Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
156 17.02.2012 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 17, 2012 No. 156 "About approval of the single list of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, entering of amendment into the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 14, 2009 No. 193 and recognition voided some resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" (ceased to be valid since 27.03.2022)
196 17.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of February 17, 2012 No. 196 "About approval of forms of the Certificate of target use of light and heavy distillates as raw materials in ethylene production, Certificates of payment of the amount of the excise tax which is calculated at the rates on finished goods, and the Register of repayment of tax anticipation bills" (ceased to be valid since 20.10.2017)
92 17.02.2012 Order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 17, 2012 No. 92 "About approval of Rules of inspection and treatment of patients with viral hepatitises" (ceased to be valid since 27.05.2019)
135 17.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2012 No. 135 "About approval of Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in issue of licenses and other allowing documents for export and (or) import of separate types of goods, and also forming and maintaining federal bank of the granted licenses" (ceased to be valid since 21.04.2018)
4790/7/15-22 16.02.2012 Letter State tax service of Ukraine of February 16, 2012 No. 4790/7/15-2217f "About the fixed agricultural tax"
4804/7/15-34 16.02.2012 Letter of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine of February 16, 2012 No. 4804/7/15-3417-10 (Concerning expenses which are considered in case of calculation of the taxation object)
68 16.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 16, 2012 No. 68 "About creation of the Unified register of state-owned property" (ceased to be valid since 21.11.2020)
561-IV ZRK 16.02.2012 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 16, 2012 No. 561-IV ZRK "About Military Service and the Status of the Military Personnel" (as amended on 08.07.2024)
100 16.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 16, 2012 No. 100 "About the State Tax Administration under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" (ceased to be valid since 27.01.2022)
100 16.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of February 16, 2012 No. 100 "About approval of the National program for control over tobacco for 2012-2016" (as amended on 17.09.2015)
71 16.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 16, 2012 No. 71 "About procedure for licensing of the types of activity connected with specific goods (works, services)" (as amended on 18.06.2021)
41 16.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 16, 2012 No. 41 "About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the List of categories of persons - the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who are subject to permanent registration in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region" (ceased to be valid since 30.12.2019)
60 16.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of February 16, 2012 No. 60 "About approval of the Instruction for price fixation on precious metals in case of banking operations" (ceased to be valid since 09.07.2017)
16 16.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of social development of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 16, 2012 No. 16 "About procedure for transfer of children without parental support, on adoption (adoption) to foreign citizens" (ceased to be valid since 06.05.2016)
93 15.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of February 15, 2012 No. 93 "About approval of Rules of proper practice of production of drugs of veterinary appointment" (as amended on 24.09.2020)
150 15.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 15, 2012 No. 150 "About approval of procedure for prolongation of term of stay and temporary residence, prolongation and reducing term of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of Ukraine" (as amended on 12.09.2023)
37 15.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 15, 2012 No. 37 "About approval of "Special rules of use of communication in emergency situations" (as amended on 02.12.2023)
1 15.02.2012 Resolution of the Plenum of Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus of February 15, 2012 No. 1 "About some questions of hearing of cases arising from rent legal relationship" (as amended on 19.09.2012)
86 15.02.2012 Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 15, 2012 No. 86 "About approval of the Regulations on organization activity of health care, giving nephrological help to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 31.10.2022)
43 15.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 15, 2012 unitary enterprise No. 43 "About reorganization of Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic" (ceased to be valid since 21.05.2021)
98 15.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 15, 2012 No. 98 "Questions of transition of income tax payers of the companies which is assessed with tax on zero rate according to Item 154.6 of article 154 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, to submission of the simplified tax declaration" (ceased to be valid since 07.12.2016)
58 15.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2012 No. 58 "About procedure for collection and return of payment for provision of the data containing in the Unified State Register of Rights on real estate and transactions with it by means of ensuring access to the information resource containing data of the Unified State Register of Rights on real estate and transactions with it and also the amount of such payment" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2017)
