3719/1 |
22.12.2008 |
Letter of the Main State Tax Service of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Finance of Turkmenistan of December 22, 2008 No. 3719/1 |
1198 |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 22, 2008 No. 1198 "About approval of the Technical regulation "Requirements to Safety of Steel Concrete, Concrete Designs" (as amended on 23.07.2013) |
268-FZ |
22.12.2008 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2008 No. 268-FZ "The technical regulation on tobacco products" |
133 |
22.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of December 22, 2008 No. 133 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for determination of the minimum structure of boat team in case of which vessel exit in the sea is allowed" (ceased to be valid since 01.09.2020) |
288 |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the State committee of Ukraine on industrial safety, labor protection and mountain supervision of December 22, 2008 No. 288 "About approval of Regulations of free issue of special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment to workers of aviation and defense industry" |
115 |
22.12.2008 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 22, 2008 No. 115 "About establishment of official rate of refinancing of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
1197 |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 22, 2008 No. 1197 "About establishment of quota for attraction of foreign labor power for implementation of labor activity in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009 and modification of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 29, 2007 No. 753" |
311-p |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 22, 2008 No. 311-p "About approval of Methodical recommendations about check, certification, review and replacement of regulations of work" |
262-FZ |
22.12.2008 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2008 No. 262-FZ "About ensuring access to information on activity of the courts in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 14.07.2022) |
60 |
22.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 22, 2008 No. 60, No. 118 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for realization of compound feeds at the exchange biddings of the Uzbek Republican commodity and raw exchange" (ceased to be valid since 04.07.2018) |
939 |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash against December 22, 2008 No. 939 "About approval of the Payment procedure of the allowance for service by log method to faces of the private and the commanding structure of bodies and divisions of civil protection" |
289 |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the State committee of Ukraine on industrial safety, labor protection and mountain supervision of December 22, 2008 No. 289 "About approval of Industrial safety rules in metallurgical industry" |
256-FZ |
22.12.2008 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2008 No. 256-FZ "About ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Singapore about avoidance of double taxation and prevention of evasion from the taxation concerning taxes on the income" |
1195 |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 22, 2008 No. 1195 "About approval of the Technical regulation "Requirements to Non-automatic Weight Measuring Devices" (ceased to be valid since 03.02.2017) |
1519 |
22.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of December 22, 2008 No. 1519 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for conducting checks concerning accomplishment of the legislation of Ukraine when implementing transactions with precious metals and gemstones" |
1987 |
20.12.2008 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 20, 2008 No. 1987 "About some questions of implementation of public procurements" (as amended on 14.10.2019) |
480 |
19.12.2008 |
Order of the Minister of the industry and trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 19, 2008 No. 480 "About approval of Rules of marking of toys, images of mark of conformity and technical requirements to it" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2021) |
24 |
19.12.2008 |
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 19, 2008 No. 24 "About some questions of lease of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms, parking places" (as amended on 30.08.2011) |
10 |
19.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus of December 19, 2008 No. 10 "About accomplishment of resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus by courts of September 28, 2001 No. 9 "About the court verdict" (with changes of December 22, 2005) and of September 28, 2006 No. 8 "About practice of the resolution by courts of verdicts of not guilty" |
57-CP4/I |
19.12.2008 |
Resolution of Council of the Republic of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus of December 19, 2008 No. 57-CP4/I "About regulations of Council of the Republic of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus" (as amended on 22.04.2020) |
578 |
19.12.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 19, 2008 No. 578 "About approval of Rules of conducting checks of activities of state bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan for compliance with law in the sphere of public service" |
889 |
19.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine of December 19, 2008 No. 889 "About approval of the Procedure for decision making about feasibility of preparation of projects of economic and social development of Ukraine for which implementation attraction of resources of international financial institutions, and about determination of executives in charge is provided" |
16 |
