Documents from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC
$ State Number Date Document title
187 30.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 187 "About approval of Rules of determination of reasonable size of amount of consumption of regulated services by physical persons in the field of water supply" (ceased to be valid since 21.07.2015)
339 30.12.2014 Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 339 "About approval of the professional standard "Production of Flight Vehicles" (ceased to be valid since 29.06.2016)
3526-U 30.12.2014 Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2014 No. 3526-U "About rules of accounting and storage of precious metals by divisions of the Bank of Russia" (ceased to be valid since 01.03.2019)
1547 30.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of December 30, 2014 No. 1547 "About approval of the Regulations on State Final Examination of pupils (pupils) in system of general secondary education" (ceased to be valid since 25.01.2019)
ZR-263 30.12.2014 Law of the Republic of Armenia of December 30, 2014 No. ZR-263 "About registration of the secure rights to personal estate" (as amended on 27.06.2022)
ZR-245 30.12.2014 Law of the Republic of Armenia of December 30, 2014 No. ZR-245 "About the state assistance in the field of information technologies" (as amended on 27.12.2023)
311-mkh 30.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 30, 2014 No. 311-mkh "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for serial registration of appeals of physical persons and legal entities in notary offices" (as amended on 28.07.2021)
1386 29.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 1386 "About determination of Internet resource for publication of the become effective, and also temporarily applied international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan and modification and amendments in the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 13, 2007 No. 598 "About approval of Rules of placement of electronic information resources on Internet resources of state bodies" and of October 3, 2007 No. 891 "About approval of the list of electronic information resources about the state bodies placed on Internet resources of state bodies" (ceased to be valid since 04.06.2021)
1278-r 29.12.2014 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2014 No. 1278-r "Some questions of delivery of electrical energy"
175 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 175 "About approval of Rules of provision of equal conditions of access to regulated services (goods, works) in the field of natural monopolies" (ceased to be valid since 13.06.2020)
176 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 176 "About approval of Rules of the simplified state regulation of activities of subjects of natural monopolies of low power" (ceased to be valid since 13.06.2020)
1604 29.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1604 "About lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions to vehicle control" (as amended on 03.08.2019)
720 29.12.2014 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2014 No. 720 "Some questions of redistribution of receipts from transportations by railway transport during conducting anti-terrorist operation" (as amended on 10.01.2019)
837 29.12.2014 Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2014 No. 837 "About establishment of forms of the reporting and other information on activities of the microfinancial organizations" (ceased to be valid since 27.04.2020)
295 29.12.2014 Resolution of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of December 29, 2014 No. 295 "About the level of interest rates of National Bank of Moldova and regulation of required reserves"
370 29.12.2014 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 29, 2014 No. 370 "About approval of the Program of the state statistical works for 2015 (as amended on 27.06.2015)
435 29.12.2014 Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 29, 2014 No. 435 "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About introduction of amendments to the Migratory code of the Azerbaijan Republic" of December 16, 2014 No. 1143-IVQD and modification of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval, entry into force of the Migratory code of the Azerbaijan Republic and the legal regulation connected with it" of July 2, 2013 No. 713-IVQ" of July 8, 2013 No. 938"
116 29.12.2014 Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2014 No. 116 "About some measures for implementation of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 28, 2014 No. 1120" (as amended on 03.04.2018)
1392 29.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 1392 "About liquidation of the Republican state state company "National Center of Educational Statistics and Assessment" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 19.08.2022)
156 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister for Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 156 "About approval of Rules of determination and the mode of use of conservation zones, zones of regulation of building and zones of the protected natural landscape of objects of historical and cultural heritage" (ceased to be valid since 27.04.2020)
157 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister for Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 157 "About approval of Rules of protection and content of historical and cultural monuments" (ceased to be valid since 28.04.2020)
180 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 180 "About approval of the list of significantly important goods" (as amended on 01.11.2024)
1758 29.12.2014 Order of the Main state tax authorities of the Republic of Moldova of December 29, 2014 No. 1758 "About approval of the list of economic agents which in 2015 are granted the right of independent seal of tax delivery notes on special paper with protective marks" (as amended on 17.08.2015)
1603 29.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1603 "About approval of criteria to which there shall correspond subjects to welfare appointment and large-scale investment projects for which placement (realization) provision of the parcel of land which is in federal property in lease without tendering is allowed"
469-FZ 29.12.2014 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 469-FZ "About features of traffic in weapons in the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol"
474-FZ 29.12.2014 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 474-FZ "About features of legal regulation of the relations in spheres of health protection and drug circulation in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol"
930 N 29.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 930n "About approval of the Procedure for the organization of rendering high-technology medical care using specialized information system" (ceased to be valid since 06.12.2019)
