444 |
26.08.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 444 "About some questions of carrying out tenders on the right of accomplishment of motor transportations of passengers in the regular message" (as amended on 22.06.2023) |
1090 |
26.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of August 26, 2008 No. 1090 "About approval of the National provision (standard) of financial accounting 33 "Expenses on exploration of reserves of minerals" (as amended on 29.09.2020) |
445 |
26.08.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445 "About some questions of bodies of the state statistics" (as amended on 05.02.2024) |
471 |
26.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 26, 2008 No. 471 "About setting standards of traveling expenses and procedure for their compensation" (as amended on 11.05.2016) |
1260 |
26.08.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2008 No. 1260 "About recognition of the Republic of Abkhazia" |
1261 |
26.08.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2008 No. 1261 "About recognition of the Republic South Ossetia" |
987 |
26.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 26, 2008 No. 987 "About approval of the Regulations on establishment of the specific regulations applied to official checks of meat on availability trikhinell" (ceased to be valid since 22.12.2017) |
3004 |
25.08.2008 |
Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of August 25, 2008 No. 3004 "About approval of the State program of reliable providing the population in the Azerbaijan Republic food products in 2008-2015" (as amended on 01.06.2016) |
376 |
25.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 25, 2008 No. 376 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for performing medical examination of foreign citizens in case of acceptance in educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (as amended on 17.07.2023) |
3006 |
25.08.2008 |
Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of August 25, 2008 No. 3006 "About increase in basic part of work pensions" (ceased to be valid since 14.02.2018) |
18/6 |
23.08.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 23, 2008 No. 18/6 "About approval of the Regulations on National information base of bank depositors of the Republic of Uzbekistan, procedure for assignment of codes to clients and maintaining the list of bank accounts in it" (ceased to be valid since 09.02.2023) |
1213 |
22.08.2008 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 22, 2008 No. 1213 "About features of customs declaration of goods" (ceased to be valid since 05.06.2014) |
120 |
22.08.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of August 22, 2008 No. 120 "About establishment of the prudential standard rate for the organizations performing broker and dealer activities in the security market, approval of Rules of calculation of the prudential standard rate for the organizations performing broker and dealer activities in the security market" (ceased to be valid since 13.10.2014) |
129 |
22.08.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of August 22, 2008 No. 129 "About approval of the list of the financial instruments constituting assets of real estate funds" (ceased to be valid since 18.01.2016) |
122 |
22.08.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and financial institutions of August 22, 2008 No. 122 "About establishment of the prudential standard rate for the organizations exercising control of investment portfolio, approval of Rules of calculation of the prudential standard rate for the organizations exercising control of investment portfolio" (ceased to be valid since 09.06.2014) |
131 |
22.08.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations of August 22, 2008 No. 131 "About approval of the Instruction about establishment of prudential standard rates and other regulations and limits, obligatory to observance, for the insurance (reinsurance) organization and insurance group, including the minimum sizes of the authorized capital, guarantee fund, margin of solvency and terms of submission of reports on accomplishment of prudential standard rates" (ceased to be valid since 07.03.2017) |
1001 |
21.08.2008 |
Order of State commission on regulation of the markets of financial services of Ukraine of August 21, 2008 No. 1001 "About approval of form of the message of the insurance and/or reinsurance nonresident broker on intention to perform activities in the territory of Ukraine and the Procedure for filling of form of the message of the insurance and/or reinsurance nonresident broker on intention to perform activities in the territory of Ukraine" (ceased to be valid since 16.07.2022) |
1000 |
21.08.2008 |
Order of State commission on regulation of the markets of financial services of Ukraine of August 21, 2008 No. 1000 "About approval of the Regulations on delegation by the National commission performing state regulation in the sphere of the markets of financial services of separate powers to consolidation of strakhovik" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2024) |
21.08.2008 |
Decision of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of August 21, 2008 "About the Interstate working group on accomplishment of actions for creation of single system of technical cover of the railroads of state members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization" |
1209/9 |
21.08.2008 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of August 21, 2008 No. 1209/9 "About some measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 26, 2008 No. 354" (ceased to be valid since 21.11.2016) |