146 14.02.2012 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 14, 2012 No. 146 "About approval of the Regulations on pre-judicial dispute settlement (disagreements) connected with implementation of investments" (ceased to be valid since 31.07.2024)
148 14.02.2012 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 14, 2012 No. 148 "About some questions of attraction of forces and means of republican state bodies and other organizations for accomplishment of actions for search and rescue of passengers and crews of the aircrafts which are in distress or the victims in the territory of the Republic of Belarus"
120 14.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 No. 120 "About approval of the Code of ethics and office behavior of federal government civil servants of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation"
39-mkh 14.02.2012 Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 14, 2012 No. 39-mkh "About approval of rules of conducting the systematized accounting of the legislation in state bodies and public authorities on places" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2021)
MMB-7-3/83 @ 14.02.2012 Order of the Federal Tax Service, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 No. MMB-7-3/83 @ "About approval of codes of transaction types on the value added tax, the necessary for maintaining register received and exposed invoices" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2016)
69-e 14.02.2012 Order of Federal Tariff Service of February 14, 2012 No. 69-e "About approval of Administrative regulations of provision by Federal Tariff Service of the state service in consideration of the disagreements arising between regulating authorities of the prices (rates) in the sphere of heat supply and the organizations performing regulated types of activity in the sphere of heat supply in connection with the choice of method of price regulation (rates)" (ceased to be valid since 30.07.2016)
44 14.02.2012 Order of Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 No. 44 "About approval of Administrative regulations of provision by Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of the state service in accounting of the organizations performing transactions with money or other property in which field of activity there are no supervisory authorities" (ceased to be valid since 15.02.2015)
4123/7/15-34 13.02.2012 Letter of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine of February 13, 2012 No. 4123/7/15-3417-05 (Concerning inclusion of the VAT amounts paid in case of reimport of goods in calculation of budget compensation)
33 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 33 "About the list and terms of provision by members of stock exchange of the financial reporting and other information to stock exchange" (ceased to be valid since 11.12.2022)
217 13.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 217 "About approval of the List of the organizations which property cannot be confiscated in case of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature according to the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan"
37 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 37 "About establishment of the list of the faces tied with banking conglomerate the special relations" (as amended on 28.10.2016)
32 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 32 "About approval of Rules of implementation of trust management of the bank shares, the insurance (reinsurance) organization, the managing director of investment portfolio belonging to the large member of bank, insurance (reinsurance) organization, the managing director of investment portfolio, the bank holding, insurance holding or person having signs of the large member of bank, insurance (reinsurance) organization, the managing director of investment portfolio, bank holding, insurance holding, and also actions of authorized body or national managing holding during trust management" (ceased to be valid since 10.02.2020)
39 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 39 "About establishment of limit of share fraction (shares in the authorized capital) the parent organization of banking conglomerate, bank or bank holding belonging to the affiliated organizations of bank or bank holding, the organizations in which the bank or bank holding have considerable participation" (as amended on 04.07.2012)
7 13.02.2012 Resolution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 13, 2012 No. 7, No. 5, No. 22 "About approval of the Instruction about application of measures of the administrative responsibility to the staff of diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states, and also the organizations equated to them accredited in the Republic of Uzbekistan for road traffic offense" (as amended on 31.12.2017)
65 13.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 13, 2012 No. 65 "About approval of the international treaty"
38 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 38 "About approval of requirements to implementation of investment of the money which is part of the allocated assets, and the list of the financial instruments permitted to acquisition at the expense of the allocated assets in case of project financing and securitization" (as amended on 26.09.2023)
552-IV ZRK 13.02.2012 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 552-IV ZRK "About Special State Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 08.07.2024)