19.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine of December 19, 2008 No. 16 "About the address to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with the constitutional representation concerning compliance of the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of provisions of Item 2 parts one of Article 49 and the proposal of the second article 51 of the Law of Ukraine of July 9, 2003 No. 1058-IV "About obligatory national pension insurance" |
17 |
19.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine of December 19, 2008 No. 17 "About some questions which arise in court practice concerning claims to bodies of judicial self-government" |
2226/5 |
19.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of December 19, 2008 No. 2226/5 "About approval of the Regulations on the Unified register of public forming" (as amended on 24.12.2019) |
270 |
18.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 18, 2008 No. 270-XVI "About shelter in the Republic of Moldova" (as amended on 31.07.2024) |
196 |
18.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of December 18, 2008 No. 196 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for use and financial accounting of forms of the strict accounting, recognition voided some regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus" |
261 |
18.12.2008 |
Resolution of Administrative board of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of December 18, 2008 No. 261 "About terms of submission of separate financial and statistic reports by banks" |
256 |
18.12.2008 |
Resolution of Administrative board of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of December 18, 2008 No. 256 "About the level of interest rates of National Bank of Moldova" |
254 |
18.12.2008 |
Resolution of Administrative board of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of December 18, 2008 No. 254 "About prolongation of term of the reporting and replenishment of required reserves by banks" |
P-303/2008 |
18.12.2008 |
Solution of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of December 18, 2008 No. P-303/2008 "About realization of the subjective right in case of cancellation of precepts of law" |
267 |
18.12.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 18, 2008 No. 267 "About the status of the deputy of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic" (as amended on 22.02.2017) |
16 |
18.12.2008 |
Determination of the Constitutional court of the Republic of Moldova of December 18, 2008 No. 16 |
577 |
18.12.2008 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 18, 2008 No. 577 "About approval of the Instruction of conducting office investigation" |
271 |
18.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 18, 2008 No. 271 "About check of persons holding the state positions, and candidates for the state positions" (as amended on 27.09.2018) |
192 |
18.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of December 18, 2008 No. 192 "About approval of standard forms of source accounting documents TTN-1 "Commodity-transport delivery note" both TN-2 "Consignment note" and Instructions for filling of standard forms of source accounting documents TTN-1 "Commodity-transport delivery note" and TN-2 "Consignment note" (ceased to be valid since 02.09.2016) |
ZR-198 |
18.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Armenia of December 18, 2008 No. ZR-198 "About defense" (ceased to be valid since 09.04.2018) |
198 |
17.12.2008 |
Order of the State committee of nuclear regulation of Ukraine of December 17, 2008 No. 198 "About approval of form of permission to implementation of international carriages of radioactive materials and the application form about issue of the authority for the move of radioactive materials" |
263 |
17.12.2008 |
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 17, 2008 No. 263 "About protection of breastfeeding of children and regulation of marketing of products and means for artificial nutrition of children" (ceased to be valid since 03.02.2024) |
76 |
17.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 17, 2008 No. 76 "About approval of Rules on labor protection for workers of pharmaceutical production" |
75 |
17.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 17, 2008 No. 75 "About approval of Rules on labor protection during the work at height" (as amended on 06.07.2010) |
754 |
17.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of December 17, 2008 No. 754 "About approval of procedures for conducting examination of registration materials on medicines which are made according to the approved copy-books, and developments and approvals of copy-books on traditional medicines" (as amended on 04.01.2013) |
274 |
17.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 17, 2008 No. 274 "About further enhancement of control of entrance, departure and transit of foreign vehicles" (ceased to be valid since 04.05.2018) |
1428 |
16.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 16, 2008 No. 1428 "About approval of the Regulations on purchase and sale and delivery for rent / lease of the adjacent parcels of land" (as amended on 30.08.2023) |
378/32 |
16.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and Industry ministry of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2008 No. 378/32 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for registration and issue of passports of vehicles (landing gear of the vehicles) made in the Republic of Belarus, temporary number boards on the specified vehicles (the landing gear of vehicles), establishment of forms of passports of vehicles, the landing gear of vehicles" (as amended on 24.11.2015) |
2-Z |
16.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2008 No. 2-Z "About protection of atmospheric air" (as amended on 17.07.2023) |
21 |