33 |
20.08.2008 |
Methodical instructions for check of mine lifting installations It is approved by the Order of committee on the state control of emergency situations and industrial safety of the Ministry on emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 20, 2008 No. 33 |
33 |
20.08.2008 |
Methodical instructions for inspection of condition of industrial safety of enrichment and crushing and sorting factories of the companies processing ore and popular minerals It is approved by the order of Committee on the state control of emergency situations and industrial safety of the Ministry on emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 20, 2008 No. 33 |
33 |
20.08.2008 |
Methodical instructions for preventive silting and suppression of the underground endogenous fires on chalcopyrite mines of the Republic of Kazakhstan It is approved by the order of Committee on the state control of emergency situations and industrial safety of the Ministry on emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 20, 2008 No. 33 |
33 |
20.08.2008 |
Methodical instructions for repair of explosion-proof electric equipment It is approved by the order of committee on the state control of emergency situations and industrial safety of the Ministry on emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 20, 2008 No. 33 |
33 |
20.08.2008 |
Methodical instructions in case of development of gas and gas-condensate fields It is approved by the order of Committee on the state control of emergency situations and industrial safety of the Ministry on emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 20, 2008 No. 33 |
405/137 |
20.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2008 No. 405/137 "About approval of rates of natural loss of ethyl alcohol in transit" |
123 |
20.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of August 20, 2008 No. 123 "About increase in the tariff charges (salaries) in the workers occupied on the cabin (cleaning) of the plantings damaged by hurricane" |
137 |
20.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2008 No. 137 "About approval of the list of positions of the workers carried to the main personnel by the form of economic activity for calculation of the average salary and determination of the sizes of official pay rates of heads of subordinated federal budgetary institutions" |
479 |
20.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of August 20, 2008 No. 479 "About approval of the List of diseases in the presence of which person cannot be adoptive father" |
183 |
20.08.2008 |
Order of the State committee of Ukraine on industrial safety, labor protection and mountain supervision of August 20, 2008 No. 183 "About approval of Industrial safety rules during repair of the equipment at the companies of ferrous metallurgy" |
208-III |
20.08.2008 |
Law of Turkmenistan of August 20, 2008 No. 208-III "About hydrocarbonic resources" (as amended on 25.11.2023) |
186 |
20.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 20, 2008 No. 186 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for reservation of workplaces for employment of the persons needing social protection and experiencing difficulties in job search" (ceased to be valid since 01.04.2018) |
37 |
20.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Culture and tourism of Ukraine of August 20, 2008 No. 37 "About approval of the Inventory with indication of their codes according to UKTVED on which Public service of control of movement of cultural values through frontier of Ukraine grants the certificate on the right of export (temporary export) of cultural values from the territory of Ukraine" (ceased to be valid since 15.07.2016) |
734 |
20.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 20, 2008 No. 734 "About approval of the Approval procedure on import to customs area of Ukraine of the unregistered genetically modified organisms for the research purposes or the state approbations (testing)" (ceased to be valid since 19.09.2014) |
01/19-18/13 |
19.08.2008 |
Resolution of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on management of state-owned property of August 19, 2008 No. 01/19-18/13 "About approval of the National standard of assessment of property of the Republic of Uzbekistan "The general requirements imposed to internal regulations of quality control of work of appraisers" (ceased to be valid since 05.09.2020) |
646 |
19.08.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 19, 2008 No. 646 "About the Concept of development of system of juvenile justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009-2011" |
467 |
19.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 19, 2008 No. 467 "About the Interdepartmental commission on consideration of questions of the administrative-territorial device and place names under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 15.07.2022) |
82 N |
19.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2008 No. 82n "About approval of Administrative regulations on execution of the state function by the Federal Tax Service on maintaining Unified State Automated Information System of accounting of production volume and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (ceased to be valid since 23.02.2014) |
407 |
19.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of August 19, 2008 No. 407 "About approval of the Regulations on the organization in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine works on calculation of length of service for purpose of pensions to the military personnel and social security of persons discharged from military service and members of their families" (ceased to be valid since 11.11.2014) |