924/pr 29.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 924/pr "About approval of approximate form of the payment document for introduction of payment for content and repair of premises and provision of utilities and methodical recommendations about its filling"
1524 29.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of December 29, 2014 No. 1524 "About approval of the inventories prohibited and to the subject restrictions to transportation on customs area of the Republic of Armenia, establishment of authorized bodies and approval of the framework procedure for issue of licenses and import permits and (or) commodity import" (as amended on 30.01.2020)
177 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 177 "About approval of Rules of forming and approval of rates (the prices, rates of charges) on regulated services (goods, works) of subjects of the natural monopolies performing the activities for agreements of concession" (ceased to be valid since 29.01.2016)
591 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 591 "About approval of Rules of obtaining, accounting, storage, issue of excise and accounting and control stamps and submission of the obligation, report of importers on target use of accounting and control brands when importing alcoholic products to the Republic of Kazakhstan from the countries of the Customs union, and also accounting and the amount of providing such obligation" (ceased to be valid since 24.03.2017)
178 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 178 "About approval of Rules of pricing on the goods made and realized by the subject of the state monopoly" (ceased to be valid since 30.04.2016)
174 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 174 "About approval of Rules of pricing in the controlled markets, approvals and adjustments of investing program (project) of the subject of the controlled market" (ceased to be valid since 20.02.2017)
867 29.12.2014 Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 29, 2014 No. 867 "About approval of the Regulations on the organization of internal control in banks of Ukraine" (ceased to be valid since 05.07.2019)
1255 29.12.2014 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2014 No. 1255 "About establishment of the size of basic size" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
1393 29.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 1393 "About determination of the legal entity providing transfer of data on cash calculations in the operational mode in bodies of Tax Service for networks of telecommunications public" (ceased to be valid since 05.05.2018)
163 29.12.2014 Order of the Attorney-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 163 "About approval of the Instruction on the organization of supervision by the procedural prosecutor" (ceased to be valid since 08.04.2018)
155 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister for Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 155 "About approval of Rules of issue of the distribution certificate on the movie" (ceased to be valid since 28.04.2019)
595 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 595 "About approval of the list of the states with the preferential taxation" (ceased to be valid since 13.03.2018)
179 29.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2014 No. 179 "About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to objects of education" (ceased to be valid since 28.10.2017)
1490/672 29.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova of December 29, 2014 No. 1490/672 "About approval of Methodological regulations of application in 2015 of the Single program of compulsory medical insurance" (ceased to be valid since 25.09.2015)
174 N 29.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 174n "About approval of Rules of forming (change) of register entries when forming and maintaining departmental lists of the state (municipal) services and works rendered and which are carried out by public institutions of subjects of the Russian Federation (local government offices) and structures of their unique number including rules of forming of information and documents for inclusion in the specified register entries" (ceased to be valid since 04.02.2018)
473-FZ 29.12.2014 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 473-FZ "About the territories of the advancing development in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 23.11.2024)
80-VIII 28.12.2014 Law of Ukraine of December 28, 2014 No. 80-VIII "About the Government budget of Ukraine for 2015" (as amended on 24.12.2015)
3515-U 28.12.2014 Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2014 No. 3515-U "About procedure the Bank of Russia of control of execution of the plan of recovery of solvency of credit consumer cooperative" (as amended on 23.06.2023)
3519-U 28.12.2014 Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2014 No. 3519-U "About approval of procedure for provision in the Bank of Russia of primary statistical data about direct investments"
78-VIII 28.12.2014 Law of Ukraine of December 28, 2014 No. 78-VIII "About the measures directed to assistance of capitalization and restructuring of banks" (as amended on 24.12.2015)
6 28.12.2014 Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2014 No. 6 "About urgent measures for counteraction to drug trafficking"
73-VIII 28.12.2014 Law of Ukraine of December 28, 2014 No. 73-VIII "About measures for stabilization of paying balance of Ukraine according to the article XII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 1994" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2016)
3510-U 28.12.2014 Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2014 No. 3510-U "About the procedure and terms of the direction of the notification person who acquired the order right in 10 and more percent of votes falling on voting shares (shares) constituting the authorized capital of not credit financial credit institution and also procedure for request the Bank of Russia of information on persons who directly or indirectly have the order right in 10 and more percent of votes falling on voting shares (shares) constituting the authorized capital of not credit financial credit institution" (ceased to be valid since 14.04.2018)
1572 27.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2014 No. 1572 "About provision in 2015 of subsidies to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of joint financing of the expenses arising when rendering to citizens of the Russian Federation the high-technology medical care which is not included in the basic program of compulsory medical insurance" (as amended on 25.05.2016)
1563 27.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2014 No. 1563 "About measures for implementation of the Federal Law "About the Federal Budget for 2015 and for Planning Period of 2016 and 2017" (as amended on 25.12.2015)
113 27.12.2014 Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of December 27, 2014 No. 113 "About some questions of making of anatomic gift" (ceased to be valid since 08.07.2021)