16.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Constitutional court of the Republic of Moldova of December 16, 2008 No. 21 "About control of constitutionality of some provisions of the law on the free enterprise zone "Expo business Chisinau" No. 625-XIII of November 3, 1995, the Law on free enterprise zones No. 440-XV of July 27, 2001 and the Law on customs tariff No. 1380-XIII of November 20, 1997" |
1934 |
15.12.2008 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 15, 2008 No. 1934 "About accounting of natural gas" (as amended on 26.10.2021) |
01-8/724 |
15.12.2008 |
Information letter of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine of December 15, 2008 No. 01-8/724 "About some questions of appointment and conducting judicial examinations on the cases connected with protection of intellectual property rights" |
956 |
15.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2008 No. 956 "About approval of the list of milk and the dairy products which are subject to obligatory confirmation of conformity when placing under the customs procedures providing possibility of alienation or use of these products according to its appointment in the territory of the Russian Federation" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016) |
28/4 |
13.12.2008 |
Resolution of Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 13, 2008 No. 28/4 "About approval of the Instruction about financial accounting of transactions with securities in commercial banks" (as amended on 22.07.2015) |
1170 |
12.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 12, 2008 No. 1170 "About approval of the List of the territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan which are temporarily closed for visit by foreigners" |
269-XVI |
12.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 12, 2008 No. 269-XVI "About application of testing on the detector of simulation (polygraph)" (as amended on 01.02.2024) |
660-VI |
12.12.2008 |
Law of Ukraine of December 12, 2008 No. 660-VI "About amnesty" |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on forming of general system of information support of energy market of state members of Eurasian economic community of December 12, 2008 |
12.12.2008 |
Protocol on creation of the total insurance market of state members of Eurasian economic community of December 12, 2008 |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About the List of the basic documents regulating functioning of the free trade area within the CIS" |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on encouragement and mutual protection of investments in state members Eurasian economic communities of December 12, 2008 |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About Single requirements to additional training on professional competence of the international automobile carriers of the State Parties of the CIS" |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About offers of the State Parties of the CIS on overcoming negative effects of the global financial crisis" |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About the course of accomplishment of the Decision of CIS Economic Council of December 3, 2004 "About provision in hydropower of the Republic of Tajikistan" |
4 |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Interstate Council of EurAsEC of December 12, 2008 No. 4 "About forming of the legal base of custom union within Eurasian economic community" |
5 |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Interstate Council of EurAsEC of December 12, 2008 No. 5 "About the Commission of the Customs union" |
6 |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Interstate Council of EurAsEC of December 12, 2008 No. 6 "About forming of the Basic list of the Common customs tariff" |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About offers of the State Parties of the CIS on overcoming negative effects of the global financial crisis" |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About the agreement performance course about state cooperation - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of providing energy efficiency and energy saving of October 7, 2002 and the Decision of CIS Economic Council of March 11, 2005 "About the main directions and the principles of interaction of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of providing energy efficiency and energy saving" |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About practice of application of agreements on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax avoidance in the State Parties of the CIS" |
12.12.2008 |
Decision of Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 12, 2008 "About the overview of trade policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on procedure for calculation and customs payment in the State Parties of the Customs union of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Customs union agreement of December 12, 2008 "About conditions and the mechanism of application of the tariff quotas" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on procedure for declaring of customs value of the goods moved through customs border of custom union of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Protocol on exchange of information, necessary for determination and control of customs value of goods, between customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Protocol on ensuring uniform application of rules of determination of customs value of the goods moved through customs border of custom union of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on procedure for customs clearance and customs control in the State Parties of custom union of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on procedure of control of correctness of determination of customs value of the goods moved through customs border of custom union of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on procedure for declaration of goods of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on the Secretariat of the Commission of custom union of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Protocol on single system of tariff preferences of custom union of December 12, 2008 |