9 |
18.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Agency on regulation in the field of electronic communications and information technologies of August 18, 2008 No. 9 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for conducting checks in the field of electronic communications" |
628 |
18.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 628 "About Regulations on the identity certificate of the seaman, Regulations on the seaworthy book, sample and the description of the form of the seaworthy book" (as amended on 15.11.2016) |
2991 |
18.08.2008 |
Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of August 18, 2008 No. 2991 "About increase in monthly cash cover of the military personnel and the monthly salary of civil employees of the State Border Service of the Azerbaijan Republic" |
1178 |
18.08.2008 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 18, 2008 No. 1178 "About introduction of anti-dumping duty on the caramel coming from Ukraine and imported on customs area of the Republic of Belarus" (as amended on 19.01.2011) |
615 |
18.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 615 "About establishment of coefficient of indexation of the amount of monthly insurance payment on compulsory social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases" |
625 |
18.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 625 "About establishment of the extent of damage which is caused to water biological resources and which should be considered large" (as amended on 19.11.2019) |
906 |
18.08.2008 |
Order of the State Customs Service of Ukraine of August 18, 2008 No. 906 "About approval of the Instruction about order of interaction of officials of customs authorities and responsible persons of structural divisions of gas-transport system when implementing customs control of the natural gas moved through customs border of Ukraine with pipeline transport" |
908 |
18.08.2008 |
Order of the State Customs Service of Ukraine of August 18, 2008 No. 908 "About approval of the Procedure for provision by citizens to customs authority of financial guarantee by introduction of cash pledge in case of temporary import of goods on customs area of Ukraine and vehicles for the purpose of transit through the territory of Ukraine and its return" |
618 |
18.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 618 "About information exchange when maintaining the State Immovable Property Cadastre" (ceased to be valid since 13.02.2014) |
458 |
16.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 16, 2008 No. 458 "About results of budget implementation of Social fund of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2007" (ceased to be valid since 27.01.2022) |
754 |
16.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 16, 2008 No. 754 "About approval of Rules of subsidizing of rate of remuneration (interest) on leasing of agricultural machinery, the overworking equipment and the special equipment provided by leasing companies and banks of the second level to subjects of agro-industrial complex" (as amended on 30.12.2009) |
465 |
16.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 16, 2008 No. 465 "About delegation of city administration Bishkek of powers on licensing of transportations of passengers and loads by road transport" (ceased to be valid since 12.01.2019) |
202 |
15.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 15, 2008 No. 202 "About obligatory civil liability insurance of the organizations operating hazardous production facilities" (as amended on 04.07.2022) |
751 |
15.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 15, 2008 No. 751 "About approval of Rules of consideration of the request for conducting examination of selection achievements on patentability and about entering of amendment and change into the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 6, 2005 No. 310" (as amended on 24.02.2016) |
01/19-18/12 |
15.08.2008 |
Resolution of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on management of state-owned property of August 15, 2008 No. 01/19-18/12 "About approval of the "Data on Estimative Activities" form and Rules on its filling" (as amended on 27.02.2019) |
400 |
15.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 15, 2008 No. 400 "About approval of Rules of carrying out tender on mineral right in the Republic of Tajikistan" (ceased to be valid since 02.03.2013) |
512 |
15.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine of August 15, 2008 No. 512 "About approval of the Procedure for import to Ukraine of prototypes of plant varieties for the purposes of examination on suitability on distribution of grade and export from Ukraine of landing material of plant varieties" (ceased to be valid since 20.03.2018) |
2054-U |
14.08.2008 |
Instruction of the Central Bank of Russia of August 14, 2008 No. 2054-U "About procedure for conducting cash transactions with cash foreign currency in authorized banks in the territory of the Russian Federation" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2020) |
17/3 |
14.08.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 14, 2008 No. 17/3 "About approval of the Regulations on deposit certificates of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (as amended on 28.12.2015) |
17/2 |
14.08.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 14, 2008 No. 17/2 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for release and the circulation of deposit (savings) certificates of banks" (as amended on 16.01.2020) |
425 N |