1576 27.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2014 No. 1576 "About approval of Rules of provision from the federal budget of subsidies to the organizations which are a part of the system of radio-frequency service" (ceased to be valid since 07.03.2018)
1526 26.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of December 26, 2014 No. 1526 "Some questions of joint working bodies for preparation and carrying out external independent estimation" (as amended on 12.03.2019)
964 26.12.2014 Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 26, 2014 No. 964 "About approval "The state program on development of the industry in the Azerbaijan Republic for 2015-2020" (as amended on 29.11.2019)
300 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 300 "About approval of Rules of determination of general level of danger of hazardous production facility" (as amended on 14.07.2023)
299 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 299 "About approval of requirements imposed to the legal entities certified on work in the field of industrial safety" (as amended on 01.07.2024)
301 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 301 "About approval of Rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of the address with sources of ionizing radiation" (as amended on 14.07.2023)
302 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 302 "About approval of Rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of production of beryllium, its connections and products from them" (as amended on 14.07.2023)
170 N 26.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 170n "About procedure for holding open auctions for the purpose of domestic sale from State fund of Russia of precious metals, gemstones, except for diamonds the mass of 10,8 of carat and more, and products from them" (as amended on 20.06.2023)
615 26.12.2014 Order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation on ecological, technology and atomic supervision of December 26, 2014 No. 615 "About approval of Federal regulations and rules of industrial safety of "The requirement to safe conducting engineering procedures of nitration"
742 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 26, 2014 No. 742 "About approval of the Regulations on carrying out constant technical advice in case of construction, reconstruction, to repair and content of highways" (as amended on 18.08.2017)
1384 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 1384 "About reorganization of some republican state state companies which are under authority of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and modification and amendments in the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 28, 2004 No. 1120 "Questions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and of June 11, 2007 No. 483 "About some questions of republican state-owned property" (as amended on 28.08.2015)
945 26.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 945 "About approval of Rules of the organization of the warning system of civil protection and the notification of the population, state bodies in case of emergency situations in peace and wartime" (as amended on 12.12.2022)
986 26.12.2014 Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 986 "About the Anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025" (ceased to be valid since 02.02.2022)
943 26.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 943 "About approval of qualification requirements and the list of the documents confirming compliance to them for the activities connected with drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and precursors" (as amended on 22.06.2022)
738 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 26, 2014 No. 738 "About approval of the Procedure for compensation by the organizations financed by means of the republican budget, expenses to workers in connection with their moving for work to other area" (as amended on 03.12.2021)
1532 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1532 "About approval of Rules of replacement of the documents confirming the right to measures of social protection (support) and the issued state and other official organs of Ukraine, the state and other official organs of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or the Republic of Crimea, the state and other official organs of Sevastopol or the federal city of Sevastopol, on the documents which are the basis for provision of measures of social protection (support), stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation"
1509 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1509 "About rates of payment for use of the water objects which are in federal property, and modification of the Section I of rates of payment for use of the water objects which are in federal property" (as amended on 21.12.2024)
1540 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1540 "About features of the organization and financial provision of delivery of health care, including provision of additional types and amounts of medical care, stipulated by the legislation to the Russian Federation, the population of the closed administrative-territorial educations, the territories with physical, chemical and biological factors hazardous to health of the person included in the corresponding list, to employees of the organizations included in the list of the organizations of separate industries with especially dangerous working conditions" (as amended on 04.05.2021)
1543 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1543 "About indexation of long-service pensions to persons replacing positions of Federal public civil service (the state positions of the Federal State Service, the state positions of federal government employees) in the office of Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation"
1548 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1548 "About statement of structure of necessary expenses of managing companies on investment of means of the pension accruals which signed the trust management agreement of means of pension accruals with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 24.03.2023)
1632 26.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1632 "About approval of Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in recognition of the academic degrees and academic statuses received in the foreign state, issue of the certificate on recognition of academic degree or academic status received in foreign state" (ceased to be valid since 28.09.2020)
1630 26.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1630 "About approval of Administrative regulations of provision of the state service in confirmation of documents on academic degrees, academic statuses by the public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation performing delegated powers of the Russian Federation on confirmation of documents on academic degrees, academic statuses" (as amended on 08.12.2016)
313 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 313 "About approval of the professional standard "Urban Passenger Road Transport" (ceased to be valid since 25.03.2016)
