29 - f - and |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Agency on standardization, metrology, certification and trade inspection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (Tadzhikstandart) of March 16, 2016 No. 29-f-a "About approval of the Order of registration of declarations of conformity, and also the List of the submitted documents for registration of the declaration" |
143 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 143 "About establishment of the minimum retail prices on vodka and vodka special, strong alcoholic beverage products and recognition voided some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
204 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 204 "About approval of Safety rules during the work with tools and devices" |
121 |
16.03.2015 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 16, 2015 No. 121 "About organization of official heraldic symbols of the Ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade" (as amended on 23.08.2016) |
175 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 175 "About approval of Rules of accreditation of the professional organizations, organizations for certification" (as amended on 15.09.2023) |
7 |
16.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of March 16, 2015 No. 7 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for carrying out approbation of the created new types, lines, cross-countries, breeds of animals" (ceased to be valid since 27.10.2022) |
141 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 141 "About some questions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
237 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 237 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Determination of Specialized Training Center by Authorized Body on Preparation and Advanced Training of the Workers Holding Positions of the Head and Security Guard in the Private Security Organization" (ceased to be valid since 17.04.2020) |
219 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 219 "About approval of criminalistic requirements and test methods of civil and office weapon and cartridges to it, and also products, structurally similar to weapon" (as amended on 09.05.2024) |
202 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 202 "About approval of criteria for evaluation of ecological situation of the territories" (ceased to be valid since 27.08.2021) |
209 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 209 "About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to water sources, places of water intake for the economic and drinking purposes, economic drinking to water supply and places of cultural and community water use and safety of water objects" (ceased to be valid since 06.03.2023) |
176 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 176 "About approval of Rules of implementation of monitoring of transactions" (as amended on 03.08.2022) |
236 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 236 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Licensing for the Occupation Right Security Activities" (ceased to be valid since 17.04.2020) |
220 |
16.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2015 No. 220 "About approval of the Instruction on the organization of activities of divisions of the investigation, inquiry and military investigating bodies of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 13.06.2023) |
1 |
15.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Constitutional court of the Republic of Moldova of March 15, 2015 No. 1 "About approval of the Report on implementation of the constitutional jurisdiction in 2014" |
227 |
14.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2015 No. 227 "About reorganization of Government commission concerning fuel and energy complex, reproduction of mineral resources and increase in energy efficiency of economy and about formation of government commission concerning fuel and energy complex and increase in energy efficiency of economy and Government commission concerning environmental management and environmental protection" (as amended on 28.02.2019) |
139 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 13, 2015 No. 139 "About increase in annual plan assignments of the appropriate budget programs at the expense of remaining balance of budgetary funds of 2014 and use (doispolzovaniye) in 2015 of the unused (underused) amounts of the target transfers on development allocated from the republican budget in 2014, modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 11, 2014 to No. 1300 "About implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2015 - 2017" |
119 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 13, 2015 No. 119 "About approval of standard rates of losses of natural gas for 2015" (ceased to be valid since 27.01.2022) |
13 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of social development of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 13, 2015 No. 13 "About approval of limit of consumption of electrical, heat energy, natural gas, water and withdrawal of drains of central office, subordinated and territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of social development of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2015" |
9 |
13.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus of March 13, 2015 No. 9 "About approval of the Instruction about transmission order of mailings to authorized divisions of the state security agencies and law-enforcement bodies" |
193 |
13.03.2015 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 13, 2015 No. 193 "About introduction of temporary ban on export of the raw skins of cattle out of limits of customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
3594-U |
13.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2015 No. 3594-U "About the size of loan interest rates, secure gold" |
3593-U |
13.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2015 No. 3593-U "About the size of loan interest rates, provided with assets or guarantees" |
3595-U |
13.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2015 No. 3595-U "About the size of interest rates for deposit transactions of the Bank of Russia" |
3592-U |
13.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2015 No. 3592-U "About the size of interest rate for the lombard credits of the Bank of Russia" |
3591-U |