14.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2008 No. 425n "About approval of Recommendations about development by federal state bodies and organizations - the main managers of means of the federal budget of approximate regulations on compensation of employees of subordinated federal budgetary institutions" (as amended on 20.02.2014) |
08/3-1/323 |
14.08.2008 |
Act of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova of August 14, 2008 No. 08/3-1/323 "Conditions of placement, the address and the redemption of government bonds with floating rate" (ceased to be valid since 01.03.2019) |
08/3-1/323 |
14.08.2008 |
Act of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova of August 14, 2008 No. 08/3-1/323 "Conditions of placement, the address and the redemption of government bonds with fixed rate" (ceased to be valid since 01.03.2019) |
445 |
14.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 14, 2008 No. 445 "Questions of safety control of traffic when implementing public conveyances and loads vehicles in the Kyrgyz Republic" (ceased to be valid since 26.12.2016) |
12 |
13.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 13, 2008 No. 12 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 13, 2008 No. 9 "About approval of Rules of medical examination of seriously ill convicts and their representation to release from serving sentence due to illness" |
341 |
13.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine of August 13, 2008 No. 341 "About approval of form of the declaration on wholesale price for food products concerning which state regulation, and Instructions about filling and application of the declaration on wholesale price on food goods concerning which state regulation is entered is entered" (ceased to be valid since 05.12.2017) |
590 |
12.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2008 No. 590 "About procedure for conducting verification of investment projects regarding efficiency of use of the funds of the federal budget allocated for the capital investments" (ceased to be valid since 01.03.2024) |
511 |
12.08.2008 |
Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 12, 2008 No. 511 "About approval of Rules of coordination of documents on write-off, transfer for sale of the fixed assets assigned to limited liability partnerships, rights of possession and uses of the state shares in which are transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
974 |
12.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 12, 2008 No. 974 "About approval of the Regulations on implementation of activities for installation, operation, management, support and/or liquidation of networks of electronic communications on frontier of the Republic of Moldova" (as amended on 21.11.2018) |
602 |
12.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2008 No. 602 "About approval of Rules of holding auctions for sale of the right to the conclusion of the agreement on fixing of shares of quotas of production (catch) of water biological resources and (or) the Agreement of use of the water biological resources carried to objects of fishery" (ceased to be valid since 01.09.2024) |
398 |
12.08.2008 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 12, 2008 No. 398 "About approval of form of the final report of the receiver and Rules of its coordination" (ceased to be valid since 22.07.2014) |
604 |
12.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2008 No. 604 "About approval of Rules for apportionment of quotas of production (catch) of water biological resources for the Russian Federation in areas of action of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of fishery and preserving water biological resources" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2019) |
605 |
12.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2008 No. 605 "About approval of Rules for apportionment of quotas of production (catch) of water biological resources for implementation of industrial fishery on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and in exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2019) |
179 |
11.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of August 11, 2008 No. 179 "About approval of the Actions plan on implementation of the Concept of reform of system of financing of health care and application of compulsory medical insurance in the Azerbaijan Republic in 2008 - 2012" |
200 |
11.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 11, 2008 No. 200 "About rates of payment for use of natural objects of animal and flora in the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 02.03.2010) |
201 |
11.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 11, 2008 No. 201 "About gambling activities in the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 18.01.2010) |
34 |
08.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus of August 8, 2008 No. 34 "About approval of Rules on labor protection during the works on radio communication objects" (ceased to be valid since 02.05.2023) |
4 |
08.08.2008 |
Instruction about qualification requirements to persons holding managerial state positions of public service of the Republic of Tajikistan Is approved by the Order of the Head of department of public service in case of the president of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 8, 2008 No. 4 |
44-O |
08.08.2008 |
Methodical instructions for patent procedure and determinations of patent payment Are approved by the Order of the Chief of the Main State Tax Service of Turkmenistan of August 8, 2008 No. 44-O, the Order of the Minister of Finance of Turkmenistan of August 8, 2008 No. 62 |