314 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 314 "About approval of the professional standard "Control of Transportation Process on Road Transport" (ceased to be valid since 25.03.2016)
311 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 311 "About approval of the professional standard "Organization of Technical Operation of Vehicles" (ceased to be valid since 25.03.2016)
171 26.12.2014 Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 171 "About approval of qualification requirements to activities of commodity exchanges, exchange brokers and dealers and the list of the documents confirming compliance to them" (ceased to be valid since 27.09.2019)
296 26.12.2014 Order of the Acting Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 296 "About approval of the professional standard "Remote Control in Chemical Production" (ceased to be valid since 29.06.2016)
382 26.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2014 No. 382 "About approval of Rules of holding qualification examination of persons applying for the occupation right estimative activities" (ceased to be valid since 13.07.2018)
1518 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1518 "About features of application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state regulation of the prices (rates) in the sphere of gas supply in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2017)
1546 26.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1546 "About features of application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state regulation of the prices (rates, charges, payment) in the sphere of rail haulings, services in seaports and the airports in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2017)
843 26.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 843 "About approval of Administrative regulations of Federal Registration Service on provision of the state service in the state cadastral registration of real estate" (ceased to be valid since 15.12.2017)
380 25.12.2014 Joint Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2014 No. 380, on December 30, 2014 No. 336 "About approval of Rules of access and information transfer for ensuring interaction of the information system "Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Electronic Form" with the Single system of electronic document management of state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan by means of the gateway of "the electronic government"
1494 25.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2014 No. 1494 "About approval of Rules of exchange of documents in electronic form under the organization of information exchange" (ceased to be valid since 01.12.2021)
616 25.12.2014 Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 25, 2014 No. 616 "About refining of separate indicators of the republican budget for 2014" (Extraction) (as amended on 03.04.2017)
58 25.12.2014 Order of the State agency on regulation of fuel and energy complex under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 25, 2014 No. 58 "About rates for the heat energy developed by electric boiler rooms of the Naryn interdistrict production association "Teplosnabzheniye"
18-02/691 25.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2014 No. 18-02/691 "About approval of Rules of carrying out survey of places of cabins on sites of the state forest fund" (as amended on 18.04.2023)
587 25.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2014 No. 587 "About approval of forms of tax statements and rules of their creation" (ceased to be valid since 09.01.2024)
1113 N 25.12.2014 Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2014 No. 1113n "About approval of the document forms necessary for implementation of payment by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to legal successors of the died insured persons of means of the pension accruals considered in special part of individual personal accounts"
409 25.12.2014 Order of Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2014 No. 409 "About price fixation, not below which procurement (except for import), deliveries (except for export) and retail sale of alcoholic products with a strength over 28 percent are conducted" (ceased to be valid since 13.06.2016)
585 25.12.2014 Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2014 No. 585 "About determination of the authorized legal entity in the sphere of realization of the property pledged by the taxpayer and (or) the third party, and also limited at the disposal of property of the taxpayer (tax agent), the payer and (or) goods detained by bodies of state revenues" (ceased to be valid since 23.03.2018)
451-P 25.12.2014 Provision of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2014 No. 451-P "About establishment of additional restrictions for investment of means of pension accruals of the non-state pension fund performing mandatory pension insurance, additional requirements to credit institutions in which means of pension accruals and accumulating for housing providing the military personnel, and also additional requirements which managing companies shall observe during validity of trust management of means of pension accruals are placed" (ceased to be valid since 14.07.2017)
245 24.12.2014 Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 24, 2014 No. 245 "About the Program for development (modification, review) of interstate standards as a result of which application on voluntary basis observance of requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of small size vessels" (TR CU 026/2012), and also interstate standards containing rules and methods of researches (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of small size vessels" (TR CU 026/2012) and implementation of assessment (confirmation) of compliance of products is provided"
1380 24.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 24, 2014 No. 1380 "About expense reduction of the republican budget for 2014"
1465 24.12.2014 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2014 No. 1465 "About features of determination of amounts (quantity) of electrical energy with use of metering devices after seasonal time conversion"
1239 24.12.2014 Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 24, 2014 No. 1239 "About establishment of indicators of the forecast of commodity export to the countries assigned to officials and tasks to state bodies and the organizations for building-up of export volumes of goods on the new perspective markets" (as amended on 24.09.2015)
281 24.12.2014 Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 24, 2014 No. 281 "About approval of Rules of protection of networks of telecommunications in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
765 24.12.2014 Resolution of Majlisi milli of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 24, 2014 No. 765 "About the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About export control"

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