460/11/13-12 13.02.2012 Information letter of the Supreme administrative court of Ukraine of February 13, 2012 No. 460/11/13-12 (relatively about submission of statements for review of the judgment on new revealed by circumstances for relatively appeal of acts, actions or divergence of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine)
31 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 31 "About approval of Rules of realization of shareholder right of joint-stock company on preferential security purchase and refusal of it" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2019)
34 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 34 "About approval of Rules of application of measures of early reaction and technique of determination of the factors influencing deterioration in financial position of the organizations performing broker and (or) dealer activities in the security market and (or) activities for management of investment portfolio" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2019)
29 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 29 "About procedure for the direction of the notification on intention of acquisition in the secondary security market of thirty or more percent of voting shares of society or other number of voting shares as a result of which acquisition person independently or together with his affiliirovanny persons will own thirty or more percent of voting shares of society" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2019)
96 13.02.2012 Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic Kazakhstanot on February 13, 2012 No. 96 "About approval of base rate and the sizes of the applied coefficients considering structure type, type of the non-residential premise, comfort degree, territorial arrangement, type of activity of the employer, organizatsionnopravovy form of the employer by transfer of republican property to property employment (lease)" (ceased to be valid since 26.06.2014)
28 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 28 "About approval of Rules of the publication by the accumulation pension funds of data on structure of investment portfolio of the accumulation pension fund at the expense of pension assets in mass media" (ceased to be valid since 22.10.2014)
36 13.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 13, 2012 No. 36 "About approval of Rules of submission of the credit report on the bank guarantee and the guarantee, registrations of consent of person debtor to provision by bank of information about him and the guarantees or guarantees issued by bank in its advantage in credit bureau" (ceased to be valid since 12.03.2017)
37 13.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 13, 2012 No. 37 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for carrying out the competitive biddings by determination of contract organizations for construction of individual housing in the rural zone according to standard projects on a turnkey basis (ceased to be valid since 01.05.2017)
35 10.02.2012 Resolution of Board of National Bank of Tajikistan of February 10, 2012 No. 35 "About approval of the Rule of establishment of qualification requirements to the liquidator, the special administrator of credit institution and procedures of receipt of the certificate of National Bank of Tajikistan"
138 10.02.2012 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 10, 2012 No. 138 "About basic electronic services" (ceased to be valid since 28.03.2020)
245 10.02.2012 Order of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation of February 10, 2012 No. 245 "About approval of the Operations procedure of officials of customs authorities during the work with the guarantee on obligations of several persons in case of customs transit of goods" (as amended on 29.07.2014)
36 10.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 10, 2012 No. 36 "About the Program of contract construction works for 2012" (ceased to be valid since 22.02.2021)
24202/197 10.02.2012 Letter of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 10, 2012 No. 24202/197 (concerning accounting of current and non-current assets and obligations)
590 10.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 10, 2012 No. 590 "About modification in "The rule of maintaining the address register and provision of addresses approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of November 27, 2008 No. 27 to real estate units in the Azerbaijan Republic"
86 10.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 10, 2012 No. 86 "About approval of requirements for placement of systems of video surveillance in customs control zones" (as amended on 12.04.2024)
239/5/104 10.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of February 10, 2012 No. 239/5/104 "About approval of the Order of interaction of institutions of health care of the Public criminal and executive service of Ukraine with health care institutions concerning provision of medical care to persons detained" (as amended on 27.06.2023)
85 10.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 10, 2012 No. 85 "About approval of the Unified register (list) of the state services rendered by state bodies, their structural divisions and subordinated organizations" (as amended on 05.02.2024)
238/5 10.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of February 10, 2012 No. 238/5 "About approval of the Procedure for storage and transfer of registration cases of legal entities and physical persons - entrepreneurs" (ceased to be valid since 22.11.2016)
