public teleradio organizations of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About the Procedure for determination of level of monetary pay and the scheme of settlement official pay rates of the Chief executive and the staff of executive directorate of Interstate fund of humanitarian cooperation of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States"
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About results of the documenting audits of financial and economic activities of the bodies of the Commonwealth financed from the single budget of bodies of the CIS which are carried out in 2006"
25.05.2007 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on navigation on inland waterways of May 25, 2007
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About the Complex of joint efforts of the State Parties of the CIS according to the prevention of penetration and spread of avian flu in the territory of the State Parties of the CIS"
25.05.2007 Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007 "About financial provision of activities of bodies of Interstate fund of humanitarian state cooperation - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States and extreme number of its Executive directorate" (as amended on 03.11.2017)
45 N 25.05.2007 Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2007 No. 45n "About procedure for provision and contents of the reporting by governing bodies of gambling zones" (ceased to be valid since 18.11.2016)
15/301d/06-1 24.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 24, 2007 "About recognition invalid constituent documents, record about carrying out state registration and the termination of the legal entity"
12/579 24.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 24, 2007 "About claiming damages"
56 24.05.2007 Order of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2007 No. 56 "About approval of Rules of use of the means of communication intended for remote control of payphones and control of payphones" (as amended on 23.04.2013)
674 24.05.2007 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 24, 2007 No. 674 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for creation and designation of customs control zones and legal regime of the customs control zone" (as amended on 14.05.2022)
316 24.05.2007 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2007 No. 316 "About approval of Rules of determination of conditions of organization activity of municipal complex which objective change influences the cost of services of these organizations" (as amended on 26.03.2015)
24.05.2007 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation and mutual aid concerning observance of the tax legislation of May 24, 2007
24.05.2007 Contract on scientific cooperation between Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and National academy of Sciences of Belarus of May 24, 2007
24.05.2007 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on creation of the Joint intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Belarus of May 24, 2007
757 23.05.2007 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 23, 2007 No. 757 "About approval of the Regulations on the individual program of rehabilitation of persons with disability" (as amended on 02.12.2022)
15/682 - 23.05.2007 Resolution of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of May 23, 2007 "About bankruptcy"

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