174 |
08.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 8, 2008 No. 174 "About entering of partial changes into executive structure of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (ceased to be valid since 27.06.2020) |
175 |
08.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 8, 2008 No. 175 "About measures for enhancement of management structure and the organization of service of medical labor examination" (ceased to be valid since 08.02.2022) |
948 |
07.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 7, 2008 No. 948 "About approval of the Regulations on the procedure of repatriation of children and adults - the victims of human trafficking, persons which are in difficult situation and also children without maintenance" (as amended on 04.03.2020) |
173 |
07.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 7, 2008 No. 173 "About enhancement of activities of the public specialized educational institutions with profound studying of separate objects" (as amended on 25.01.2021) |
64 |
06.08.2008 |
Resolution of the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus of August 6, 2008 No. 64 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for state registration of origin, transition, termination of restrictions (encumbrances) of the rights to the parcels of land in connection with registration of education, change and abolition of the territories of the special mode of use" |
3 |
06.08.2008 |
Rules of maintaining personal records of government employees of the Republic of Tajikistan Are approved by the Order of the Head of department of public service in case of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 6, 2008 No. 3 |
01-8/471 |
06.08.2008 |
Information letter of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of August 6, 2008 No. 01-8/471 "About some questions of practice of application in resolution of disputes of separate regulations of procedural law (on the materials considered by the Supreme Court of Ukraine)" |
974 |
05.08.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of August 5, 2008 No. 974 "About approval of the Checklist of technical condition of vehicles by automobile carriers" |
194 |
05.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 5, 2008 No. 194 "About obligatory civil liability insurance of the employer for damnification of life and to health of the worker in case of execution of labor (office) obligations by it" (as amended on 22.03.2016) |
583 |
05.08.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583 "About introduction of new wages systems of employees of federal budget and state institutions and federal state bodies, and also Civil personnel of military units, organizations and divisions of federal executive bodies in which the law provides the military and equated to it service which compensation is performed on the basis of the Single scale of charges on compensation of employees of federal state institutions" (as amended on 31.01.2024) |
183 |
04.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 4, 2008 No. 183 "About food security of the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 13.04.2023) |
189 |
04.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 4, 2008 No. 189 "About obligatory civil liability insurance of carrier before passengers" (as amended on 04.07.2022) |
184 |
04.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 4, 2008 No. 184 "About the state guarantees of the equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women" (as amended on 14.07.2011) |
188 |
04.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 4, 2008 No. 188 "About obligatory civil liability insurance of carrier of dangerous goods" (as amended on 04.07.2022) |
61 |
04.08.2008 |
Order of the State agency of Ukraine on investments and innovations of August 4, 2008 No. 61 "About the organization of advanced training of specialists in the field of investments and innovative activities" |
169 |
04.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 4, 2008 No. 169 "About enhancement of procedure for acceptance and training of foreign citizens in educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (as amended on 28.09.2020) |
2961 |
04.08.2008 |
Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of August 4, 2008 No. 2961 "About approval of the State program of development of the Azerbaijani cinema for 2008 - 2018" |
804 |
04.08.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of August 4, 2008 No. 804 "On regulation of debts on monthly payment to the employee of the state companies privatized and transferred to the control who lost health as a result of production accident or occupational disease or members of the family of the worker who died for this reason, and other persons which were in its dependence" (as amended on 29.12.2021) |
415 |
04.08.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 4, 2008 No. 415 "About increase in work pensions" |
190 |
04.08.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 4, 2008 No. 190 "About amnesty of women and minors" |
300 |
04.08.2008 |
Order of the Head control and auditing department of Ukraine of August 4, 2008 No. 300 "About approval of the Technique of carrying out the state financial audit of activities of subjects of managing by bodies of the public control and auditing service" (ceased to be valid since 01.08.2014) |
46 |
04.08.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus of August 4, 2008 No. 46 "About some questions of the organization of activities for rendering legal services" (ceased to be valid since 01.03.2016) |