3839/7/15-52 09.02.2012 Letter of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine of February 9, 2012 No. 3839/7/15-5217 "About declaring of the tax liabilities on the excise tax in connection with change of rates"
1706/5/15-34 09.02.2012 Letter of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine of February 9, 2012 No. 1706/5/15-3416 (concerning charge of the value added tax on the postage due)
4384-VI 09.02.2012 Law of Ukraine of February 9, 2012 No. 4384-VI "About the treatment of the fulfilled nuclear fuel concerning placement, designing and construction of centralized storage of the fulfilled nuclear fuel of VVER reactors of domestic nuclear power plants"
12-7/pz-N 09.02.2012 Order of the Federal Service on the financial markets of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2012 No. 12-7/pz-n "About approval of the Procedure and conditions of opening and closing of clearing and trade commodity accounts, and also implementation of transactions on the specified accounts"
55 09.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 9, 2012 No. 55 "About approval of the Regulations on free warehouses" (ceased to be valid since 25.07.2022)
59 09.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 9, 2012 No. 59 "About some questions of development of especially protected natural territories" (as amended on 26.09.2022)
80 09.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of February 9, 2012 No. 80 "About the minimum requirements on health protection and labor safety on temporary or mobile construction sites"
110 09.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2012 No. 110 "About the federal executive body authorized on issue of construction licenses and permissions to commissioning of separate objects sea and inland water transport"
4391-VI 09.02.2012 Law of Ukraine of February 9, 2012 No. 4391-VI "About features of insurance of agricultural products with the state support" (as amended on 21.05.2024)
225/5 09.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of February 9, 2012 No. 225/5 "About forms of the statement, the statement and the reference from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and physical persons - entrepreneurs" (ceased to be valid since 07.04.2014)
84 09.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 9, 2012 No. 84 "About establishment of rate of seasonal (export) customs duty on the fertilizers which are exported from the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic" (ceased to be valid since 15.01.2018)
146 08.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 8, 2012 No. 146 "About approval of the Procedure for ensuring subjects of implementation of mandatory engineering supervision with forms of protocols of check of technical condition of the vehicle and establishment of the amount of payment for provision of such services" (as amended on 12.01.2024)
237 08.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 8, 2012 No. 237 "About approval of the Procedure for determination of class of professional risk of production by types of economic activity"
373/11/13-12 08.02.2012 Letter of the Supreme administrative court of Ukraine of February 8, 2012 No. 373/11/13-12 (about practice of the decision by courts of question of determination of the proper defendant in the cases connected with provision of the status of the refugee in connection with liquidation of the State committee of Ukraine for nationalities and religions)
54 08.02.2012 Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 8, 2012 No. 54 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for passing of training by trainees of lawyers" (ceased to be valid since 12.11.2018)
33 08.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine of February 8, 2012 No. 33 "About approval of the Procedure for issue of the certificate of confirmation of the amount which is paid to employees of diplomatic service of Ukraine in connection with stay in long-term business trip or passing of diplomatic service abroad, when importing (transfer) by them on customs area of Ukraine of vehicles and form of the reference (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2015)
222/5 08.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of February 8, 2012 No. 222/5 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for distribution, the direction and the translation for serving sentence of persons condemned to imprisonment, Regulations on Regional commission concerning distribution, the direction and the translation for serving sentence of persons condemned to imprisonment, Regulations on the Appeal commission of the public penitentiary service of Ukraine concerning distribution, the direction and the translation for serving sentence of persons condemned to imprisonment" (ceased to be valid since 10.03.2017)
ZR-19 08.02.2012 Law of the Republic of Armenia of February 8, 2012 No. ZR-19 "About technical regulation" (as amended on 01.03.2017)
63 07.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of February 7, 2012 No. 63 "About approval of Rules of registration of the state aircrafts of Ukraine and Rules of certification of copy of the state aircraft of Ukraine" (as amended on 24.07.2017)
235 07.02.2012 Decision of the National commission on securities and the stock market of Ukraine of February 7, 2012 No. 235 "About approval of Licensed conditions of implementation of professional activity in the security market of activities for management of mortgage covering" (ceased to be valid since 13.05.2022)
577 07.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 7, 2012 "About approval of the description, specification and sample of the identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic" (as amended on 31.08.2018)