12.12.2008 |
Protocol of the Customs Union of December 12, 2008 "About provision of the tariff privileges" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Protocol on conditions and procedure for application in exceptional cases rates of the import customs duties other than rates of the Common customs tariff than December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Customs union agreement About types of customs procedures and customs regimes of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015) |
12.12.2008 |
Agreement on rules of determination of goods origin from developing and the least developed countries of December 12, 2008 (ceased to be valid since 16.01.2019) |
24 |
12.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 12, 2008 No. 24 "About some questions arising in court practice in connection with appointment, production of judicial examination and assessment of the expert opinion on civil cases" (as amended on 20.02.2023) |
880-r |
11.12.2008 |
Order of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine of December 11, 2008 No. 880-r "About approval of Standard requirements to coordinated actions of subjects of housekeeping about production specializations which observance allows to perform these coordinated actions without the permission of bodies of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine" |
687 |
11.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 11, 2008 No. 687 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure of payments of fees in Deposit Protection Fund" (as amended on 07.06.2024) |
263-XVI |
11.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 11, 2008 No. 263-XVI "About funds of compulsory medical insurance for 2009" (as amended on 23.12.2009) |
262-XVI |
11.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 11, 2008 No. 262-XVI "About the budget of the national social insurance for 2009" (as amended on 17.12.2009) |
264 |
11.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 11, 2008 No. 264 "About the status, issue of permissions to activities and the organization of activities of the simultaneous interpreter and the translator in the sector of justice" (as amended on 08.11.2018) |
1405 |
10.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 10, 2008 No. 1405 "About approval of Veterinary sanitary standard on hygiene of forages and content of undesirable substances in sterns" (ceased to be valid since 26.03.2021) |
1408 |
10.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 10, 2008 No. 1408 "About approval of some veterinary sanitary standards" (as amended on 27.01.2021) |
271 |
10.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 10, 2008 No. 271 "About additional measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (as amended on 28.12.2019) |
941 |
10.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2008 No. 941 "About approval of the Regulations on patent and other fees for making of the legally significant actions connected with the patent for the invention, useful model, industrial design with state registration of the trademark and service mark, with state registration and provision of exclusive right on geographical specifying, the name of the place of goods origin, and also with state registration of transition of exclusive rights to other persons and agreements on the order these rights" (as amended on 19.09.2022) |
950 |
10.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2008 No. 950 "About participation of executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of rates in implementation of state regulation and control of activities of subjects of natural monopolies" (as amended on 30.11.2022) |
639 |
10.12.2008 |
Order of the Ministry of protection of the surrounding environment of Ukraine of December 10, 2008 No. 639 "About approval of the Method of calculation of the sizes of indemnification which are caused to the state as a result of above-standard emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air" (as amended on 28.12.2016) |
1077 |
10.12.2008 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine of December 10, 2008 No. 1077 "About approval of the actions plan for 2009 on prevention and counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing" (as amended on 21.10.2009) |
100-IV ZRK |
10.12.2008 |
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 10, 2008 No. 100-IV ZRK "About Enforcement of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan " about Taxes and Other Obligatory Payments in the Budget " (Tax Code)" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2018) |
99-IV ZRK |
10.12.2008 |
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 10, 2008 No. 99-IV ZRK "About Taxes and Other Obligatory Payments in the Budget (Tax Code)" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2018) |
1407 |
10.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 10, 2008 No. 1407 "About approval of the Regulations on implementation of public procurements from one source" (ceased to be valid since 31.05.2016) |
1404 |
10.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 10, 2008 No. 1404 "About approval of the Regulations on methods of calculation of estimated value of agreements on public procurements and their planning" (ceased to be valid since 02.01.2017) |
1403 |
09.12.2008 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 9, 2008 No. 1403 "About approval of the Technical regulation "Food Vinegar and Acetic Acid" (as amended on 02.07.2014) |