13.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2015 No. 3591-U "About the size of loan interest rate overnight of the Bank of Russia" |
216 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2015 No. 216 "About features of application in 2015 of Bases of forming of indexes of change of the amount of payment of citizens for utilities in the Russian Federation" |
218 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2015 No. 218 "About approval of the Regulations on terms of finding of goods under special customs procedure, cases of origin and termination of obligation on payment of customs duties, taxes, and also approaches of term of their payment in case of application of special customs procedure, procedure for completion, suspension and renewal of action of special customs procedure, restrictions on use and (or) the order with the goods placed under special customs procedure" (as amended on 05.06.2017) |
60 |
13.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 13, 2015 No. 60 "About additional measures for providing effective program implementation for construction of individual housing for standard projects in the rural zone for 2015 and key parameters of construction for 2016" (ceased to be valid since 22.02.2021) |
59 |
13.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 13, 2015 No. 59 "About measures for the organization and carrying out the International industrial fair and the Cooperation exchange in 2015" (ceased to be valid since 22.02.2021) |
333 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of March 13, 2015 No. 333 "About approval of the Procedure of check of reliability of the data specified in the declaration on property, the income, expenses and obligations of financial nature" |
133 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 13, 2015 No. 133 "About approval of rates of excises on gasoline (except for aviation) and diesel fuel" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2018) |
187 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 13, 2015 No. 187 "About approval of the Regulations on the Commission on carrying out tenders on provision of the right of subsurface use to hydrocarbonic raw material, coal and uranium" (ceased to be valid since 29.06.2018) |
189 |
13.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 13, 2015 No. 189 "About approval of standard rates and requirements to the materials and substances necessary for work on cleaning of the sea" (ceased to be valid since 29.06.2018) |
292-V ZRK |
12.03.2015 |
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 12, 2015 No. 292-V ZRK "About Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia about Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Evasion from the Taxation concerning Taxes on the Income" |
58 |
12.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 12, 2015 No. 58 "About balance of production and consumption of electrical energy for 2015 (ceased to be valid since 22.02.2021) |
57 |
12.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 12, 2015 No. 57 "About balance of production and use of food ethyl alcohol for 2015" (ceased to be valid since 22.02.2021) |
115 |
12.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 12, 2015 No. 115 "About approval of lists of the exported and imported specific goods which are subject to licensing, the organization experts and licensors" (ceased to be valid since 27.01.2023) |
463-P |
12.03.2015 |
Provision of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2015 No. 463-P "About the requirements directed to decrease in risks of implementation of clearing activities and requirements to the document (documents) determining (determining) the measure directed to decrease in credit, operational and other risks, including the risks connected with combination of clearing activities with other types of activity" (as amended on 15.06.2021) |
208 |
12.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 12, 2015 No. 208 "About approval of Rules of approval and approval of regulating, project and technical documentation on designing, construction, repair, road maintenance and management of them regarding traffic safety control" (as amended on 30.09.2022) |
17-01/207 |
12.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 12, 2015 No. 17-01/207 "About approval of Rules of placement on Internet resource of local executive bodies (akimats) of areas, cities of republican value, the capital of the list of procurement organizations in the field of agro-industrial complex" (ceased to be valid since 30.03.2021) |
4-P |
12.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2015 No. 4-P "On the case of check of constitutionality of provisions of part four of article 25.10 of the Federal law "About Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation", subitem 13 of Item 1 of article 7 of the Federal law "About Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" and Item 2 of article 11 of the Federal law "About the Prevention of Distribution in the Russian Federation the Disease Caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV Infection)" in connection with claims of number of citizens" |
418 |
12.03.2015 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 12, 2015 No. 418 "About transfer to the reserve of the military personnel who served fixed terms of military service and the next appeal of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan 1988-1997 year of birth on military service" |
139/2015 |
12.03.2015 |
Presidential decree of Ukraine of March 12, 2015 No. 139/2015 "About the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of February 18, 2015 "About additional measures for strengthening of homeland security of Ukraine" (as amended on 26.11.2021) |
356/5 |
12.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of March 12, 2015 No. 356/5 "About approval of the Procedure for conducting office investigations in the Public criminal and executive service of Ukraine" (as amended on 15.11.2023) |
3589-U |
12.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2015 No. 3589-U "About order of registration of regulations of specialized depositary on control of structure and structure of the assets accepted for covering of insurance reserves and own means (capital) of the insurer, and changes in it" (ceased to be valid since 06.12.2015) |
123 |
11.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2015 No. 123 "About approval of Rules of use of target current transfers from the republican budget for 2015 regional budgets, budgets of the cities of Astana and Almaty on health care" (as amended on 25.12.2015) |