208 07.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 7, 2012 No. 208 "About approval of Rules of presentation of confirmation of the solvency necessary for accommodation payment, and also training, the immigrants arriving for the purpose of education" (ceased to be valid since 08.09.2023)
576 07.02.2012 Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 7, 2012 No. 576 "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 13, 2011 No. 273-IVQ "About protection and rational use of genetic inventories of cultural plants"
27 07.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of February 7, 2012 No. 27 "About Interministerial coordination council in the field of the prevention and suppression of violence in family"
89 07.02.2012 Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of February 7, 2012 No. 89 "About approval of the State sanitary standards and rules of arrangement, content and the organization of the mode of activities of children's tent towns"
211 07.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 7, 2012 No. 211 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Carrying Out Registration and Re-registration of Persons Performing Missionary Activities" and about modification of the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 20, 2010 No. 745 "About approval of the register of the state services rendered to physical persons and legal entities" (ceased to be valid since 12.05.2014)
209 07.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 7, 2012 No. 209 "About approval of Rules of conducting theological examination and about recognition voided some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 15.04.2015)
32 07.02.2012 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 7, 2012 No. 32 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for preparation and entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of the conclusions on objects, on which prevyshenaraschetny (estimate) cost" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2018)
12 06.02.2012 Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of February 6, 2012 No. 12 "About some questions of functioning of system of fire-proof regulation and standardization" (ceased to be valid since 26.02.2021)
101 06.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2012 No. 101 "About approval of the List of types of the imported foreign aircrafts and accessories to them concerning which delay or payment by installments of tax payment can be granted" (as amended on 26.04.2022)
2282/6/15-14 06.02.2012 Letter of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine of February 6, 2012 No. 2282/6/15-1415 "About consultation provision"
14 06.02.2012 Order of Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia of February 6, 2012 No. 14 "About approval of Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control on provision of the state service in informing the Russian participants of foreign economic activity on the purposes, procedures and rules of implementation of export control" (as amended on 02.12.2014)
102 06.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2012 No. 102 "About measures for ensuring accomplishment of the obligations of the Russian Federation following from the decision of the Commission of the Customs union of June 22, 2011 No. 723"
122 06.02.2012 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 6, 2012 No. 122 "About procedure for expense recovery for compensation of lawyers on rendering legal aid to the victims of human trafficking, persons injured with the act of terrorism" (as amended on 14.03.2023)
39 06.02.2012 Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus of February 6, 2012 No. 39 "About approval of Rules of professional ethics of the lawyer" (ceased to be valid since 30.11.2021)
92 06.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2012 No. 92 "About the federal executive body authorized on issue of construction licenses and permissions to commissioning of capital construction projects" (as amended on 26.03.2014)
116 04.02.2012 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 4, 2012 No. 116 "About some questions of development of the feed mill industry" (as amended on 29.07.2014)
36 03.02.2012 Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus of February 3, 2012 No. 36 "About the Register of lawyers, legal advice bureaus" (as amended on 16.12.2022)
79 03.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2012 No. 79 "About licensing of activities for technical protection of confidential information" (as amended on 03.02.2023)
03.02.2012 Information of the Bank of Russia of February 3, 2012 "About refunding rate and interest rates for transactions of the Bank of Russia"
113 03.02.2012 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 3, 2012 No. 113 "About development of the organizations of linen industry" (as amended on 09.10.2014)
75 03.02.2012 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2012 No. 75 "About approval of the Regulations on implementation of actions for control (supervision) of compliance with law of the Russian Federation about mass media when which carrying out interaction of representatives on implementation of the state control (supervision) of bodies with the checked (controlled) faces is not required"
12 03.02.2012 Resolution of the National commission which performs state regulation in the sphere of utilities of Ukraine of February 3, 2012 No. 12 "About approval of the Procedure for personal reception of citizens in the National commission which performs state regulation in the sphere of utilities"

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