193 |
11.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2015 No. 193 "About approval of Rules of efficiency evaluation of management of state-owned property" (as amended on 26.05.2023) |
3587-U |
11.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2015 No. 3587-U "About procedure for maintaining the register of housing accumulative cooperatives by the Bank of Russia" (as amended on 13.06.2017) |
462-P |
11.03.2015 |
Provision of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2015 No. 462-P "About procedure for creation of the reporting necessary for implementation of supervision of credit institutions on the consolidated basis, and also other information on activities of banking groups" (ceased to be valid since 01.04.2024) |
127 |
11.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2015 No. 127 "Some questions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
126 |
11.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2015 No. 126 "About creation of non-commercial joint-stock company "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (as amended on 04.10.2023) |
111 |
11.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 11, 2015 No. 111 "About approval of single procedure for accounting of forest fund" (as amended on 15.05.2024) |
88 |
11.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 11, 2015 No. 88 "Question of the Government representative for national debt management" (as amended on 10.07.2019) |
101 |
11.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 11, 2015 No. 101 "About approval of standard regulations on functional and territorial subsystem of single state system of civil protection" (as amended on 13.08.2024) |
16/1 |
11.03.2015 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 11, 2015 No. 16/1 "About the minimum size of the authorized capital of commercial banks" (ceased to be valid since 22.06.2017) |
3588-U |
11.03.2015 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2015 No. 3588-U "About procedure for maintaining the state register of the microfinancial organizations by the Bank of Russia, establishment of form of the certificate on entering of information about the legal entity into the state register of the microfinancial organizations and approval of form for submission of information about founders of the legal entity" (ceased to be valid since 26.07.2016) |
40 |
11.03.2015 |
Order of the Attorney-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2015 No. 40 "About approval of the Instruction about the organization of public prosecutor's supervision of legality of court resolutions for cases on administrative offenses" (ceased to be valid since 08.06.2018) |
16 |
10.03.2015 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of March 10, 2015 No. 16 "About establishment of rate of import customs duty of the Common customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union concerning turbo-propeller engines capacity no more than 1100 kw for civil aircrafts" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2022) |
17 |
10.03.2015 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of March 10, 2015 No. 17 "About establishment of rate of import customs duty of the Common customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union concerning industrial fatty alcohols" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2022) |
15 |
10.03.2015 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of March 10, 2015 No. 15 "About application of anti-dumping measure by means of introduction of anti-dumping duty concerning the citric acid coming from People's Republic of China and imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
200 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 10, 2015 No. 200 "About approval of Rules of compensation to the state of the budgetary funds spent for training of the military personnel of National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (as amended on 22.07.2022) |
127 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 10, 2015 No. 127 "About approval of Rules of accreditation of health care" (ceased to be valid since 05.01.2021) |
25 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 10, 2015 No. 25 |
72 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of March 10, 2015 No. 72 "About approval of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the National agency on kurrikulum and estimation, its structure and the extreme number of staff" (as amended on 12.06.2024) |
46 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Crimea of March 10, 2015 No. 46 "About approval of Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Crimea" |
306 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of March 10, 2015 No. 306 "About approval of the Principles of processing of information on the financial transactions which are subject to financial monitoring obtained from subjects of primary financial monitoring and criteria of the analysis of such transactions" (ceased to be valid since 31.08.2021) |
308 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of March 10, 2015 No. 308 "About approval of the Procedure for accomplishment of customs formalities on sea and river transport" (as amended on 23.05.2017) |
53 |
10.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 10, 2015 No. 53 "About some questions of tourism development in the Republic of Uzbekistan" (as amended on 10.08.2019) |
12/4 |
10.03.2015 |
Resolution of the National commission on the financial market of the Republic of Moldova of March 10, 2015 No. 12/4 "About some temporary measures in the capital market" (ceased to be valid since 15.04.2016) |
115 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 10, 2015 No. 115 "About approval of the Rules determining criteria of reference of dikes to declared, and Rules of development of the declaration of safety of dike" (ceased to be valid since 04.05.2016) |
259 |
10.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine of March 10, 2015 No. 259 "About establishment of the sizes of monetary compensation of cost of food to the citizens who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash for 2015" (ceased to be valid since 17.11.2015) |
70 |
09.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of March 9, 2015 No. 70 "About approval of the Technical concept of the Automated information system "The state register of animals" (as amended on 16.11.2022) |
179 |
09.03.2015 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 9, 2015 No. 179 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure, the amounts and terms of return unused citizens of means of the family capital in the republican budget" (as amended on 11.01.2024) |
207 |
09.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2015 No. 207 "About application in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol legislations of the Russian Federation on licensing of separate types of activity and the legislation of the Russian Federation on protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when implementing the state control (supervision), municipal control" (as amended on 27.09.2023) |
181 |
09.03.2015 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 9, 2015 No. 181 "About procedure for the address of sturgeon species of fish and (or) caviar from them" (as amended on 25.03.2022) |
115 |
09.03.2015 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 9, 2015 No. 115 "About establishment of visa-free procedure for entrance and departure of foreign citizens" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2018) |
51 |
09.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 9, 2015 No. 51 "About measures for development of roadside and tourist infrastructure" (ceased to be valid since 23.09.2019) |
22-FZ |
08.03.2015 |
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2015 No. 22-FZ "About enforcement of the Code of administrative legal proceedings of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 30.12.2021) |
120 |
08.03.2015 |
Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2015 No. 120 "About some questions of anti-corruption" (as amended on 15.07.2015) |
21-FZ |
08.03.2015 |
Code of administrative legal proceedings of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2015 No. 21-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) |
28 |
06.03.2015 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova of March 6, 2015 No. 28 "About approval of the Guidelines manual on creation of financial statements" (ceased to be valid since 24.12.2021) |
8 |
06.03.2015 |
Resolution of Audit Chamber of the Republic of Moldova of March 6, 2015 No. 8 "About approval of the Financial statement on budget implementation of Audit Chamber in 2014 fiscal year" |
9 |
06.03.2015 |
Resolution of Audit Chamber of the Republic of Moldova of March 6, 2015 No. 9 "About approval of the Report of audit of correctness of use of public means by Audit Chamber in 2014" |
24 |
06.03.2015 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of March 6, 2015 No. 24 "About some questions of rendering by the organizations of health care of the paid medical services received by the member (members) of family in case of early use of means of the family capital" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2020) |
188 |
06.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2015 No. 188 "About approval of the List of the codes assigned for areas, the cities of republican value, the capital, areas and the cities of regional (district) value for the purposes of forming of cadastral numbers of the parcels of land" (as amended on 04.04.2024) |
190 |
06.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2015 No. 190 "About approval of Rules of the organization and conducting actions of civil defense" (as amended on 12.08.2022) |
7 |
06.03.2015 |
Resolution of Audit Chamber of the Republic of Moldova of March 6, 2015 No. 7 "About approval of the Activities report of Audit Chamber for 2014" |
61 |
06.03.2015 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of March 6, 2015 No. 61 "About indexation of payments of social insurance and some state social payments" |
190 |
06.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2015 No. 190 "About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements for carrying out preventive inoculations to the population" (ceased to be valid since 23.08.2018) |
170 |
05.03.2015 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 5, 2015 No. 170 "About provision of budget credits" |
795 |
05.03.2015 |
Resolution of Majlisi milli of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 5, 2015 No. 795 "About the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About oil and gas" |
187 |
05.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 5, 2015 No. 187 "About approval of natural regulations automobile and motorized vehicles for servicing of public institutions - antiplague stations of Committee on consumer protection of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
801 |
05.03.2015 |
Resolution of Majlisi milli of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 5, 2015 No. 801 "About the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About protection of the rights of the child" |
177 |
05.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 5, 2015 No. 177 "About approval of the list of the greenhouse gases which are objects of state regulation" (ceased to be valid since 17.08.2021) |
176 |
05.03.2015 |
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 5, 2015 No. 176 "About approval of Rules of maintaining and contents of the state inventory of sources of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2021) |
66 |
05.03.2015 |
Order of the State agency on regulation of fuel and energy complex under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 5, 2015 No. 66 "About approval of the Regulations on Advisory council under the State agency on regulation of fuel and energy complex under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" |
152 |
05.03.2015 |
Order of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2015 No. 152 "About approval of Administrative regulations of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on execution of the state function on implementation of federal state control of ensuring protection of the state secret" (ceased to be valid since 17.03.2023) |
787 |
05.03.2015 |
Resolution of Majlisi milli of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 5, 2015 No. 787 "About the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About legal profession and lawyer activities" |
788 |
05.03.2015 |
Resolution of Majlisi milli of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 5, 2015 No. 788 "About the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the international commercial arbitration" |